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Step 1: Post your image along with ALL information about what it is you're requesting. Once this has been done..

Step 2: Scan though the rest of the messages in /r/ and see if there is anyone that YOU can help out. This is where most fagboats fail.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 till someone fills your request.

Step 4: Thank the user that filled your request!

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One more to fix the edges...

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I will strip any photo you put in this thread.
>No groups
>No celebs that are spammed
>No Asian spam, like every thread becomes
>if you cant read these you will be ignored

I will do these till I go to sleep :)
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Bump. Please

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Requesting her top to be changed to the leopard print bikini top in the video below, please:
Lighting and other details might need tweaking, but it's a good donor video due to the angles.
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Reminder to anyone who enters this thread. :)

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Requesting the background to be made to look like more of a Tokyo love hotel setting, please.
Changing part of the bed to look more like they're fucking closer to the edge would help show more of it, instead of the massive 'poof' the futon has in the way.
So long as she keeps her pillow, i'd be happy with the full piece being changed aside from them.

Also, I have some colour preferences for it below to help with that side of it.

Also, here's the PNG version with a higher filesize and quality to work with
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Looking for a coupla hentai manga. One was a monster girl anthology, I think it was the first chapter featuring a squid schoolgirl in heat and had hand-pussies, can walk like a bipedal human by sticking her tentacles in her boots.
The other was an anthology of a school where girls were assigned as free-use cumdumps, there was a gymnast story in it that's my favorite gymnast hentai, other stories covers the wrestling club, a macho guy with bottomless stamina, and a normal-looking teacher with a stupid-fat dick.

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Can you trib my butthole?

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Could you tell her in the most descriptive way the most horrible things you would do to her?

nudeshop her top pls
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Try this t.me/vwo50kfc1_bot?start=232185642

It's a telegram bot that works well for me
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btw.. this image was already altered. Do you have the original? She's hot.
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Found this on Twitter but it's only part of it
Drop the Twitter link

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i'm trying to find a hentai manga i read a while ago.
it's a couple having sex, then they go to another house to help move things or something and a friend comes with them, he's a virgin, and the girl says she'll take his virginity, and says something to her partner along the lines of "you better leave if you dont want to see me getting fucked."
im pretty sure the girl had glasses, i dont really remember much else.
any help's appriciated.

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If shes not hot I won't trib.
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She looks so good with your cock on her face
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Looking for a furry amv that contains a lot of old furry stuff. The webm had this song:

Requesting tributes to Galko-chan
Doesn't have to be OC, saves are okay!
Making a video
11 replies and 5 images omitted. Click here to view.
Jerk Trib because why not
Thank you for this anon! Such a nice knob
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Thx you :)
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