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Why did the latest Beyoncé album flopped?
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You Sailerites are so weird, spending all day complaining about American blacks. A true fascist wouldnt acknowledge you
Halo is a song everyone knows im pretty sure. That was written by the OneRepublic guy lol
Black people just need to stop claiming all music is "theirs" and being appropriated. Its not really helping peaceful relations in this country not really pushing anything forward, its just obnoxious virtue signalling. As far as I am concerned, if you actually do things with the music you have more of a claim to it anyway. Maybe punk, metal, electronic is black invented but whites were the only reason it existed.

Anyway sorry for the racial thing I just got that off my chest but I don't mind if all races do any take on any music just stop trying to control people.
All American music is based off syncopated rhythms which can be traced back to continental African spirituality. All this music just doesnt work without the drums. I dont care if you find black people claiming the culture annoying, but this is an important fact and its really quite interesting that black music is what took over the world in our advanced technological civilization
Because she doesn't put out music videos anymore.

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musicians who should have apologized on their deathbeds
>apologizes multiple times in writing for being an edgy twat
>retard who can't read says you didn't apologize
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Sometime after Trump was elected (pic related), Albini inexplicably transitioned into the male version of a TDS infected Karen & the exact type of cringe-inducing leftist that even a hardcore commie like Che Guevara would have had lined up & shot on sight.
For this he should be ashamed.
It was a sell-out move.
Albini tarnished his own creative legacy so much so that those of us who have listened to BB/Rapeman/Shellac for decades are even now debating whether we even want to listen to, let alone purchase a physical version of, the new Shellac LP.
Personally, it's only because of a reference to The Fall in one of the new album's song titles that I am even considering giving it a spin.
OP is correct.
He SHOULD have made amends.
Owning up to ones mistakes is crucial to ones longstanding legacy.
In that sense, it's safe to say Albini irrevocably fucked himself.
Now shut up & listen to The Fall instead.
Trump sucks and his fanboys are gay
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He never apologized about the one thing that mattered

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These things I'll Be...
..until I Die
>Wouldn't it be nice if we were olde-ACK
hes getting worse
>What I Really Want For Christmas
What did he mean by this?
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I predict christmas will come early this year
You people have no soul.

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Jazz is too postprandial
Not music.

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it’s that time of year, anon
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Foals- Life Is Yours
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I listen to this at least once every summer
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Also Thunder, Lightning, Strike by The Go! Team

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>post intimate video of you and a woman playing a very romantic sounding flamenco guitar piece
>sitting face to face at the microphone while recording, staring directly at each other the entire time
>record it alone together at a cabin in the woods during a rain storm
>call the song “Smoke of Many Fires”
>get absolutely ass blasted about people mentioning how romantic it seems and tell everyone they need to fantasize more about gay sex
What an absolute whiny little faggot
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It's ok to be a whiny little faggot.

The summer of our lives edition

>Production Resources:

>/prod/ wiki - still looking for contributors

Remember to use vocaroo.com to post your tracks/WIP: posting a vocaroo is just providing sound for a question, posting a Soundcloud link is making self-advertisement and the thread doesn't need that.

Remember to check other peoples' vocaroo links to keep the thread healthy.

Previous Thread:
260 replies and 31 images omitted. Click here to view.
First thing I’ve made in a while
post your work retard
>use ai to generate lyrics (though usually have to retry a lot and rewrite certain parts manually)
>use singing software (synthv studio) for both lead and backing vocals
>but the melody and instrumental accompaniment is all mine, no generative algorithms involved there
am i """cheating""" bros?
i absolutely fucking suck at creative writing so none of my songs featuring lyrics were actually written by me, at least not 100%
but somehow i find that generating lyrics really helps inspire me to think of a melody, so there's a positive aspect to it too
i despise aislop like suno or whatever that generates everything including the melody from scratch but i don't think i'd be able to compose music with lyrics if it weren't for language models and singing software
what's /prod/'s take on this?
Trying to make Neofolk and dungeon synth type stuff. Help if I’m on right track pls. I’m 28

Not that anon, but I was curious about this device and I don't see ASIO drivers available either.

For audio devices, "Plug And Play" only applies to the Windows audio sub-system side of things, yeah Windows can use it as the default audio device for in/out with no driver needing manually installed but ASIO is a third-party standard and separate from Windows audio, ASIO drivers have to be installed manually when you have them or you use ASIO4All as you've already found out.

On the plus side it looks like that device has some decent features like a switchable line/instrument input and phantom power, so you have that.

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Does /mu/ like Visual kei?
Too bad they lost.
Only know The Gazette, X Japan, Dir en grey, Siam Shade and Luna Sea. They're all kino.
You're a retard if you think the right wing isn't gonna dominate the rest of this century
Good bands.
Are these dudes Diru? I never knew they dressed as nazis lol

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Are they /ourguys/?

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wtf wrong with bjork
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Most reasonable and human reaction to having cameras and mics unceremoniously shoved in your face.
Your music taste is shit
She's just like me fr fr except I punch instead

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>AOTY drops
>0 threads

dead board
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not OP either but fuck you, not knowing who Beth Gibbons is should get people banned
I'm a Tricky chad sorry
Portishead and Tricky chads should unite against the Massive Attack virgins imo

maybe because is boring TRASH!?
maybe the world is sick and tired of triphop?
taking your trip off might help you not look like a faggot

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ghostproducers and meme djs oversaturating the market
It got too easy
Anyone can download software for free and make "beats" add filters, libraries with samples and shit
Bam, that's an electronic artiste
Lowest entry barrier genre
that doesn't explain why suddenly attending Tomorrowland stopped being every zoomer's dream

I will never listen to the black guy screaming album
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I will not listen to anything made by try hard edgy faggot assholes
Taylor Swift discography
Drake discography
Based, it's trash
Kc invented anime in 69!
your ears are trash man

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All Taylor Swift songs are downtrending on the Billboard Hot 100. The sleep-inducing Fortnite dropped to 4th, and at this pace, might miss the top 10 by next week.

The hype died up pretty quickly. People realized the album is fucking shit. Zero hits. It's over.
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This place is not Stan twitter bro. Taylor Swift is more successful than whatever artist you support also sorry to inform you that.
yeah that album doesnt have much to offer if youre not invested in the whole "ex bf lore"
That includes Taylor Swift stans. All of you plebs need to fuck off back to Twitter or Tiktok or wherever you came from
Did you expect all of her songs to stay on number 1 for all eternity?

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Silver & Gold [Reprise, 2000]
Whereas Young's previous bad albums always had something interesting about them--twisted politics, impossible songs, stupid clothes--the ten copyrights on here, five culled from the '80s, four from 2000, are an ominous new development in that they're dull and reek of equine methane--the old fart elitism that fuels AC radio, alt country, and literary anthologies canonizing Ry Cooder, Ernie K-Doh, and Spooner Oldham. True love isn't this boring, Young must know that. Hell, the Buffalo Springfield weren't this dull either. But they are now. C
Last good NY album was Mirror Ball.

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