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XD <3
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>a retard who doesn't understand english.
Try looking at the topic of the thread again, you goal post moving faggot. And, no, your buddy isn't right for shifting discussion from Empire which is what I was talking about to instead refer to Jedi.
>but Lucas was still trying to cash in on the property too.
I agree with you on this, but his films were still not, as OP titled the thread, "feature-film-length toy advertisement ". I don't care how badly you small brained little fucktards want to twist and distort the discussion to match your own opinions. Taking advantage of the situation is one thing, but Transformers The Movie was purely 100% designed from start to finish as a toy advertisement, the SW: OT was not despite how many toyetic designs it had. I'm tired of arguing with retards who can't grasp the nuances.
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An advertisment is an advertisement is an advertisement.

Whether a movie has artistic intent or not, if characters and shit are designed to sell toys, it's still considered an advertisement.
IT can be two things at once, like this commercial art that was made by commission as advertisment for the Catholic Church.
>An advertisment is an advertisement is an advertisement.
>Whether a movie has artistic intent or not, if characters and shit are designed to sell toys, it's still considered an advertisement.
>"feature-film-length toy advertisement "
Not "OMG there are ELEMENTS designed for TOYS!!!" Same reason I don't consider the entire film to be a commercial when they have blatant product placement in the film. Again, nuance is an adult concept and your infantile brains don't grasp it and try to twist everything to match your understanding of the world.
>greatest feature-film-length toy advertisement ever made
Nah, that's Star Wars, but Transformers The Movie is arguably a distant yet solid second.

It's probably the most profitable and revenue generating piece of media that Hasbro's ever put out.

The box office might not have done much but between the DVDs, Blu Rays, re-showings etc. And all the toys STILL inspired by and sold as a result of the movie, Hasbro's got more than their money's worth from this movie.
>autistic retard who can't comprehend a thing can hold two or more intentions at once
if only abortion were more prevalent to catch your kind before you caused problems for everyone.

>Transformers The Movie is arguably a distant yet solid second.
Transformers was a failure though. Unpopular and turned kids off the property.
It's basically the Last Jedi of the Transformers property. There was a rapid decline of the property because of it.

The second greatest feature film length toy advertisement is Attack of the Clones. The third is Return of the Jedi. The fourth is etc etc depending on how you want to rank the Star Wars films. I think SW sequels don't belong in the top twenty, since they suffered hardcore from shelf warming. They did sell billions worth of merch, but only for the producers (and license holder), not retailers.

i think the Gundam 0079 movies belong on the top 20 list, but not sure what comes after the SW OT and PT movies. Maybe Bayformers? Iron Man? Avengers? Spiderman? Batman?

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Previous thread: >>10931771

In stores and online currently:
Assassin's Creed Ezio (Brotherhood & Revelations)
LJN colors Warduke
Ghost Face Inferno (v2)
Professor Burke (London After Midnight)
Gargoyles Goliath & Demona "Vows" 2-pack
Last Ronin Elite Synja Bot
Toon TMNT Evil REX-1
Flash Gordon (Flash Gordon movie)
Ming the Merciless (Flash Gordon movie)
Prince Vultan (Flash Gordon movie)
Ult. John Carver (Thanksgiving)
Ult. Alex Murphy (Robocop)

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>Single releases
>Sold as a bundle
>Can't tell the difference between "bundle" and "pack"
Wow, you really DO suck at English!
who is selling them individually?
How is it not a flop just because they do a reissue almost a decade later?? If it wasn't a flop they would've made way more instead of abandoning the line after a year or two.
>Sounds more like an underperformer, not a "flop".
Holy shit this is serious cope. What do you think a flop is?

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Ughhh this sucks i didn't even do crazy poses with him and the joint randomly snapped off while i was messing with him
Any ideas on how to fix this or will i have to wait for fodder parts?
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Two households, both alike in ham-handery
Yeah, mixing it with super glue makes a stronger bond. Apparently. I've never done it.
Theres three broken figure threads now.
>bringing your toys to college
enjoy never getting laid
You deserve it for being a Dragonball fan. Toriyama was a hack, rest in piss bozo.

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Welcome to the Lego General, the best place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion.

Previous Thread:


>/lg/ Flickr Group:

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Hmmm 2nd one is better but for the sake of being a contrarian, the 1st one.
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A good remake?
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This is not a bad set.

Imo, this set kind of makes me want to get back in lego...if DnD becomes a full theme then for sure I will be in.
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Good deal
Nah. The dinosaurs might be bigger and more detailed, but they have a lot less poseability than the originals. The added detail just makes them look more busy, as do all the exposed studs and anti-studs. The Triceratops also has an incredibly stupid-looking face and comically small horns, and the Pteronodon appears to have a lot of mismatched colors.

I remember seeing these as a kid in a store back in 2007 and thinking they were the coolest shit ever. My older brothers had the red and green iirc.
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I'm reminded of these old bookends I once saw on ToyFare. No doubt these would look great, but they were like $200. A price even I wouldnt pay today
These are statues, yes? Where is the toy?
holy fuck what are these??? theyre beautiful

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Do you like him?

-Target exclusives The Rival and Cassandra Cain Batgirl in stores and shipping now
-Punchline and Joker 2 pack up for preorder
-Ambush Bug, repaint Mr Freeze and Booster Gold (Future's End) went up for preorder
-Plastic Man BAF wave and Ghosts of Krypton Page Punchers showing up in stores

Previous thread >>10963889
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it's the 4th version and it's been longer than a year.
>I don't think anybody but Todd is that much of a fan of Batman White Knight
do you people pay attention to the media these toys are based on at all? it's a top selling book with multiple sequels and spinoffs
Yes, because Sean Murphy's art is great, but it's hard to translate that to plastic. Also people who read comics =/= people who buy figures
>it's a top selling book

People buy comic books? Didn't it go woke and broke?
>it's hard to translate that to plastic.
the white knight batman is one of the best figures in the line. the azrael rocks too

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Welcome to Plastic Building Blocks General!
Previous >>10945480
Archived Threads:

Here, you can discuss foreign and domestic clone brands. Show us things that you've recently bought, built or discovered!

Top brands (not exhaustive):
>Qman (formerly Enlighten)

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This was ~$13 after tax just screwing around with dollar tree parts.
looks about right
bro you could build this with less than $13 in lego bricks
Show me a Lego baseplate and 572 legos for less than than. I’ll wait. Fucking tourists can’t handle the lg debacle need to stay in their lanes.
FYI if anyone needs 32x32 baseplates that have stud receptacles underneath, Strictly Briks makes that. They're pretty cheap too. And exactly 1 plate high.
BUT the corner where the injection molding happens is a bit thicker on the underside and doesn't sit perfectly flush on top of whatever brick you put under it. It would also be really difficult to clean that up and make it sit flush, without damaging it in a visible or functional way. It is only one corner on each plate that has this problem.
And they don't sell singles or same-color packs, you can only get retarded assortments like picrel.

I'm using them as the foundation of mils plates because they're cheaper than official lego baseplates and the color doesn't matter. Also for the floors in a speed champions parking garage, though obviously they will bow without supports.

Previous Thread: >>10943172
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I found a pretty nice custom beam effect on Etsy. It looks like it’s molded from the Showa breath effect, but it’s clear blue. It really completes ‘72’s look.
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Everyone getting their BD and figures sets makes me wonder why Amazon has such a delay.
Looks pretty good, might have to pick one up for my '72 Goji as well. Shame that Bandai doesn't want to give us effect parts anymore.
That beam looks better than any beam made by any official company.
all pops are trash

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Just have to rant. Purchased this figure off a seller online. Checked before buying and the guy had solid reviews. A day after purchasing, he messages me saying he forgot to include the tail and that he would be sending it out to me in an envelope. The figure arrived within a week. It's been almost 2 weeks since he supposedly sent out the tail so I messaged him and asked for a tracking number or if he wouldn't mind checking it for me and giving me a status update, No response. Two days later I wrote him again to ask about it but got a prompt saying I couldn't message, comment, like or even purchase from him. Instantly I knew he blocked me and now I'm just accepting the fact that I got scammed again. People suck.
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Boo fucking hoo faggot, send it to me if you hate it so much I'll make so without the tail.
Never bought from Mercari, but can't you contact the site directly about this so they can help you somehow? Don't see what the seller has to gain by risking their reputation over a tail it would've cost a few bucks to ship.
Don't you have to accept the deal so they release the money? Why did you accept it if he didn't include the tail?
That sucks but at least you could probably just buy a cheap snake or dinosaur toy with a bendy tail and make one from that.
This. Seems like an easy enough fix

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What's the best autism stim toy?
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Gritting your teeth works
Is it still a thing? Bionicle was cancelled like twice, with the last one being almost a decade ago. Not counting the shitty brick-made gift from a year ago, that doesn't have Bionicle pieces.
I would've suggested some Kamen Rider role play toys like Lockseeds or Ridewatches or Shift Cars if you remove the batteries so they don't make any noise. I don't know if they have off switches or not.
1:1 scale fully articulated copy of myself
I got a tungsten cube that's 1.5 inches but weighs a kilogram.

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Event Exclusive Baki Hanma
A lot of people think is teasing Pickle as the third character in the Baki line. But holy shit this looks damn good.

> “[1st Animes-Pro Festival, Exquisite Brand Distributors' Collaboration Exhibition) Date: May 3rd to May 5th, 2024 (Friday to Sunday) Location: The Space @ D2 Place ONE, 9 Cheung Yee Street, Lai Chi Kok (2nd floor)”
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Where's the rest of the soul calibur cast?
It's great. I think they're made from rejected parts or the workers were able to sneak in at night and crank them out. It has random paint mistakes and stray pieces of plastic I was able to remove by hand. I looked into it a head of time and most have messed up trunks but mine are fine. I need to drill out the peg holes on the extra hands cause they're too small. Of course I don't have the original to compare it to cause I'm poor. I'm just surprised nobody's buying them in bulk for fodder bodies.
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Nameless looks fucking amazing, I can't believe he is finally getting a figure
I literally could not be happier.

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Are Power Rangers toys saved after six years of ineptitude, or has the damage been done?
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Eventually other lines will fall into the place PR did; the costs will be too high to produce something the collector fanbase deems acceptable and so the IP will either be retired or outsourced off to some other company to make cheap kids toys. Toys will return to what they were before the collector boom, they will simply be things no collector would want.
>Toys will return to what they were before the collector boom, they will simply be things no collector would want

You mean good again and not this 1/12 faggot cancer
1) Give the rights to Bandai and Toei so they can market Super Sentai worldwide and you will get representatives of past season especially the Power Rangers-adapted season.
2) Let it die

Do you guys really have fucking stockholm syndrome or something that Haim buying back the franchise is seen as better, when he's the reason the franchise is even more of a joke today? Unless he buys them, but the shows that are made afterwards are the same if nor better quality as Post-Zordon era, then it's dead on arrival.
the lines will just die. toys will go away. there's a reason they leaned into the collector's. they're the only ones who want this toy shit.
Collectors? Don't you mean poorfag dumb hick Americans that can't afford the decent Japanese stuff?

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Preorder date is 5/8

Iron Spider (Reissue)
Lunagaron Armor Set (Monster Hunter)
Winter Soldier (Marvel)
Spider-Man Ver.2.0 (Reissue)
Buzz Lightyear Ver.1.5 (Reissue)
Supergirl (DC)
Jessie Ver.1.5 (Toy Story)
Stitch (Reissue)
Shigaraki Tomura (My Hero Academia)

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>have so many of us
No they don't. International buyers can't be that many at the end of the day. >>10975261 Exactly.

This won't change. At least it's not like you have to order through a magazine like they used to do for the black variants. You just need to learn to not care about a random piece of accessory. None of them have been that crucial to the play value of the figure.
Please sell gangbusters so we get more
I think if they learn that these 2 sells, they are going to up the license fees and get DOA and start making those. Maybe after they get through SF6.
>You just need to learn to not care about a random piece of accessory. None of them have been that crucial to the play value of the figure

Would be easier to do if they weren't locking really nice accessories behind the wall. A good looking head is not just a "random piece of accessory". The way I think, if I can't get the best version of something, I'd rather not settle paying good money for the consolation prize. I fucked up this time by waiting too long to order from HG. So if the other sketchy store doesn't come through I guess I'll just hope for a random re-issue.
If it's such a big deal just make your own toys

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Previously: >>10961925

-Marvel Legends Retro Carnage solicited (Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legeneds Silver Surfer (Walgreens) Reissued (Fan Channel Exclusive)

-Mafex Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (No Way Home) solicited

-Marvel Legends Astonishing Wolverine solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Superior Spider-Man solicited (all major retailers)

-Marvel Legends Warbird announced (no pre-order date, Target Exclusive)

-Marvel Legends Skaar Son of Hulk announced (no pre-order date, Pulse Exclusive)

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>the fisheyed blank stare
But it fits the character's vapid nature. Hey man, it's your money, I'm done with rebuying for marginal updates.
>this robodick ain't gonna suck itself
if you were smart, you would've sold the old one months ago like i did in anticipation of the inevitable new one that's better in every way. the old one sucked ass.
If you were smart, you'd realize its only Captain Marvel, who is still a shit character.
>It's character and character. COMBINED.

i hate numarvel so much its unreal

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>"After all these years, ya know what i realize?...5POA is bliss"
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Same. Early Yamaguchi 2.0 had such diverse license choices, you never knew what you were gonna get next. Yamaguchi is a mecha guy at heart, wish they would let him just do that because nobody else does robots like him.
>metal gear solid 3 remake
>death stranding 2 on the horizon

please god let me get some Yamaguchi x Shinkawa toys
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there's so many good figures to be made for Death Stranding 2
This post inspired me to complete my collection of these. I have Unit-01 with the flat anime colors around here somewhere, but I remember it being sticky as all hell. Do they all get like that?
A lot of em probably do. Kaiyodo was having problems with the thick, glossy paint they were using in that era, a lot of those figures got sticky within a few years.

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