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The new /sci/ wiki

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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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Is it true that far, far more animals die in order to produce vegan food than do to provide food for normal sane people? Has science ever bothered to count up the animals dead from all of the pest control operations that farms do?
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Herbivores exist to the same extent that unicorns do, only in printed works of fiction.
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if you plow up land for a bean field all the insects, birds, rodents, earthworms die
if you use land to graze cows nothing dies
Dairy has a feed conversion ratio of 1.3
Land is more than 1.3x as biomass productive as a treed meadow than as a bean field
Whey has a protein quality of 105 beans have a protein quality of 70-80
>t. the disingenuous bad faith arguer who won't admit that animals that clearly eat both plants and meats when given the chance are opportunistic omnivores
>if you use land to graze cows nothing dies
Except all the insects, birds, rodents, earthworms, etc that try to compete with the cows and get eaten by the cows as a result.
>why not go with them instead?
Because other people aren't falsely claiming that pigs won't eat pests, birds, and other animals that get in their way, so there would be no point in proving nobody wrong when you are definitely wrong about cows since they are definitely opportunistic omnivores that will definitely eat whatever other animals they can fit in their mouths.

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Is there any hope of eliminating of the sociopath/psychopath problem? Will gene editing like Crispr allow us to finally eliminate them? Or will this fail?

I know evolutionary speaking sociopathy/psychopathy is a trait that's considered fit for the individuals bloodline but it also damages society.
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Psychopathy is based and we should genetically selecting for psychopathy, not against it. Empathy is gay and should be removed from the gene pool.
Ok chang.
We probably can do with nobody liking you.
The people who control such technology would just eliminate sociopaths from the masses, making their sociopath bloodlines able to dominate 99.9999999% of the world.
>Nobody is going to gimp their own children for the benefit of society.
Anon, I...

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tl;dr: My brother can't move on from getting dumped from more than a decade ago. Is this a mental problem?

11 years ago, my brother was dumped by his gf. They dated for two years and she dumped him for someone else. Between that time, he fell down the redpill/manosphere rabbit hole and started espousing all their talking points.
>Sexual marketplace value
>Alpha mindset
It seemed he had found a cope to deal with his dumping but then in 2022, out of the blue, he needed to get hospitalized for suicidal ideation. It turned out he got scammed by some guy in west africa claiming to be a friend of his ex. The scammer said she was in a near fatal car crash and needed money to pay for the medical bills. And he dumped six figures based on a hope that he was gonna get back with his ex. Even when he was hospitalized ad told the doctors what happened, they all said something to the effect of "Dude, you HAVE to move on."

This fixation on an ex from over a decade ago is just strange and his hope to get back with her is just sad. Is this a condition of some sort? Because can't be normal. Any links to studies would be appreciated.
He's just a moron.
>Alpha mindset
He's bluepilled as fuck. Height, face and voice are not a mindset. Attractiveness is 100% genetic.

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hegel the philosopher said that science will inevitably be the tool that solves everything. he said though, that in order to do this, science must evolve into a system that involves the observer/being in the equation. in other words, it must somehow encapsulate big picture intuiting and feeling by becoming a self referential system, that not only explains all of reality, but also justifies itself

do you think this realistically will ever be possible?
I dislike Hegel but I agree with the statement. Quantum mechanics proves the fundamental role of consciousness. Science will never be complete as long as it merely sticks to material descriptions.
Only through total recognition and submission to GOD in the CTMU. And Hegel was wrong anyway. Science has cowed to political pressure at every step and is just another inexcusable tyranny.
>let's follow this dude's 200 years old ideas
>200 years ago they didn't even know about pronouns and nonbinary genders, therefore they must have been wrong about everything

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Dragon Edition

Previous - >>16154376
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immigrants like him don't understand the American culture of free expression
how old is orion really?
l>Orion was conceived in the early 2000s by Lockheed Martin as a proposal for the Crew Exploration Vehicle (CEV) to be used in NASA's Constellation program and was selected by NASA in 2006
surely this design was floating around before this period?
can anyone confirm that dragon can handle mars/lunar reentry speeds? saw some comments saying that the heatshield can handle it if not reused
doubt it, red dragon was shitcanned so long ago that crew dragon's heatshields wouldn't be designed with so much margin
dragon shields are designed for multiple reuses
also pica has the record for fastest rentry speed.
12.9 km/s/46,440kph

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whats this all about?
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Thats why statins cause brain disease
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hes muslim tho
He is also a homosexual
Electronic harassment, directed energy weapons, microwave weapons. Research V2K and targeted individuals. Not much time left until its fully rolled out. The 2030s and onwards are going to be the most terrifying in history. The privacy of our own minds no longer exists.
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>hormone-raised animals
>lack of organ meats in diet
It's only going to get worse.

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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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Better? Is far better.
Maybe someone showed him this board
>Student loan companies have irresponsible lending practices because the loans last lifetimes and can't be cleared through bankruptcy
>They will give loans to literally anyone with a highschool diploma and work history at a part time job
>Banks are invested in these companies because muh too big to fail
>Just like the housing market 2007
>The rate of repayment has gotten so low that these companies are now struggling to keep the lights on and pay their employees
>If they fail, nobody will be able to pursue the debts, effectively clearing them
>On the other hand, boomers retirement accounts will take a massive hit
>Government tries to get ahead of this by using treasury to "cancel" the debts of those least likely to repay
>avoiding catastrophe
>But also screwing the taxpayers
>All to save a bunch of boomers and irresponsible lenders
Any questions?
>Student loan companies
Over 95% of student loans come from the US government. You're either a clueless moron or disingenuous. Either way, you can be ignored by everyone except those wanting to be an idiot in action.
>if only we all could have free money printed!

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What are the long term consequences of tens of millions of people in the USA alone being reliant on prescription stimulants? AFAIK there haven't been any long term studies done on people who've been taking adderall or vyvanse for 20+ years. There may be some for ritalin but I believe adderall and vyvanse are the go-to drugs for ADHD these days. Adderall's been around since 1996 but you can't even do a long-term study for vyvanse yet because it's only been around since 2007.

What are the potential neurotoxic effects and adverse effects on the dopaminergic reward system over the long-term? Are we going to end up with tens of millions of people who end up reliant on this stuff for the rest of their lives because their brains are now too accustomed to outsourcing dopamine to a pill?

Has anyone had personal experience with being prescribed these drugs and then coming off them? A friend of mine told me about his experience with a pyschiatrist and it was frightfully unscientific considering the potency of these drugs. I assumed there would be neuroimaging involved but it pretty much amounted to her asking him very basic questions, things like "do you have trouble paying attention in class?" and "have you had problems with impulse control?" before sending him on his merry way with a prescription for pharmaceutical grade speed.

Has there been any progress made in the debate between environment vs genes when it comes to ADHD? It seems fairly obvious that it's not a coincidence that the rise of diagnoses has coincided with the rise of high-speed internet and smartphones, filled with websites and apps scientifically tailored to take advantage of the brain's reward circuity, so humans can be fed with more advertising and their online presence can be sold as marketing data.
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I have a personal pet theory that most of the people who reee out about how adhd doesn't exist have adhd themselves and either don't know about it/can't handle it well, I can't imagine why most normies would give a shit about adhd.
Even if it's the whole, wtf these people are cheating taking drugs if only I take drugs I'd do well, you can just look at the overachieving Asian foreigner taking a dump on your grades as a counterexample that you're just regularly retarded it's not about the drugs
Meth works less effectively on me compared to ritalin but meth is much cheaper.
I''m reeeing about ADHD because I got myself diagnosed as an adult and have been growing ever more disillusioned with the lack of actual science being applied to people who have been diagnosed and to the powerful drugs we're taking.

t. OP
Just because ADHD is overdiagnosed doesn't make it not real.

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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He could have pivoted to be a high school chemistry teacher.
Something's not adding up with his story.
Not without additional schooling
Almost all homeless people follow the exact same pipeline of
>abusive/neglectful parenting
>leads to festering mental problems+no basic life skills
>leads to hard drugs in a desperate attempt to cope
>life ruined
This is 95+% of homeless stories. It's very hard to end up on the street, something has to have gone severely wrong with your whole life
Yes, but that additional schooling can usually be paid for by some special programs, and he can start work as a tutor immediately without any additional requirements. The guy only has himself to blame.
Yeah, I'm SURE it happened in that order and for no reason. CRAZY how people who have zero money always have money for drugs!

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if you can any of it on computers, you can do it from a finitist perspective, since all the work by the computers does it through that perspective.
>He thinks that improving real GDP growth rate, interest rates, and unemployment rate has real tangible benefits
Ignoring the fact that this is a brainlet take, exactly who does this benefit? Do I get a 100k bonus for figuring out the economy equations? No. At best the Fed offers me a job. People suffering from "muh economy" are only suffering from poor financial planning. I'd rather solve more black scholes models and get rich than help out irresponsible losers. So fuck off and enjoy your car payment.
I like the passion Wildberger invokes.
It's magical.
Its 1 PM and Im very tired and cranky because I just woke up.


No matter what I will be in a bad mood.

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Alright what's lab grown meat actually made of?
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if you eat a bigass tumor off an elephant, is it still good protein? tasty?
>Bill Gates promoted--
This is all you need to read in order to be against it, That creature has done irreparable damage to society.
embryo cells of various animals, grown in a container until there's enough mass, then mushed with protein powder. It's as far from real meat as possible.
This is the next thread that's gonna get necrobumped for 3 or 4 months, isn't it?

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>"The Bic Cristal pen design is so far distilled in it's utility and aesthetic that if intelligent life remotely resembling ours exists elsewhere in the Cosmos, it is highly likely they use a writing instrument identical to this near Platonic Ideal."
WTF is this true?
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for me
>red, white and black
>gold lettering
>made in Germany
Yeah, I'm thinking Based.
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>grug scrape charred wood on cave wall
niggas that don't have hands
>can't write upside down
>not sturdy enough to kill someone with
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For me, it's these bad boys

does essential rosemary oil on scalp cause Gynecomastia, shrinking penis or lower testosterone? Been noticing my penis is way smaller when fapping than before i started using it on my scalp, also noticed i have been getting bigger breasts. I dont know my current test levels but two years ago i had very high free test levels
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I just want a doctors opinion bros, not randoms. If you are doctors i thank you
Also not growing bald, just have big widospeak.
Will minoxidil do this too
It's a DHT blocker like many other herbs and essential oils. That will cause temporary penis shrinkage and poor erections.


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My criticisms were eminently fair. Solar is obviously unreliable and dependent on weather. Solar panels are expected to last about 20 years, while nuclear reactors have been extended to more than 60+ years. Solar also doesn't work without exorbitantly expensive battery backup.
It's fake anyway, and they can't afford to fake more.
>France is still 86.1% ethnically French
It absolutely is not, but even if it was that would be less white than Maine.
Breeder reactors have been a thing since the Manhattan Project. Nuclear tech is ancient at this point.
Yes, nuclear is a proven technology and it should be obvious to everyone that we should build more reactors.

The problem is status quo energy elites who conspire to maximize profit by sabotaging new developments. The same phenomenon occurs with NIMBY homeowners who opposed new housing construction. America has become a sick and ossified society. Both corrupt groups use 'environmentalism' to justify their opposition to new development. This gutting of dynamism will be the death of the West.

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