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I miss sybil from pseudoregalia already.
Instead we get this butch who got her tits clawed off.
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Those are peca, not tita.
That is a man.
That is a man anon. You are gay.
There is no game dummy
There is no game. This is another Twitter shill thread.
There's literally no game, she just a prototype at best at this point.
I don't know what that is, but it'd look a lot better with my cum on it.

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Pic rel is by far the best h-game out right now and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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I did but people don't really articulate their feelings well aside from
>It's good. Give me more
What game are you making anon?
Game? I want some nuns please
It's a bizarre scenario of watching and participating in your sister getting gangbanged. I recommend it.
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>actually recognize the game from his complaints

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Out of early access, swimsuits released
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You're an actual fucking moron.
All roguelikes are trash. It's a fact. Not bias.
A lazy game to design a game, by just throwing a bunch of random ingredients into a bowl and hoping it will work out. If it doesn't, you can just say it was a "bad run".
>If it doesn't, you can just say it was a "bad run".
If you lose in Chrono Ark. It's your fault. Not the run's.
Generally follow the holy trinity of Tank/DPS/Support (Healing)
You'll need to get familiar with the characters you're running to get a good balance between these 3 aspects with your 4 characters
Most characters can at least fill two of these pretty well, but especially damage characters can be more one dimensional
The steam guides are pretty solid, but for normal difficulty all investigators are fine as long as you have those bases covered
It's the same for pretty much every roguelike. That anon is just bad and that's his way of coping.

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Why was ER so hated? Especially by veteran souls fans
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This. And

/v/ hates it because there is too much shit to autisticlly memorize for the sole purpose of telling people off online
there's nothing to memorize at all, it's a shotgun blast of worthless time wasting content, that's the entire game
/v/ loves elden ring.
Good Souls games are hard but fair
Elden Ring is easy but unfair
>v/ hates it because
Elden Ring is my favorite game.

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Well /v/?
What's wrong with you?
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Principles and backbone but I don't expect spineless console havers to understand.
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You paid money to have malware installed on your PC?
Don't blame greedy devs and publishers. Blame the pigs that happily run into the slaughterhouse.
i fail to see what PSN provides, the game obviously works without it
>Buy a PC game
>Have to make a playstation network account or your game gets deleted

Wow you can't make this shit up. Embarrassing.

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>that plummet
KEK. Wrap it up, FOTM is done. Move on
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Here it comes
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I dropped this game weeks ago and have no interest in going back, but man - seeing people doing backflips to defend this shit is insane. I literally played it on a ps5, and i still know for a fact i care way less for sony than most of the pajeet defense force they have hired to make this seem like "its not a big deal"
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pffff hahahaha
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Can someone explain to me why Sony is getting this hate exclusively? You're also required to make Blizzard/Activision/EA/Ubisoft accounts for their games respectively on Steam.
For EA it's even worse, not only do you need to make and link accounts but you also need install a 2nd launcher as well.
So what's the deal?

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I'm bored
What's the latest drama?
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something about Sony banning you from playing your Steam games
something something censorship who fucking cares
kill yourself vermin
Helldivers 2 fucked up and now is going to die
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Look I'm sorry but Paper Mario just isn't interesting to talk about.

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So, is it good now?
I'm really itching for some Todd-kino.
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fallout, call of duty and battlefield
all these series have gone to shit and need new studios to make them fresh again
Skyrim was a good game. And nobody makes open world games like Bethesda, even today.
Yeah, as an easter egg, retard. It's a big fucking difference.
funny how everyone and their mother copied minecraft and fortnite but no one ever made a skyrim clone
Yeah it's good. People who shit on it probably don't have friends.

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shh best girl is sleeping. play wegs with hags. /v/ has always been a hag haven.
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how does it feel to be brain damaged because of your habits regarding chronic masturbation?
being into older women is a normie tier fetish though, its not normal but its also not 'immoral'
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anon, if you look at any major porn website you'll see half the people are there for teens and half are there for milfs. the idea that people aren't info milfs is a fantasy.
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>brain damaged
what's wrong with this? hard mode: no buzzwords
Nerds online want women to become undesirable after 30 so they can feel like they have a win somewhere. That's literally how all this started.

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Why didn’t he connect with most players?
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I think you're mistaking the females that wrote the game being mentally 14 years old with the characters not being evil
>make him a cocky young black youth
>seems like dexterity duelist rapier master or something, can't open his character sheet
>make an older sassy human lady visit the camp, and he instantly melts
>she's his sugga momma and treats him like a pup
>he is emberassed but cant resist
>she's giving him outrageously expensive magic items and asking him to do shady shit
>ONLY THEN reveal he is a warlock and she is a demon
>support the demon to keep the pup aligned, or support the boy to fee him from this mistake and grow up to be his own man
I will now recruit your character.
cut plot line
I leave Gale's faggot ass in the in the portal and roll with my 3 queens
Frogfu, shart, and fire bitch
>Act One Party
>I talk to my companions
>Notice Wyll is missing
>Go over
>Tell him he should go and enjoy the party
>He thanks me but says no
>Okay, well, seeya
>Go back to Karlach and immediately tell her I wanna fuck
>Fast Forward to Act Two
>'fix' Karlach's heart
>She says 'Bed. Now.'
>Go back to camp
>Cutscene starts with my character walking up
>I suddenly am met with the sight of Wyll doing the GAYEST dance I've ever seen

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Oh that was it! I was just too different! My bad, Todd
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theyre incapable of learning
Don't post that cocksucking faggot vermin on my /v/.
No it wasn't, it was the same exact shit they've been releasing for the past 20 years, only this time it was set in an extremely boring world rather than a cool fantasy or post-apocolyptic setting. They should have gone the sci-fi route rather than going for realistic barren planets.
quick tell me ONE innovated feature that Starfield CREATED form scratch
>water down each new game with every release until it can barely be called an rpg
>go so far that even normalfags start to catch on
You pushed it too far this time Todd.

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ITT: Books that deserve vidya adaptations.
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All the women in WoT are just feminist.
>Is that message wrong?
It's too correct to be adapted faithfully in the current year.
I need help finding a book from my childhood
it was about a guy who could dimmension hop or something
first book featured some jew trying to blow up a dam or something
one of the books literally had the pleasure cube meme on a global scale leading the villain to genocide an entire planet as people died inside the cubes
Most shit from sci-fi pulps would make for a decent sci-fi game
>Bill O'Reilly

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look at this fairy
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Would you handle her carefully or rough?
rough, no questions asked
She murdered the FUCK outta those fairies the moment Kirbo left orbit

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Was it autism?

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how would you fix modern zelda?
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Make Skyward Sword 2.
I haven't had a meltdown over zelda for 8 years.
FINALLY make eminem playable
Replace Ganon with eminem's mom
Instead of ocarina you rap
I can tell you what would be #1.

The others change depending on how I'm feeling. Sometimes I prefer Link's Awakening over ALLTP depending on what day of the week it is.

But despite owning multiple copies of MM over multiple systems, it's never a Zelda game I find myself desperate to replay often.
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>make Link the main character of Zelda games
>make Zelda the main character of the Link game
You have got to be kidding.

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Why is this board fine when Americans and South Americans aren't here, yet when they arrive the quality goes 6 feet under?
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He wasn't White and I STILL don't give a fuck about his name.
Europoors law
>It's an American website.
>Why is it when countries with no relevance or impact on the world are on here all they do is bitch and cry about America?
I agree, why do the jews believe goyim are subhuman cattle?
I don't know, but it's made with Scratch, maybe that helps you find it.
Because a lot of americans spend a lot of time online and that also includes a lot more teenagers.

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The Simpsons Wrestling baby YEAH
Baldur's Gate 3
He plays Scrabble on games night with his other friends.
magic the gathering. only real cards, no online bullshit.
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he doesn't
he's not a loser mutant like you who has spent his formative years and adolescence pursuing escapism in the form of digital toys and tranime

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What went wrong?
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Do none of you like single player? You realize you don't have to play multiplayer all the time right?
They were never fun, it was all just muh resources autism, but us gamers have moved past that
No, FUCK Eugen. Baited me into buying their Red Dragon shit with a bunch of fake screenshots that made it look like World in Conflict. Wasted too much fucking time reading unit descriptions and then I got into the campaign and it was just a pile of undecipherable shit. Couldn't refund because of time limit.
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I just want to build big defensive fortresses and have giant armies fight other giant armies, but my opponent can always just destroy everything with 0 interaction
pic very related.

This nigga is really beefing with some animals
*raises paw*
technically, he is an animal too

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Looks like Max Caulfield spent too much time eating at the Two Whales Diner!
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yes smoking does
Those are the best kind
all body types are erotic actually
oh lawd
There's an alternate timeline somewhere where Remember Me got to be the game it was meant to be. I wonder how things went from there.

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