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Let's settle this debate once and for all. I am thinking about making either homemade kefir (using kefir from the store as a starter culture since I don't have kefir grains on hand) or yogurt. Which is better and which one does /ck/ prefer?
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>Storebought makes no difference.

That's not true, yeah they have a similar vitamin, mineral, and protein breakdown but the probiotic types and count are different. If there is no difference than why is homemade raw milk kefir healthier than homemade raw milk yogurt?
Ive only ever had that strawberry kefir they sell at Walmart. It's really good, but it's probably some sweetened Americanized version of kefir. Why do you need to choose one or the other?

If you're trying to healthmax I heard kefir typically has a wider range of live cultures, though that may not be the case with store bought.
Storebought kefir and yogurt and just milk + added cultures.

Homemade kefir has a very complex colony of bacteria that is significantly different than the ones needed to make yogurt. The way a kefir colomy digests the milk is a huge part of why it is so healthy. Look into it.
Checked, but no. This is a yogurt board. Kefir is good only as a home remedy for digestive problems.
Which one's for sale?

What am I in for? What should I try?
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If you go to Smiths/Kroger when these are part of their buy 5 and save $5 weekly group you can still get the for $2.49 each which is right where they were priced pre-hoax virus
What did kid cuisine taste like? I always wanted to try one as a kid.
thanks fren. Sometimes Target Circle has a spend $50 to 120 dollars and save $5 to $15 dollars and it helps bring down the price too.
I got the last 2 from my store this morning. Eager to try these.


I'll never get frozen sandwiches.
These look like sth that with little less work and time easily could make yourself a lot cheaper and faster. Fry some chicken in a pan, add some bacon and bread, slice a tomato, turn over bread, add chicken, bacon and cheese and tomato to bread, add sauce and assemble sanwich, turn off stove and use remaining heat to fry the bread from both sides until cheese melts.
Total work maybe 5 mins, total time until roasted and celicious maybe 10 mins, that's less than it would take to bake that in the oven, because microwave with bread stuff is of the DEVIL!

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Today I made 4 jars. Two of kraut, one of kraut using curly leaf cabbage, and one of onion.

Now here's an idea, why don't they make kraut out of kale or collards? Both of those are thick wet and pungent leaves, just like cabbage. I bet that would be good.
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based noticer
the hand is the window into the soul, in your case, ugly soul.
That isn't a good sample of my handwriting, the labels were written 90 degrees on a round jar using a mini sharpie at the height of my pelvis.
They let gas escape from the jar without contaminants being allowed in. If you just put the lids upside down and screwed loosely it can still work but there's a greater chance of either mold getting in or the jars exploding if they got too tightly sealed.
How odd that nothing I've made has ever gone mouldy on me. I bet it'd be close to absolutely necessary if I made beer or something.
Yeah I'm not personally convinced of their necessity either. I have made kraut with the upside down lids before and it was fine. I just got these because I saw them at walmart one time and thought it seemed like a good idea for 10 bucks.
I don't even do the lid thing. I just tie muslin over the mouth of the jar. Or even sheets of kitchen paper

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Got myself a popcorn maker. How do I make the popcorn tastier? Was gifted Flavacol because they said it's what they use at the theaters.
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coconut oil
olive oil
citric acid
malic acid
parmesean cheese

cocoa butter
cocoa powder
castor sugar
Why would you put Tabasco on Popcorn
clarified butter and salt. must be clarified because any water in melted butter causes the popcorn to shrivel.
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Tastes good
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this has always come out great for me. Nutritional yeast has already been mentioned, that's also very solid

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$5 for a milkshake and they cut the size in half. Since when?
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Just wait until you receive Gods punishment for being a condescending little twink
Will it be angel anal with the biggest cock in the universe?
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you're even weirder than I am...
got a $5 shake from steak n shake...four nights ago? i still have more than half left. eat a few bites after work, put it back in the freezer. i wanna try that $5 shake from pulp fiction though

Not my problem
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damn, he's a certified hood chef
depends on the quality of the beef.
That's even better because then you can turn the disposal on while rinsing and it spreads the soap much better
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Is low fat meat a better option price wise? Any savvy cook has plenty saved from regular.
Where I live, they make you pay more for lean ground beef.

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Anyone else like their dimmies deep fried?
Dimmies thread.
>not dummies
It’s got to either be dimmies or summies, you are the dummy.
steamed looks like larva or worms to me, always fried or roasted

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this shit just doesn't taste good. it degrades every meal that it is put in.
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There's only a few Indian restaurants near me and only one of them makes me feel the heat at all
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i made this thai sweet chili sauce last week, recipe courtesy of chef john.
followed the recipe except for substituting the sambal with reconstituted dried guajilo chiles i had
i like torturing myself and testing my mental fortitude.
It would be alright if they didn't have the seeds. Seeds are too big, contain no heat, and are responsible for that off taste. Also most of the stuff sold in bottles has been sitting for years.
You're better off looking for something with more heat and a better taste. Cayenne is pretty mild stuff compared to the taste of jalapeño or habanero or anything. Flavor with the chiles and then add a suitable amount of heat using Carolina reaper sauce. Crushed red pepper is pretty much useless because no taste except seed and low heat. The Indian store is always an unpleasant experience, but it is one of the best ways to get non cayenne chiles of reasonable freshness along with other cheap spices.
I'm literally eating them raw and right out of the bottle right now. I love the heat. Eat em raw and with raw carrots and it's pretty fine as it Helps keep the hunger pangs away for a bit.

Reading some seriously conflicting resources on botulism in flavoured oils
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You know in my country there is very strong values about food hygiene.
To poison a guest is as serious as murder even if the guest did not die, for professional chef if they cannot do properly they just refuse to do, even in the middle of service and that's just accepted.

The very lowest person is someone cooking who does not care about hygiene, they are like a drug person, a dog fucker, bus fapper, very lowest.

This thread tells me about Americans
Who cares? It's either harmless or you die, which isn't your problem.
Where does botulism in food actually come from?
>The very lowest person is someone cooking who does not care about hygiene, they are like a drug person, a dog fucker, bus fapper, very lowest.
sounds like a good system of values
So you're Googling this shit, and you're getting conflicting results from State as well as national sources? Then because it's all confusing and murky, you decide to come and ask here where literally no one agrees about anything? You're a fucking moron. At least it's not something that could kill you if you get it wrong... Oh wait!

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Ahh... now this is a pleasant breakfast. Or brunch. Whatever.
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The problem with brunch is that you have to eat twice as much because you have to eat breakfast and lunch at the same time. I generally prefer to eat the meals separately.
Phoaaaar, looks grand that! Taters need a bit more crisp to them though, all in all looks 8/10 still
>bunch of random shit glued together and served on platter
Hard pass
Pancake looks a bit off but otherwise good
ya know, that thing you've been sticking all your condiments in is meant to hold paper towels.

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Reminder, /ck/ is having a cookout on June 1st at a public park on lake Grapevine!

If you are in DFW come. What you could bring:

1. Prepackaged chips, cookies, and brownies
2. Charcoal
3. meat for grilling
4. a comfy camping chair
5. a sportsball to play catch with
6. Fishin pole and live or fake bait to go fishin in the lake
7. boombox so we can listen to Classical Music WRR 101.1 FM to keep the event desirable
8. a boat if you have one
9. prepackaged side dish
10. your own grill if you'd like
11. a bicycle so that everyone from /n/ can admire it

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Enjoy your kidney stones
Why would you puree a squirrel? You clean it and stew it, basically dissolves in your mouth.
Which turned out to be a hoax.

Which means you should probably not trust future batches of brownies.
And definitely avoid the blondies.

The average Anon is pretty normal, if high IQ and slightly bored
A lift from where?
>but I'll give him that
So to suck dead celebrity dick you've thrown away the principal used to make your previous reply. Polwhiners really are something else

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tried this, it's fucking disgusting
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LOL, once they get out of India, Indian men eat burgers and other meat like crazy.
Stop being dramatic
Big Jack, jacking off all over your burger
in the 2000's the hungry jacks i went to was 50's diner themed with hollywood and music memorabilia on the walls and a jukebox. it was great. eventually they got rid of all that stuff.

another one opened nearby and the owner burned it down to claim insurance.
I think the one in forest hill (Melbourne) is still like that but I haven't been there in ages

How do you deal with people cutting in line? Do you call the people out on their bullshit or are you a pushover cuck?
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cut in front of them duh
ive walked out of an establishment multiple times because i didnt wanna wait in line
sure doesnt help when theres only 1 or 2 cashiers in the whole grocery store
guy sounds based
only fuckup was not chucking you all the way to the back of the line
You got owned
I turn around and start looking them in the eyes, this kills the npc

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Anything out there that taste like Prime Ice Pop that doesn’t involve me spending money buying the retard e celeb drink itself?
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the thrill of shoplifting
Faygo firework is basically the exact flavor.
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Pretty good, from walmart.
mmfwcl fr

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>they serve big macs
>they serve quarter pounders
>they will put pounds on you
Maccas bros... How do we respond? Preferably in a calm, cool, and collected manner.

Also, what's the best McDonald's food to eat while losing weight?
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>weight 135 lbs
should be 155 low end according to height and age
you're underweight

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! *holds up spork* my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me ^_^… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!
DOOOOOMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <--- me bein random again ^_^ hehe…toodles!!!!
They threw me out of church
It's a documentary about Morgan Spurlock's struggles with alcoholism and denial.
Shrinkflation turns my harmony joy bus tour into a war hell ride

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