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So is anyone else glad this got purged? The world doesn't need yet another unfunny low-effort "what if humans and cartoons... together??!" film. The world needs to admit that Who Framed Roger Rabbit is never going to happen again and move on.
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Asking to me to "change the laws" as if I have any power or our legislators give a shit. Fuck off, idiot.
>as if I have any power or our legislators give a shit
No shit. And you also don't have 100 million dollars to pay Warner Bros for the movie. So stop whining.
I would like that change, actually.
So should the rest of America. Every business should be doing simple accounting.
Honestly the level of caring of is the same. It's just that we're in a stage of the internet where you just have more people giving that same level of care.

The difference now and then is a lack of balance between emotion and logic. Your statement is completely true about how the industry destroys movies, but the issue is that the people in an outrage will never know that. They will only read the headline now. Maybe you'll have some of the more inquisitive types look up the industry. The issue becomes that there aren't that many people out there willing to educate the unwashed masses (retards) about this issue. Even then you'll have grifters act like educators and cry about the culture war when in reality it's about investors and profits.

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The show will premiere in 2025 https://deadline.com/2024/05/iyanu-voice-cast-revealed-animated-superhero-series-1235921737/
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I'm all for action cartoons but Cartoon Network has zero edge unironically. Especially if they're not moving it to Adult Swim like their other recent kid cartoons, it feels like that just means it's extra safe.
I wonder if 26 episodes will be enough to adapt all three graphic novels. I hope it doesn't do the mistake Cleopatra in Space did and add so much filler they didn't get to adapt everything else.
Makes sense. Women aren't strong enough to handle melee weapons
A bow and especially a drawn bow is very yonic
Compared to a sword or gun which are both phallic
The blacker the better.

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For a cartoon most people dropped back in season one, a certain show who shall not be named is generating a bunch of suspiciously worded threads despite no one posting in any of them. If I didn't know better I'd think someone was trying really hard to push a boring neopuritan flop on us.

Anyways, /co/ butts thread. Viva la resistance.
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I don't have the original drawing of Fionna and Cake made for /co/ on hand, but here is the link to the Twitter post.
I love drawings like this that show how few well placed lines it takes to make such a "complete" picture.
WHAT the fuck

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Long hair or short hair?
He has a strong jawline. The long hair made him look like a chinlet
Long is more iconic esp with the mask. Right just looks like generic anybody
Long hair looks good but really only works when he's doing his schizo Winter soldier stuff.
Long hair when he's Winter Soldier
Short hair when he's... I don't know what he's supposed to be now. He's just "the other guy" to Falcon. He's Bucky again without being called Bucky.
Long, especially with the mask. Short is generic.

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Why is it such a staple for fatties?
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It's kind of funny how Americans associate fruits with healthy food. They're fine in moderation, the core focus has always been eggs and veggies.
I miss him so much, bors
>seethes over an armature photographer getting attention
ill never not love that image. it encapsulates that weird white knight neckbeard faggot era so fucking well
There's nothing more pathetic than being obsessed with yesterday's lolcows.
I don't know posting on /co/ is definitely up there.

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>Lisa turns down 12 million
>Doesn't realize she could've used it to fund a variety of her hippie causes and prevent her father from having a heart attack
Was this the worst thing she's ever did?
I don’t know if these are worse but it pissed me off more to when her animals lead to bart breaking his hand, ruining his drumming career or the time she gets a restraining order on bart
seriously. i have never understood where we got the idea of "You can't take money from evil"
yes you fucking can. you can't GIVE money to evil. you can absofuckinglutely take it. Fine the hell out of them. You fine people for crimes and you get people going "You're letting them bribe their way out of it" I mean.. it's on their record, dude. better they should pay their way out than drain our tax money in prison
fucking Lisa.
>but baaaaart if u get surgery to fix your hand all these animals I’ve known for a day will die
I wish Lisa would learn to appreciate her fellow man rather than some mindless animals she'll never see again.
Yea Bart I'll take your surgery money to build a zoo that'll stay funded for about 5 minutes

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>Todd McFarlane Productions proudly unveils its latest addition to the ‘Spawn-Universe’ with a highly anticipated series, VIOLATOR. Written by Eisner-winning writer Marc Andreyko and featuring an incredible lineup of artists including Piotr Kowalski, Kyle Hotz, Jonathan Wayshak, Gianenrico Bonacorsi, Cully Hamner, and Von Randall – this six-issue saga promises to define the mythos of one of the most popular figures in the SPAWN UNIVERSE.
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I’m only interested in Spawn if he’s drawn by Todd.
Todd must need money again
Didn’t he spend a ton of money on baseball memorabilia or something?
As opposed to what?
Do people actually still read Spawn?

Are you sitting Anon?

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Those feet are too big. That's problematic. Someone might see this who shouldn't be seeing feet so big.
If you like dragon comics, this one is good.

no way this a book for kids? It looks very kinky with that title already...
It's a webcomic, anon. It would be more unusual if the author didn't try to wedge his fetishes in.
Genders should be flipped for both characters.

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Yesterday Gloria Grant killed a man, Spider-Man and Daredevil fought a literal hellspawn, and Atlantis attacked!
Today we continue the battle against the sneople!

>previous threads
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Aw crap
Events are one of the worst things that ever happened to comics.
Nice art, but I feel like it's more suited for serious relationship drama when characters take an honest look at if their romance is healthy or not.
Yeah, that ride in the suburbs was surreal and 10/10

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might as well post this here
i'm sure it aired at least once
>draw over the bikini
>give her some big ass hips
They know whats up
Have you banned that episode though?
What episode?

Isn't this airing right now? What did you think of it?
Go fuck yourself shill

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Is this show truly among the worst Nicktoons?
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My dad the rockstar is worst nicktoon
> I never understood why
It had a lot of gross out moments, I feel like people either like or dislike gross humor so it has to be of stellar quality to hit.
meant for,
Ah, yeah. That just struck me as standard Nicktoon stuff, but I guess it had the effect of making it feel a little bit dated.
Linda Cardellini carried the show.

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What are some instances of /co/ media being as or more popular in a different country?
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This is one I actually didn't know about. What the fuck? Any other weird examples you got?
Not sure about some others. People generally know Snoopy is big in Japan. Curious George being popular here was something I was surprised at when I moved here I suppose.

In general though, Japanese people are big Disney fans, with Peanuts, Moomin, and Curious George being the other popular Western ones. You do see SpongeBob and he is liked, but not to the degree in America where you can say a quote and everyone will know it. I did one time convince a bar to stream the SpongeBob movie with subtitles, wildly fun time to watch it drunk with a bunch of Japanese people.
It's very simple, anon. Woody Woodpecker's license was bought by Public channels in Brazil which are literally far more popular than anything cable has (not that most people had cable like 20 years ago)

So basically every brazilian that isn't an alphoomie was raised watching woody woodpecker. Hell, I'm a zoomer and I watched it too. I didn't have access to stuff like cartoon network until I was a teenager.
Any cool TNBC pictures?
Welcome to the 2020s

>mfw I eat a marshmallow pie
this isnt /a/
Nah, that’s me when I eat a marshmallow pie.

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What’d you guys think of the movie?
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They could have just used an old woman if that was the issue.
I actually thought the IFs shared the same voice as their creators while watching the film. Then it got debunked in real time
Not seeing this shit.
Not going to watch it. I prefer to watch Furiosa.

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