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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

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im currently #1 holder with 5% of supply on a 20m mcap coin. all done legitly, never scammed anyone. no cabal connection

been grinding for 7 years for this moment

pic related is proof
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Macrotrends shows that the American GDP last outgrew the Eurozone during the Trump administration.
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have you seen the jobs reports? I can't find the articles but basically they keep reporting good numbers and then revising the numbers up or down... also, some fag realized 3 consecutive reports had the same fucking number. how believable can that be? I'm not even american but seems obvious that it's all fucking bullshit
also check this: https://schiffgold.com/peters-podcast/peter-schiff-another-bs-jobs-report/
just found one of the articles I was talking about:

Stock market fare edition - have you learnt the moves?:


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

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I don't think anybody knows whats going to happen this election, I say both administrations have their own strategy to develop our economy and they both work in their own ways. There will be winners and losers on both sides, and ultimately it's a collective personal decision.
Butttt.... I will support wholeheartedly whoever is elected as the president of the united states, and I think we've lost respect for the office as a nation. Once the election is over, that's our leader, and we need to work as best as we can within the law to support our nation together. As team USA, not team Dem or Repub. We've been a divided nation for too long. We ask our leaders to put aside their differences but when we meet someone who didn't vote for our current leader we hurl insults. I have no clue how we got here but it's dysfunctional. For optimal gains we have to be all in on whoever is elected, and pass effective legislation as a nation. Work out our problems locally. And love our neighbors.
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you gonna have to stop being so passive and understand that consequences of actions are irreversible and we are in bad times because
>ultimately it is a collective personal decision
oxymoron. you cannot have a collective decision made by a person. that isn't compromise; it is fascism.
This is definitely a political discussion. I don't intend on getting banned.
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that is quite a pussy answer, you should invest in LFAP

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New intro crypto. Rate my possible portfolio
Strategy is to DCA and hold long term. Thoughts?
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For one it’s the only blockchain that can host dapps completely on chain.
>Inb4 but muh I don’t want that
Render's straight-up DePIN, bro. Kinda bummed that a quantum-resistant blockchain project like QANplatform ain't in the mix.
I dca into RNDR for AI narrative and Beam for gaming (could do also ImmutableX). I will wait for memes like WIF to drop further and allocate a smaller amount in there as well. That's mostly it, maybe I add something into some new promising lower cap but not much else
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>RWA vaporware
>IoT garbo
>No $APU
Incredibly shit portfolio. Do better.
LINK and ICP need to go. I don't see any light at the end of the tunnel for those 2. Get into more AI tokens; since you already have RNDR, diversify into other areas like Data marketplace or launchpads for AI projects

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Why is decentralized finance even a thing? Normies are too dumb to manage their own shit. Its a solution for a problem that doesn't exist.
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Oh shit, I use this at my job for remote sessions. kek
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>Why is decentralized finance even a thing?
>Normies are too dumb to manage their own shit
so are bankers lol
they lost EVERYTHING
>inb4 le FDIC covers it
because crypto isn't meant for normies it's for fintechs

Retail investors got burned too many time to buy your ponzi coins /biz

r/Buttcoin is right.
Retail would continue to get burned if they could buy in ICOs at $50m cap.
But literally everything launches at $1B+ these days. What was EigenLayer? $15B or something? Absolutely retarded bullshit. The exit liquidity is the first day buyers then it's just downhill from there.
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>poo founder

Also restaking is the definition of a ponzi
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No they are wrong. The Coppock Curve is an indicator based on 14 month cycles. A priest told this nigga Coppock that 14 months was the average grieving period. Coppock figured that was also the length of time niggas forgot about bad stock market experiences.

They'll be back, starting with Republican Boomers and the BTC ETF.

They'll definitely be back after they see me and my Porche complements of ONDO.
ponzi is such a overused term.
retail are literally just sheeple
they'll come back when blackrock and the other people who can pay the media companies want them to that + when QE starts

normies literally can't remember shit that happened 4 weeks ago

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>Basic Information
https://gmetimeline.com (up to 2021)

>Daily reminder

>Mandatory study time
>The Everything Short
>Naked Short Selling and Systemic Risk

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If you're talking about >>58443619 then you misread my post. I missed out on my chance to buy at 10 which is why I'm seething
>61.49% short volume.
>60.24% off exchange.
i'm actually surprised they didn't halt when it shot up 16%
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I bet the guy in front of that button was sweating bullets. Does he halt it to stop the climb and risk drawing attention to the stock, or does he let it go and risk a triple digit rip? Either one just delays the inevitable, but the wrong move will kick it off early.

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I still need a 10x to make it but am stuck in an unpumpable shitcoin. Will even the worst performing alts do at least a 10x in the upcoming alt season?

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Linkpool published that whole cope thread but 2 days into May we are trending towards about 90k total tx (vs.134k last month) and $60k-70 revenue (vs. $133k last month which was already 50% down from the previous month).

I look at the explorer every day and easily 70% of main net tx are Xswap points farming and since they're about to do their airdrop you can imagine that shit is going to fall off a cliff. The other 30% is some other wallet idk what it is. But I've only ever seen 2 wallets on main net basically 2 dapps using CCIP.

AAVE said they're not launching their CCIP thing for at least 2-3 years from now.

What the fuck.
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CCIP is not dying you retard.
I already expected this month to have a good chance of having less txs than last month. It's a new service, there will be spikes in usage - but the main thing we're looking for is growth over time. Even if we're down on this month, the overall trend is still up. Adoption takes time and GA just happened literally not that long ago. After GA it takes time for new projects to start developing on it, and then they have to take time for test net, and then they can finally go live.
Look at the CCIP explorer at any time, typically about 3 out of the the 5 txs shown will be testnet. These will start going live soon.

Your point about lower revenue being lower is a false flag because they recently optimized their pricing structure so you can't fairly compare to the previous months. It's about 4x more efficient now (they can process 4x the transactions for the same total cost). This will only improve adoption in the long run. Even so, if you literally just ZOOM OUT you will see that both transaction count and revenue are trending upwards.
CCIP is only "dying" if you are zoomed in like someone with 2/20 vision.
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Lol, people can already lend WBTC and its 9b mcp. You think anyone is going to give a shit if its non-wrapped BTC? It makes 0 difference.

>the overall trend is still up
The cumulative cant go down by definition. April had half the revenue of March, idk what you're smoking desu, there are multiple alternatives to CCIP. Xswap is a jeet project and the fees are massive compared to transporter. The fact they aren't even plugged into SOL is a big issue too. Chainlink is garbage and I say this as a bagholder.

The whole cope of build it and they will come is nonsense. The only reason to use the CCIP integrated projects will be to farm potential airdrops.
CCIP integration isn't a one and done type of thing my dude.
isn't it though? :}
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am I reading this right bros? did chainlink price feeds on optimism go from basically nothing to 400 million dollars in revenue in march and 100 million last month? that seems kind of insane. is this supposed to be FUD? lol

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Is the 2.7% rule the current standard for retirement spending? Seems I'd need at least 2M to retire frugally.

nope, we're heading into the greatest inflationary depression ever known to man with the end of fiat being the result. 2.7% might have been great 50 years ago though.
Cash is king. Cope harder
It's either that, or 5% if you go by the revised trinity study.
At the end of the day, the lower your SWR, the more likely you'll survive whatever unexpected nonsense the world throws at you. Even that 2.7% rule as crafted has a 5% failure rate.
I'd suggest that, even after you reach your "make it" number, you keep 5% to 10% of your portfolio in Bitcoin, beside the usual stock/bond mix. It would allow you to survive some scenarios where stock/bond portfolios alone would do very poorly, as well as generally improve your portfolio efficiency.

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Really makes you think
This is so stupid. Yes, time moves in a forward direction. 2021/2022 there was a huge employee shortage because companies were hiring like crazy due to cheap money. Now we don't have that and they're actually overstaffed and have been firing people.
Good jobs are for brown people now while whites have to do low paying shit work

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Invest in Argentina, support freedom
Invest in the USA, global leader in finance, politics, technology, and agriculture. America is a safe bet, will be around till the end of time basically. You can extract a lot of value from the american workforce, natural resources, and exceptional spirit.

this was posted by a real American patriot.

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I know this bear of yours took over for a couple hours, but I hope you haven't missed me! Everything comes back to me.
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The crab is the natural state of things.
A state of balance and harmony.
Bitcoin is a stablecoin that tends to infinity.

>Bitcoin is a stablecoin that tends to infinity.
Just like that time it went from 20k to 4k, correct? Zoom out, bwo. Crab is life, crab IS infinity.
Thank you crabigator

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Institutions and boomers are buying in thanks to ETFs. The strongest narrative should be legitimate crypto adoption and projects that enable it. So why did influencers and VCs decide to pump memes instead of utility coins? It made sense last cycle because of retail stimulus checks, but memes pumping the most this bullrun is just retarded and shortsighted.
btc isn't crypto, this is legitimizing btc

all other crypto is bullshit and that is going to become more and more obvious throughout this cycle.
>"legitimizing" cycle
NOBODY gives a fuck about what the bureaucrats and lawmakers think
Fink had to strongarm the SEC to get his shit legalized, devs are still on thin ice, specially privacy related projects
crypto does not bend over at all
if anything, we are seeing signs of people changing sides, as you're seeing with blackrock
not even that they give a single shit about what we're doing, but they don't want to be left holding the fiat bag of toxic waste

also, VCs are not really pumping anything right now
this year is mostly about celestia, monad, layer0, eigenlayer and some other "eth alignment meme shit"
when VC money actually pours in, these projects will be at the top10

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this will greatly increase the diversity of chainlink hodlers
look at the other shitcoins in the list
5 extremely popular normie coins? seems very bullish. since link is the complete opposite of popular normie coin there must be another reason they listed it.

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Is he trustworthy
he comes in peace

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is he sad that meme coins stole the limelight away from the VC coins? and VCs didn't make any money this cycle?

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Anyone here ever have a fear for spending money? How did you get over it? Assume I'm talking about small discretionary purchases here, not essentials.
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just find a job and make a comfortable wage (whatever that is for you) and what normally are financially irresponsible decisions you will be able to make without being nervous about them.
i try to spend as little as possible because i dont have a job but even when i did i still spent as little as possible apart from buying more fast food and alcohol

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