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Post what you got on eggs. Memes, fried, poached, whipped, devilled, everything.

Im building my egg folder.
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I bet he did it in an oven on a baking rack. That's how I usually do it and it looks the same.
I miss late 2000s /b/ recipe threads, very comfy memory thanks fren
ive been making fried egg saurkraut and mustard sandwiches lately.
for me its sunny side up cooked in heavy cream
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henlo, yuo hab eg?

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>Welcome to Chunks, please choose your Chunks.
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>repetitive schlock
>released in a broken state
>but with "muh cinematic cutscenes" & thirst-trap content

not likely, dumbass
>but with "muh cinematic cutscenes" & thirst-trap content
Starfield has neither of those.
I also did it, but over 290 were grinding for materials and money in some gay ass moon base
Fuck off /v/.
I for one think freeze-dried food in cube shape that tastes like the real thing but is made of chemicals would probably be pretty awful, but worth trying.
Every game after 2003 is 2/10 at best. Very few exceptions.

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What does going out with a girl feel like? Is it like two people exploring a new area and having fun together or is it just one side looking for a free meal?
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It's like going out with a friend except with the underlying prospect that you might fuck later.
It feels like bags of sand
>What does going out with a girl feel like? Is it like two people exploring a new area and having fun together or is it just one side looking for a free meal?
I'm a man and I'll sometimes go out on a date with a real woman (not a tranny) just so I can get a free meal and have free sex.
I don't know how other boys do things.
women look so much sexier with their faces covered
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I'm in a VERY good relationship and it's very fun going out.
>jokes, kisses and fun regardless of where we are
>share food and drinks so we get to try more off a menu
>tequila buzz from margaritas midday with no guilt
>everyone is always super friendly, accommodating and talkative toward the picturesque couple having fun and actually enjoying each other
>split costs no hassle, no counting or anything
>warmth anytime if it's cold
I could easily see it being a drag if the girl sucks, though, i.e. nagging, demanding, making you pay for everything.
And I don't mean this post to be a brag or to depress anons. I was a virgin until 35.
We are all gonna make it. ALL.

Why didn't anyone tell me about ceramic pans? I bought one 'cos they looked pretty. Turns out it's a fucking joy to cook on. Smoove as butter.
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it's almost like the word substantial has a definition and the performance difference between tin and stainless isn't enough to meet the criteria for "substantial".

if you just left it at, there is a performance difference, I wouldn't have bothered saying anything, but if you're going to say it's substantial, you just come off as a moron to anyone that actually owns both stainless and tinned copper.
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>I'm bothered because my opinion isn't the same as yours
more like you're LARPing and trying to pretend your pan is somehow "better" because it has tin when the difference is negligible in 99% of cases.
>you're LARPing and trying to pretend
Are you a real person?

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membership should come with a complimentary second freezer
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What about gas that's 30-50 cents cheaper per gallon?
That's clean af.
There's no point in having a bulk club membership if you live alone
You don't need that 12 pack of granola bar boxes
Ignore the guy on the right, the guy on the left is what Costco does to you.
not worth paying a membership fee for how much gas i use

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For me its bacon chicken broccoli alfredo.
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>yeah nah
that's some pretty strong cope you got there fren
Honestly? Dice and fry half a pound of bacon, pour in a tin of baked beans, stir and let stew for 5 minutes, then eat with half a loaf of bread.
Totinos party pizza
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>comfort food

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Are these any different than normal nuggies?
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better for dunking
For me it's Nuggs
astronaut, star, and italy
Galileo did invented space
Are these actually good?

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is there any more simple or satisfying snack as the buttered cracker?
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peanut buttered cracker
theyre not dry when theyre buttered
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I care about the price more than you conjecture in your little assuming mind, to that end piss off cunt!
While you're thinking about that why not have some animal crackers?
Nor was your mother

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Look what I did to this fucking steak
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It was $186 actually. I could show you the real money but you’d just be buttmad about that too, queer.

The bbq obviously has sauce on it and the lobster was chopped and sautéed in a white sauce. Shit was so cash. I pity the foo that doesn’t like sauce.
>It was $186 actually. I could show you the real money but you’d just be buttmad about that too, queer.
Try me.
A tortilla.
Only 7 months to ask for that rifle.
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Sorry anon the answer we are looking for was: SALSA

You show me something first. Here if you need some money just take some quarters. Gun for scale.

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mom would buy them then if I asked for one I got told no it would spoil my dinner, then she would complain about me not eating them. I guess I was only allowed after dinner but by then I didn't want them.
wypipo don season dey eeys cream
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I tried these somewhat recently and I don't know what's up but they gave me horrible stomachaches.

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Why do all restaurants use canola oil? What's wrong with butter and beef tallow?

Belgians fry their fries in beef tallow exclusively. Otherwise the fries aren't truly Belgian. Tastes much better this way. And unlike frying oils, beef tallow doesn't include any trans fats.
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Yes they do, see >>20498511
Fuck that asshole he ruined their fries
I think it was a Hindu, actually. And it's not as big a deal as it's made out to be. Yeah, they were better, but the oil has been reformulated several times since then, and it's not as different now as it was when they first changed it. More like when the fries have been sitting for a few minutes they aren't as good. If they're right out of the fryer, "fresh out da grease" as our basketball American friends like to say, they're very very close.
>What's wrong with butter and beef tallow
they cost multiple times the price of cheap vegetable oil
also butter burns easily, gotta use clarified butter for deep frying which is even pricier
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What does quick use?

I live at sober living house where all the groceries are paid for. We've got a slow cooker, pressure cooker, air fryer, oven, and gas range.
We're supposed to take turns cooking and I've never cooked for anybody but myself.
This board is dedicated to cooking for a whole house of people. Especially if said people are not sitting down to eat at the same time.
Give me some ideas boys!
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You can easily fuck up rice so I'd go potatoes or pasta instead, try rice later, only one cup and following a recipe so you can practice and get the hang of it.
Chilli like an anon suggested is good to start, hard to fuck up. Any stew you serve on big plates is better than trying to juggle multiple sides for your first time.
Just be patient, follow a recipe, be careful not to let raw meat touch things you're not washing afterwards and salt things little by little while tasting at many stages of the process and you're good to go. Good luck man.
We're here for a good time, not a long time.
No really, there's not much time left.
Red beans and rice
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Oh, anon.
Looked up that garlic butter rice. Looks like I'm going to use it a lot, thanks.
He's the drinky troll.
Bwa ha ha ha ha!
We're about to pick up pork chops. I'm thinking pork chops, boiled new potatoes, and steamed vegetables. Maybe just the steam in bag stuff.
I like that garlic butter rice and anon replied with. We've got all the ingredients for it on hand. I'm to antisocial to ask for specific ingredients...
Make roasted smashed potatoes instead

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Leafbros, why get anything else? It's so honest in its soullessness that it becomes soul again.
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>become a brand name because it's literally how every grocer logs items in their inventory and pos systems
how do you mean?
"No Brand" is Loblaws' house brand, like Great Value for Walmart
>voting means anything
you're fucking retarded
i mean i'm surprised people dont kill richfags more often instead of shooting up schools or whatever
go for the source of the problem, not the end result
I'm a legal United States citizen, our president is a literal pedophile with dementia, so we don't get this brand, how's the beer?

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What would a medieval diet had looked like? What were the staples of breakfast, luncheon, and dinner?
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yea, not common in medival europe
build one myself in school
only retards believe that 1000 years ago people were mouth breathing retatds. they were probably good cooks, though lacking in exotic spice they would use anytging local.

all bread was sourdough as there was no dried yeast. they made fish sauce in europe, kechap manis packs a punch.
they made subjee out of ground up herbs and buckwheat. they roast small game, were very fond of eels, they invented our beer.they could cook.
that's super nice
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>vegetables like parsnips, swedes, an mangolds
That's fair, I'd eat her too if I could
85% the worst kind of bread you can imagine
5% whatever vegetables they could find
5% milk from animals they reaised
5% meat from the animal that died from old age

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I got a tub of this because it makes tacos taste better. I don't make tacos though. What are some good uses for this, so it doesn't go to waste?
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fpbp (40th post best post)
Add Mayo, dill, onion, and garlic powder and you have ranch dressing. You can also use the sour cream straight as lube.
Get a bag of Dorito's Nacho Cheese and use the sour cream as a dip, you'll shoot ropes. Trust me, I do this when I drink sometimes.
Get a fresh loaf of bread, rip it apart with your hands and dip the pieces on this before every bite. You're welcome.

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