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File deleted.
>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)

>Dr. Nadja's Beginner Guide

>Match History, Character Lookups, etc.

>Interactive Map

>Items/Tac Skills/Augments





>/erbsg/ friends

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welcome back test subjects
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>Dailin skin nowhere close to beating out Dragon Dance
It's over. NN will never top that skin on Dailin.
that's a good thing no?
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Dragon Dance Li Dailin, Street Fiend Hyunwoo and other skins were done by a particular ex artist, whose work was 50% removed from game after korean pp drama
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>it was done by the smol pp artist
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>Underworld Org Haze, Demon Hunter Johann, Beachside Nicky, Dragon Dance Li Dailin, Mistletoe Lenox, Street Fiend Hyunwoo and others skin were done by the same artist involved in korean pp drama
>Part of such work was removed and NN refuses to somehow sell it despite 90% of planet (and even some locals there) doesn't give a shit about the pp drama
>Implying magnigger got something of value like the rest
lmao even
Seethe more adinasissy
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>eva and li dailin are epic
>vanya and felix are rare
>everything looks kinda mid
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>Such weak comeback
Look buddy, maybe you didn't realize yet since you're a magnigger who dies to undeleveled lenis and xiukais 24/7 but now NN has a nice excuse of don't give something actually good to magnigger for some years more, probably martina get a epic before magnus at this rate
Pretty meh designs.
Eva with shortened hair and that fish dress looks bad ngl
Looks mid compared Seaside and Vacance season skins
i guess we're all pedophiles here
it took me 4 getcaptchas to post this shit
Quite horrible to be honest.
I don't understand why they stick with Genshin Impact styles of "the character is a monotonous with nothing to focus on"
At least only part of recent skins is like that, I guess.
monotonous mess
Maybe Vanya's be the most popular skin of season eventually
The last time I played this it had a <4000 playercount and every match I played was versus bots lol
Something something top down design.
They should focus more in making interesting characters and building personality and kits around it.
Squad mode only full release revitalized the playercount.
Eva needs her long hair back or that summer epic skin it's doomed lol
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Eva needs to be naked or that summer epic skin it's doomed lol
old hag
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Hardly we'll get something like Dragon Dance again unless the artist of korean pp drama apologizes and NN realizes that remove skins was retarded since they give more profits than gacha boxes full of shit
drunktard should not be this sexy
Absolute and total sex.
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>AI slop
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>Chiara was raped again
Cleansing Chiara's sinful anus with my holy rod.
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Eva BS skin did better with less stuff
this is better
hitting seaside eva in-game and watching as her tits jiggle uncontrollably for the next week
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>Felix not looking like a twink faggot for once.
Don't forget your daily bags in the store
Mating press.
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you know, I'd be mad as well if I played the game for 18 hours a day to be "rep" of a character and still when people think of said character they think of me before them
who are you talking to
I know the NA discords frequently visit these threads but man what is this passive aggressive gay shit just DM your faggot lover and tell him that
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fair point
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Lore accurate Vanya skin when?
lore accurate siss skin when
I mean, there are plenty of tombstone skins to choose from...
she could still walk before spawning tombstone
immersion ruined
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>Everyone agrees that almost all new summer skins looks meh compared to previous seasons
vanya is good
you missed "almost" though
slop is okay the first time around but by the third serving of it you kind of want something else
For the first time, they have gone for a lighter colour palette for a summer theme. The VFX reveal will be interesting.
>rio and nadine
dodged, a team with just glass cannons it's fucking stupid
>inb4 b-but you can win with any comp
yeah sure, until a lukenigger or underleveled rozzi jumps and kills them all
Actually I'm not sure if anyone in the NA discords still visit these after dying off /vg/
Checked the logs in the charahub discord at least cause I know some of you fags here are from there and wanted to see if anyone was talking about the thread dying for hours yesterday but all I saw was Pies a few months ago saying /erbsg/ was funny to read before it died
Better there's less discorders here anyways, I really wouldn't want them using this thread as a proxy to anonymously flame each other all the time.
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>Vanya got the best season skin despite is rare
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>queue ranked
>retards pick anyone else but their best mains, die like retards and then wonder why the team isn't perfoming well
>Felix being out of character
Microbikini Sissela
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>Not "spend 2000000 A-Coins to get duplicate emote you've already gotten 6 times" event.
I will now play your event.
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The Dr. Nadja emotes are adorable.
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>Absolute and total sex.
I'm going to FUCK the sweaty OL
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The perfect N key
>3rd highest number of entries
Do nyaggers really?
>play assassin
>shit team comps with 2 ranged dps
>play tank
>ranged dps teammates just baits me and runs away from every fight
Seriously what the fuck do these dps players want from me?
I had teammates who even ran away from mutant wolves after I aggro'd them
Because the average dpshitter expects that team acts like their personal bodyguards just to sit behind to spam skills and pings like a retard, dying eventually because move, dodge, run and provide actual support are impossible tasks for them
I usually use the first/second teamfight for a litmus test to see what kind of backline players I get
If they dont want to go in I almost always let the enemy team collapse onto my team and pray they have at least a braincell to poke down the other frontline
Cant even do that? yeah im just going next
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Pov: Low elo lobbies
sissela sex
Why don't you just queue up with your /vm/ buddies? Why are you playing solo queue? You're obviously suffering.
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I do play with a kr dude
has not been playing the game recently
because most of you are americans and its bad enough playing this game at 150 ping in asia, also im bad
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The doujins write themselves
my bro Xiukai would never simp for a bitch
Because you aren't my buddies.

And Beachside Nicky, NN?
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The girl who BTFO'd rioshitters to death in the 2nd skin contest
>BTFO'd rioshitters
Not a great feat
Anyone can do this
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I already added the people I do play with from /erbsg/ and we just stick to 3-stacking when all of us feel like playing the game. I'd play more often with people here if people asked for games but no one does.
I would like to play on NA server as I don't speak kr but the ping...
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EU is a little too destitute even for a duo, i'd have to troll with my most compex and least played characters to make it feel not like a stomp.
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It would be dumb for NN not to capitalize the opportunity to advertise the game to the west amidst the Vanguard bullshit fiasco this summer.
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Valid for 1h
What is haze doing with a katana
put it in her cleavage
1 hour
Do these boxes really last indefinitely? Guess i'll only need green np for the next pass
Haze seppuku time? kinda based
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
Hardly NN can do something after the korean pp drama since they still refuse to solve the problem of removed skins, also fuck league
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Where's our bunny suit season NN?
*reverse bunny suit
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>file deleted
lmao owned
Now I will play your character
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Thousands of anime fanarts with visible areolas go unnoticed on the blue board, yet this one was deleted.
Wilson is too much. Just look at it.
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That's it, I'm using Nadine again as the OP next time.
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*feels nothing*
my wife!
not feeling it
>coomer garbage deleted
If OP wasn't a faggot he would mix coom/cool/cute op pics
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I only coom to tits so the Sissela image was just cute to me
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I am desensitized so it's not even lewd to me
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Sissela may have some of most lewd fanarts ever done, yet that pic was tamed compared to >>1188494 >>1274431 or >>1265707
Damn the holy flame visual effect will make his auto attacks even more satisfying than they already were.
>tap Q-Q-W
>2 bombs placed but only 1 explodes
The line between mashing and optimal play seems really fine
ZRSAQWSA blue box
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1 hour, 300 green np guaranteed
>300 green np guaranteed
Why would you lie to me?
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You're not korean and will never be japanese, cuck
ZXCVASWR first code, valid for an hour
EU competitive scene is a breath of fresh air compared to KR.
By that you mean our region is filled with retards?
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new code
chiara won in eu again
EU it's the only region where everyone just stands like mushrooms and gets one shot by shit characters like Chiara
P.S.: No surprises, I was right >>1277334
>Mythrils 3stacking in norms
Weekends tend to be the worst
why didn't you just beat them?
anyone else noticed how flat katjas ass is?
I wasn't on Sua, unfortunate
Her racks are fucking huge tho.
prove it
Look at her in-game model.
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>Forgive me father, for I have sinned
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>Sorry daddy, I've been a bad girl
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goober dork arm broke
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Reminder that EU lost to Chiara at her absolute weakest state in the fastest ERM bracket the game has ever known
Now she's been buffed THIRTEEN TIMES IN A ROW what chance do they have?
Not forgiven.
>queue ranked
>teammate picks anyone else but their best mains, die 8 times in a row and then seethe in chat
fucking retard, hope you get -100 rp
>me and other teammate die
>teammate Leni still alive
>20 credits
>watch her farm
>die of old age
She's doing her best, anon!
Leni a shit.
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In theory Leni should be a decent character, but I've never seen one that doesn't make me wanna punch children.
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the usual 1 hour
Elena is a tank.
Damn, Adina's tits are really big once you pay attention in that dumb bitch
fuck you
you say this to everyone
next it will be eleven's
nah, she's doomed to be ugly flat forever, even li dailin had some tits in bs
I missed two and only got the last one, fug. When are they doing a rerun on these? I'm missing two of the champion icons.
sissela sex
>spawn in school
>one enemy spawn in same cluster as me
>blink to loot first motherfucker
>fumble and fuck up
>accept defeat and head toward south cluster
>all looted up
>wear clown wig
>Season 3
>Irem with her rare skin ends up being more popular than epics
>Season 4
>Vanya with her rare skin ends up being more popular than epics
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Feels so fucking good to get 12 rocket hits with 1 haze R
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layer cake
Me on top.
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What's this about though?
what can I even do with 100 green
It's blue
oh neat
S3 went very well, no?
Oh it's just two hours of server issue for today.
More emotes for me! I'm getting the twins questioning which objective to go for.
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>Sorry that we turned the game into bootleg League of Legends and used AI to generate, write and assign skillsets for all of the new characters. Have some event currency, because we're going to do the same thing in Season 4 as well.
Nice. Two bread baskets.
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>queue ranked
>lost and get -50 rp for getting paired with literal retards who never played this mode before
gg was me
Charlotte it's shit, literally free kills and reduce team's damage to 2
>inb4 B-But she's good with Sua
Negro, almost everyone it's good with current NN FOTM, did you forgot "Hyejin dps" or are you a fucking newfag?
I wouldn't really call the clueless milk slut FotM when she's never been anything but absolute top tier at any point in this game's unlifespan
>queue ranked
dodged, kinda feel bad for anyone who plays with suck shit pair
Do I just need to reach gold for Elena's cadet skin or is it a specific say, Gold I?
Just gold.
When does season end? Idk if I will be able to reach gold.
May 22nd If I'm not mistaken. As it is, it's very easy to reach diamond so you won't have any issues getting to gold.
Mating press
>I'm stuck in silver because the system put me with irons doing stupid shit like rest in red zone
are you in NA? i can queue with you if you'd like
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>Almost nobody gives a shit about Li Dailin epic skin compared to Vanya's rare
It's Adriana and Irem case all over again lol
That's because Dailin has a better R skin
Many such cases
At this point I start to think she won't get any good skin for a long time since pic related, dragon and rebel were made by korean smol pp drama artist
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Bestelle and Wickdriana are both great skins, thoughever. Dailin and Eva's swimsuits are travesties in comparison.
Felix's looks okay, i'd rate it about the same as his riot police skin.
Riot Police is pure sex though
Weather looks so cancerous holy shit
please let's not
Looks like a lot of fun to me. If the plant spawns aren't random then i don't even mind the one with huge knockback distance.
It's the 6th slot they removed before, right?
Why would they remove it just to add it again later?
I think they're just arm pieces, but yeah they're bringing back active items with a bunch of new ones included.
They are finally reworking Tsubame awkward gameplay loop.
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Reworked skins.
left is actually cool and in character, right is whatever, who cares
SUNSETS4SUNSET new code 600 NP (7 day) 2 skin data boxes
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I don't understand coomers who jump at anything female
Do they have no standards at all?
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>people still playing COBALLS
s4 dev stream notes https://docs.google.com/document/d/1--XV2fSiJLiAG92Ci9yZya47G7LFL1vwM6-ArKztvgw/edit
it's very popular in kr
you can find matches 24/7 all day every day
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Damn, didn't know this game is still alive. I played in S1
Downloading now to see what they did with it
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Credit loaning mechanic?
Daily reminder Chiara it's the public cumdump of lumia island, everyone and even NN knows it
Katja's skin looks kinda ugly ngl
You'll be able to res teammates with less than 200c, what's missing will be taken from who you're ressing
wtf I don't consent.
Damn, this ugly slut is fucking stacked, got boobs and ass, too bad her face and personality suck.
dont die then retard
>Buy item for myself
>Make other players pay for their own dumb deaths
Brilliant. So much for running around all game ressing dummies without ever affording an item.
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>Chiara: I'm lost, there's no purpose for me
>Charlotte: Wrong, you're made for one particularly and it's always before your eyes
>Chiara: And what is it?
>Charlotte: To please and suck dicks
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Be grateful that Miss Apichaya Chaipattama is willing to spend her spare change on you
Do we know who's the premium pass skin?
Eternal 17.
Shut up, sagging hag.
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Grinding ranked to gold might be not doable on EU
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A bit early, try in a couple hours and it will probably still pop. On weekends it surely does, even now that we're at the end of the season.
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Irex mogged Widriana in popularity and fanarts, nobody cared about Jonhmilo, the only skin that got relevancy besides the cat in this season is Bestelle
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>NN said I could stop being a shit character if perform more "special services" to other test subjects around Lumia
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Vanya won this season
S4 changes do look interesting if anything. This was also supposed to be the season with ads right?
Is it time to return to /vg/ bros?
nah, fuck that shithole
No point just requires more babysitting to not fall of catalog all the time.
You mean the cringe board where everyone has to deal with retards of genshit, honkek and more spamming threads everytime they get attacks of butthurt AKA 24/7? Yeah no, fuck it
Bunny Suit Sissela
>Li Dailin epic skin revealed
>Nobody gives a shit
www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQ55BP1RiDs Really?
>Most comments are about Eva's tits and Vanya's cunny
Li Dailin lost hard
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>Let's improve some details but also remove others for no reason in her skin
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you are a whore
a popular one but still a whore
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Your feeble words mean nothing, for they're as meaningless as the life you live as a lost lamb without God's guidance...
Buy my new skin or suffer divine retribution (TL: she steps on you)
Sinners like you deserve no second warning...do not try my patience...
as if I did not every single one of your skins for free
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I will not repeat myself...purchase the new skin, no matter the cost. If it requires forfeiting all mortal possessions you have gained from avarice during your directionless life to myself, then you will do so. It is the only way you can receive the Lord's salvation...lest Emma transforms you into my beach towel and I will warn you, the sun may just consume the ground with the temperature out on the beach today...I do not like sweating...
>Be me
>Play since closed beta
>Rape every chiara shitter since release
>It's 2024 and still raping every in the lobby
Nothing changes
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Wait, you actually play this game?
Ads? Like advertisements? Are they really?
Nah, just here to ERP with you and seek validations.
from the devs stream
we don't know
they said they are not gonna do streamers promotion anytime soon
What's Tsubame's issue? I just tried her for abit today and I noticed every recommendation is to build her with some HP items or tanky builds.
I remember they tried it with various vtuber groups before and it got nowhere.
Thank you Miss Bianca.
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>Nah, just here to ERP with you
Ahh, sorry but I have my predictive text algorithms to fiddle with if I want ERP...or at least that's what others say.
Realistically, I wrote a Katja Hertz chatbot so I could piss her off by re-enacting Monty Python-esque sketches where I assign her to assassinate Captain Reed while being Captain Reed and having 13 identical Captain Reeds within the perimeter.
>Is it time to return to /vg/ bros?
For what purpose?
Her issue is that to damage the enemy frontline she has to go get sandwiched between it and the backline with a very predictable dash.
She can get back out once with the log but after that it's just kiting with slightly higher speed than the other right clickers. Press R a 2nd time and that estelle/isaac/markus will give you a good spanking.
hotdogging sniper butt
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Committing cannibalism is fine.
>they said they are not gonna do streamers promotion anytime soon
Glad that NN finally realized it was a waste of time and money after so many years
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Me on the lower right
>Oozma accidentally went live on the official Eternal Return EN Twitch playing Kendrick Lamar
I understand this image. I like this image. That being said, why Emma?
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Episode 2 of Black Survival's Aglaia Pass "Kyrie Eleison" involved, after a survival experiment beginning again, Chiara accidentally saving Emma who was otherwise under attack from Isol. Emma was a new arrival to Lumia Island and did not really understand how things were here...not yet, anyway.

Forming an alliance alongside Nathapon (whose role in Kyrie Eleison is negligible at best) Chiara and Emma spent time together during the hours and days of the survival experiment, for which Emma felt grateful that Chiara saved her and wanted to learn more about her. Being the bright and cheery magician girl to the gloomy and self-loathing nun, Emma was a welcome reprieve to how most others on Lumia Island were unfriendly and would probably cave Chiara's skull in at the moment she became a nuisance to them.

As much as Chiara can't stand herself, it turns out that if someone is kind and understanding to her, the walls around her break down somewhat and she lets them in. By Episode 7, Emma says "Doesn't she even laugh nowadays?" apparently being pretty good at cheering Chiara up with her magic tricks and general upbeat personality.

Now, the rest is whether you want to go off the initial Kyrie Eleison OR the rewrite (There's a misunderstanding regarding why Nathapon has photos of Chiara nailing voodoo dolls to walls or tearing birds apart OR Emma misunderstands the dangers of Lumia Island and Blinks into a fed Adriana and gets oneshot) both of which ending with Emma severely injured or dead, but neither of which take place under conscious control from Chiara.

In Wild Fighter Idle, this set of interactions is referenced as the one time Chiara felt she had a true friend and how much she regrets her apparent inability to protect Emma "Who will see me as a kind child now?" and naturally some people therefore put Chiara and Emma together as rug munchers.


...Still makes more sense than why people throw Chiara in a room with Luke or Camilo.
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>There's a misunderstanding regarding why Nathapon has photos of Chiara nailing voodoo dolls to walls or tearing birds apart
Regarding Nathapon who is much easier to explain, he is much like myself IRL in how his memory is extremely poor and he will forget things if he does not write about it, take pictures of it or otherwise have an external way to keep track of things that is not his own memory. The pictures fell out of Emma's bag (the reason why Nathapon put them in Emma's bag in the first place is unknown, possibly out of Nathapon's inherent and generally logical distrust for the unstable nun) and Chiara saw them before Emma could hide them away again.

In the original Kyrie Eleison, Chiara believes Emma distrusts her and suffers from another psychotic episode, attacking Emma in lunacy and then running away from the scene after she realised what she's done, with her fate undetermined at the end of the episodes.

In the rewrite, Chiara is immediately calmed down again and the topic is immediately dropped before Adriana comes along to burn everything down.

As for Chiara...well, you know as well as I do that she's not all there. Her self-hatred leaves her to have a similarly searing hatred of anything "cute" or "beautiful" to the point of tearing apart flowers and...birds? if she can catch them. In the downtime between experiments she hides away in the Tunnels instead of anywhere else on Lumia Island, festering away in self-loathing as she nails whatever she's torn to shreds to the walls of the Tunnel alongside voodoo dolls that she crafts and does voodoo doll things with.

At some point Nathapon observed this and made a note of "stay the fuck away from the crazy nun"
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Chiara, Emma and Nathaphon team-up in one experiment of lumia island, stuff happen like Chiara who broke her shoes and got a new pair from Emma. Nathaphon can't handle Chaira's autistic stretching and fucks off at some point, Emma looks for it and gets killed by Adriana, then Chiara kills Adriana.
CHIARA LOVES EMMA AND VICEVERSA, IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT!!!!11 *didn't even played the old game*
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Ok the part about the tunnel haunting nun that dismembers birds got me.
Seems like there is an archive channel of the old game's stories, i'll check some out.
Are the old games still playable? Feels like I missed a lot not playing them. I'm actually somewhat interested in the lore even though it apparently sucks.
Black Survival has been shut down for a while now and Wild Fighter Idle went down almost as quickly as it got brought live.
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Alive thread we are so back
Anyone want to play on NA later in around 4 or 5 hours from this post
if you stream I will watch scrubp
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Emma may or may not be developmentally-challenged...
>Oh, your sister froze to death and you're now fighting for your life from one week to the next?
>Well, that's life! It's like a pack of cards! Just shuffle in and draw a new hand!
No wonder Adriana shanked her with a throwing star. Someone like that is just too stupid to live from her perspective...
Nathapon kind of just hard inted honestly
Walks up to Adriana who just snatches his bag off him and burns it and the guy loses his memories five minutes later like he's an NPC who has lost sight of the player for exactly 10 seconds and in the meantime Chiara and Emma are trying to escape a lighthouse as Adriana sets fire to it and the fat, bloated corpse of Rosalio that remains in it after he tried to sprint at Emma with a baseball bat.
some people just wired different
even though they are dumb
for some sadness/self loathing/suicide is just never a thing they even considered
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There's nothing interesting to watch about a Dailin scrub who can only be carried
I don't have anyone else I want to watch
just do it
Don't. I will lurk and judge your every mistake.
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>Wait, you actually play this game?
Ofc and I'm not the best player of all time but fucked some "pros", still don't understand how EU can't beat Chiara in 2024, back then in character release fight her was suicide unless you played Hyunwoo, Magnus or Xiukai, but a WHOLE REGION losing to the nun at her current state today it's embarrasing
I don't mind scathing critique to be honest. I play 2D fighting games and review my sets sometimes and it always helps to have outside perspectives pitch in to help cover for areas that are easily missed due to cognitive biases.
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then stream
I will probably do some solo queue in >gold then
on the one day I did Ranked with fellow anons this season they got into plat but I'm still a bit off so might as well just climb into it
Did they reveal the diamond emote yet
Given RP inflation maybe might grind that out too..
>queue ranked
>estelle shitter do nothing but stand and die like a retard
>check match history
>first time playing her
gg was me
Nvm I may be stacking to help a friend hit gold before season end
Charlotte is for marriage and procreation just like Adina.
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>We'll get microbikini Sissela eventually
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alright fren here you go enjoy the iron gameplay
>queue rank
>takes time loading and 2 levels behind
>closes game
im gonna keep doing it until solo comeback
buy ssd poor friend
nope game is already ded
dead or not
ssd is literally the basic of any pc build
>queue ranked
>I pick tank or assassin
>teammate are retards and pick 2 ranged thinking will be fine
>die like fucking flies
I should have dodged
If you pick tank how is it wrong that they picked ranged you retard? How abou getting gut first?
what's wrong with a 1 tank 2 backline comp though
all you really need to do is peel for them
but yeah if you're assassin then it'll be rough
>wah wah why my tank can't handle a fight with alonso, markus and sua while I sit behind and run like a cuck once get one single hit?
>what's wrong with a 1 tank 2 backline comp though
dunno maybe because they die to jackie, luke, kenneth, etc once they realize is dumb to first attack the tank?
and that is why you peel or engage for them as the tank
you should not be giving those characters free access to your backline
hard to swallow pill dps:
learn to dodge
If you can't carry your team of shitters with your main character regardless of team comp you don't deserve the win anyway.
But my main character is Leni.
Tell that to Charlotte and Leni when everyone is down lol
>All team is down as support
You didn't really do your support role right now did you?
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sadist adina
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>gwork accidentally drops his blood weapon somewhere and has to fight the last remaining team with a droned-in white weapon
whoah he's just like me
lol retard
literally never seen one done that ever in my life
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>woosh now you have smol pp
i've seen people equip a white or green weapon while they're crafting it into a legendary and then the craft gets interrupted and they have to fight while having a white or green equipped but i don't even know how the fuck he manages to misplace his vf blood weapon entirely and then forget about it
Guys is athena kai a tranny? i cant tell
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I also have no idea of how it happened.
Cool Haze roleplay to drop weapon when you're done with it.
last day for green adina old artwork
I cannot believe they memed people into refunding the problem skins by suggesting the skins will get reworked anyway, only to just rework the portraits. Lol, lmao even
I hope they never rework maidriana
Leni a shit.
Everyone it's getting rework though
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Fuck psychos.
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>Commemorative skins
I hope isn't a cheap excuse to give Sua another skin
I want Adina to bully my small penis
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Katja skin looks like shit
I'm going to have sex with Marlene
>white and pink.
Marlene ruined.
>that silhouette on the right
god damn how big are sua's tits nowadays if they're obscuring her entire torso
if they're always trying to be overly girly and cutesy then it's probably a tranny
I wonder what skin will return after Haze's, Martina and Adriana lack of rares since months ago
Looks more like she's wearing some kind of sash wrapped around her arms

new battle priest skin
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Adina its too nice and dumb (but not retard tier like Emma) to bully someone though
>are they trying to tell me to get my shit together?
>dust is very flammable
My sides, just lost it.
Women do that shit all the time too.
>Tsubame, Abigail, DeMa and Charlotte first skins are good and looks different from base
>Katja's skin just make uglier and pink with a improved drone
Good. Fuck Katja players.
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Whoever says Katja's skin is good compared to Tsubame, Kenneth and Charlotte is fucking retarded, only got cooler drone. It won't be strange see many people preferring stay with default like Alonso under the same situation.
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Half of Irem's English announcer pack voice lines make me want to choke the fucking cat.
Get some taste faggots, she looks /fa/ as fuck, great skin.
t. peak retard
There is an easy solution to your problem.
It's shit and you're unable to cope with it
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>Estelle mains when have to fight against Markus, Xuikai, Hyunwoo and other real tanks alone
Just ult away bro.
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>We're aware that Irex and Bestelle are way more popular Widriana so here's a rank emote to help such failure
God that Elena emote.
>We pick asassin and tank
>Charlotte shitter who spend the whole match giving free kills complains that we don't choice ranged dps
Every masterpiece has a cheap copy~
climate changes and effect plants are shit
Elena emote looks fat
>-28 rp for getting paired with two irons with literal down syndrome
fairly decent climb day today, will probably hit diamond this weekend with anontachi
Shut up or do something useful like show butt, cocksleeve.
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I don't think i've had a single win with a charlotte on my team yet, maybe a 3rd place.
The ult looks like it's only consistently good in comp
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The only good Chiara emote is this.
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I wonder if it will still be possible to lead the team as a mage with rainy or foggy weather
You WILL facecheck all the bushes
They are finally bringing back the horror genre.
spam it on emiru chat so she will play the game again
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what the fuck
red is not that big
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>I don't think i've had a single win with a charlotte on my team yet, maybe a 3rd place.
Because Charlotte shitters are not aware that pick that character reduces team's source of damage to 2 players and once someone gets down for not bring cosistent help it's probably over or time to retire.
Their excuse when you point it? "But I'm just a support and healer." which is hilarious since Leni and Johann are also supports but also helps with annoy the enemy in middle of fights while Charlotte shitters thinks that only heal (equivalent to eat a steak or use Carnivore because average Charlotter shitter it's fucking bad) will be enough while forget the shield or root bubble.
I played with more of 20 Charlottes from almost all ranks, the only one consistently good was a silver who admitted that Charlotte wasn't really good to play in all comps and eventually she moved to other characters.
A decent player will never play a character that looks that bad.
considering how Chiara's self-image is in the deep negatives, if she's laughing at you like you're seen as inferior to her, then that's quite the insult
it's like someone who writes sonic fanfiction all day calling you autistic as an insult
You've inspired me to play Charlotte thanks
>Charlotte smoking
This is hot for some reason.
I've been rubbing her boobs to make them grow
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I just hope they'll make dailin the pack skin so that they'll buff her to sell it
Eva is the season skin pack though
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Well then, it's officially over
How in the WORLD will they ever top this skin
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code valid for 2 hours
>not home from work until another 3 more hours
Ermm FACK dis eastcoasttimezone/collegestudentwithtoomuchfreetime2win gaem -___-
>Anon gets assblasted because of 1500 a-coin
wtf averse?
Looks like he got tired I farm him in norms since NN nerfed Hyejin lmao
what? he has not been playing for over half a year
I've seen him in some matches with old alts
hyejin as a character is weak rn
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I always wanted to do it, but these 1 hour codes were the final straw that made me setup wake-on-lan on my PC and remote desktop on my phone. Maybe a bit too much autism for a gook assfaggots mutant, but eh.
Sorry NA, terrorizing normals with my extremely shit Charlotte.
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>What am I doing with my life?
Anon's now grooming a 30 year old vtuber...
luci is like 25
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ok lucipurr shouldn't you be on stream
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NN should return Adriana, Martina and Johann skins after Adina and Haze since they're most affected with korean pp drama, but since devs rarely take good decisions, probably Rio get it first despite having more than others.
I missed his NA inhouse custom stream 2 hours ago. Fuck.
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>Is there... something in particular you'd like me to paint?
So that's where she gets all her yellow paint.
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>pick tank
>dsp shitter complains that "I don't make damage" despite I get double kills and even saved his sorry ass of a lukenigger in day 5
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"It's like looking at an animal."
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"Oh, it's a compliment!"
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>Everyone's saint
>Everyone's cumdump
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>Katja last standing's POV in final zone
I recently had a game where the last enemy left alive spent a couple of minutes hiding between the buses at the school.
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I'm the only who feels that NN backpedalled in details with Eva's summer skin compared to Haze? The devs could have done something like pic related if really wanted it.
Give Johann back aieeee
she's too old to be dressing like that
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Nah, Sua it's also old and yet got a improvement of her BS version unlike Eva.
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>Summer Eva and Li Dailin
A downgrade to previous epic skins
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For a exclusive season pack skin this leaves much to be desired...
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spam their emails
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Strawberry Blueberry milkshake.
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the only reason you know this is eva is because it's posted regarding eternal return and you can apply process of elimination to work out who it is
otherwise it looks nothing like her at all
literally not a single feature of eva's base likeness is retained here
her eyes are very eva to me
>charlottard takes first tree and uses it for the little gay green dress instead of giving it to katja
I think i'm gonna start dodging them too
I'm glad that they've moved away from the super generic NCsoft gook art style.
didn't you also use to hate katja?
No, and i don't even remember anyone else seriously complaining about katja.
Charlotte a shit.
Jackie a shit, Leni a shit.
Charlotte a best.
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I think I just fucking suck at this game, bros. Don't be fooled by those 3rd places, we just ratted around with 5 yellow items across whole team at best. Gold is a faint dream right now.
To any EU bros who might've run into me, I have nothing to say except for I'm sorry.
At least Leni do some damage, Charlotte just bring sexual relief as Chiara.
You're using a tank that doesn't work like a tank though
>inb4 B-But Lenox players are good
Most of them depends of get early items and snowball like a right click + w nigger to win fights, once they met someone in better conditions it's over
Katjas have two kinds of players, good o bad, most of Charlottes are just bad.
You're on EU. Chances are half of the players you're queueing with are Immortal smurfs.
Pick up Johann and just win bwo.
I'm just trying to find my niche, I suppose. What sucks is that any success I might find in normals doesn't translate into ranked at all.
Might just stick to Pistol Aya at this point, but then again, I can't tell if I'm griefing my teams or not.
That's disheartening.
Will give him a shot.
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>heavy kneepads and myth chest first item
That is very reliant on your teammates not being complete dingleberries. Even if you're decent at routing and picking your fights that build seems very painful to carry with.
If you wanna stick to lenox i'd at least go vampiric and take astro helmet first.
Been trying different builds and I'll try vampiric, thanks for suggestion
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>Average korean doujin in a nutshell
you mean japanese
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Try different characters, game becomes like 100000 times more comfortable if you find a character you enjoy.
Also, did you play prev season?
Nope, just picked it up couple weeks ago. Although tried it when it was in EA, but my toaster at the time couldn't run it.
You really should play more active role to get silver people (at the end of season) to win, I've watched my friend play late season low ranks and people tend to deal no damage.
At least it was like that in previous season
Deep down they're not too different
Late season low ranks is the worst and I feel bad for anyone who has to do that shit solo
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>Season 4 pass tier 100 reward
>See Haze and Sua summer epic skins
>See Dragon Dance and Festive Roar Li Dailin rare skins
No wonder nobody gives a shit compared to Vanya or even Eva to a lesser degree
We need to send more black people over there so that they can reenact and produce countless of real homemade cuck porn like us.
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we were fucking robbed dailinbros
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>you mean japanese
You mean Chinese? Japanese and Koreans were all originally Chinese, I hope you never forget that.
They will come for you soon enough betrayers.
what the fuck
>queue ranked
you have negative RP cost though
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lose rp because you're playing with literal retards crafting in red zone and jumping with 1/4hp at full health enemies instead of run away it's bullshit
>-100 rp
bravo nn, no wonder the playerbase it's fucking small, what next? waste more money in streamers who will play for a while and ditch the shit game again? the mountain of emotes you gave for to this people for free it's a hilarious legacy of your failures
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>the mountain of emotes you gave to this people for free it's a hilarious legacy of your failures
wow this people sure loves don't make damage
Get comfortable with a damage dealer character. Team comps are a meme if you're playing with bad player you can't rely them to do shit. If you're a tank or support and your dps don't do damage you're going to lose every time. If you're a dps maybe you can knock a guy or two even if you need to ress your team later. The few extra TKs go a long way if you can survive to top 3.
NN are dumb, but it's subhumans who watch streamers are the worst.
ASWQEDZA Valid thru: 10 AM (UTC)
for the box, not sure why they decided to split it into codes now
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new codes
They forgot to add the grab bag drop in the first one
ASDWQXCZ last one
Sissela Sex
How do I get good? feels like im always squishier than everyone else as well as dealing less dmg
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Lower weapon mastery? How efficiently are you farming while going from one objective to another?
Do you already know what most of the characters do or do you generally unga bunga towards the squishiest looking one?
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cute desu
am still pretty new so my character knowledge isn't that good, I tend to just try n hit my abilities. I try to farm as much as I can once I get my purple tier items while catchin' up with my team.
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>while catching up with my team
Unless your teammates are even newer to the game and they just walk past while you're farming without helping then sticking with them is generally better.
The game doesn't tell you and it's not on the wiki either, but a good chunk of the mastery gained from kills is shared with the team in a uhhhh about 8 meters radius.
oh, didn't know that, that's good to know
Cumming deep inside with no condom
Gooks are faggots and deserve a nuke.
Why do gooks like doing this so much?
They're less cucked than the rest
honestly I think it's cute
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an adina onetrick terrorized the KR high elo scene for two seasons straight and no one was good enough at the game to adapt to a single player on a single character despite playing for 16 hours a day every day
so instead they got mad and began drawing adina getting thrown into a wood chipper as though it'd give them their RP back
I wish NA was alive enough to play 16 hours a day every day
NA could very well play for 16 hours a day instead they play two matches and spend the rest of the time shit talking each other in their discords
I hope for a larger playerbase then so I don't need to deal with those kinds of people
yeah the game had a larger playerbase and then they all got pushed away
Are you talking about solo/duo? I thought the game was dying before they switched to the current setup.
nah 1.0
the addicts cannot be trusted to not act like autistic manchildren every time they have to play with someone who does not also have 10000+ hours in the game
Ngl as a new player trying to climb through diamond with these people in 1.0 was awful. If I didn't already have thick skin and a competitive drive from other games then I very well would have just quit. They always sound like they have no fun playing the game with randoms. These people being the "veterans" of the game just spell out that investing your time into it will just result in you being a hard ass jaded retard who's just playing out of sunk time cost at this point.
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>Cumming deep inside with no condom
Holding her tiny hands and thrusting into her
>be tank
>dpshitter complains I don't make damage
>I get more kills anyways
>check results
>barely more than me
>bronze 4
>katja retard going with 50%hp everywhere
>dies in less 1 secon in our first fight
fucking iron retard, you made us lose 30 rp, "wah buff katja she's weak" nah the problem is that you're shitter
If you're making less damage than a tank it's time to time to cope and leave ranked
>another charlotte and jenny in ranked
dodged, for this bullshit stay in norms
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>goig permanently with 50% or 75% hp in the whole match
>wow why I die so fast in the fights??
NA peak retardation
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I think I've reached the point where I fucking ERBS, but keep playing anyway.
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>I hit gold finally
Thanks to every good and decent player on this journey, and fuck the horde of retards who made me lost more of 400RP doing bullshit like rest in the rest zone or jump at enemies with 1/4HP, also fuck Superior and niggers going with smurfs in low elo, you have no shame and glad that I killed your Sua platinum account
red zone*
gz anon, enjoy your sadistic elena
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holy sagger
And yet Sua is bigger
after 400+ games i am still plat idk why i even play anymore

NN could've milked money from the coomers
Or because you're having fun.
If it makes you feel better I'm a fake plat who gets carried, even when I went solo last season the only reason I even reached plat was because I rnged into myth+ teammates that were climbing early in the season during that solo only event.
I still thinking that something made them fail in this season, I mean just look at Haze >>1285808
(1)7 years old body
Why are her hands too big? NN fucked up model.
I want to fuck Vanya
Damn, those 17 year old tits
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Imagine making another set of beachside skins for your characters and your game is so utterly fucking dead and irrelevant that none of the usual trend-chasing artists bother drawing them with their tits out or anything of the sort
That's why they don't market the game anymore
No one gives a shit about it lmaooooooooooo
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This is such a fucking pain. I might not have time for vidyers rest of this week too.
I also don't get these gains
>14 TK = 83 RP
>10 TK = 97
>9 TK 2nd place = 94
Feeling ripped off
You can do it, you're at the finish line!
battlezone kills worth less than normal kills
kills get more points when it's later in the game
teamwipes worth a lot
I see
I wonder if it's worth to farm weapon mastery in battlezones if you're far behind.
what? but you literally cannot
what are you talking about
You can in fact gain weapon mastery in battle zones. Just watched a replay of someone gaining 3 weapon masteries just from fighting two teams in a battle zone. Not sure if it's a optimum way of farming tho.
you do understand the meaning of the word farming?
skirmishing and fighting is not farming
You go into BZs because it's a zero-risk way to gain RP. You can't really farm weapon mastery in Battle Zones due to the time limit, the recent changes to animals in battle zones and the fact that there's a cap on weapon mastery gain inside those zones. NN recently raised the cap but you will still not see anyone getting out of it with 15 or 17 weapon mastery. So BZs sound really good, right? Well, there's only risk to it and that's when more than two teams are present in an active battle zone. Whoever wins walks out with a lot of mastery and a force core. Because of this and the fact that ABCs in Battle Zones are very imbalanced (as 99% of the time the winner is the team that does not fight and actively looks to third party on the safe drone while team A and B fight) you should immediately leave said BZ if you spot a third team entering the zone or, iirc, by taking a look at the red drone while you are inside a BZ and checking if it's primed to explode.
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My game crashed before going into post-game screen, but YES. And all it took was a leaver in one team and picking up stragglers after day 3.
I shan't terrorize EU any longer.
I believe in you bwo, only 2-3 more wins!
Thank you, thank you, post above is me.
>also fuck Superior and niggers going with smurfs in low elo, you have no shame
Are you surprised?
Have you seen them talking?
Glad our silver anon bros are making it to gold
I would probably kill myself if I had to solo queue climb in this game
>play Elena for the first time
>collect rock
>"Put this in a snowball for a surprise attack. Just kidding. Kinda."
made me chuckle
>Likes greasy food
Elena is great.
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I get that new players aren't good at game mechanics.
But shouldn't concepts of "controlled retreat" and "active defense" be like, human nature?
Why is it always full commit or full retreat with them?
If it weren't normals I'm not sure I'd be able to keep silent in game chat.
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made it to plat in 3 days just for that fucking adriana emote god i love adriana so much
eh? isn't plat, like, 4k?
oh wait, it's diamond, ok im dumb
Made for paizuri
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People are fucking dumb and just want to win
To make a comparison, fighting game controls and concepts like frame data (which is more or less just how "fast" your attack is) are enough to make people mentally shut down.
Why even consider the pace of the fight and spacing when you could just keep clicking after the enemy?
>To make a comparison, fighting game controls and concepts like frame data (which is more or less just how "fast" your attack is) are enough to make people mentally shut down.
Weird comparison, because I ALSO have trouble forcing my mind to understand concepts of fighting games because it's opposite to what I'm used to, not hitting people who're on the ground seems absurd to me, but understanding that "if I don't wanna die I have to hold my ground" isn't counterintuitive. I think even dogs IRL understand that.
I'm venting in the thread so I don't chimp out at newfags in-game
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Ironically Tekken has OTG moves, but I get that from a conceptual standpoint at least
But you mention guarding which is funny because a handful of modern fighters have added guard buttons which I'd assume is to help players that find it weird you have to walk back/down back to block

And yeah, I had to stop grinding the battlepass today after several games of newbies that keep engaging in fights without spending their credits first (like 300-500 fucking credits), or people that simply dive bomb without making any idication of what they're doing. It can get to be a LOT.
>I had to stop grinding the battlepass today after several games of newbies that keep engaging in fights without spending their credits first (like 300-500 fucking credits)
To that I'm used, it's normal after all so not wanting to bother with anything other than killing animals is alright, but if you're already fighting against other people with your teammates, suiciding yourself just makes you think that person likes sitting in queue, and this is a frequent occurrence.

It'll take me a lot of time to get to level 100 in this BP I guess, at least the next one looks like something that is 100% skippable.
I don't know what it really takes for someone to organically realize that diving puts you at risk of being focus fired by three people, which can melt you down fucking fast if you don't have any defense skills.

I still make the mistake of diving the backline at impromptu times myself, so I get it, but fuck. Getting nearly instagibbed is what reminds me I need to be smarter about how I approach fights.

I'm currently level 71 or so on the maid BP, so I can probably make it to 100 if I really put my mind to it. I always end up dropping off mid-season because none of my friends really have the mind to stick with the game. The game really wants you to do your fucking dailies, weeklies don't give you shit.
450 games and still p3 i think i am going mad
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put your code in for ecliked to see
surely this is not real?
that's a thong
Should've been a micro bikini.
Don't post tw*tch
he's reviewing replays
you gonna learn if you are stuck
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Now that's what I like to see.
He's one-trick nigger that seethe like a retard everytime is proved wrong and dodge certain characters despite shit claims like "you can win with any comp lol"
NN should make micro bikini Sissela in the next season
retards have to stop trying to revive and go to safe zone. the amount of retards that still doing it in low elo and plat-myth is fucking mind boggling.
he's immo and you are not
your point is?
Let's be honest, NN has been stupid with think for years that advertisement = get a streamer, those niggers will only play a couple of sessions and then fuck off once they got enough gibs, even the guys of genshit chinkpact and pedo archive were smarter about invest the budget in videoclips with the characters and actual in-game content
>B-But he's immo
I'm also immo and the point stands, bronze 4 cock sucker
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I simply won't watch Eklipse because his mic sounds like it came from 2002. The audio quality is fucking 96p.
this reason is acceptable
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>Generic anime smug
>Unable to cope
Besides mic quality, I'm not sure if it's just MOBA in general but when I did see him review a VOD it did not seem to be so much of a "review" but him just clowning on whatever happened. Granted, the person requesting that VOD review wasn't probably doing so out of "here's a VOD pls provide advice" but rather "I just had this terrible game please look at my retard teammates and laugh at them to help validate that my loss was 100% their fault". There wasn't really anything constructive to learn from the review.
Feeling cute, might queue and derank shitters later
nah, fake
I accept your concession
You're SEA/SABrown
Only brown people think that's an argument
Daily reminder Superior went to cry to discord after a group of spic diamonds sent him back to the lobby a month ago
Imagine being an ecelebfaggot, kys.
>Generic anime smug
I'll rape you
It's non-generic anime smug
Should give Leni a micro bikini too.
>Season 4 in one week
>Nobody gives a shit about Li Dailin compared to Vanya and Eva
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I like the panda, wish it could be used with other skins too
base SA
embarrassing post
stay in your discord
he's just like me fr
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Do I need to exchange all my maid tokens before the expiration date?
I see. Thanks!
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1) no one gives a fuck about you, your single defining trait is playing some directionless anime MOBA for an unhealthy amount of time and still having nothing tangible to show for it
2) going out of your way to defend your idol on 4chan is possibly one of the most pathetic things you could ever be doing as some doomed attempt to "prove" your "loyalty" to him
either way kill yourself
kill yourself I don't even follow eclkipsed
I told a plat3 hard stuck to try submitting his replay so he can get pointers
literally any fucking warm corpse can give him advices
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yeah sure buddy i'll believe you, thousands won't
desu if he wants some advice here's mine
play a different game
he'll end up in the same matches whether he's plat or myth
How to get petite racer tomboy gf?
be as equally depressed as her
Only Silvia, Hyunwoo, Bernice and someone else I forgot his name right now doesn't enjoy kill, the rest are pure degenerates who like it and/or feels complete indiference.
Yes, they're gone forever after expiration
I finally played enough to get to gold this season. We're still working on the consistent skill part though. I feel like I at least need to be good enough to 2v1 sometimes
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>that feel when Hyunwoo will sometimes kill himself after killing other test subjects
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>The only reason she continues to live her life is to experience more pleasures.
>Be careful when she becomes submissive. Fun is usually the first thing in her mind that drives her. But when she can't find a 'reason to act,' she just does whatever other people ask of her rather than following her own will.

I can help her with that.
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I heard that summer Vanya was moved to tier 80 in the battle since nobody cares about Li Dailin (lol), it's true?
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go eat dog food
Where did all the Adina players go, I barely see her anymore
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Why do Katjas always suck?
Character design that attracts idiots.
There's no decent Katjas, they're good or bad, and you got the later
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>Check discord
>Newfags who started 2 weeks ago and barely knows play a characters looking to reach gold like a magic trick
Now I understand why there's so many retard shitters lately
What did you expect a week before season ends? Anyone who gave any degree of shit reached their desired rank months ago.
Katja is popular, and is pretty weak in these last 2 patches since they buffed divers. It's not rocket science.
Don't expect much but a bit of common sense and brain, I've seen people in discord who never played ER or any MOBA, yet they expect reach some high tier on ranked in just some days? That's peak retard delusion
No, her role it's being a glass canon, go pick another character if you're bad with her
>Katja is weak against divers
Are you american by any chance?
>I'm shit as Katja
Seems like is another case of skill issue
>I'm shit at reading
Seems like is another case of skill issue
>Kektjas unable to cope anyone but shit characters like Chiara or Charlotte can break their fragile asses once they're not out of reach anymore
>Backliners unable to cope anyone but shit characters like Chiara or Charlotte can break their fragile asses once they're not out of reach anymore
Microbikini Sissela
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How much self-inflicted torture would I have to put myself through to get from iron to gold in a week? I did not realize the aren't placement matches despite playing for a while now.
>iron to gold
>in a week
noob peak delusion
Just like
win games
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Yeah I'm fucked. Really thought I'd be able to last minute shit placing in bronze or silver.
>normal queue
game works fine
>rank queue
black screen. 0/2 this week. at least im getting low elo players.
I went from Iron to Gold in a week, and another two weeks to get to Diamond more yesterday because I was lazy and not grinding 24/7 anymore. It's not that hard compared to something like Challenger in League.
>I went from Iron to Gold in a wee
As old player or noob getting carried? I met silvers and golds who still doing shit like craft in the red zone
Spam Vanya and cruise through silver.
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Completely new player that got introduced to this game through a friend. And no, I did not get duo queue help from them, I solo queued all the way to gold and diamond. It's possible, it's just a matter of how many games you can cram in. I hit Diamond at the 330 mark.
But you know about MOBA, ranked has literal retards who jump at enemies with 1/4hp
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>queue ranked
>teammate picks charlotte
>queue ranked
>gold/platinum lobby including myself
>the system put me with two fucking iron 4
what kind of shit "balance" in this shit?
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Why the FUCK do I have to wait 5 months for her?
Why not, if she's shit you're gonna ditch it for another character anyways lol
I've been masturbating to Summer Sua (and Sua in general) for the last year or so, but this character appeals to my 2007 self. I NEED HER.
You're not very different of Karla coomers who spent time annoying with her just to forget it once the character ended up being shit and less popular than Martina of all people
Karla who
Martina who
Bro, this is an anime game. It wouldn't be remotely as popular (>popular) if it didn't have all kinds of anime girls in it.
I wonder how you will cope if Garnet who happens btw
>"Epic skin for Li Dailin when, NN?!"
It didn't age well lol
I almost had a stroke reading what you typed.
Reminder everyone stopped to give a shit about Estelle until NN did the Bianca cosplay skin
The Japanese DS Yuki twitch streamer is really determined to reach immortal again this season.
they are doing it
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>gay AI
I cant believe we're turning into /lolg/ with all the waifu-posts, except 10 times deader
SEAniggers cannot contain themselves even irl, don't expect them to do better online
took me 3 days, 60 games from iron to gold. Could have been less but a fair amount were quick losses, RP loss is minimum so you just keep climbing
He's a Beater
just like the game itself really
NN's fault for pussying out and not making the seaside chiara skin barefoot
if you're silently begging the trend-chasers to draw art of your game again, do it properly
even that slop rail shooter gacha went after the steppies audience
At least there are no troons erping if you ignore the Chiaraposter.
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What do you mean by
anon? That's awfully rude. The Lord taught us to be kind to each other, what made you forsake that and walk down the path of sin?
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She jobbed to a ninaless Chloe, unbelievable
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when you're a character with 2286/85 defences, lagging for a couple seconds means you die to pretty much anything
How can Chiara even compete?
The size difference is too much, she can't win.
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she can't, that's why she got buffed thirteen times in a row
This is your reminder that if you think Charlotte is bad you're probably shit at the game.

t. D1 player who exclusively plays in immortal lobbies (get me out NA matchmaking is fucked)
Post feet or you are a bot.
Charlotte is shit
>inb4 B-But she's good I swear *carried by Sua*
lmao even
Don't fuck with a momma bear.
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>Should I draw Wilson on this box?
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How is
"me wanna fug thing" different from ERP
it IS single player ERP
Chiara Cumdump
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I think she has matchups/situations where she's extremely good to the point where counterplay is hard, but outside of that she's -1 teammate. Which is probably why her avg stats are so bad, but you see her in ERM more often than say, Johann.
>Underwold Haze will return soon
My cumdump

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