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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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Think on all the good music John Lenin could have created were he not shot prematurely
I like John Lennon’s music but I really have no reason to believe his 80s and beyond stuff would have been any more memorable than any of the other Beatles’.
Which is to say not at all.
his solo stuff was pretty bland t bh
He should have been shot at birth to prevent the worst band of all time from forming
solo Beatles were pretty unremarkable, they needed to be together to squeeze out decent albums

I do admit solo Lennon was capable of producing a few great songs, unlike the other Beatles


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hes talking about jakartify
easy, just retract the payola.
hope yunjin is getting domestically abused right now
Why do you hope that?
YouTube is infinitely more brown than Spotify. Go wash your turban Patel.

Only a Gibson™ is good enough
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Ordered a cv jazzmaster, everything else is great but the pick guard has a noticeable bulge in the middle, may even hinder the movement of pickup because it pushes it.
Not sure if ask a hundo or something off or just send back.
100% it was assembled when the wood had more humidity and when it dried up it shrank and made the pickguard like that
return it
Yeah, will have to do that. Shame because the fretwork and neck was on point
So I'm a beginner in making music, just learning slowly about theory, progressions, scales, all that stuff. It's a lot so it's going to take me a fair while before I can actually do anything confidently.

But what should I focus on if I want to get into jamming with others or a band? Anything specific I should give attention to? I have never played with others before except 15+ years ago when I played trumpet in the local town orchestra but that's far from jamming.

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Thoughts on this, SDREbros?
They definitely still got it. God I wish this were new material though.
>not a studio album
Not interested.
it's in a studio though.
pretty epic
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I'm happy that they're back together again but I'm not much of a live albums guy. Give us an EP!

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Am I making you feel sick?
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Jisoo hates black men
I'm a sick fuck
Yes, you are. You’re in a church you disgusting autogynephile, put some clothes on
Anti-Christians using anything Christian really pisses me off.
Yes because I desperately want a transgender gf and it feels like a stake in my heart every time a see a cute tranny because I can never have one. Porn and the jews did this to me.

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Which of them had undeniable talent, if any? Or were they just manufactured by the media?
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They influenced The Damned and Death in June more if anything. Maybe I guess like Other Acid Rock Bands and also they beat The VU out by a year on the first album? I'll give you the wre more influential in the long run but at the time they were probably less. You do know bith that era of The Beatles and that era of Love are Byrds inspired and likely Dylan Inspired aswell right? Same goes for The Velvet Underground probably and ofc Hendrix did Dylan Covers too.
I'm more confused as to how the fuck The Beatles aren't a pol band but Love are lol. Like the average Love song is both heavier and more blues based. Also the beach boys but not the Beatles logic here basically amounts to "I pulled it out my ass".
Maybe we have different definitions of the term “pop music”.
To me, that term means popular music.
I think good popular music should be remembered over bad popular music.
I don’t think that’s too drastic of a belief to have.
>"Because Love and The Beach Boys actually made good music which was very popular"

The Beatles were also very popular. I fucking hate The Beatles too but this is like completely ahistorical. Also Pop is more of a genre than actually serving to be whatever is currently popular. Dubstep wasn't pop in a real sense nor was Thrash Metal in The 80s nor was Progressive Rock in The 70s. Entire logic here is just stupid.
>The Beatles never cared about music
Even their biggest hater with a semblance of rationality knows that isn't true. They studied all kinds of different styles, learned a multitude of instruments and their techniques, attended seminars, operas, local clubs, and kept up to date with the underground scene at the time. For fucks sake, in the 90s, Paul had a solo project called the Fireman which took inspiration from among other things, grunge and EDM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQsKcek-wCQ
Ok but The Beatles are also Popular and by most standards Pop is still more of a genre like how Jazz or Rock are otherwise everybody would call Slayer a Pop group aswell but nobody does this least nobody worth taking seriously. Like Death Metal is clearly popular as is Thrash but nobody with more than three brainless considers these as Pop. The Beatles were making Pop music because they fit the genre tropes of Pop. If Taylor Swift suddenly fell off the charts she wouldn't stop being a Pop musician that doesn't fundamentally change the music itself. Love were more comparable to other Garage Rock and Psych Acts overall . I guess you could argue some Flower Pop in there too but more akin to The Velvet Underground overall.

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Why are their fans such massive retards? Is it because they can't accept that The Beatles' "music" is actual corporate slop with no actual artistic merit that is only successful due to mass-marketing to feeble-minded sheep? The Beatles always fucking sucked, they never innovated, they never made anything that could be considered even remotely close to art. If you think otherwise, you either have taste so shallow it has less depth than a puddle or you're actually fucking mentally disabled. Your favorite 60s boy band sucks. Deal with it. If you genuinely believe these hacks are the greatest band ever, actually fucking kill yourself. I'm not kidding. Draw a bath, get in, then slam a toaster into the water because you're stealing valuable oxygen with every braindead take you make.
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The Beatles are the greatest rock band OF ALL TIME.
Why have there been 4 separate Beatles threads in the past few hours? Did one of them die?
Because I'm sick and fucking tired of these hacks being praised as anything other than absolute pigshit and I'm giving their subhuman troglodyte fans a reality check.
Kill yourself.
Retarded child. You're objectively wrong for liking them. Liking The Beatles is like watching a guy eat dog shit off of the ground. You don't say to yourself "each to their own" no, you call him a fucking lunatic and send him to a mental asylum.
your image is not The Beatles but a parody band named "Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band", a side project from the members OF the Beatles.
hope this cures your retardation.

ELO is so motherfucking good bros. What’s their best album? I think it’s Time.
I think Time is the best as an album experience but Out of the Blue has more of my favourite ELO songs.
Time is an all time great, it's like listening to a movie
21st Century Man always gets me
For me, it's Face The Music

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>This mindfucks the average /mupol/fag
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>teenaged RYM trannies have shit taste
/mu/bros, how will we ever recover?
my fav album of all time has a 2.11 score on rym so yeah I don’t care what they think
Why are there so many rym threads nowadays? People barely used to post this shit site here
Why the fuck is your favourite album Make Believe by Weezer?
Not really, that just shows it did its job as soulless corporate crap

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Post your best /mu/ related icebergs

Here's this Dealers of God one from a while back, been deep into this crew for a while now

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>i may be a nigga, but i ain't yours, nigga.

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Why all the hate for this charming man
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Because there are races that are just obnoxious and inferior. If you remove that race specifically the world will work just fine.
How many people have you punched? As an adult?
punching someone is against the law, doesn't mean there aren't punchable faces
i don't know or particularly care.

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Why is rap so much fun to shit on?

musicians who stepped over the line
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Whenever the chan starts making daily threads about someone like this I know it's only a matter of time until things get going. /pol/ was having threads on epstein years before he got nabbed, same with /tv/ and schneider. Sometimes I think this site has insiders who plant shit but idk maybe autism too.
reminder op is a falseflaggin fag that don't call out actual pedos: the pedo elite. op is an actual actual subtle by omission pedo apologist
he also make the same cringe threads on reddit and tik tok
and spend 24/7 of his time making his meme posts cause he's an autist with no life
what a fag. accuse him with your mom sherlock holmes
sure an expansion as big as your mom's anus at making sex
stop whining like a faggot
you're an autist that overrate this site.
Oh thank god Ethan Kass wasn't mentioned in this thread. I would have declared this board a reddit toxic waste dump if that happened.
Log off Steve. Make a delicious sandwich or something.
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The world will know everything this evil man has done

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