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>already forgotten
lmao not even useful idiots on this board helped market this slop better
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I'm being completely serious when I say the show should've taken more notes from the PS2 and XBOX Brotherhood of Steel game and Fallout Tactics, things should get more batshit insane as the timeline progresses instead of everyone being weak lil' shits fighting for scraps, the slow burn stuff ended with Fallout 2 so there's no reason to even keep the pretenses going. It's why the Ghoul is everyone's favorite character because he turns everything up to 11. Lucy's plot is full of holes and Maximus' drama falls flat due to how it's written, the inner turmoil and mystery stuff is shit because they got their heads up their own asses while the wacky shenanigans and comedy is actually fun and engaging.
>The alien dlc has an audio log where the aliens manage to torture the nuclear codes out of some top brass US army guy.
>implication is now factual evidence
No it was vault-tec actually.
I've actually been surprised how little /tv/ gives a fuck one way or the other.
You'd think it'd make good bait and shit but they're just not talking about it at all, which probably says everything.
How much of a disingeneous retard can you be holy shit. It isn't the fact that they exist, but the fact that it's so flanderized to hell and back that those are the only way to indentify Fallout, all the way to reviving dead plot threads because they couldn't come up with an actual continuation so they had to bring back big things in the previous game. If you can bullshit the fucking big bads destroyed at the ends of the first two games somehow coming back like Palpatine in Episode IX, then why can't you make up some shit as to why the news didn't spread to Nevada yet? It's all the same shit and the reasoning of poor writing, fine the show is shit, but holy fuck does Fallout 3 have some of the worst writing in all of fiction.
Stop fucking LARPING like you've actually played the games and you're not actively skimming Google from people mentioning things. If you're a troll, congratulations you have successfully ruffled my jimmies.
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Software Sales (physical only)

1. [PS5] Stellar Blade – 13,033 / 80,164
2. [NSW] Mario Kart 8 Deluxe – 9,652 / 5,835,236
3. [NSW] Endless Ocean Luminous – 6,951 / 35,296
4. [NSW] Ring Fit Adventure – 6,536 / 3,559,654
5. [NSW] Animal Crossing: New Horizons – 5,932 / 7,765,947
6. [NSW] Super Mario Bros. Wonder – 5,667 / 1,851,743
7. [NSW] Minecraft – 5,469 / 3,521,944
8. [NSW] Princess Peach: Showtime – 5,197 / 165,548
9. [NSW] Super Smash Bros. Ultimate – 5,058 / 5,506,269
10. [NSW] Splatoon 3 – 4,550 / 4,297,178
11. [NSW] Momotaro Dentetsu World: Chikyuu wa Kibou de Mawatteru – 4,419 / 1,053,156
12. [NSW] Mario Party Superstars – 3,569 / 1,442,043
13. [NSW] Pokemon Scarlet / Violet – 3,565 / 5,343,158

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Holy shit, take my money.
>Famitsu thread almost dying
>Close to no shitpost for those threads standards.
Did the usual shitposter/Schizo got rangebanned or something?
These threads were up for about 24 hours, he needs to sleep eventually
They should have a level be exploring samus's body

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>He still hasn’t taken the slugpill
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Did you want the characters to come at max level?
Or perhaps you would prefer grinding exp by killing mobs infinitely?
That never happened.
for starters the boss having a fixed number of drops would be great
It does?
do you even play the game?

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And was an amazing game series that focused on fun first and foremost
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>a gyaru ninja that also had a fuckton of wrestling moves in her arsenal
One of the most fun characters I've ever mained, we didn't fucking deserve her.
Heh. No you see Isuka is a spin off. Overture was the true blue sequel for Guilty Gear. Its failure is what lead to Strive being what Strive is. Overture was Daisuke’s actual vision.
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Her character remind me so much of Elina Vance from queen's blade. Both are kinda unhinged and obsessed with their sister.
>tfw no queen's blade fighting game

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Who was your favorite smash reveal and did they end up as your main?

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this was what I meant
Mega Man's trailer was the coolest, by far. Loved it. That being said, I ended up using Erdrick and Terry in Ultimate. The DQ Hero trailer as a DQfag was a good second place trailer for me.
Newfags will never be able to understand the gravity of that moment. People act like Banjo or Sora were big but Sonic truly is the only one who broke the fucking internet.
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This. My only issues was the Sonic reveal trailer which looked like they threw it together because "well, they figured out Sonic's in so, why hide it at this point?" Terry Bogard getting in was the biggest "OH SHIT!" reveal Id seen since Sonic and Snake though. Seeing his 40 minute gameplay breakdown only made it better too.
Probably Little Mac. on the Wii U one. I didn't play it, but i liked the character, and then mained him in Ultimate

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Why do blacks self insert as Japanese samurai but they get upset and call it cultural appropriation if a white person wears bun hair in games?
Black weebs are different from the rest

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>/v/ cries and piss their pants about woke games
>never supports or mentions based/anti-woke games
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Why is their a religious war on the 'ru? Do nusoicacas really?
That's not based. That's coomerslop for pedophiles.
>nobody cared about political themes in games

>That's not based.
Sharty detected.
MAP content is always keyed.

Nips are laughing at us westshatsister
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I'm pooping rn
Stellar Blade got BLACKED
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>mfw I open up sokuhou and all-nat and there's a shitton of comments from nips all either complaining about it in one way or another or they're saying that anyone who defends it is revealing their humiliation fetishes for everyone to see and that they should keep that stuff private on their fantia
Manga is much more popular in Japan because you can just bring it with you to read on a train or bus.

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Meanwhile in 2008 /v/...
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Time traveler from the 2020s here, Valve will release, not Episode 3 or Half Life 3, but instead a VR headset game called Half Life Alyx that seems to be a sidestory, but is really the Episode 3 we'll never get here in the 2000s because the technology just isn't there yet. Believe me or don't, choice is yours.
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> How am I suppose to tuner monster AND a fodder monster card out on the same turn?
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the cake is a lie XD
no items
fox only

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How common is localisers adding memes, pushing agendas and censoring dialogue they are offended by in japanese games?
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no, he's a huge computer autismo. that's the "binaries" that work for him, the 'binary' of dividing clothing by gender doesn't
it's just a joke
>added pronouns to a Pokemon game
what one? I don't remember S/V having pronouns?
If God says I can't wear panties, why did he make them so cute and soft??
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The sins of localization:
Ignorance: localizer simply misses the meaning of the original or mistranslates it by accident, more common than you'd think
Narcissism: localizer thinks they can improve on the original writing, sometimes referred to as "punching it up"
Delusion: localizer has their own fanfiction view of how a character "should" speak or act and rewrites everything through that lens regardless of the actual script
I really like the style of 13 sentinels, but just the gameplay leaves a lot to be desired. At least unicorn verlord fixed that.

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How do I become a PC enjoyer?
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I wonder if Henry has ever been to /v/. Imagine him complaining about niggers and trannies in vidya.
So would he just use a 4090 or is there something better out there if you have tens of thousands to piss away?
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Everyone smart knows that even though the starting cost of consoles is cheaper than a gaming PC, it pays itself off in costs you will save over time.
>no need to buy an Xbox, game pass exists even if you want it + all of its games exist as official ports
>no need to buy a PS5, Sony is porting all of their games to Steam anyway
>no need to buy a Switch, Nintendo emulators can run all of its library
>no need to even buy old consoles like PS1-3 or SNES/NES/GCN/N64 because you can play all of them via emulation
>no need to buy a subscription to Xbox Live or PSN for online because you get it for free
>no need to buy a specific proprietary peripheral because ALL of them work on PC, from M&K to Xbox/PS/Nintendo controllers
>no need to buy the same games every gen, because Steam games work on everything with x86 instruction sets
>no need to abandon consumer rights for platform-wide DRM, literally just buy games off GOG
>no need to even buy GAMES, pirated games are only a click away
>no need to even USE a proprietary OS, fucking Linux exists
Just for the record, buying an Xbox Series X, PS5 and Nintendo Switch will get you LESS games than a gaming PC, but on top of being more expensive, is also more expensive to maintain, since you will always have to pay for PSN/GoyPass/Switch Online. You cannot play PS1/PS2/PS3 games that haven't been officially ported on PS4/5, and the same goes for Nintendo, but with a PC you literally have all of gaming at your fingertips. That would've costed you a lot more than $3000 had you bought all of the games and consoles to give you an equivalent library.

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The fact you can do so much more with a PC than a console removes any positives from a console all together. Consoles are for children and low IQ fags.
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Become gay and ERP with Steamfags.

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>Be me in 2010
>FFXIII comes out in the West
>Everybody writes it off as the worst entry in the entire franchise
>I too write it off because I'm barely in high school at the time
>Years go by
>Have no GF because I'm hopelessly screwed by genetics
>Buy the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy on Steam during a sale bc its dirt cheap
>Play through the games in between working on freelance projects
>Somehow, it all clicks for me and I can't explain why
>Grow so attached to Lightning that I shed tears of joy when she enters our world at the end of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
>Now I understand Motomu Toriyama's vision and why waifufags are the way they are
Has anyone else similarly been waifupilled by a jRPG?
Final Fantasy 13 trilogy is the worst thing made by Square Enix
And this is the second thread you made today shizo xiiifag
>Screwed by genetics
>Ended up as waifufag
What's your point? It's obvious.

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>playing fun game
>suddenly your particular fetish pops up in the middle of gameplay
Whats her name /v/?
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Should /v/hu be able to talk about fangame only characters?
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Have the only one I got for a meme.
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I like her
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Aren't you glad they shut the game down for a fucking year so they could have time to add such hit characters as Banana Guard?
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nah velma's special was the only culture war bait for this game
Smash only works because of its roster. Nobody cares about sweaty Melee clone number 45362.
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What other bosses do you think they'll add?
I'm really hoping we get an entire retro games block of content at some point. Sinistar as a boss, Joust Knight and Scorpion as characters, maybe a Rampage stage.
>Melee Clone #324
>Melee clone number 45362
name five. they're either so mechanically removed from melee as not to be melee clones (missing grabs and shields, for example) or they're just dogshit and miss what makes melee fun (nasb).
rivals 2 is the only one that gets it right

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WOTR is finally playable.
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Ohhh that's better.
You can literally kill and eat every character in this game if you don't like them. If you don't like blacks and gays then just say that instead of being a faggot and saying "muh woke dei game devs"
>ostensibly supposed to be 'medieval' in terms of culture and technology
You somehow read all of that and think it's about race. Or you didn't read at all and are just being a hateful little prick.
Why not just make Irabeth a man? Even if you go through all the trouble of removing every single mention of Anevia's true gender and make her stay a man he will still look like a fag for being married to a she-orc.
>and think it's about race
Well it's also about a tranny. But yes, it is about race

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According to Ghost of Tsushima, this is what Japanese women look like.
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Built for BWC
i would try my absolute hardest to knock her up
dont care about the consequences
she needs my baby in her
The wig isn't a deal breaker. All women, regardless of race, are fake anyways. They all use makeup, fake lashes, fake nails, high heels, etc. Hell, many of the doll looking Asian women that people here simp for completely change their face via plastic surgery. Fake hair shouldn't be a step too far.
Niggers are for pump and dump when you're drunk only, all these women smell like shit, use wigs because they're bald and worse than all they have the worst personalities out of any race, i honestly envy you if you were never forced to be around a black female in your life.
porn has genuinely rotted your mind

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>you next opponent in the Dead or Alive tournament is Marie Rose!

What do you do?

All doas welcome
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drop my pants and ask her to kick me in the nuts as hard as she can

post 'em or whatever
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dude i came here for the sole purpose of posting ds2
Does it have a nice performance?
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Naruto open world aRPG when?
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i don't understand this picture at all
is the bottom from boruto or something?
anyone from shikimarus clan get to her completely unware, one of the top ten 10 clan imo
Rise of a ninja
Japs are alegic to best girl

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How would you prevent power creep in TCGs?
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That's true, you should generally build around your strengths not your weaknesses. hunters beats mage too
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Kinda funny looking back at old custom cards and how hilariously underpowered they would be now too
Are the two of these supposed to summon each other infinite?
>well produced digital card game
Could this even be made? Isn't powercreep pretty much inevitable in all living games?

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