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So this nigger just goes and abandons FTM to make another new shitcoin called S (as in Sonic). It's officially fucking over FTM sissys
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Does anyone remember when Andre had just launched Yfi and Sergey let him on Smartcon as one of the top 5 speakers (I think it was the first Smartcon lol)

And this madlad proceeded to not show his face on zoom and take the piss out of the entire space and calling out the shitcoin casino in front of everyone?

Man those were the days
This dude only comes back during bull runs
To extract more wealth from his cucked followers then dips out lol
I ran 10 validators and just dumped my 500k FTM on bybit. Two proposals to increase the max supply, on top of the 9-figure FTM sell pressure, because guess what? You need real $$$ to pay for business development and infrastructure.

You can't even sell 500k FTM on-chain into a stablecoin without facing 20% slippage. Go fuck yourself AC and your moron foundation. I am done. Everything feels so fucking shady, and now this shit.
ticker S is unique, Andre being originaal again

post coins to buy on fantom

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if i cash out 6k in eth will i be flagged by my bank?
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Anyone know which banks are crypto-friendly? (Pref. Chicago area.) I keep hearing stories about banks closing accounts as soon as anyone does anything with a crypto exchange.
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Welp you are a loser!
I want that cat
I'm wondering the same thing
>t Germanon
First Republic bank.

>be Canadian rentoid
>can't afford a home because they've all been bought by foreigners
>rent a house from a foreign landlord
>he doesn't pay his taxes
>you have to pay them for him

Tough luck rentoid
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What are you going to do about it? Nothing? Okay, then it’s morally okay to exploit you.
Well said.
Yeah, imagine all those horrible hospitals and transport links and schools and sanitation plants you had to endure. Things are gonna get much better now that a hundred indians can squat in those houses and shit on the streets without building a single goddamn thing.

In 10 years, you'll look fondly on those Europeans.
just dont rent from brown people, problem solved.
clearly why the government implemented this law.
Canada is basically just a shithole now, and the Indians aren't helping. Niether feather nor dot.

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If Swift and DTCC use CCIP the token will be worth ~30 cents. Being generous here if dtcc and swift settle 1 trill$ txns per annum and 70% supply locked up in nodes or staking and link is only worth 30 cents in fees. The fundamental value is that, I understand speculation etc... Check my Homework if you want.

Transaction Volume: We'll use the hypothetical annual transaction volume of $1 trillion processed through CCIP.
Transaction Fee: Assuming a 0.1% transaction fee for using CCIP, payable in LINK tokens.
Staking Percentage: We'll assume a certain percentage of LINK tokens are staked by node operators. Let's say 70% of LINK tokens are staked.
Token Demand: The demand for LINK tokens will be driven by the need to pay transaction fees and secure the network through staking.

Estimation Process:
Total Transaction Fees Paid in LINK Tokens:

Transaction fees = Transaction volume * Transaction fee rate
Total transaction fees paid in LINK = Transaction fees * (100% - Staking percentage)
Average LINK Demand per Transaction:

Average LINK demand per transaction = Total transaction fees paid in LINK / Total number of transactions

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OP was math-baiting fud, of course. I don't mind, though, since it stimulates an interesting convo about the token value and revenue generated.
We are going to make it (WAGTMI).
oh mama imagine this happen this year
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that's off too due to how link will end up being locked in nodes and what not, estimate is 70% off market so to speak.

Also that 2.5 quadrillion is the value of assets moved, not the fees generated. they at best generated 2 bills or so in profit Don't mix the two, they are completely separate. Moving 1 btc/eth or 50,000 btc/eth is the same txn costs, so that 2.5 quadrillion in essence could be all settled at once at the end of the year in theory for just the cost of 1 CCIP txn. Not likely but you get the idea if we scale a bit, no?
I'm assuming 100% is locked in nodes and just calculating the earnings per link with my math. I made it pretty clear that 2.5 quadrillion is the value moved and since you'd earn about $.63/link in fees from $1trillion transacted then I just multiplied that by 2500 to match the 2.5 quadrillion the DTCC settles. I also clearly showed how I got to $.63 from a total of $630 milllion in fees from each $1 trillion moved. Regardless of whether its 1 txn or 10 million as I specified the total fees are the same. I just showed it for posterity's sake.
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>LINK is currently $16
>according to my calculations If Swift and DTCC begin using Chainlink, LINK will go to 30 cents?

idk op I think maybe there is an error in your equation

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Lads need your help.
My GF is 30k in credit card debt cause she's an idiot.
She makes 70k a year under the table.
She still is hardly making a dent

Ive heard people have success with calling the bank and offering a third to settle the debt, with the consequences that it will hurt her credit.

Any ideas here?
How bad will it actually hurt her credit?
The way I look at it, I might be wise to just let her take the credit hit and take the cash she keeps making under the table.
Also she owns a car that's paid off.
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I understand that line of questioning, but dealing with one thing at a time.

She lived on her own for years taking care of her mother, she's learned a lot, and she makes more money now

I'm just trying to be clever on how to handle it.
Unironically, do the sam hyde technique.
What does that entail my good man?

To elaborate on my thinking..
Let's say..

I have 50k saved up and make 100k a year
I'll be buying the house and marrying her, etc
She is goin to make 70k under the table

She has 30k in debt that she's having trouble getting out of due to interest rates and regular expenses keeping her around Zero savings..
If she can pay 10k to these banks and have 5 to 10 years of bad credit, and get rid of 30k debt..
Do you think I should go down that road?
Cash out her 401k to pay off as much as she can. She probably had one and didn't know what it was. Afterwards, you need to take control of all of her money. Give her a specific budget, cash only. When it's gone, it's gone. The Britney method.
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Settling a credit card balance for less than the full amount can indeed hurt her credit score, but I'm not sure how big the effect is. And maybe her bank won't agree to a settlement anyway.

She can probably pay the balance the old-fashioned way, through some combination of: living frugally, canceling subscriptions, selling possessions, selling investments, getting another job, etc. She's probably not doing this as much as she could.

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>shitcoins are not engineered to kill central banking, they are engineered to transfer your money to a few insiders, preminers, scammers and venture capitals - they will cashout and dump on you
>FIATs like USD/EUR/GBP are all fake, printed out of thin air, unlimited supply, permanently bleeding SHIT-CURRENCIES
>BTC is engineered to attract (futile) attacks by central bankers, governments, mainstream media, keynesians and parasites cause it makes them all irrelevant
>BTC has no top cause all FIATs have no bottom
>NEVER USE DERIVATIVES like futures and options, they are just USD-only trading on fake paper-BTC, they dilute the supply canceling the scarcity effect, kill the price discovery, and help market manipulators to keep the price down with naked short selling
>when you keep your money inside an EXCHANGE you are getting SCAMMED with FRACTIONAL RESERVE and you are exposed to risk of CONFISCATION
>NO KEYS NO PARTY, use hardware wallets, move your coins into cold storage, BACKUP your keys/seed
>NEVER TRUST CENTRALIZED PARTIES (exchanges, banks, custodial services, lending platforms, centralized shitcoin wraps like WBTC)
>CBDC (central bank digital currencies) are a SCAM, central bank rugpulls, they will lose value even faster, kill your privacy, restrict your ability to freely spend your money
>don't try to time the market, 50% crashes are normal, do not leverage, 2X long leveraged traders will get wiped out
>DO NOT SHORT, LONG LEVERAGE, SWING (or you will lose it all)
>BTC is not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a don't-get-poor-slowly scheme
>run a full Bitcoin Core node, don't trust, verify

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Hi all.

I feel bad for you guys always losing money no matter what y'all do. Starting Monday (5/13/2024), I will be posting my trades for free whenever I can.

I will be posting 2 categories of trades: Crypto and Stocks.

For Crypto, I will be posting crypto futures.

for Stocks, I will be posting scalps / swing trades.

In either case I'll try to post what my TP's / SL's are.
WR is between 70-90% depending on the month and state of the market.

I am NOT asking for compensation, all this info is free to view for anyone.

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thank you sar
the end of the month I get smut money, on 5th get my wagie salary and then i'm game

No more scalps for the day. Just going to hold my long positions over the weekend. Have a good day y'all, ask me anything if you need.
J chill
why dont you do a daily live stream
get a Sergey mask and shirt if your scared
dont forget to have a bag of McDonalds with you

no, i prefer to keep my privacy

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Ok, where do I short this shit
Any FX exchange will do. Thanks for the money!
the stock market

i dont think he knows what FX means
tell him lol
I would but i gotta run
Search for investrology guide to shorting.
You're welcome

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Buy Land. Own A Home. Create More Value Than You Consume.
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Fair enough. I still prefer my arrangement to a direct landlord, in a shithole urban hell, surrounded by criminals and concrete.

what is your better alternative?

I'll take my 10 acres in the country "rented" from the government, growing my own food, living in peace, as my best 2nd choice.
Renting in a 95% white area and keeping your NW in liquid assets that can't be seized by a government aka self-custody Bitcoin.

rent on a 2B1BA in my area is 3x what I pay in mortgage for our 3b2ba hoose with 400sqft basement & attached 2 car garage, on 10 acres.

my mortgage payment: $1273
1b1ba gub'ment apartment: $775

I still invest in HYSA, VTSAX, VTI, VOO, ITOT, BBUS etc... and a *tiny amount* of BTC.

But on our homestead, we grow our own food. livestock, vegetable garden & orchard. it is new construction 2022/2023, designed by us. we already have 70% equity and we moved in June of 2023.
My rent for one bedroom is $1400 a month, a condo mortgage of the same is $2600 and a single family home mortgage is $4600. 96% white town. Go for it if you wanna larp as a homesteader but in ten years even the most based states are gonna be blue shitholes, no point of tying yourself to a location in the west.

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do you ever wonder about where chainlink will be 25 years from now?
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i won't be alive
There was a great thread on /pol/ a few days ago. Apparently YouTube has a shitload of "transparent dress tryons" videos where OnlyFans sluts are showing off their nipples and slits. Example:

I wouldn't say ETH works all that well. It's a sixth-grade science fair project that keeps changing as it goes.

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Is passport broing just simple market economics? How does /biz/ feel about this geo-arbitrage of dating markets?
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yuro women are just as bad, they only appear better due to language barrier
Can't give you children though.
Not true at all. You see normal average looking guys with pretty girls in Europe, this is unheard of in the US. You need to be super rich or black for a pretty girl to want to talk to you in the US. You have no idea how good you eurofags have it. I'm a burger and spent time in Europe and it was literally like paradise compared to what I was used to.
The trick to dating white women is being non-white lol, you don't even need to be black they hate white men so much they'd rather date anyone else even ugly men as long as they aren't white.
I see more attractive girls working at the supermarket here in Sweden

They are going to mention Shiba in the news
imagine the media reporting on my favorite shitcoins

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>you stupid fucks were saved by one of the largest global players in financial infrastructure, who do quadrillions of volume every year, releasing a pilot report that absolutely fawned over Chainlink to the point of dedicating an entire appendix to raving about how good Chainlink is and how many applications it could have down the line
yes that's right
They were saved by Chainlink, really.
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>I wouldn’t be able to live knowing how smug linkies would be.

this is the only reason i still come to /biz/.


Nobody knows the time of the price singularity. But when it happens, everyone will know. All across the world, voices will echo "..what's wrong? Is everything ok?"

A few vehicular accidents will occur seemingly for no reason. Several pilots, delivery drivers, and one pajeet who forgot to close a submarine hatch will all last be seen yelling at their phones.

Binance will crash. Everyone scrambling to buy LINKs will see 404. Etherdelta will become so overwhelmed with traffic it will slow to a halt. It will become unusable.

The only orders that will happen will be buy orders that have already been placed.

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This isn't sustainable. $17.85 + tax for a quick lunch. How are people going to survive? What's gonna happen when everyone is broke? Somethings gotta give, what'll it be? Rent prices?
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If u eat this kind of crap regularly you are fat enough to fast for a week. That will save you some money.
I think that making a small farm is not such a bad idea, although there is also the option of only eating 2 meals a day, I cut expenses when I want something specific, I mean, now I have a couple of bags that I keep an eye on in dexview for something
just make your own food nigga holy fuck meat and shit isn't even expensive. sure it sucks cuz itll take you like half an hour or more to make a decent meal but just watch tiktok while you do it or whatever. cook so you can eat for 2/3 days at a time.
Biden will fix this if you give him another four years! He will allow another ten million Latin American illegal immigrants to flood in, thereby giving taco trucks bargaining power with their employees, reducing wages, and letting you pay for lunch more easily!

Sorry about the brain tapeworms you'll get from them wiping their asses on the tortillas. But that's ok, ObamaCare is there for you!
Recipe and process?

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Would you unironically buy dash in 2024?

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Where are you on the journey?

(Business and financially speaking)

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no cage for me
no wage cage for me
no wage cage for me

SUCK IT BEZOS NO WAGE CAGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Time to go back to tending my crops

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Here's the full sized one, OP.

Let me just preface this by saying I don't know shit about economics, I'm just some guy.
I've lived in 2 houses in the same middle class midwestern neighborhood for about a decade now. Houses are mostly 3 bedrooms with some 4s. They're all about 30 years old and most are well kept. It's pretty nice honestly and it would take a lot to get me to leave.
Anyway our town became a real boom town a few years back (it makes and even tops those "best town in America" lists you see) and people really want to move here now.
In the past few years, house prices have skyrocketed. They've gotten out of control really, my first house sold for 150k over what we paid for it and is probably worth even more than that though. Prices SEEM to have slowed down at least but they're are still climbing
Despite the housing prices becoming unreasonable, the people who are moving into them honestly do NOT look like they can afford them. I know I'm making a lot of assumptions on my part here but that's the vibe I get. They definitely do not take very good care of their yard and house at least.
I just remember the last time there was a housing finance crisis, there were TONS of houses in a middle class neighborhood similar to mine that went under because of the subprime loans and what not. Could that be happening again?
Alternatively, these could all just be rentals...which would be another problem. Our HOA does not limit the number of rentals and I could see that getting out of hand.
No. It's not going to crash midwit. Grow up
Nigger they can affford them or they would be put out in months

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>you will never again be able to accumulate $60 LTC's
>LTC will be $1300 at the end of the year thanks to Grayscale and Blackrock
>LTC still shown as one of the default coins on CNN Business, FOX Business and CNBC despite low marketcap
>Daily transactions and usage is at the same level of BTC and has been for a while. This is exactly how BTC started it's initial growth, through USAGE of its application.
This is absolute boomer bait and the low mcap is too easy to make gains off of. If you actually don't have atleast the 84 sui stack of LTC you aren't thinking realistically. This is one of the few altcoins that will eventually have a massive pump.
840 is the true goal

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>quit smoking weed
>start praying rosary every night
>portfolio pumps

>start smoking weed again
>quit praying rosary every night
>portfolio dumps

>quit smoking weed again
>start praying rosary again
>portfolio pumps again

Irrefutable proof Christ is king. Alleluia! Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
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I was recently confirmed in the church so I cannot relapse again and receive the Eucharist, unless I go to confession which I don’t want to do.
I think were suppose to go to confession every month regardless
True. I just don’t want to tell my priest I was getting stoned, so I won’t.
Only when youve committed a mortal sin
Every post you make on 4chan is a mortal sin

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