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Previous thread >>10977286

Where to Buy-

Web Exclusives-

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Posting pictures of toys on a toy board is considered shilling?
So what's your solution then?
That defeats the point to begin with though.
Page 8, time to jump over to the new thread.

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what does /toy/ think of the Musculoids?
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im almost 40 and i always thought that this is the WORST toy aestetics.
I can tolerate this shit only when it's TMNT mutans so this retarded muscle stuff is covered with interesting design.

fucking hate this shit and hated it as a kid
For that it is kinda cheap but for a hipster toy it is reather dull.
I have a funny feeling it is the easiest to produce
Normies ruin everything.

I ordered a few customs from the guy before it became cool.
The garage level knockoff quality, is what made these figures charming and unique.
Not interested in this semi mass market output.
Out of the 70 or so figures they currently have available, I like 3, and my favorite one in terms of looks is one of the giant ones so I'm back to not liking it. Good for this guy if he's somehow making enough money off these to keep them going though.

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Superhuman Samurai Syber Squad Edition

SHF Ultraman Exceed X
SHF Valvarad
SHF Shin Cyclone
SHFSS Kamen Rider Kuuga Rising Titan
SHFSS Kamen Rider OOO Tajadol Combo Final Ver
Minipla Shugod Gattai series PB King Kyoryuzin
SODO Kamen Rider Gotchard 5
SHODOXX Kamen Rider 8
YUDO Bakuage Sentai Boonboomger
SG Boonboom Car 01
DX Kamen Rider Geats Sound Core ID + Kamen Rider Core ID Set 03

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I think so too, PLEX designers probably don't think too much on how well the form change gimmick is translated to the toys. Most of the time they probably just want to design a good looking suit with no compromises and usually that doesn't translate well to toys that requires a changing gimmick. Not to mention the form changes are almost entirely abandoned after the first quarter which would leave little reason to continue the toyline other than just making the powered up forms but they're not modular. All Revice's forms are pretty much new or retooled molds so that's money being poured into making a whole new figure for a form that won't be seen for the rest of the series and can't do much else. While Geats RCF line isn't technically the same as RKF it fills the same slot and manages to be a completed toyline because of how easy it is to swap around the shirt and pants and later releases (barring certain examples) was still compatible with the gimmick despite not being portrayed as so in the show so there's some longevity with the older releases.
Anyone know the deal with SHODO-XX? Set 8 is about to release and I haven't seen anything on the blog about set 9. I feel like in the X/O days when a set was dropping we already knew about the next two, now there's nothing.
CONVERGE MOTION is in a similar situation.
The most recent sets, for both Rider and Ultra, were released in April and nothing new has been announced. The only things coming up are the two P-Bandai sets from Shin Rider.
I hope it doesn't die...
I don't know anything about this character but he looks spiffy. How is he as a toy?

Is this a deal worth taking? Shipping will probably bring it up to around 6kyen.
He's a pretty solid figure
I used to see him $110+ at one point and he dropped to barely retail $50-60
SHF Upgrade did a Cape and decals for his gun
Tho I can't find Cape in stock
Maybe Aliexpress has it

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Super Saiyan God Son Goku - Saiyan God of Virtue
Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Son Goku (Reissue)
Frieza Fourth Form (Reissue)

Vegeta - 24000 Power Level [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Vegeta - Awakened Super Saiyan Blood (Reissue)

Cui [Web Exclusive]
Super Saiyan Son Goku Effect Parts Set - Teleport Kamehameha
Son Goku - Saiyan Raised on Earth (Reissue)
Super Saiyan Son Goku - Full Power (Reissue)

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I'm assuming shoulder swivels and a ball jointed head and tail. Can prob switch heads and arms with the Raditz Gohan. Body seems to be the same. Nimbus also seems brand new; different cuts from the old version. I'm estimating $120.
The amount of cool shit he could come with
>The shirt, boots and wristbands he just took off
>Tiens belt
> An effect part to recreate the feet Kamehameha
>hands to recreate the pose in this gif of Goku rubbing his sore arms.
23rd Budokai Goku would be peak.



If we ever get Imperfect Cell, he better come w/ a tail accessory of her getting absorbed like this, lol.

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>open a figure fresh out of the box

>huff the plastic fumes
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>buy that giant ass 3A Metal Gear Rex
>package finally arrives
>start to open
>Immediately hit with a strong paint smell
>open the box
>massively hit over the head with a heavily paint smell
>pass out
>die in the hospital
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Why do humans enjoy the smell of toxic chemicals?
Brain damage from too much toxic chemicals.

I bought an unpainted mcfarlane warhammer marine, still stunk for a few weeks. I think it's the rubbery type plastic in mcfarlanes.

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This is one of those collectable things I just never understood the appeal of. Personally, when it comes to trading cards in general, I'm only interested in the cards with an actual game like pokemon or magic, but not for the resells value or whatever.
Why do people actually like collecting things like baseball cards? Is it like an NFT where they buy them thinking they can upsell them and make a fortune? I can understand searching for specific players you actually follow or famous icons of the past, but I see people at flea markets and swap meets with vans full of cards, and they might sell one or two out of their entire collection.

And these things are massive shelf warmers I've seen many stores with shelves just like this video, just packed and overflowing with cards for every major sport, and no one is even looking at them.

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It's cooled down since people were literally shooting at each other in parking lots over cards, but everything sells at my closest Walmart within a week. Stuff like new Prizm NBA (generational rookie Victor) does the same everywhere. Certain areas will have trouble moving certain things. Part of the buying is the same as for scratch lottery tickets, with people hoping for rare 1 of 1 cards and such that can be worth $10,000 each.
Open the packs and show us
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you have a new roster / uniform for every single team in every single sport every singe year for decades now. Now add that some years other companies tried to get into the market as well as special sets. That's a lot of cards
The pink Doval card is around $4 on eBay and the Castro graded card in plastic above is like $10

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XD <3
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Ha! They actually made a "drug-secreting cat" accessory for children to play with. God I miss the 80's.
>No it's not. They're doing a showing of the first four episodes of the G1 cartoon.

STFU you know nothing cocksucker, now take this (you) and shove it up your ass if there's room next to all the black cocks.....


>By this logic Lynch's Dune is also a toy commercial because the execs thought they'd have themselves another Star Wars and a license to print money.

Except that Dune wasn't explicitly made to be a toy commercial which was Lucas' intent when he created SW. Dune was simply a well know Sci-fi I.P. that dumb wop cocksucker DeLaurentis thought he could use to sell toys!!!FACT!!!
To be fair, the only reason book to film adaptations exist is to make money.
And it's the reason why adaptations are usually so shit too.

licensing is commercialization.
>To be fair, the only reason book to film adaptations exist is to make money.
>And it's the reason why adaptations are usually so shit too.
>licensing is commercialization.


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Will any company do her right?
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Monae would be better as Dazzler, or a "weird" character like Destiny
>inclusive and bad ass non-binary storm
So Storm?
Marvel doesn't seem to care about age that much. Mahershala Ali is 50, Pedro Pascal is 49. There's also the possibility she's playing an entirely different character, or if she is Storm, she may be an older version that serves as a teacher to the new students. Then you have younger performers for Scott, Jean, Bobby, etc.
she's topless?

Found this cork gun for sale, I don't have any idea about the model, the only mark says it's from SamWoo co. Image search gives me nothing.
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You’d probably better off asking in /k/
couldnt find any info on this, and i digged quite a bit. could just be a rare piece
Found it, it's a cork gun "Air Rifle" from SamWoo co
pretty fucking sure that's an Air Rifle made by SamWoo Co
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By Jove! You two cracked the case!

>not a toy guy
>see toy
>suddenly want toy
Why is this happening? What do?
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Come out of a closet anon
I am not even collecting physicals.
I literally pirate shit and put it in my 2 x 4 terabyte sandisk.
I think I have enough media to last me for the rest of my life, it I start consuming NOW, as a neet.
I still collecting…
I think I am just a digital hoarder
You know why I am saying that? Cause I once lost an entire 1 terabyte sandisk and my reaction was sadness for two hours, and then I stopped caring.
I don’t even need them lol
I just like to collect
Oh and something else, if I just “favorite” the tabs, it fills the same retarded side of my brain as storing them in my drive.
Weird, isn’t it?
Fortunately I am poorfagging life at the moment and it will take a long time for me to upgrade my tech to 4K.
4ks are too obnoxious to collect unless you got in early.
Just my opinion.
Too much limited edition/store exclusive shit I hate it. Also WAAAY too many steelbooks, I don't even like steelbooks.
Thank God I don't care about steelbooks.
There's also a Figuarts of his "Rocket Dive" look. I have it, really solid figure.

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Welcome to the Army Men General!

Previously: >>10942150

>Plastic soldiers, knights and pirates, cowboys and indians, fantasy and sci-fi, cops and zombies, all are welcome here!

>Archived threads:

>Army men wargame rules:

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Good for Air Commander light-year. You can even attach a parachute on his army.
Very soulful idea Anon
You know what? I honestly never even thought of doing that. But I'm going to do that now! Thanks!
Nice. I've found one on e-bay. I'll have to import it though.
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Work, inclement weather and even forest fires have all conspired to delay the great Green offensive against the Greys. Remains to be seen when the next good opportunity will come along, might have to wait til my vacation time next month but we'll play it by ear.

Bakugan gen 3 is probably completely done at this point.
With the near complete second season of the show still without a green light, and year 2 toys reportedly getting destroyed, I think it’s pretty safe to say it’s over

On the 7th, spin master will publish their investor Q1 sheet. If Bakugan isn’t on it, then I think it’s officially over.

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming, G3 has kinda sucked ass and nobody is buying it.
Do you think we can expect a G4 after this? Is Bakugan no longer an evergreen brand?
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Ionix was a good idea, imo if it sold well it shouldve continued
So goddamn underrated. Tenkai Knights, the brand's flagship series, took a hit with the Beast World arc, and it forced the cancellation of ALL lines in the brand, meaning we couldn't get other cool designs like Venetta and the Tenkai Wolf.
Is it impossible for Bakugan to disconnect from the TCG aspect? Like how Turning Mecard has completely dropped that battle hobby aspect, gone full combining mecha and aren't even using cards this season.
So it's a nothingburger that OP blew out of proportion?
that happened twice

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>Upcoming Transformers
>Leaks and Rumors
>Online Stores for TFs
>Where to watch TF shows:
>Transformers General Archives:

>New thread on page 9 or 10 or image limit. Any thread that doesn't say this and does not adhere to it or lacks the pastebins is not a legit /tfg/ thread

Previous thread:>>10983528
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Rodimus wasn't in the US marvel comics except for one flash forward episode where he was crucified on the twin towers in NYC, so it could be that.

OR big red, with randomly chosen orange hands to break up the color monotony
Wish it had ankles though. Also my copy has that problem where the car panels don't close flush, I've never been able to find a guide on how to fix it.

oh boy I can't wait for figures of characters I want to be ruined by autistic yearly gimmicks or forced errors/design changes for the sake of planned obsolescence. Like the Prime Universe characters but for everything.
>The Stuni-Con Job
I remember this was the first botcon I went to when I was like 10 and I had the money saved up, cash in hand, but my cousin that brought me there dragged me to meet Stan Bush and when I went back to the line it had sold out. I kept waiting after and the price for the set just kept climbing and climbing
I never realized how much I want a gender bent G1 line before

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Any good "flame shooting" effect parts for this?
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What & why is she wearing on her head?
Also, flamethrower thread, because the general 1/12 guns & accessories thread seems to be missing.
Classified Series Torch is the most appropriate donor.
NV goggles of some sort. Couldn't say why. She's wearing a seifuku while wielding an flammenwerfer, so it's fine.

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Welcome to the Lego General, the worst place on the net for any and all LEGO discussion!
Please note that any new thread that uses promotional imagery or leaks for the OP image is a corposhill spam thread and should be avoided at all costs.

Previous Thread:

>FAQ (Why?):

>/lg/ Flickr Group (lol):

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kys weeb faggot
must get hot in that cockpit
It's probably easiest to sell through FB marketplace again desu. You won't get the best prices like BL but no fees, no tax, and no shipping.
Where do you think you are, retard kun??
Bobby, I've got propane in my urethra.

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