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/gif/ is dedicated to NSFW gifs &webm files. Please review the following rules to ensure your posts contribute to the overall board.

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Post the REAL hook-up stories. More crazier the better. Bonus if with relevant webms.

I will start:

Hooked up with this girl while on a work trip. She was a tall, bit curvy, cute girl in her mid 20s. Matched on Tinder. She said her partner was asexual but she is horny all the time and was in an open relationship. Exchanged pics on snapchat. She sent her address. Drove to her place and we settled into her living room. After a bit of chatting, we started making out. Eventually, she took me to her bedroom. She stripped while I went down on her. I started fingering her initially with two fingers. She kept demanding for more fingers as she kept moaning harder and harder. Towards the end, I was fisting her as she cummed hard as her legs kept shaking. It was so hot.
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A younger me (mid 20's) lands a job on a low budget horror film production. With a majority of the cast/crew being local they had the few non locals (myself included) room up with locals that had crash space. Id just so happened to get settled at a house with one of the out of town actresses (hot cougar mid/low 40's I think), the home owner had two daughters that hed arranged to have out of the house during the production so we occupied those rooms.

One night we are just having casual talk in the living room, somehow we got on the subject of furries and reavealed that I was one. I end up educating the room on it a little but the actress looked it up later that evening and found alot of the horny shit. Its at this point she starts getting alot more interested and getting kind of flirty.

Next morning we drive to set, our conversation being very sexual leaning during the drive and basically have a set plan to fuck once we get back to the house. We wrap for the day, drive back, and eventually lay down for bed. Once we were sure the rest of the house was in bed she entered my room with a red dress and nothing else as wed previously discussed. She lays down, I spoon up to her and feel up her body. Not very long into the engagement she smelled the submissive bisexual furry femboy that I was and took control of the situation. She mounts and rides my cock until I climax.

A few days later we go at it again very spontaneously, the actress very horny and borderline dragging me to a room to fuck as we had the house to ourselves for awhile on that day. She begins pulling off my clothes and am just like.. "this is happening". Cannot remember too clearly how that progressed but it ended with me fucking her from behind and fingering her clit doing my best to get her to finish. I busted first and I continued to stim her with touch until she blew. Crazy thing about all this though is our shameless use of our host's kids room to fuck and we never spoke a word of it :^)
Never shit where you eat.
IF you're gonna cheat, treat it like a murder you want to get away with, but the detective knows you personally.
I hooked up with my cousin and cheated on my gf, haven’t told anyone until this thread. My cousin was raised in Asia so I never met her until she moved to a neighboring country where I visited her once. We didn’t hook up until her family came over to stay with my parents, nor did I feel anything from her until that point. One night I stopped by for dinner where she told me she was going to use a meet up app to meet some locals, but my parents suggested I accompany her since she would be by herself. So we ended up at a bar where we were supposed to meet other people from the app but only saw one person, we ended up just drinking and dancing by ourselves. It’s been a couple hours by now so we finally went back to my place where I was going to let her sleep on my bed and I was just going to use the living room couch. After using the bathroom I said good night and she hugged me, and I let her, but it was more than just a brief hug. She said sorry and I said it’s okay, but then she starts kissing me. I honestly was frozen because I liked it but never thought about her sexually, until she said “no one’s going to know” with a smile on her face. At that point I gave in and let her take the lead. Looking back she was so fucking horny, she swallowed my cock effortlessly, licked my balls and jerked me too. When I fingered her it was already extremely wet, it slid in without any resistance. When we fucked we had to be really quiet though though due to my roommate being on the other side. The next morning she couldn’t keep herself away from me, and we were about to fuck again until my roommate came back. She was in my mind for a long time and after I broke up with my ex I was going to see her to hook up again until I met my current gf lol.
u're using my bubbles wrong ...

i will just take them back.

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Women who have fallen too far into degeneracy to ever be saved
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>Women who have fallen too far into degeneracy to ever be saved
Your post doesn't meet the criteria, that's a bunch of relatively-normal young women making an awkward and half-hearted attempt at doing the "current thing".
Many such cases, they intuitively understand that they must demonstrate conventionality, or they'll be ostracised by the plurality of hyper-normie bitches in their extended social groups for the crime of being "weird".
They can have the surgery to try and fix it in the UK, it'll cost £1000s to get it fixed though. And if you've just spent your last £5k getting a botched tit job you're going to have a bad time.
who is this?
Brits are shit at porn, too self concious. These two talking like a couple of cartoon characters trying to be sexy just reinforces that.
oh no they are def too far gone

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why no thread up?
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I know there is a surgery where they cut above the dick, between the dick and the belly, so it can look bigger...

Maybe thats it
sauce ?
Cathy Heaven
yeah, she tried once and quit porn.
because in the real world you get urinal infection when you stick your pp in the pooper

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Quick Start Guide:

1. install Stable Diffusion webui (installation instructions on the git page): https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui
2. install this extension (installation instructions on the git page): https://github.com/light-and-ray/sd-webui-replacer.git
3. install an inpainting model. Here is just one example: https://civitai.com/models/2661?modelVersionId=15670
4. in stable diffusion, open the Replacer tab and use the following options:
>detection prompt: bikini, white shorts, etc; simple is better. this will detect which areas to replace.
>positive prompt: RAW photo of a nude girl, naked
>negative prompt: ((clothing)), (monochrome:1.3), (deformed, distorted, disfigured:1.3), (hair), jeans, tattoo, wet, water, clothing, shadow, 3d render, cartoon, ((blurry)), duplicate, ((duplicate body parts)), (disfigured), (poorly drawn), ((missing limbs)), logo, signature, text, words, low res, boring, artifacts, bad art, gross, ugly, poor quality, low quality, poorly drawn, bad anatomy, wrong anatomy
>video: browse to the video you want to process

More in-depth guide with frame-by-frame processing:

Even more in-depth guide with ControlNet and AnimateDiff:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
175 replies and 32 images omitted. Click here to view.
Another one
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Not bad i guess (frame by frame method)
Shot in the dark.

When I try to run Replacer with AnimateDiff, first I get a bunch of these errors:
"C:\actions-runner\_work\pytorch\pytorch\builder\windows\pytorch\aten\src\ATen\native\cuda\IndexKernel.cu:92: block: [402,0,0], thread: [64,0,0] Assertion `-sizes[i] <= index && index < sizes[i] && "index out of bounds"` failed."

Then, I get these:
"Exception in thread MemMon:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "threading.py", line 1016, in _bootstrap_inner
File "G:\Here\sd\sd.webui\webui\modules\memmon.py", line 53, in run
free, total = self.cuda_mem_get_info()
File "G:\Here\sd\sd.webui\webui\modules\memmon.py", line 34, in cuda_mem_get_info
return torch.cuda.mem_get_info(index)
File "G:\Here\sd\sd.webui\system\python\lib\site-packages\torch\cuda\memory.py", line 663, in mem_get_info
return torch.cuda.cudart().cudaMemGetInfo(device)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
Excellent actually.

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Exactly what I said in the subject. Feel free to post anything even remotely connected. The more the merrier!
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Things either featuring incels or discussing incels
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anon, she is talking to you, personally. Inceldom can only happen in friendless men. To make friends just go take up disk golf or hackysack or something. Literally anything that stops you from having to sit one on one with a other dude, ranting or talking about your problems. Shit is cringe, man. Men get over this by spending 90% of their time on work or situations that don't require interpersonal conversation. This isn't even hard. Just get good at something, doesn't matter what, and go do it among bros. Hangers on females will be judging from the bleachers, and that's the best thing any of us can hope for. Just get together with friends and beat them. instant pussy ranging from fair to goddess.

Some of your problems are your own fault.
Everyone owes me
Delusional faggot ramblings. Incels objectively get no benefit from society. Inb4
>muh roads
Andrew Tate is a faggot grifter. The only real therapy for this kinda stuff is rapes actually.
Indians for once in their shitty culture are right on that subject.
NTA, but Incel is for involuntary celibate, which means unmarried, a bachelor, implying that being a celibate specifically means not being in a long-term relationship,
Since the word comes from time where the no other relationship than marriage, and people had another word for so, being adultery.

"Involuntary", added into the wording saucer, moves the meaning toward being impossible to be in a long-relationship rather than simply not being in one,
which by extension should be assumed to also include short-term ones because short term has the possibility of turning into a long one, while over all expression imparts an impossibility for so.

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Yeah that's the one.
Saved for next thread
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lmao, bro literally wearing a dildo sleeve
source? more?

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BMWF thread, but flipped upside down:
White women dominating Black Men cocks with the Big White Cunt they crave for.

ONLY Amazon position/reverse mating press allowed ITT. Bonus point if amateur and/or creampie.
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holy shit
Arietta Adams
Heres the full vid and the amazon position starts at ~43:20. Make sure to use an adblocker cuz this site has lots of ads.
https://www.trendyporn .com/video/2023-03-10-arietta-adams-and-mr-blvck-rose-79496.html
Nice, thanks
based King

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We need more threads bullying these mentally ill faggots into suicide, the 41% needs to become 100%.

Deus vult.

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I mean feminists enabled this mess to begin with by undermining of family unit
Especially in sexual revolution era
and just like children who never take any responsibility, which almost all women are, they noticed the writing on the wall and rebranded to "TERFs"
don't let any simp faggot fool you, they're all the same deep down, cognitive dissonance is strong with libtards. if you side with feminazi cunts you're either retarded or a hypocrite
>inb4 b-but muh enemy of my enemy!!
DIOS MIO...... This shit is more haunting than the Holocaust, which never happened btw, but even if it did it doesnt compare
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>and just like children who never take any responsibility
Why would they when they cannot comprehend it
>don't let any simp faggot fool you, they're all the same deep down, cognitive dissonance is strong with libtards
Indeed, since the feminism generation confusion to this these individums still forget they aim for one and the same goal which enables this cancer yet again after undermining of family unit and sexes themselves
>if you side with feminazi cunts you're either retarded or a hypocrite
More likely that person who falls for it is a living oxymoron
I cannot see more contrarian thinking in either NS movement or elsewhere else where one fights for reestablishment of natural roles between sexes but yet at the same time undermine it with feminist dementia by allying with people who want them dead or in ruin by destroying the family unit etc.
If i think about it yet again Terf stupidity more looks like a (jewish) feminist way of damage control to not be responsible for what they created
Which when i yet again look on who created and has a monopoly over it cannot wonder why they do it yet again
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Hey /gif/, how do I tell my partner that I have heteroflexible/bi/cuckold fantasies?

I've been with my girlfriend for almost a year now and our sex life is great, but when we aren't together I'm watching amateur MMF/cuckold/hotwife stuff as it's the only thing that gets me off. I've had a huge cum fetish and I love eating my own cum, but the post nut clarity makes it far less pleasurable.

I don't want to be in a chastity cage or fucked in the ass or even humiliated really. I just fantasize about watching her get fucked and joining in to suck the "bull"'s cock together and eat his cum. I want to make out with her as she has a mouthful of someone else's cum. I want to eat cum out of her pussy or lick cum off of her tits and make out with her afterwards. I want her to jerk me off with another man's cum as lube. I want her to spit another guy's load in my mouth. There's so much that just requires another man.

She's very monogamous, in the sense that she gets very jealous if I even talk to other women so an open relationship idea would not fly. I'm not sure how she'd take to my fantasies. I don't even know how to bring it up without sounding like a sissy. I don't want her to think of me as less of a man. We are going on a cruise very soon together and I know cruise ships are loaded with swingers so if the opportunity was to ever come up, this would be the time.

How do you think I should go about talking to her about it? Should I just wait it out and see over time if I feel more comfortable talking to her about it? Is <1 year too soon to be talking about hotwife stuff? Is it better to just keep all this as a fantasy that I just jerk off to on my own time? Any suggestions or help would be much appreciated.

Also bi cum stuff thread
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she is beautiful
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Nikki Knightly from pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5c41067f0e788

It's one of my favorite bi threesome videos
convert it to webm's VP9 codec and you get a lot better length/quality/file-size proportions. Idk about handbrake but you could do it with ffmpeg on the command line
good stuff anon
This is fucking brilliant.

If she does get weird about it you say"I like the way you taste, what can I say" and don't take it any further than that. But great way to test the waters.

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You know what to do
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ms lewd
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I am so sad LemonT8 just halted posting before his BBC gang-bang masterpiece was released...
Did he die?
i've been waiting for this all night. post more if you got some this stuff is good as fuck
Like >>27111160
shared---he sadly fell off the map just before releasing his Genshin Impact Orgy in March of last year.

I really hope he comes back like ChobiX did after 4 years.
Who made the 2b animation?

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that's nothing

Pretty ok series ruined by muh LGTVBF+ ending.

She looks such a cutie.

Why is it that Russian women are all at least decent looking, but their guys are all 2/10 or less?

Well, still better than Amerilards.
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Post fit/muscular women
Last thread got archived too soon
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based retard, you gave me a good laugh. Did you look at my own filename to figure that out all on your own.
needs a name still
i estimate her natty but <150cm judging by the lightswitch and poweroutlet...
Honestly no one cares

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sunflwrrbby has a lot of leaked OF stuff. It's all just solo shit
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She'll see it in your eyes that you're embarrassed and it's not gonna work. Go suck off your friends instead lol
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