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This is one of those collectable things I just never understood the appeal of. Personally, when it comes to trading cards in general, I'm only interested in the cards with an actual game like pokemon or magic, but not for the resells value or whatever.
Why do people actually like collecting things like baseball cards? Is it like an NFT where they buy them thinking they can upsell them and make a fortune? I can understand searching for specific players you actually follow or famous icons of the past, but I see people at flea markets and swap meets with vans full of cards, and they might sell one or two out of their entire collection.

And these things are massive shelf warmers I've seen many stores with shelves just like this video, just packed and overflowing with cards for every major sport, and no one is even looking at them.

If you collect toys, on this toy board, then you should understand the appeal of collecting things (including cards) too, right? Same slippery slopes we fall into.
>Oh I just like Michael Jordan.
>Well maybe I'll get his team too.
>I also like that other team.
>Oh ghey have hockey cards? Well maybe I'll just get my favorite team.
>A new series of Chicago Bull cards? Those new pictures like nice.
>Oh they updated the stats? I should keep my collection up to date!
>5 years pass, have 10 binders full of various cards
The slippery slope is dangerous.
They're one of the oldest things to collect.
A large part of the appeal is that they're basically records for a given season, which is why rookie cards for athletes who go onto be notable tend to be the most valuable
I get that, but why are they so over produced and over priced? There is no shortage of sports cards, the stores are overflowing with them, and everything I find online says they're oversaturated and overpriced, and they're on clearance at just about every major store that carries them.

They're like everything else. They start out cheap, accessible, and fun. Then everybody gets greedy and it all collapses under its own weight. See also the 90s comic book crash and what may turn out to be the 20s action figure crash.

I started collecting baseball cards around 1992 and was basically done with them before the 90s ended. I would buy a pack of Topps at KMart or the grocery store every week. Something like 48 cents for a pack of 20 cards (and gum I'd just throw out). There were five or so brands, most a little more expensive, but Upper Deck was far and away the "premium" brand and more like $1 for 15 cards. But then all of them dedided to make premium variants, like Fleer Ultra and Topps Stadium Club, and soon it was $3 or $4 for 8 cards. I can't even imagine what it's like now.

Plus this is when card shows were big. So you had these cards that basically cost 3 cents out of a pack going for $25 or more. I have a pair of Mike Schmidt and George Brett cards I thought I paid a fortune for at $20 or so. But I guess that was when $20 was real money and not a Big Mac meal at McDonalds.

Anyway, those shows and the shops behind them basically disappeared because new cards got so expensive and oversatured while old cards had to keep climbing like a non-executive trying to outrun minimum wage. The hobby just had too high a price tag for new people to get into it. I'm surprised there are sports cards at all anymore.

Eerily similar to trying to get kids into toys with a ground floor of $25 for anything that's not dogshit.
rookie cards. that was the draw. you bet on a player becoming a superstar and then you can brag about having gotten their limited first year print or when they were just a roleplayer.
I just spent 80$ on cards today, for no real reason. I just like opening them, looking at the pictures and stats, then I dump them into a box where they will sit for the rest of eternity. I hate them, but I can't stop. Maybe some part of me thinks I'll find that one in a million card and win the lottery.
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My first ever pull from baseball cards. How did I do? I genuinely have no idea what I'm looking at.
I don't know about sports cards but last year they came out with a Killer Klowns from Outer Space collectible card set and the price was 20 dollars for two packs of five cards I think.
Completely retarded.
Yeah, that is retarded. We had licensed cards in the 90s too. I have a set of TMNT that's basically screenshots from the pilot. The XMen cartoon was big too so Fleer had premium line with Jim Lee art. It got so crazy that practically everything had a card series - Star Trek, Dukes of Hazard, Land Before Time, Laverne and Shirley, Alf, etc. Totally oversaturated the market. Before Covid shut down all the flea markets, you could buy entire boxes for $5.
that's a legitimate sickness. I really hope you have a good income at least. I think this hobby can be neat if you organize them in a binder and treat it as a modular stat book for history purposes but if you're just buying them to put them in an unorganized bin, what's the point?
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I did that before for Yugioh cards once. I like collecting them, but one day I just bought a crap ton of booster packs and didn't get a whole lot of things I wanted. From that day forward I vowed to avoid booster packs as much as possible and only buy singles online.
That said, I still tempt fate by buying booster packs on occasions, but it is significantly much less frequently.
>look them up
>they look like something a high schooler put together 5 minutes in photoshop
I'd feel so stupid if I bought them. At least make them consistent and cool looking with information or fun facts on the back. Have a card for every clown shown in the movie and have some be chase cards, like Klownzilla. Like what the hell, how hard can it be to do a job right?
I'm into non-sports cards. When I was a kid I'd go to the gas station and buy 25cent packs for fun of things like Garbage Pail Kids, Star Wars, etc etc. Then again in the 90's I got hooked again, especially since new stuff went on cheap clearance at the local KB Toys outlet store. During the pandemic I picked up cheap sets I'd always wanted like various 80's movies & shows. Flash forward to now, I found my old Star Wars cards, and have been slowly getting the missing ones paying a couple bucks a week just for fun.

When I'm looking at ebay for my missing cards, there are tons of cards that look really interesting, but the prices of new sealed boxes are fucking insane. I'm not paying these prices, period.

I think the hobby would be healthier at cheaper prices, otherwise kids aren't going to pick up the habit or want to spend the big bucks. I'd buy new packs if they were cheap, and I looked at GPK and said no fucking way.
Garbage, and you've wasted your money.
Probably boomers? I feel like anytime someone is buying or look at cards, it's ALWAYS pokemon cards and I would bet my left nut 95% of them dont actually understand the rules or play the game associated with them lol.

just looks like a bunch of random niggers to me.
Yea, I can't say I understand how people pay ridiculous prices for cards.
I do buy some cards I like, one of them Bandai candy toy cards that has a nice picture on it, but I'd never buy it at inflated values.
It's cooled down since people were literally shooting at each other in parking lots over cards, but everything sells at my closest Walmart within a week. Stuff like new Prizm NBA (generational rookie Victor) does the same everywhere. Certain areas will have trouble moving certain things. Part of the buying is the same as for scratch lottery tickets, with people hoping for rare 1 of 1 cards and such that can be worth $10,000 each.
Open the packs and show us
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you have a new roster / uniform for every single team in every single sport every singe year for decades now. Now add that some years other companies tried to get into the market as well as special sets. That's a lot of cards
The pink Doval card is around $4 on eBay and the Castro graded card in plastic above is like $10
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I remember being a poorfag and could never afford this card.
I bought hockey cards in the early 90s so most of it is all worthless junk.
>And these things are massive shelf warmers
Actually, you're just there from a fresh restock. These cards are never on clearance and never stick around for a week. There's always a collective of fans buying a pack or two that they run out eventually. picrel is another that doesnt stick around
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I like to buy my club's cards despite hating all the players that are in
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I like the non sports cards that have little swatches of props.
Unfortunately, these are one of the most common fakes on the market.
The sports jersey ones are, the prop ones are almost all legit. Card companies were notorious for outbidding people in prop auctions just to cut them up into 1" squares. They did this with the old school Star Trek uniforms when Paramount was getting rid of them. The Disney ones do source their stuff from productions, Ironhead studios who does the costumes for Marvel supplies them with surplus fabric, for example.
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500$ on ebay
I want the Nostromo crew
of all the sports-related things, this is the only time I had any fun at all. Yeah okay sports is boring, but they're muscular healthy dudes in uniforms, you can squint and think of them as superheroes. and they have stats and teams with cool logos. also if you were like me, you thought they would go up in value

man i miss POGs way more though

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