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FoP is coming back. Cosmo and Wanda replace Timmy for a black girl. Timmy ends up as the fat loser from the episode he wishes to be an adult rather than a handsome Chad like in Channel Chasers.
>According to an official logline, “The Fairly OddParents: A New Wish” follows “ten-year-old Hazel Wells [who] has just moved to the big city of Dimmadelphia because of her dad’s new job. On top of being in an unfamiliar environment, it’s the first time she’s been without her brother, Antony, who’s just left for college, leaving her lonely and unsure of herself. All that changes when the pink-and-green-haired neighbors next door reveal that they are no ordinary neighbors…they’re Cosmo and Wanda, Fairy Godparents! And they’re coming out of retirement to make all of Hazel’s wishes come true.”
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nick really needs to just let that show die.
I think it looks great especialy in movement.
>Can't put her in a harmful situation like with an abusive murderous babysitter.

>Her shit is that's she's lonely and unsure about her life.

Fucking coddling bullshit
There's gonna be outrage about loser Timmy and his black female replacement, and maybe for Cosmo and Wanda's recycling instead of giving new beloved fairy(ies) a shot. None of that matters to me though. What matters is this looks like dogshit. Unnervingly flat yet rounded design with horrible lighting. It also just looks kinda cheap model-wise. If the visuals are done right, honestly I'm entirely on board for a reboot. If said reboot ends up shit or boring or unfunny or even the ever terrifying "woke" then it won't even bug me because FOP has been ass for years anyway.
I don't at all doubt that being the motivation behind this choice but wouldn't a mean babysitter just make this even more of an unneeded rehash? Besides not every kid in need of fairies has to have the same misery. Timmy's shitty life has to be some flavor of special right?

Modern audiences prefering Magneto to Xavier says everything about the current state of race relations.
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I would rather have unregulated capitalism and earn what is owed to me instead of giving it away to people that crossed the border illegaly. What's the opposite of capitalism? Guess you like it your tax money is freely given to illegals.
Seems a lot more apt than that stupid MLK/Malcom X comparison. I have a friend who was raised under that Black Muslim BS and he had nothing nice to say about it since he moved out. The only problem with this comparison is that most blacks generally don't really care about Farrakhan or defer to him in any way, whereas Magneto has the X-Men and damn near the entirety of mutantdom falling hook, line, and sinker for his crap.
What if you don’t earn what is owed to you because your employer is taking the majority of the value you produce for himself?
Magneto's motives changes depending on how he's written. Dunno much about comic Magneto but in the 90's cartoon, I remember him as that guy who built an asteriod for mutants to live on free from human persecution. He wanted to take everyone by force and some mutants didn't want to go because they had human parents. He even took in criminal mutants which put him in a bad light. It wasn't only in later incarnations where they depicted him wanting to kill humans to protect mutants.

I'm surprised 97 isn't as nuanced as the 90's one. Where are the humans protesting "mutants are humans too." Where are the reports of human family members demanding justice for the death of their mutant child that was visiting Genosha during the master mold attack?
Then start your own business and be your own boss. That's the beauty of capitalism.

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i love this dyke
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She didn't have to do that to him.
that was just her imagination
Women wrote these.
Rear shot of Charlie thigh deep in a lava bath
Husk’s voice was sexy.

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This guy can solve any argument about racial coding in animal characters because he's just so obviously black that any attempt to deny it is just silly.
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Yes the threads may look low quality but unicorncally most of the posts in these type of tawog threads actually talk about the show

Since most Gumfags fags are waiting for the movie and season 7 if that ever comes around

But if they do you might see the rise of Gumball threads that actually talks about the show

The thread literally talked about Darwin race, of course it wouldnt be a TAWOG discussion you stupid faggot


Well you are most certain acting as if one
no reason to call me a stupid faggot when i wasn't even talking to you or anything about your race argument or whatever

Then leave you dumb fucking bitch
While continuing my post>>143456467

Do you honestly believe most gumfags in /co/ watched every single ep or know anything about Gumball? Most of them are clipwatchers at best and just out of context vids from twitter, reddit, and youtube

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Is the White Lotus a Government backed Private Interest Group. It formed under the reign of Firelord Azulon after Iroh defacted from his family to go and become a member and the defacto leader of the group but that money has to come from somewhere

In the original series I could see a sizable chunk of funds coming from Piandao since he's a master swordsman who lives in a palace and Bumi who lived to see 4 different Firelord Generations and also lives in a palace.

But Jeong Jeong was fucking destitute and so was Iroh before making a little bit of money in Ba Sing Se. In Korra, where is that funding coming from? Is it Reparation money given to Tenzin from the Fire Nation?
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Thats not exactly made clear since the Air "nation" isnt really a nation anymore its more a religious order and if they leaned into that that is a tax exempt that will allow them reparation money

I can imagine people who were living under Fire Nation rule during Zuko's rise to power are now pissed because instead of their money going directly to the war effort they have to pay money to the people they were originally trying to genocide

Also, Ba Sing Se as shown in S3 wants nothing to do with Republic City and especially the Air Nation since it was Aang, an Air Bender who exposed the corruption in Ba Sing Se which Aang never got around to fixing since that was when the Fire Nation took control of the city
I'm reading the wiki and its started as a small group from before kyoshi that evolved into a secret society well before iroh was born, it was already an independant thing that surely has its own way of financing itself. Iroh was just one of the top dog in the association.
Iroh mooched a lot of money off his nephew and the gullible twit who ran the earth kingdom, then used it to form a banking monopoly that keeps the lower rings of ba sing se in perpetual debt slavery.
Thats what I meant, I seem to remember at the start of the show we see the fire nation, water nation and republic city in good terms at the surface at least. and when we see the earth kingdom it shows not everyone got a good deal off it. Pretty sure we learn republic city was made from a large portion of the earth kingdom

He must have gained entry after they found out about him sparing the last dragons living among the mortal plane since the Dragon Dance is a sacred technique that would need to be historically recorded for the upper elite of fire benders after Zuko to learn

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Mama... I miss you big.
ohohododheowdlplpdlwoewlhoowh CHRISTMAWWWS

Boys who watch Transformers only want one thing, and it's fucking disgusting.
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it may not be that one with the big ol legs, buti have this. i think i have Arachnid but im not sure. snagged it before the maker had a shitfit and dltd em on da
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TF One is unrelated to Earthspark.
Yes but he was talking about the whole franchise and I meant that they'll try for a new direction with the franchise if TF one fucks up amd probably even with the earthspark successor too. Or even earthspark itself who knows.
Nice two primes
I'l be honest
I didn't even know about Earthspark until the TF:One trailer dropped and people said the artstyle looked like Earthspark's
And honestly, looking at images of the show, good god what the hell

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This board really doesn't talk about classic Disney cartoons enough. Black and white stuff is obviously great, and the Silly symphonies was the shit. And Donald and goofy are obviously kino.
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Modern Disney =/= Classic Disney
Disney was always your cute and simple (and a bit experimental) studio. Loony tunes were the "edgy" ones, who were willing to tell more mature jokes, and get more violent. That, naturally, makes LT more popular. It also doesn't help that Disney rarely ever acknowledges there older cartoons, besides merchandise (obviously). You'll never see them show an older Disney cartoon in front of Disney plus. The only time they acknowledge there old cartoons is when they make a 2 minute advertisement for something.
Why did we have this interest too fuck anthropomorphic animals?

Doug is still doing disneycember? Is he like...remaking his reviews? If he is, it doesn't shock me that he's adding shitty jokes into them. Probably gives him a little more recognition then he already has.
And when the animators attempted to shift gears with the whole "We've made too many damn Fantasyland movies, let's do some Adventureland and Tomorrowland ones" wave around the turn of the Millennium, they ended up getting rejected because people had gotten so content with the Renaissance musical formula.
Disneycember expanded into covering all the properties Disney bought.

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what are your thoughts on velma dace dinkley?
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It's a fish
>Five regular fingers
She only has one bad portrayal
We need a chubby girls thread here.
I never found her attractive physically and never liked her more than Daphne visually. I've found the loud crowing of how hot her and frumpy dumpy nerd girls like her since 2015 to be quite annoying and contrarian, but will admit the (very offmodel and innacurate) art makes a good case for why some find her attractive. But she never was.

They are gonna recreate Agent Aika with kitty katswell:

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A month or so, it's a exercise to improve our animation techniques for Loona episodes and to eventually create something new with this updated style (no, we don't use AI)
wouldn't have been better to discuss this at /trash/?
Why did you bump this shit thread that was on the last page? Fuck you. Let this shitty furry thread used to advertise this shit head's furry porn animation die already. Get cancer and die.
Still cartoon and comics…plus all the characters we are gonna use are popular here and are pretty much dead anyways
>oh cool a decent fan /co/nte...it's just porn
Imagine my disappointment

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>words words words words
Fuck off, not reading it, Jesus was the son of God and died for our sins on the cross and was resurrected to be at His right hand, and will return one day
There is nothing further to discuss, either believe it in your heart or don't, I can't do anything to help you after you reach that point
It's just "Funny comic from this artist about Catholic school girls being horny for Jesus"
As an ogrecel I can't even get that "short fling" you talk of so dismissively.
If I could even get a few one night stands my self esteem would unironically shoot through the roof, & I would actually feel like a normal person.
Also actual dating sites are very much a thing, although I guess you'll come up with some sort of excuse for that as well.
>highest influx of blackpill incels
Keep coping, you sensitive little retard
The last time I asked a girl out, I was expelled from school & almost became a sex offender because she lied & said that I tried to rape her (this was in 6th or 7th grade) I have only grown uglier since then & the west more hostile to sub average men who think they have a chance with non tranny women. But yes. Ok
I should risk getting arrested or worse, because there might be a slim chance that a woman who could 100% do better than me (even uglies can get normies) might not immediately reject me?

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I can fix her
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Ugh thats her worst pic
>When they draw characters from other shows, they're off-model and in their own style. Some try to claim that it's an artistic choice, but the truth is that most of them lack the skills to do anything else.
Ah you tricked me into reading your off model rant. Let people post what they want.
Amphibia is better than Owl House
No it’s not
Dana Turdrace is a hack and her garbage owl house show deserved the cancelation.

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Prev >>143425509
Mego yang appreciation thread edition
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Post the absolute worst event comic runs to have ever come out.
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Its not the worst event ever written, but its arguably the one that had the longest-lasting damage to Marvel
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The event works if cap is proreg and it's the military and Shield butting into the supers community
As bad as Civil War was, nothing has hurt Marvel nearly as badly as being owned by Disney. The goodness left Marvel the minute they sold their soul to the Mouse.
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all of you are wrong.
watch this.
So weird to think that this was what drew me into comics in the first place and how I feel about it now. Still love the art.

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Are you feeling it now
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Why would a R63 version of Spongebob be arbitrarily younger?
>Spongebob has 374 (consecutive) employee of the month awards

Bare minimum he's over 30
>grown ass man

Does OP's picture resemble a male?!
that's not fry cook appropriate attire

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