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/vm/ is a place to discuss all types of multiplayer games, whether on console, handheld, or PC, co-op or competitive, online or local.

Does this mean discussion of multiplayer games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vm/ is just a separate board specifically focused on multiplayer games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vm/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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Multiplayer games includes (but is not limited to) Fighting games, First-person shooters, MMOs, Racing games, Sports games, Board & Card games, Party games, and any other genre of game that requires two or more players. Please post threads about single player games on an appropriate board.

Looking for players? Post a LFP thread. Advertising your game servers is allowed and encouraged! Just don't ask for money or spam the board.

Consider using Hamachi, ZeroTier One, or GameRanger for playing old-school LAN games.

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previous thread


First puzzle:

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1849 sfw AI x9
1200 pieces, 2 puzzles, sfw
1536 sfw, dall-e collage
300 pieces nsfw gay furry
1236 sfw, 2 images

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>what is eve
shit game
>what is eve really?
ded game
>ingame channel
>should I start playing EVE?
probably not
>previous thread
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nah, its just boring, costs like 40 or 50mil per char to buy all the factories & extractors and takes a bit of time, like an hour or 2 (depending if you know what you're doing).
once its set up though, its like 3-4min a day of clicking your extractors and maybe 10min a month of hauling it from the Customs Offices back to station.
No, at least to get started. Just pick a system in high sec and put down a command center on it, extract as much raw material as you can, process it in P1 products in an basic industry facility, pick it up every couple of weeks. You won't make a lot of money like that, but all you have to do is swing by in an Epithal once in a while, put all the PI in a station, and do HS buyback for it. Each planet will probably make about 30m ISK a month if you're resetting it every day (Literally just click restart on each extractor) or 15m if you do it once a week and you can have up to six.

When you get a grasp on how it works, move on to making T2 product not so much because it pays better than P1, but because you can get it down to only having to pick things up once every other month. Then go do it in a wormhole for 4x the pay with less taxes, probably somewhere like Wormlife for the ease of it and because they reliably have 3% tax POCOs. Drag out the PI to HS every few weeks, do HS buyback to make around 1b ISK/mo on the low end, even more if you plan it out better and adjust it frequently.
And this, initial setup fucking sucks. So much clicking to put things where it should be, even worse if you're doing it multiple characters. Far, far worse if you planned everything out in spreadsheets because that takes forever on figuring out what the most efficient way to make things are.
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>rebind F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 to 12345
>now I can't use modules if I spam Dscan because Dscan has filters binded to 123456789
>you can't unbind them
How do you solve this?
put your buttons back to the f keys dumbass

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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.

>>Last Huntoon Goddess, Nut

>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Open Alpha, May 2nd (findom paypiggies only)
>>Closed Beta, 30th July at 23 Godtoons

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>play bellona
>win 5/5 games
it's really that easy.
people have 0 idea how to build right now, so you can just hard counter with the basics including active items.
Still, smite 2 feels incredibly lame right now, feels like the pace of season 1-2 but worse, and i have no idea why they felt the need to give zeus a fucking stun.
Also ymir's stupid wall launching is gonna need nerfed
ive been playing support
>ymir's stupid wall launching is gonna need nerfed

I already got a duo killed throwing them under tower doing wall launch
He’s also stupidly strong in solo now that his AAs are physical, and they also buffed his 2 range.
The only game I got diffed because AA assassin build Ymir completely threw me off
>get 2 kills and 3 assists as jungle anubis
>loki has 1 kill and is afk farming jungle
>hes 2 levels higher than me

This is not acceptable.
>jungling rewards more than gank spam
Thank god, no more cringing and taxing mid

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Level down: >>1239653
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Get an actual card like a mastercard you fucking dork
>I guess they've narrowed it down to the fact that the new payment processor SE is using doesn't accept Visa debit
I've seen this but I've had no problems paying for XI since the change and I even renewed my XIV sub just yesterday with a visa debit card after having used a credit card for the last few months.
I saw SE saying you'd need to check your name & address matched on your account, mine does and I live in a now third world country (bongland) and had no issues there.
The worst part about the bots in the starting zones is that their "fix" was to cap how many sparks you can spend per week, which didn't stop the RMT bots cause they just delete the character and make a new one when they hit the cap. It just screwed normal players out of a steady income stream via gil from sparks.
>you'd need to check your name & address matched on your account

Shit, well sorry to hear that.
I know how you feel, I can't get Aliexpress to take my money either. I'd say try crysta if you can, another card if you've got one or one of those youth mastercard or whatever for yobbos who buy weed online.
If you don't have a credit card and can get one, sometimes worth getting one for shit like this.

GL anon, I'll play a little retail for you today.

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

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And Beachside Nicky, NN?
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The girl who BTFO'd rioshitters to death in the 2nd skin contest
>BTFO'd rioshitters
Not a great feat
Anyone can do this

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cultural fighting game

>Frame data

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>not having every unique HL execution
I haven't been playing the game for very long. I just saved up enough steel to get his hero skin but I'm thinking about saving it for the new samurai if he's fun.
Does anyone know how fast the new highlander foward dodge caber is? You can do it after a light parry but how much time is that as well? 900 ms? The information hub says it takes 600 ms to do a caber toss and that the input window is 300-500. Does that mean it's exactly 900 if you buffer the input and that's why it works on light parries?
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Every gender locked hero should have a swapped Hero skin since they're clearly capable of doing that.
Monkey King shaolin is too good. But I would have 100% accepted FemLander.

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Ord Mantel edition.

>Battlefront II News


>SWTOR Helpful Links
(If you have a general question about the game, such as credit limits, subscribing, story order, class usage, what a certain item you see in a screenshot, or really anything, check these first)

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>Bootleg Stardrew valley and Hutta is grey now
We are so back swtor sisters
the festival looks pretty fun. really hate how they are removing colours. one reason I prefer base game planets is how colorful they are.

Smuggler story should have ended when you get your ship back from Skavak, everything else after was dog shit

They should have made the story so you get your ship back early on and kill Skavak at lvl 50, adding another layer of suspense and intrigues. Everything after the initial part when you get your ship back is about being le corsair for the republic and doing the most generic missions ever all the way to 50.
With the double exp event, is it a good time to resub on swtor?
Yeah, start a new character and be max level by the third planet. It's hilarous.

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Risk of Rain
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Ok ok, hear me out... Voidforcer
this would've been so fucking perfect.
>pre-sotv void's time cop themings
>a literal "corrupt" cop rebelling against the forces that turned him into what he is now
>DETAINING enemies and snaring them in place so you can do some fucked set-up shit with your other skills
I was trying to think of skills but yeah, detaining enemies sounds awesome. Voidforcer would be a perfect time cop
>pre-sotv void's time cop themings
What's the situation with the void now?
autistic collectors.
not even joking.

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GW1 Guild Wars 1 thread, hall of heroes edition

previous thread >>1252306

GW1 is alive and well anniversary festival is going on, and our /vm/ guild has been surging with players come join us!

Lately we've been dipping our feet into PvP and badly playing HA, made it to hall of heroes a few times and have done not too bad for a group of people who've never done HA or PvP before in GW1. Future plans for some GvG scrimmages along with some endgame dungeons we typically run at least 2 meetups per week. Friday which is campaign prog day, and saturday which is end game dungeons.

Friday May 3rd - 7 PM EST Proph Prog (we are at Iron Mines of Moladune)
Saturday May 4th - SoO dervway? (check next post) I might be busy on this day however. Time undecided.

Future week plans include GvG scrimmages, and potentially some RA games/bot bullying.
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>he doesn't want quality of life improvements that any game should have in 2024

*autopops cons during combat*
yeah it's just
*takes unoffered npc dialog to skip an area*
modern conveniences
*checks enemies outside the bounds visible by holding ctrl*
a modern game
*opens chests across the map*
ought to have
lol stay seething
why would I be mad?
I found an even better qol mod, I leave my pc on overnight with it running and in the morning there's a stack of ectos in my inventory
stay abusing exploits, third-worldie. wouldn't want to actually play the game while you're dilating your hall of troonuments

Talk about modern or retro Arena FPS games in the competitive/action vein, such as:
Quakeworld, Q2, Q3-CPMA, QLive, Quake Champions and UT'99-2k4, UT3, UT4 (rip)
Also welcome to talk about highly anticipated indie developer game Diabotical and nu-retro titles like Wrath: Aeon of Ruin, Amid Evil and DUSK.

Non-main stream retro AFPS titles such as:
https://toxikk.com | https://www.warsow.net | https://www.xonotic.org
Ratz Instagib, Nexuiz, Reflex Arena, Shootmania and mods for any well-known title are all welcome.

>brakfst oats links
quakeworld.nu | playmorepromode.com | quakelive.com
>brakfst of Champions
>children's game

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how would ignoring something make you notice it?
The first games whole thing was coloured lighting and looking pretty. Even back then it was an engine demo.
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>Even back then it was an engine demo.
It was still very clearly much more than just a tech demo, even without looking at what reviewers said. Unreal's story was also pretty much the proto-Avatar experience.

People always say "tech demo" whenever a ground breaking title (Quake, Unreal, Half-Life) comes around even though that was still the era when the game came before the graphics. Games nowadays however fit the description of looking pretty whilst having no actual gameplay just fine.
But Half-Life was just a tech demo for skeletal animations
>It was still very clearly much more than just a tech demo
Fortnite is an engine demo. This doesn't mean that it can't also be a game. Unreals story, from a game perspective is luke warm at best. Noone was playing it for the story, we played it for the visuals (the engine demo aspect) as well as the shooting. Why is fortnite an engine demo? Because it is a showcase of what will be possible in the future with UE - since it has features that are not in the current latest version of the engine. If it wasn't they wouldn't have bothered updating it to lumen or nanite. It also has the benefit of onboarding future devs via UEFN. They finally decided to not use unreal/ut and focused on FN.
>and the UT games build off of that almost as much.
As a UT player from the time, beyond the intro, the game doesn't have a story. So I guess building off unreals almost non-existent story is fitting.
please shuttup, its so trash and surface level noone outside of the hardcore unreal lore nerds cared.
Are you listening to yourself? hl1 is modified Q2 engine.. lol. I'll quote what was said initially.
>The first game's whole thing was story,
It wasn't. It was visuals and shooting stuff. And the story, what there was, was trash.

News about any upcoming Events? Bleck.
Dead and dated memes you gotta pay like $8 for? Now we're talking.
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>2020 + 4
Anon I...
>implying there was a ranked sbmm.
yeah, no. there is no sbmm in this.
I hit diamond for S1 with friends and we still ran into full bronze/silver teams.
Also, the cheating is rampant, the devs literally admitted it today in their update post.
what does "sbmm" mean, anon?
Impressions after playing the event:
-Lights matter more due to no revives and hit and run tactics; I see more LLMMH than LMMHH teams as a result
-Heavy has more presence and is both more fun to fight and to fight as than usual, mainly due to the health mechanics
-2 Terminals and the map size means that Defenders are often really the Attackers, but I kinda dig it
-APS is more cancer here than in Power Shift
-It's overall kinda fun, but brought down by the downtime between rounds. If they smoothed things out and brought it back in Season 3 with the proper system changes to make it work, I'd play it occasionally as a casual side mode.
That being said, I think this is more of a test to see if people would enjoy 5v5 Quick Cash, which is something people have been asking for a while, and this format gives them a large number of small-scale tests without spoiling the idea of 5v5 Quick Cash, because if it sucked now then people would forever associate that.
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>light hesitates on stealing the enemy team's cash out while we have one in our hands
>get horribly split up and raped from rear to head
>of course he steps on a mine and dies
>another vault in our hands but these 2 fuckwads just wander off on their own without any care in the world
>get flanked all by myself and lose the vault yet again
>last cashbox in my hand
>unsuspecting retard from the enemy team all by himself who just set up a guardian turret expecting to snatch the last vault
>be lucky enough that the rest of the teams are fighting over 1 (one) cash out
>still end up on second place
This game needs text chat so i can call these people words... oh wait no we need more communicative features instead of just mouthbreather ESL simulator and "what the fuck is the middle mouse button?"

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>What is Lost Ark
A pay-to-win MMOARPG set in a grindy, gatekeeping world with bad designed fights where the mistake of one player wipes the whole raid and wastes the 20 minutes of progress you had, that times 18 raids you must do every week to stay relevant.

How alive is the game?
Dead. Check steamdb, half of those are bots and half of that are on your region.

Who is left playing the game?
Gambling addicts who are weak willed and heavily sunk cost to leave at this point aka mazies. They are in too deep they are beyond saving.

How much p2w is this game?
Not a single player can progress in this game unless someone whether it's you or someone else pays real money for their accessories/build through a currency called pheons.

Is the game censored?
Yes, skins are censored, multiple instances of race swapping NPCs and the shadowhunter class.

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>come home from wagecucking
>tired but want to raid
>thaemine 1-2 reclear on alt so shouldn't be that bad
>it's bad
why the fuck aren't raids fun or relaxing anymore? i miss the valtan+vykas days
every new raid has to one up the last one because raiders jerk themselves off for doing "hard" content
Valtan sure but Vykas wasn't all that relaxing back then. 1 person not being able to survive already forces a g1 jail. g2 has only 2 mechs but people still fucked those up. g3 had plenty of opportunities to raid wipe. Remember approaching x0 only for someone to not grab a red orb or look at medusa? This was still happening months after release. I don't see Thaemine 1-2 being any worse than that.
I would say it's more that raids were still newish back in Valtan + Vykas days so mistakes and restarting was just part of the process. Pretty sure you weren't expecting smooth reclears on the 3rd week after Valtan/Vykas came out.
Figures. I play my old account from 2 years ago just for unas good and chaos gates, and funnel the gold to my new acct.

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Booba edition:

>What is Vintage Story?
Medieval block autism

What is a hobby you picked up irl with inspiration from vintage story?
For me it was brewing.

>What’s New?
Not much. Ded hours. A few people went back to og. A few to random servers from the official nigcord. Wigger made an anarchy server that only he plays.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

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Yeah SP. Maybe i should find a really deep lake and look at the walls
Currently, wild apple-rasperry cider that is on the priming phase. I harvested some garlic mustard and have been looking for morels lately.
You can jump into a cave, go to iron depth, and occasionally do a node search propic
explosive diarrhea

SRB2 Kart is a mod of a mod based on the Doom Legacy engine, turning the game engine into a kart racer akin to Super Mario Kart. It's a very lightweight game and runs on most all PCs. Use this thread to start netgames, join other anons, give help/tips, spritework, modding, feedback, etc.

>How to Play
1. Download the game below in 'Full Install (...)'
>Compiling on Linux
2. Unzip contents into a separate folder
3. Load up 'srb2kart-neptune.exe'
4. That's it

>Do we have a /v/ server?
Yes! We're running a modified executable that allows for 256 characters and up to 32 racers, along with a large supply of QoL improvements. First, download it here:

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dunno, I feel it's a case of mentally troubled sociopaths (try to) gain power in a community and turn everyone loony. not to mention the old guard not being there to keep them in their place
the pedo ghost is being more subtle after getting outed the first time.
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you think he's going to talk about his ban in the stjr video?
Does anyone have a save with all the courses and racers unlocked, including Ring the Racer and Hidden Palace?
>glaber liked a post that called kart krew retards and got banned
>it took THIS much back and forth for kart krew to ban sandwhichface

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