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Endeavor is the new Raikage
don't care not playing your nigger game
People just dislike Yasuke because he's overshilled. Imagine if they started shilling, I don't know, Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc game, Joan of Arc anime, Joan of Arc movie, constant dicksucking of Joan of Arc. Why are they worshipping Joan of Arc out of nowhere?
>Literally THE worst Naruto character

kys reddidiot

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So is it all forgiven then?
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The problem is that seems clear indication that the developers heart is not in the right place for this when it comes to direction.

Expectations are low for this.
Honestly they probably HAD a Japanese samurai and then Ghosts happened and they were like, "Fuck, our game is LITERALLY 1:1 with that"
Lmao this would make it so clear how lost and confused they are. Holy shit heaven forbid they just have a japanese dude in this japanese assassin’s creed.
Adding a *second* meme gaijin to the playable cast would be so fucking funny
This is unironically what the fans from that shit "Strangers in Paradise Final Fantasy" like.
Wtf, im preordering now.

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I have good news OP
Apparently Paper Mario TTYD has already leaked!
Apparently it came out 20 years ago and is available on most rom websites!
Good now you can fuck off and quit cry about people playing the switch version
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The demake

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explain why this is so bad, without sounding like a guy who clearly gets zero pussy. you can't.
because that's not an intelligent thing to say especially compared to the non "int" options
Explain why it's good
Its good dialogue
>Three Dog has information you need
>If you're intelligent enough you can tell him exactly what he wants to hear to help get that info

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On it
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>thought Godskin duo was an aggravating fight
>thought I was going to kill this beast fucker monk in a few times
>get him down to half health
>no, stop
And that's why I hate videogames.
That's probably why the omen bastard with the two rings wears a mask. Those are the "elder" who haunt the omen's dreams, and the omen killers remind the omens of their cursed birthright.
That didn't go so well for you, Rollo, considering that the Fell Twins have your Spirit Ashes. Maybe you should have tried to cure the people and exorcise the demons instead of dressing up like the demons and killing the people you knew were just cursed and tormented.
Maliketh my beloved

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When did you realize that it was better than Automata?
When I finished Automata.

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This ruins Japan's image globally. I remember when Assassins Creed II came out, Game Informer did that whole cover story on the game and it's Renaissance Italy setting and it genuinely got me and probably thousands of other people interested in an place and area of history maybe they didn't know a lot about beforehand. They could have done the same thing with Japan and increasing interest in Japanese history for Gen Alpha or whatever new demographic gets into these sorts of things. Instead, they chose to put this big black guy in there and make it a story about white privilege or whatever the fuck, and it's just a big slap in the face to society.
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AC II celebrated Italians and the Renaissance. And it was pre-woke so the main protagonist was an Italian guy and all the characters were Europeans.
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>Nippon has fallen
>Millions must commit Seppuku
I'm just curious why they were more respectful to the Norse even
devs have said that the ninja girl can't hold her own against group encounters very well and is purposely more of a stealth build, so at least they have that this time whereas the last few times they had a lady character she just ignored all that shit and could go toe to toe with bigmclargehugeguy.
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God, I always get a laugh at remember how all you /qa/ schizos got btfo.

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Season 8 is adding both the normal and Custom kits of the Wellstring V bow at once.
Regular: Autobomb / Ultra Stamp
Custom: Point Sensor / Wave Breaker
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It's all good, fun games (especially the one with cephalorock lmao)
if you're ever interested, you should join the next tourney, been seeing you do really well in X
Yeah with this team comp I feel like if we lose the advantage we lose it badly
Please, we need to get rid of some deadweight here
nice falseflag, faggot
Banette, what's the password?

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Get Woke Go....Rich?
>Tom Henderson is the one who leaked that Yasuke will be in AC a year ago. he is also the owner of InsiderGaming
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Yep, Aaron mcgruder was always loudly critical of nigger culture (at least he was when he was originally doing boondocks stuff). It’s completely impossible today to have any discussion around blacks taking responsibility for their own culture and stopping the glorification of crime, stealing, littering, being loud and ignorant, etc. blacks must have zero expectations at all times otherwise it’s heckin violence
if static shock came out today it'd be the black lightning CW show.
which funny enough was OKish for like 80% of season 1 then just complete retard dived.
I'm fine with Metal Gear. I'm fine with women and minorities. It's not the women and minorities. It's why the women and minorities are put into the game that makes it woke.
But you're stupid, and/or disingenuous so I don't expect anything approaching a logical debate with you.
online discorse is mostly meaningless on AAA, or COD would have stopped selling years ago
My standards are not low enough to watch a CW superhero show and I have generally stayed away from comics as a whole for about 7 years now. I will take your word for it Anon.

Is there a special video game girl that made an impact on your life?
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Creepy wife
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>If I wanted to see a crying bitch I'd ask your mom what she thinks about how you turned out
Holy fuck, you didn’t need to cook him like that
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The love and passion I hold for Jeanne Alter is like a never ending inferno, every part of my being is dedicated to her and her alone. She pushes me to continuously better myself, and I want nothing more than to spend the entirety of my life with her.
Very cute! Hope you have a fast recovery too!
Unfortunately not, my internet connection is really shitting the bed at the moment.
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I love wondeful youkai wife takane!
Good stuff man hope you get better
beating my head trying to get a 1cc in UM
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Thanks for the well wishes. To give more details I did not dislocate my knee this time but I broke my patella much worse than I did before, it's both chipped and cracked down the middle.

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How has Skyrim not been surpassed for coomer modding yet?
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what fucking mod is that
Vampire the masquerade redemption reawakened. they're going to supposedly remake an old game as a mod in skyrim lol.
To be fair, it's because jews degenerated Western culture and this is the negrofied clownworld discourse they've facilitated.
What are some good mods for this?
It's sad how Skyrim was really the last major modded AAA game. i thought by now we'd have something more advanced with better combat and more in-depth and robust modding tools but nope, still just Skyrim. Mods for other games just aren't as powerful

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>Armored Core 6
>Megaton Musashi
>Mecha BREAK
>UFO Robot Grendizer
>EDF 6
>The Scramble Vice
>Slave Zero X
real fucking good last couple of years for gentle/m/en in vidya
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go watch Dai Guard and reflect on how to be more of a good person and less of a dishonest little shithead
mecha break open beta soon. trust me.
Closed beta didn't impress me too much.
you didn't get in the closed beta

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>Get told by Jack the Sabbat are mindless savages
>Get told by LaCroix the Sabbat are mindless savages
>Get told by Nines the Sabbat are mindless savages
>Turns out the Sabbat are the only ones with their heads on straight that maybe we should do something about these ancient utterly inhuman vampire demi-gods that are about to awaken and literally destroy the world
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Gehenna is a retarded plot point to begin with. The Toreador ante is walking the earth with no problems and he/she isn't devouring people randomly. Lasombra just left to the Abyss by his own will and Tzimisce just became mushrooms or w/e the fuck he is doing.
Saulot is also semi-alive, Giovanni is technically an ante by diablerie and he's walking around.
So walls covered in steaks like shingles is classy by "human aesthetics" then?
Well god45 was mind-controlling hunters to kill powerful supernaturals even if they had 0 combat skills or superpowers.
lord english be like
>Black extremist wayward ends up teaming up with a white supremacist wayward because they both believe in killing all the monsters.

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The broski did nothing wrong. Free him
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Well yeah but they could summon themselves from gy or banish pile on a new chain the way jiaolong does from hand
We already have a fire bouncer, it just sucks
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Just steal Makoto Nanaya's moveset
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>most of those are dragons
Wonder how something like Firewall would translate to a fighting game
>there isn’t really a timeless cast tbf
Albaz, Avram and Albaz would beg to differ but the 3 of them work better for a musou.

File deleted.
>main heroine gets stolen by the villain and the next time you see her she's an enemy trying to kill you
Has a game ever done this?
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I only say that because Aqua was mostly fine for her ten year stint in super hell and the only reason she got corrupted by darkness is because she lost a fight with Ansem SOD and fell in The Dark Margin. She was fine chilling with Ansem the Wise before that.
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>Ctrl f
>no xenoblade
do any of you actually play video games
Those are your parasites speaking
You are not a homosexual, deworming will return you to normal
Wasn't that recent?
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>First release June 1oth, 2010

How does /v/ feel about King of the Castle? Seeing it for the first time and it's pretty fun.
spotted a nigger
no buy
looks diverse.
It's a fantasy setting so meh.

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Will any more fangames on the level of Undertale Yellow will release before Deltarune chapter 3?
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>Kanako comes home from work to her husband, Clover.
>Disheveled look on her face, messed up hair, her office uniform wrinkled.
>She slides off her heels and puts her briefcase next to the door
>Clover is making chicken and cheese tacos in the kitchen
>Kanako slides face first onto the couch, legs kicking up in the air, blood shot eyes as the door bell rings
>It's Martlet and her 8 ADHD children.
>They have come to visit, because it's Monday and it's tradition at the Clover Ketsukane household.
>Kanako groans and glares at the kids doing fortnite dances on her front step while Martlet weakly smiles while holding 3 of the youngest ones in her arms

I don't know where I'm going with this.
>Story: Rip off deltarune using hmofa elements
>Gameplay: Copy paste of deltarune
What else?
that's already being made
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I have a green saved for you
Question, Martlet's and who's children?

How did it take them 6 games to realize they were saying cao cao wrong
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>"The empire, long divided, must unite; long united, must divide. Thus it has ever been."
>"and by long, we mean, like, twenty years or so?"
>collapses and gets raped by steppe barbarians within 25 years of unification
kek the Sima family is such a failure
>"You loved the Three Kingdoms so much? Here are the Sixteen Kingdoms, with extra barbarian flavor!"
which is funny because there were more than 16 kingdoms in this period, plus multiple dynasties. the romance of the three kingdoms is just a blip in several centuries of disunion and war
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what is happening here that the chinks don't most west into it for hundreds of years?

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How do I become a PC enjoyer?
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You have to throw away your dignity, self respect, and any hopes and dreams you ever had for a bright future. It doesn’t hurt to basically hate gaming too, but have and iq low enough to never self reflect about how you spend all day talking about how “you can play anything on pc” when all you’re gonna do is download and delete mods, porn, and post on message boards.
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All i see is comradery and brothership. Women will never understand.
>end up playing nothing
Based homobro
>t-that's right, PChads, d-don't make fun of us consoleniggers
consoleniggers are pathetic lmao

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