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This isn't sustainable. $17.85 + tax for a quick lunch. How are people going to survive? What's gonna happen when everyone is broke? Somethings gotta give, what'll it be? Rent prices?
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If u eat this kind of crap regularly you are fat enough to fast for a week. That will save you some money.
I think that making a small farm is not such a bad idea, although there is also the option of only eating 2 meals a day, I cut expenses when I want something specific, I mean, now I have a couple of bags that I keep an eye on in dexview for something
just make your own food nigga holy fuck meat and shit isn't even expensive. sure it sucks cuz itll take you like half an hour or more to make a decent meal but just watch tiktok while you do it or whatever. cook so you can eat for 2/3 days at a time.
Biden will fix this if you give him another four years! He will allow another ten million Latin American illegal immigrants to flood in, thereby giving taco trucks bargaining power with their employees, reducing wages, and letting you pay for lunch more easily!

Sorry about the brain tapeworms you'll get from them wiping their asses on the tortillas. But that's ok, ObamaCare is there for you!
Recipe and process?

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Would you unironically buy dash in 2024?

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>be me
>have $10
>goes down 10%
>have $9
>goes up 10%
>have $9.90
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Some nigger stole your gains. Also, fucking CHECKED. Based quints.
that's cool. I'll take it.
>no homo

I never visit /lit/ tho. I hate reading. my boards are /biz/ and /fit/.
the jews did this
wtf where does the 10 cents go?
This is why I laugh when I see people talk about quantum probability waves.

nigger that's not a real thing, that's a probability. my nigger that is an abstraction you're talking about

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Welcome to the new /APU/ discussion general since old one is at 310+ replies as of now.

>latest news
tier 1 listing imminent
>inb4 source
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Good job mate, similar story here, top 15 apu wallet (not selling anytime soon) and about 77k link. Also a big bag of circle, down heavy on that one but still buying kek

loaded up on Ashbie just in case, one of the top wallets.
Ashbie solana right?
>I’ve got almost 2.5b
sell signal.

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Where are you on the journey?

(Business and financially speaking)

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Metal is back baby. Sorry crypto conners, your fake internet money is old hat, people want real currency when it matters.
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Uh huh, still less real world use than crypto tho, which is what you originally argued
Hand me a bitcoin. Prove to me that it even exists.
You are typing this into the void? Or on the internet? Where it can probably be found in 100 years still. I am no specialist on this, but you get my point.
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>i cant touch it so its not real
Prove to me that you exist
Boomer rocks are non tangible assets.

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Cope. BlackCock are slurping as much housing as possible with the money you give them for your 401k
>isn't yet living in his own fully paid off comfy pod
when your children forget your names.
That's the neat part, they won't! Rather, they won't until they do, and when they do, the economy will be crashing and you won't have a job. Yay!
When we reduce aggregate demand by ending immigration and mass deporting shitskins.

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no cage for me
no wage cage for me
no wage cage for me

SUCK IT BEZOS NO WAGE CAGE FOR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Time to go back to tending my crops

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Here's the full sized one, OP.

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>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

>End Game: DTC and NSCC are screwed as the DTC just proved shareholders should Directly Register Shares (DRS)

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PP, Michael, Jake, Famous Variety, and Challenged by Krill are RC's plants. We won and today was the final chance to cover shorts before RC launches the rocket. They were all caught in the most massive bear trap in human history. Kill shot on Monday. MOASS Monday back on the table, boys. They're making a movie because they're sure about our victory. They were for a long time. We're going to be rich beyond our wildest dreams. Look up The Bear Trap movie.
I don't watch pp live stream cuz who has 2 fucking hours of their day to watch some faggot, but I have this screenshot of some random claiming the following in pic rel. It got deleted. I'm not saying buy whatever ticker he's talking about, idk what the fuck that is. GME/BBBY only.
I should have taken better screenshots lol
This was the most intriguing part. Who knows if this trust me bro is legit or not.
I'm not buying the ticker he's talking about and I'm not telling anyone us to do so.
Wait what the fuck i just realized the Warren Buffett part.

He annouced his stake in CHUBB insurance who's on the BBBY bankruptcy dockets

Let me just preface this by saying I don't know shit about economics, I'm just some guy.
I've lived in 2 houses in the same middle class midwestern neighborhood for about a decade now. Houses are mostly 3 bedrooms with some 4s. They're all about 30 years old and most are well kept. It's pretty nice honestly and it would take a lot to get me to leave.
Anyway our town became a real boom town a few years back (it makes and even tops those "best town in America" lists you see) and people really want to move here now.
In the past few years, house prices have skyrocketed. They've gotten out of control really, my first house sold for 150k over what we paid for it and is probably worth even more than that though. Prices SEEM to have slowed down at least but they're are still climbing
Despite the housing prices becoming unreasonable, the people who are moving into them honestly do NOT look like they can afford them. I know I'm making a lot of assumptions on my part here but that's the vibe I get. They definitely do not take very good care of their yard and house at least.
I just remember the last time there was a housing finance crisis, there were TONS of houses in a middle class neighborhood similar to mine that went under because of the subprime loans and what not. Could that be happening again?
Alternatively, these could all just be rentals...which would be another problem. Our HOA does not limit the number of rentals and I could see that getting out of hand.
No. It's not going to crash midwit. Grow up
Nigger they can affford them or they would be put out in months

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>you will never again be able to accumulate $60 LTC's
>LTC will be $1300 at the end of the year thanks to Grayscale and Blackrock
>LTC still shown as one of the default coins on CNN Business, FOX Business and CNBC despite low marketcap
>Daily transactions and usage is at the same level of BTC and has been for a while. This is exactly how BTC started it's initial growth, through USAGE of its application.
This is absolute boomer bait and the low mcap is too easy to make gains off of. If you actually don't have atleast the 84 sui stack of LTC you aren't thinking realistically. This is one of the few altcoins that will eventually have a massive pump.
840 is the true goal

this is the first time in a long, long, LONG, long time that LINK has pumped on news. i'm in disbelief.
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>4pm is when trad markets close
That's not NY time
Well both stocks and crypto sometimes do dump on round time numbers, so I'm not entirely convinced that anything out of the ordinary happened here. What you're proposing is that some guy is sitting all day watching the Chainlink twitter account for any possible news, and was able to open up his crypto exchange and place a Bitcoin sell order, all in the span of a minuite? Seems farfetched.

Got any more examples with the time between news and dump being this close or at least fairly close?
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>Got any more examples with the time between news and dump being this close or at least fairly close?
See this is what I was talking about. BTC was on it's 4th consecutive day of dumping and crabbing. Bitcoin was already on its way down. So it's not as if Chainlink news changed the direction of Bitcoin's price one way or another.
If I wanted to take this infographic at face value, it would appear that if you zoom in, it actually looks like the arrow is pointing at the bottom of a local sell-off. Meaning Chainlink's announcement made Bitcoin go up, if anything.
dont get used to it

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>quit smoking weed
>start praying rosary every night
>portfolio pumps

>start smoking weed again
>quit praying rosary every night
>portfolio dumps

>quit smoking weed again
>start praying rosary again
>portfolio pumps again

Irrefutable proof Christ is king. Alleluia! Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
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I was recently confirmed in the church so I cannot relapse again and receive the Eucharist, unless I go to confession which I don’t want to do.
I think were suppose to go to confession every month regardless
True. I just don’t want to tell my priest I was getting stoned, so I won’t.
Only when youve committed a mortal sin
Every post you make on 4chan is a mortal sin

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surfing the great material continuum edition hehehehe


>Stock market words:

>Risk management:

>Live Bloomberg stream:

>Educational sites:

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at least they're not stinky gme baggies! citadel over everything, fuck the plebs!
literally me. i need nvda to shit earnings so hard that it takes this fraud market with it so i can get a good buy.
where is the ffie exuberance?! we're still up on le heckin weeeeeek!!!!!
RDDT IS BLOWNING UP 4chins where is our stock!?
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I have been accumulating tup since last november. Also schwab forgot to transfer my pattern day trader margin restriction.

>Americans now owe $1.12 trillion on their credit cards, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported Tuesday.
>The average balance per consumer stands at $6,218, up 8.5% year over year, according to a separate quarterly credit industry insights report from TransUnion
> credit card delinquency rates are higher across the board, the New York Fed and TransUnion found. Over the last year, roughly 8.9% of credit card balances transitioned into delinquency, the New York Fed reported.
>According to TransUnion’s research, “serious delinquencies,” or those 90 days or more past due, reached the highest level since 2010
>Overall, an additional 19.3 million new credit accounts were opened in the fourth quarter of 2023, boosted in part by subprime borrowers looking for cards with higher limits, according to Wise. Subprime generally refers to those with a credit score of 600 or below, according to TransUnion.

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>Long 0% intro period or higher cash back?
Cash back. Unless you already have a 2% everything card.

2% everything card (WF active cash/ Citi double cash)
3% from grocery stores & restaurants (capital one savor)
Prime Visa if you use Prime

Simple as.
>annual fee
>devaluing your currency
speak for yourself, nocoiner
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NTA but 3% back and you can just pay it off every time you get paid. I exclusively use my checking account to pay off my reddit lard every two weeks.
Just started a thread here


My GF is 30k in credit card debt cause she's an idiot.
She makes 70k a year under the table.
She still is hardly making a dent

Ive heard people have success with calling the bank and offering a third to settle the debt, with the consequences that it will hurt her credit.

Any ideas here?
How bad will it actually hurt her credit?
The way I look at it, I might be wise to just let her take the credit hit and take the cash she keeps making under the table.
Also she owns a car that's paid off.

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When Litecoin hits $4k each I'll have 12 million dollars
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That's great, I'm not even at 10 yet.
Vox knows everything!

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keep filling your bags
we have a long way up to go
Zombie coin about to have the next etf

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>Talk to my mom
>"I want to invest into Ozempic and Wegovy"
>Ask her with what money
>"With my retirement account"
Is the Ozempic train hitting peak velocity?
Is there much upside left when everyone on the planet already knows about it?
Ticker: NVO
Ozempic is so fucking shitty invest in Eli Lilly instead. Their weight loss drug is better than Ozempic and has no sides

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My future existence depends on $150 LINK.
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of course anon, you just had to break your piggybank and invest it with the money your mom gave you for lunch kekek
fucker looks like he's going zombie mode
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>My future existence depends on $150 LINK.
the future is over rated
so is existence.
massively overvalued for what it is.
Why are you laughing bull

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as long as it works....
Yeah. Can't stomach the retardness of it anymore.
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this is why you buy animals that look stupid as fuck

So this nigger just goes and abandons FTM to make another new shitcoin called S (as in Sonic). It's officially fucking over FTM sissys
Based retard
Does anyone remember when Andre had just launched Yfi and Sergey let him on Smartcon as one of the top 5 speakers (I think it was the first Smartcon lol)

And this madlad proceeded to not show his face on zoom and take the piss out of the entire space and calling out the shitcoin casino in front of everyone?

Man those were the days
This dude only comes back during bull runs
To extract more wealth from his cucked followers then dips out lol
I ran 10 validators and just dumped my 500k FTM on bybit. Two proposals to increase the max supply, on top of the 9-figure FTM sell pressure, because guess what? You need real $$$ to pay for business development and infrastructure.

You can't even sell 500k FTM on-chain into a stablecoin without facing 20% slippage. Go fuck yourself AC and your moron foundation. I am done. Everything feels so fucking shady, and now this shit.
ticker S is unique, Andre being originaal again

post coins to buy on fantom

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