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>$6.1 billion for art students
>$0 for science students
how does /sci/ react to this?
Why do they hate science so much?
they were dubiously accredited meme schools that closed down last year so in a way the students got robbed for even attending there in the first place
Why is that my fault? I'm the one being financially penalized.
paying taxes is for the common welfare
art is the only thing humans are going to still be able to do once AI takes over all work.
Can't get blood from a stone?
Cancellation, or funding? There's a difference.
they did the same thing for ITT tech students a while ago, similar situation, a for-profit school engaging in predatory practices.

it's ok nigger, my money subsidized the power grid that refrigerates your chicken tenders and keeps you online posting retardation on the internet, even though your accidental birth wasn't my fault
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>tfw I was rejected by arts school
It's over, isn't it?
Yeah but I hate leftists and niggers, so...
To be fair, it's the art students who are in debt...
Have you considered politics?
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Those are parasites, not people, you moron.
Now eat your bugs, you piece of shit.
AI is better at art.
AI is a glorified....
>6.1 billion in student debt gone
>2 trillion to go
Yeah, the specific announcment about the Art Institutes students won't include many science students. Other batches of loan forgiveness did, but OP can't say that here because then his boss would get mad and send him to Ukraine to die and rot in a shallow grave, where old ladies would scatter sunflower seeds on his corpse so every year, when the flowers bloom, everyone will know where to come a piss on his rotting corpse.
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namefags going anon
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Better? Is far better.
Maybe someone showed him this board
>Student loan companies have irresponsible lending practices because the loans last lifetimes and can't be cleared through bankruptcy
>They will give loans to literally anyone with a highschool diploma and work history at a part time job
>Banks are invested in these companies because muh too big to fail
>Just like the housing market 2007
>The rate of repayment has gotten so low that these companies are now struggling to keep the lights on and pay their employees
>If they fail, nobody will be able to pursue the debts, effectively clearing them
>On the other hand, boomers retirement accounts will take a massive hit
>Government tries to get ahead of this by using treasury to "cancel" the debts of those least likely to repay
>avoiding catastrophe
>But also screwing the taxpayers
>All to save a bunch of boomers and irresponsible lenders
Any questions?
>Student loan companies
Over 95% of student loans come from the US government. You're either a clueless moron or disingenuous. Either way, you can be ignored by everyone except those wanting to be an idiot in action.
>if only we all could have free money printed!
>Why do they hate science so much?

Nearly 100% of Arts students vote Democrat.
All young women should be forced into prostitution to pay their student debts, ugly and old women can die in a ditch with the men.
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>>Student loan companies have irresponsible lending practices because the loans last lifetimes and can't be cleared through bankruptcy

How DARE they lend money to poor students to attend universities!!!!
Higher education should be a prerogative of only the wealthy!
Correct. Good things solely to others at my expense without my permission must not happen.
How very Jewish of you to want to solve that problem with loans.
Loans are one of the many reasons education costs so much.
>$0 for science students
I did it for free.

Your welcome.
But I like being generous with other people's money. It makes me fell virtuous and like I'm a good person.
>ugly and old women can die in a ditch
Based and eugenics-pilled
Soience gets fortunes of money from the government, its all wasted by your professors' research grants so that they can publish replication crisis fodder. $6 billion for arts students is just a tiny drop in the bucket compared to what the soience professors are wasting on their resumé polishing research and publications annually.
Fuck, does this mean I should've pursued art with math on the side.
It shouldn’t piss me off, but it actually does because art has instantly become among the top three degrees that are worthless, only considering my Euro perspective about what even qualifies here (childhood education, nursing .etc. are trades).
AI has basically made 80% of them obsolete. AI may or may not create the next Hamlet, but it sure as hell can design logos for goyslop brands.

Our low IQ society is addicted to idealistically/ideologically rewarding garbage societal currents.
1. Plenty of debt for science shit has been forgiven. This isn't the first or the last forgiveness by this administration
2. Science degrees generally get paid off faster than other degrees. You can't forgive debt that's been paid back. So no matter what, debt forgiveness will skew towards non-STEM shit.
It makes sense. Art students are failures as humans and need all the help they can get, whilst STEM students are held to a higher standard.
This. They really need to pull the plug.
The problem is lefty retards will complain that the medicine tastes bad before it has time to work.
Ending govt subsidized loans will have the effects:
>most kids won't be able to pay for college (and will probably be better off not going)
>cratering demand will force schools to cut the bloat to get prices/costs down
>lenders will really care about merit and degree choice when lending in order to reduce risk
>colleges will start caring about employability and high schools will start caring about merit in order to appease lenders
>employers can start lowering their credential standards (since they mostly list high credential requirements as a crude way to cope with the lack of quality control in the current environment)
>the whole problem sorts itself out
>the same retards are working at starbucks in the end sans debt
>credentials actually start to mean something again and we get better results in industry (less duds) for lower cost
All or none faggot
engineering department has ~1.6:1 democrats:republican ratio

arts institute has ~100:1 democrats:republican ratio

He's paying for his base
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all of the soience money was wasted on jwst.
Alternatively colleges close up and get sold for parts by the hedge funds that own them and employers just import more Indians.

Fuck's sake, these loans were for a school system that closed up.
No, the loans were for students who chose to attend schools that later closed. The schools didn't take out loans, students did. Now everyone, including the vast majority of taxpayers who never attended college, have to pay for the multi-year party these art students enjoyed.
>STEM guy doesn't find a job and shoots up a school
>BIDEN: we are cancelling debt for liberal arts women!
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>liberal arts women
Define woman. Dont you mean men?
art is more important anyway.
good call by brandon as usual.
its kinda funny that every year now they have been forgiving loans for people who went to scam schools.
and its pretty much the only lians they are forgiving.
i wonder if this loan firgiveness for scam schools us not also a scam itself.
like who the fuck is going to scam schools?
i would like to remind everyone that the difference between a b.a. and a b.s. is having two years of a language.
Good things can't happen to other people at the expense and burden of far more people. Where do you think that $6.1 billion will come from? Thin air?
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There have been attempts in the past to stop giving government loans for student attending these types of schools but each time the usual suspects have a melt down because the student populations of these schools are members of a certain demographic group. Once that card is played, everything goes back to normal.
Even if the schools manage to stay open, the default rate for students at those schools are sky high as the degrees they get (if they get a degree, the drop out rates are often over 80%) have little to no value in the job market.
It's funny that self proclaimed advocates for that demographic group, who themselves are members of that demographic group, keep pushing to maintain a system that impoverishes that demographic group through false promises by the schools.
>According to the College Scorecard, in 2022 AIU online had a 8-year graduation rate of 19%. Of students repaying student loans, 2 years after completion, 33% were in forbearance, 25% were not making progress, 18% defaulted, 11% were in deferment, 7% were delinquent, 3% were making progress, 2% were discharged, and 1% were paid in full. Average salary after attending is $36,578
how easy can you fake those numbers?
how,easy would it be to make a fake school and then fill it with a buncha fake students and you just get all that government dosh and run away with it.
seems like a big chance to play the,system and do some high level fraud.
Probably easier to entice morons to apply for loans to attend your made up school than to fake students. A bunch of low end schools, some online, some with strip mall classrooms, have been exposed over the years by autists on the college football subreddit. Their interest isn't in the loan and fiscal fraud, they just get upset when one of these fake schools starts a football team that then schedules games against real schools that use the easy game to pad their wins.
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>good thing
>wasting billions of tax dollars to buy votes and not changing the incentive structure
financial aid isn't loans doe, the school gives you money because dumb rich kids and wealthy alumni pick up the cost
>financial aid isn't loans
It actually can be. It's possible to qualify for "financial aid" in the form of government-issued loans.
College kids shouldn't even be allowed to vote. The premise that they're adult enough to be voting is contradicted by the fact that they're still in school like children and have yet to join the adult world. You might as well have high school kids vote
If you have to be 35 years old to get elected president then how is it possible that 18 years olds are mature enough to be voting for that office?
The voting age used to be 21, but after the drafting age was lowered to 18 to get more boots on the ground in WW2 there was a push to lower the voting age to match.
Stop noticing goy
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If you think that's bad, wait until you see the 500 billlion handed to israel every month
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ivy league kids don't have loans, they have daddy to pay all their bills for them
thats true of pretty much all college kids, but i bet some of them probably get the loans to use as pocket change while daddy is paying all their bills
>Daddy won't send me to Cancun for spring break?!?!
>I'll just get a student loan and use that
Do universities train flatulists
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Because I did do much of the work its hard to justify giving a dime.
most students aren't physically capable of that undertaking due to their propensity for engaging in anal sex
>how does /sci/ react to this?
it makes me hope that a proposal for the sciences will come ahead as well.
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>the student populations of these schools are members of a certain demographic group
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If they're so smart then they should be smart enough to make money

art students are dum so they need the help
The fact that they can't make money proves that they're just as dumb as artfags
imagine taking out a loan for a university degree which is supposed to deliver the ability to earn enough money to pay back the loan, but then you can't pay back the loan.
what does that have to say about the education you got and how smart you were both going into and coming out of the education?
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A.I. art is soulless.
The overwhelming majority of people do not belong anywhere outside of a technical college.
If STEM degrees were really so lucrative then STEM degree holders would be so upset that their loans weren't canceled because they would've long since easily paid off the loans themselves
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lol when they know the artfags are fucking the economy
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Science is an artform, the replication crisis proves that science is just literary fiction
For several years the most popular degree AIU offered was 'Fashion Merchandising'. There's probably jobs for about a dozen of those a year but they were enrolling thousands of students in that major. Not that many of them completed the degree as the type of people who thought it was a good idea are also the type who cannot complete even the most simple assignments.
>the type of people who thought it was a good idea are also the type who cannot complete even the most simple assignments.
They are however they type who can suck a dick in exchange for favorable treatment
>There's probably jobs for about a dozen of those a year but they were enrolling thousands of students in that major.
Meanwhile the American Medical Association artificially limits the number of doctors that can be licensed per year despite severe shortages of doctors everywhere for years.

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