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The scientific method was used and the official science man was in charge of the science been established up in here. White monkey ass, yeah sorry not sorry that just science
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Black person.
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raycist thred
no it isn't
you only think that because you can't help projecting your own racial hatred only other people. get some self control, everyone else isn't like you are.
Why does he hate whites so much? The planetarium that gives him a $500,000 annual salary was founded and is entirely funded by whites.

Ive heard a lot about this online, but how viable is it? I resent being mutilated at birth and not being able to have a fully functioning penis, as all cutfags should.
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that bait hooked you because of your penis envy.
you're a cripplecock lol
RIP Penis
maybe you'll get an intact penis in heaven with rabbi Jesus
cripplecock don't go to heaven, the mental illness thats caused by going though life as a cripplecock prevents them. cripplecocks end up as mentally twisted and losers with weird obsessions and neuroses
>Joe Cuckold
nice one LOL
Lmao that trannys think doctors can build a dick out of nothing when they doctors can't even fix a foreskin mutilation on an otherwise healthy cock

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in a real life Good Will Smith move, two high school seniors solved a mathematical puzzle that was thought to be impossible for 2,000 years. Black, Beautiful & Brilliant.


Johnson and Jackson discovered that the Pythagorean Theorem — a principle relating to the relationship between three sides of a right triangle — could be solved with trigonometry.

The theorem had been proven before in the last 2,000 years, but never with the use of trigonometry, until the students showed that this was a possibility.

Their appearance on "60 Minutes" this weekend isn't the first time that Johnson and Jackson's hard work has been showcased. The pair presented their hypothesis at the American Mathematical Society last spring.

“For two months we worked together nonstop — during school, after school, at home, at lunch,” Johnson told the Times-Picayune last year. “We had lots of Zoom meetings. Actually, during Mardi Gras break we were still working by Zoom.”

When CBS correspondent Bill Whitaker asked Jackson and Johnson if they were math geniuses in the episode's trailer, both shook their heads.

"Not at all," Jackson denied.
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>no need to worry we are still superior
This, but unironically.
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Good pic
Racists get mad at this thread same as they do with the Twum threads
anti-twummers don't belong on the science board, they're all just trolls
what good is yet another proof of a theorem everyone already knows is true?
can these negro wenches do anything useful or is repeating the obvious the limits of their abilities?

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/sci/ is this accurate
I say it's bullshit but I can't see why
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Yeah OP is correct. If you look at the book from where that pic comes from the diagrams immediately before OP's pic are showing how to hit stationary objects while you're moving. OP's pic is treating the fighter as a stationary object OR one that is far away enough that it's practically stationary to you regardless of its speed

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If we scale it out OP's pic makes even more sense. The fighter can be moving twice as fast as the bomber but the bomber can still aim behind the fighter to hit it (aim at green area). If the fighter is far away enough it's speed becomes irrelevant
So here we can also see that any path that would allow the fighter to threaten the bomber is one that would require the bomber's gunner to aim behind it to hit (or to its left - which is the same thing)
You know, if you're just baiting, it's surely masterful. Few would be able to milk so much ill will out of something this stupid.
Are you sneakily complimenting yourself for keeping the con going so long?

Look, at the same time you were whining that it's impossible to explain the intricacies of Aryan Physics to me, someone else just posted this >>16179853 and engaged in conversation to clarify it, and even included the conditions under which you WOULD be correct.

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/sci/ infographics thread, post all your best science infographics in this ITT thread
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Why are the animals all gay?
>Human brains are capable of being stimulated to operate masculinely or femininely.
Great, then there's no need for "gender-affirming surgery." Their brains just need time to rewire to their natural form. Glad we've settled this.
Oh god bros, I need qt tomboy wife
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How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?
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It was all bullshit. I'd still be embarrassed to be a vaxxie though since 90% of them got it without their consent showing the world they have no backbone
baiting /pol/tards with shits like this is genuinely the best form of entertainment on earth
>/pol/ lives rent free in my head
>/pol/ is all I think about
>my life revolves around /pol/
>How come the people who didn't get the vax didn't all die?
Because the mortality rate isn't 100%
Very obvious answer, anon
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Why are midwits so obsessed with the idea of nuclear energy when renewables have easily eclipsed them in nearly every way possible over a decade ago? Is it just the "i hecking LOVE science... stupid greenpeace hippies don't understand how safe nuclear is..." identity factor? Imagine spending over a decade to build a nuclear plant that costs 15x more than the equivalent amount of solar panels and battery capacity added together. There's a reason why neither China or the US does that at any real scale anymore.

Then when you point this out it's all "molten thorium small scale nuclear fusion reactors are just around the corner, just wait, they just need more funding," when you could just be developing solar and wind farms instead.
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it is on topic, but just retarded for people to be speculating so heavily about. redditors love having these misinformed propaganda retardfests too
>newfag wasn't here when /sci/ was constantly talking about thorium reactors
only redditor here is you, and you should stop projecting
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>1 in 10 panels are actually recycled, according to estimates drawn from International Renewable Energy Agency data
>80% of a typical photovoltaic panel is made of recyclable materials, disassembling them and recovering the glass, silver and silicon is extremely difficult
>about $2 to $4 worth of materials are recovered from each panel
>National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimated that it costs roughly $20 to $30 to recycle a panel versus $1 to $2 to send it to a landfill
Solarbros, I don't feel so good.
>>1 in 10 panels are actually recycled, according to estimates drawn from International Renewable Energy Agency data
Now repeat for other recyclable products. What percentage of soup cans and single use plastics make it to a recycling center and are actually recycled?

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Bad news sneed oil bros, it turns out that sneed oils are extremely unhealthy and all the 'science' that blamed heart disease on animal fats was completely fake and was made up to fraudulently cast blame for the damage sneed oils do on animal fats
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Why can't faggot OPs ever post sauce?
Protip: both forms of fat are bad for your health.

Worst part is that they're literally required for proper brain functionality.
Schlomo are you really trying to convince us we
Seed oils
How tf should I eat salads withous sneed oils?
How sneed oils destroys your liver and how tallow helps your liver

What are we going to do when America becomes uninhabitable due to the increasing wet-bulb temps?
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I will support any climate political candidate as long as he openly calls for a 95% reduction of the human population. That would achieve the carbon reduction. It has to be that way, i will oppose all climate initiatives unless they are a 90% reduction of the global population, not through murder but through some gradual process where you have to apply to be a parent and theres limited slots and they get auctioned, so only the top 10% rich get to have kids basically
Lmao you can start from culling youself.
How will a start a process of reducing total human reproduction through issuing permits for reproduction, by killing myself? That makes no sense. Killing myself would not start such a process.
>sure, that's why we're working on nuclear fusion.
Not in your lifetime.
No, see, you're a hypocrite if you don't work against your ideological goals. I am very smart.

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Back in the late 80s and 90s, did we stop the ozone layer damage by banning chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), or the damage never began in the first place?
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So how did we fix it? Or did we?
you should download google it's very convenient
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Ozone is continuously generated and destroyed, if you remove the catalyst (CFC) that accelerates the destruction of ozone then it'll recover by its own, slowly...
The 'hole' in the 'ozone layer' would be one of the greatest shames of modern environmentalism if anyone remembered it.
>point out that visiting Australia today for the first time tells me nothing about what Australia was like in the past or how any of it relates to the past and current state of the ozone layer
>uh... learn to google, bro!
Okay, and how would google make >>16180110 any more logical?

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How does science justify this?
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Why tho? I'm not religious and I'm fine with taking those additional vaccines because they had been tested and in circulation for many decades. I just felt it's too extreme about the number.
life sciences building thru -
>I'm fine with taking those additional vaccines
Oh... okay.
yea, they get meningitis instead lmao
if you dont have a problem with 5 vaccines i dont see why you would have a problem with 30. if your doctor recommended 30mg if penicillin would you be like “woah, 30? isnt that a bit high? cant we just do like 5mg?”

How many autistic retards do you think killed themselves trying to invent electricity before one of them got lucky and actually did something useful with it?
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Few if any, considering that it would be difficult to build an apparatus with a large enough current to kill someone.
>trying to invent electricity
what the fuck am I reading moment
explain in your own words what do you think 5g means.
>schizos are so worked about 5G they don't even know that 6G wireless standards are already in development
quite a lot given pre-industrial infant moratality

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I was thinking earlier, and how come there's absolutely no attempt or research on using biological metamorphosis as a medical tool?
Now, I'm not saying it's a simple matter, but think with me here. If we understood all the genes and metabolic pathways involved in the process we could, arguably, use it as a medical tool. That's a monumental task, mind you, but I have never seen anyone talking about it.
Since other animals are capable of it naturally, there's no reason we wouldn't be able to induce it in an artificial manner. Hell, amphibians don't even go through the pupa stage, and they suffer a complete change to their morphology. Can you imagine the applications?
So why the hell no one ever talks about this?
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In metamorphosis, the original body dies inside the cocoon, and is nutrients for the second being such as the butterfly. So to cure someone by metamorphosis, you essentially have to murder them first.
Not necessarily. Amphibians, for example, go through the process without a cocoon, which is the road we should explore.

Even if we don't do crazy shit like "I want a new pair of arms" or whatever, it could be a powerful tool to fix malformations and damaged organs or tissue. Not to mention the plastic surgery industry would go through a complete revolution. Dominating this tech, coupled with gene therapies, would mean people can choose to look however they want, regardless of getting it bad in the genetic lotery, gestation issues, mutilating accidents or deforming diseases.
If you want to go the crazy shit route, everything would be reversible too. You can get a new pair of arms, and then lose them after a few months, etc etc
It's basically the magic pill to fix injuries of any kind, even after they have closed. Which is why I'm surprised we don't even see this kind of thing on sci-fi franchises to heal a character that had a severe burn, lost an arm or anything in between.
> we don't even see this kind of thing on sci-fi
We'll if you're a writer you have the opportunity to give it a try.
Would it even be all that practical, if possible at all?

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>Chemists actually call this [math]H^+[/math]
Subatomic particles don't exist and what we call "electrons" are just EM waves that propagate through the aether.

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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
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lol when they know the artfags are fucking the economy
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Science is an artform, the replication crisis proves that science is just literary fiction
For several years the most popular degree AIU offered was 'Fashion Merchandising'. There's probably jobs for about a dozen of those a year but they were enrolling thousands of students in that major. Not that many of them completed the degree as the type of people who thought it was a good idea are also the type who cannot complete even the most simple assignments.
>the type of people who thought it was a good idea are also the type who cannot complete even the most simple assignments.
They are however they type who can suck a dick in exchange for favorable treatment
>There's probably jobs for about a dozen of those a year but they were enrolling thousands of students in that major.
Meanwhile the American Medical Association artificially limits the number of doctors that can be licensed per year despite severe shortages of doctors everywhere for years.

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