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way better and more entertaining
nah. you're referring to crypto. the stock market actually has market value. with crypto, you're literally betting on imaginary gold and imaginary meme cartoons
The casino doesn't give you a risk premium.
Unless you're talking about yoloing individual stocks in which case you're approximately right.
>purchase a profitable business
>use some of the profits to reinvest and grow the business
>pay myself the rest of the profits in dividends
Yeah it's totally a casino bro. Might as well play roulette instead.
>imaginary meme cartoons
Memecoins are the most honest things in crypto, it doesn't pretend to be anything more unlike "utility" tokens that end up either doing nothing, or providing a solution for a nonexistent issue. Utility tokens are unironically the biggest memes.

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>sold the pepe bottom
>bought the pepe top
I lost all my gains from the past 2 cycles.
Pepe is my biggest gainer

10x over a few months
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buy GAYPEPE on Gate.io 580k mcap only
The transfer of wealth is complete. Thanks for playing.
that's why you don't sell at a loss, therefore you always sell at a profit
pretty basic stuff, bud

Stupid fuck baggies!
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For me its massively declining YoY revenue and lack of profitability
You got rugpulled! LOL
If this wasn't obvious for the past ten years, I doubt it would become apparent now.
what did he mean by this?
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Look how cocky gme tards became

No doubt he did not sell and his 100k is now worth 30k at most

is it true people get rich by drawing simple lines on the charts?
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They do draw lines and the do get rich, but these two things are not correlated. Gamblers will always resort to odd habits and tics to give themselves luck and make themselves feel better.
sure but not from trading
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did on VINU
it went parabolic
it does work
I don't think so, I mean if I could barely make certain gains by looking at charts in dexview I don't think you can do much by making lines in paint

He sold at 13.8$ now he is going into memes pfff hazhaghahahahha, he might have been the sacrifice we needed for the singularity
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>10-11 million USD locked up in something called Solidly until 2028
That guy is fucking retarded if he thinks that platform/dex will survive until even 6 months from now.
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Rather him than me
that article isn't about maren it's about some random guy
Okayeg is a good play desu, frogs will do well this cycle, and it really is the best meme on Base...everything else is just a blue version of something.

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>link is pumping?
>dump btc.
>it's not working?
>pump btc.
you know what's coming next...
Doge to .21 and then everything dumps

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Is there a way to get 2 bucks on paypal instantly?

This is literally all I need and the only shit I can find is survey scam sites that you need a threshold of like 5 bucks that will take hours and hours on end to reach...
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Suck 200 dicks for 1c each
Sure, just be someone that isn’t poor.
Transfer $2 from your bank account.
What's your square anon
that's alot of bbc

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This shit is literally the top performer on my watchlist every day with no discernable news or actual network usage. It's still just another vaporware ghostchain as far as I can see. Is it just VC fuckery?
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>Wow a heckin wallet
you didn't check
not a fursona
he's shilling near main meme
i like your posts op.
>it doesn't do anything so it will go down as soon as the market realizes that
you're smart enough to put the rest together, you're smart enough to know that's not how the chart works.
you're not all a michael burry film character. make your play when the market changes, and then short the vaporware to oblivion.
I thought that's what PYTH was for
It is his fursona. They adopted it as the mascot because it's his fursona. It's disgusting.

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Previously >>58411815

We're back, comfier than before

>Buy XRP on:
Coinbase, Binance, CoinMetro, etc

>Why hold XRP?
>Newfag Tutorial:

>XRPL Guide:
>XRPL Explorer:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Fucking bich basterds
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Thank you for calling. XRP is worth so much more now sers. Can I be helping you to withdraw your moneys?

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just cope


more like this, 100k end of year
I wouldn't expect that much from super but maybe more like 3$ eoy 2024
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maybe I'll buy me some
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doge is gonna thrive after real dog dies, then it will dump again....
FTM to $10

DUA to $5

SOL to $300

BLXM to $1

Thoughts anon?

there are actually people out there who still hold "legit" alts and refuse to buy meme coins.....HHAHAHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA
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Aping into Push PNK like nobody's business. Those timely Metamask pings are gonna make me bank.
Don't get me wrong, I still throw some tendies at memecoins. Easiest way to getrichquick
>who still hold "legit" alts
research Ankr, Helium, Nuklai and Fet noob, better to catch the next moonshot at the bottom before it takes off
>Stacking sats on these hidden gems, gonna be early for the nextbullrun
That doesn't include the 90% rugs though
I’m up 50x this year on memecoins. Zero chance you’re doing that with alts.
The memecoins I profited the most from are SBC and Kirby. I put my profits into DUA and FTM, which are two of my solid gems for the bull run. I'm using the Brillion smart wallet, and the Sonic upgrade for Fantom is also bullish.

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0.045 BTC is ETH Fibonacci golden pocket (bottom)
You've been warned.
Whats wrong with ur eye
All he sees is green

>never sell
>never make any money under any circumstances, ever
My favorite is when people post that about shit coins. At least you can say "well muh long term investment" with a stock, but a shit coin will pump and dump on one day and never move again and you'll have people in biz saying "hahaha I'm just never selling" as if anyone wanted to buy their bags.

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i would probably pass away from laughing too hard. i'd have wasted all of my 20s going to school and wageslaving for nothing. my life would have been one big joke, but at least i'd finally be let in on the joke.
so do you hold or not
I mean are you packing some big blue hexagons beneath the belt, bucko?
yep, for the last 6 years
How does $25 end of bullrun sound?
I kinda feel that way about bitcoin except I needed a job to buy bitcoin. If I had bought in 2009 when I first heard about it I'd be stupid fucking rich. Although I probably would have lost it all since it was my experience with poverty that shaped me into who I am today.

If chainlink moons I'll be laughing with you since I only hold a suicide stack as a meme. I'M NEVER FUCKING SELLING IT lol

I can feel the sun in face this summer
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>tfw last big unlock was over a month ago
Only up from here ic-chads

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I made some profits and now I can throw 2k without taking a big hit.
I am thinking of aping all of it on AVI. thoughts?
You should listen to romanian that writes on avr 70 posts per avi thread and who sold literal bottom aka last sell before recovery started. Man is really high IQ lol
avi would also be my choice, especially since you want something for the long term and not a memecoin shitter gamble.
the current price is ripe as fuck for an entry too

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is it gun go up?
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Dead vapourware.
Reminds me of Vesta, only Vesta goes up
never trust any alt that wipes the chart.
You got chinked boy
Imagine fading the official blockchain of the UFC™

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Day 1029 of snailposting every day until BTC is at 100k
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It just will, okay?
Understood :) have a good day
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Big green candle tomorrow just watch.
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i am with you mumen rider
This and based.

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>finish college
>get law degree
>don't know anything at all about being a lawyer
>if someone hired me tomorrow to go sue someone else or defend them in a criminal case I have ZERO clue how to do it, I don't know what forms to fill, the step by step process on how to get through a criminal case, how to request stuff from a judge, how a judge is chosen to preside over a case etc.
>literally cannot work because i dont know anything, cant take any clients
>shell out big $$ to get into Criminal Law masters program hoping maybe i will finally learn how to do lawyer stuff
>approaching the end of my first semester
>studying stuff like, "opposing philosophical standpoints from 1920s German philosophers on whether or not attempts to commit a crime should be punished as harshly as a fully consummated crime"
>"If a man breaks into someone's house without causing any damage, fails to find anything to steal and leaves, locking the door on his way out, and the owner never realizes his home was broken into, should he be punished, and why?"

Am I getting scammed? these are some very expensive classes too. My dream was to fight injustice and help people who are falsely accused. Wtf is this stupid shit
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Yeah in what shithole does OP live in
>"If a man breaks into someone's house without causing any damage, fails to find anything to steal and leaves, locking the door on his way out, and the owner never realizes his home was broken into, should he be punished, and why?"
Yes for trespassing.
i don't have the same field as you but I was feeling in the same situation as you
there is nothing better than experience
i even felt that my studies were useless when I could have learned much more within 6 month experience

you aren't scammed, that's how studies are
now look for exeprience asap, that's all you really need

gl anon
Trespassing isn't important. The point of the question is to discuss what should be given more weight- the intention the criminal had or the damage he caused. There is no correct answer. It's all vague nebulous bullshit.
i dont understand how people work. you pass tests at school like an autist (I didnt because studying sucks) so you get to some place and get shit done but you cant since its imposible since everything is too complex
i was making 20k a month from youtube and now making 0 and i want to kill myself but i will first gamble my savings

fucking retarded world. i will never work while retards like xqc or that nigger gai cenat make trillions being neet fucking retard shit scam faggots sit i need millions doing nothing everything else is a scam understand

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