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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

1. If you attempt to post something unoriginal, it is not posted, and you are muted temporarily.
2. The time with which you are muted for doubles with each transgression.
3. Each mute time is 2^n in seconds where n is the number of times you have transgressed. So, your mute time doubles each time you fuck up.
4. Backlinks, eg >>1, are not viewed by the robot. So "lolwut" and ">>2 lolwut" are the same post, in the eyes of the robot.
5. Gibberish at the end of a post to force originality may result in mod intervention (no BLOX posts please).
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7. Your mute count slowly decreases over time.
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9. Unicode is blocked. Sorry, too many exploits (Cyrillic letters, etc).
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11. Post sane, real content, well thought out replies, and mutes are unlikely.
12. The original algorithm was designed by XKCD:
/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
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All "rate me" and camwhoring threads belong on /soc/.


>hhuurrr go die on the frontlines mo..AAACCCKKK
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there are actually a bunch of women on 4chan (there shouldnt be) and they mostly came here after various mass shootings
I support mandatory military recruitment only for women, they're strong, independent and need no men so clearly they're cut out for it, they also are "smarter than men" so literally, perfect candidates, I don't get why we're recuiting and drafting men when women are supposedly so perfect.
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Depends on the cartel probs, this webm had her stripped naked before getting beheaded and her legs are bruised so you can assume she got ooga boogad.
>Anon it was my past, I was lost and I was finding myself
>No I didn't report it to the cops, why would I!
>It was a mistake!
Women are so evil

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how tall is your ideal gf?
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>how tall is your ideal gf?
5'10 so she can bully me
>t. 5'7
3 to 300 times as tall as me
Ugh she should have been Luigi because Luigi is taller
I'm 5'4", my GF is 5'6". I just want a girl taller than me so our kids will be closer to average height.
Ideally 4'10"
But realistically shorter than me.

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When naming your child, is anonymity a major factor?
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It would be a shame, since Johan is such a nice name.
I have a female friend with a very, VERY unique name. She's pretty sure no one else in the word has it.
She is completely and totally off all social media because of it.
Ive told the ones i could to watch out and that their name is extremely cursed

Your chad bf comes home one day and says he wants to fuck you in the ass! Your reaction?

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This thread is for all coomers that fell down the 4chan trap, femboy and twink rabbit hole who now wish to stop jerking off to feminine men with filters and makeup and become fully straight again.

Porn addiction can definitely lead to escalating into things that are unnatural for the addict, things that are not meant to to arouse you but due to desensitization and seeking more extreme porn, you condition yourself to become aroused to extreme porn. Jerking off to femboys can induce hocd (Homosexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) because its not your real sexuality. The taboo aspect of gay porn is also a factor that makes it more arousing than vanilla normal porn.

The findings also indicated that many men viewed SEM content inconsistent with their stated sexual identity. It was not uncommon for heterosexual identified men to report viewing SEM containing male same-sex behavior (20.7%) and for gay-identified men to report viewing heterosexual behavior in SEM (55.0%). It was also not uncommon for gay men to report that they viewed vaginal sex with (13.9%) and without a condom (22.7%) during the past 6 months.

Researchers believe their findings indicated desensitization, and possibly tolerance, which is the need for greater stimulation to achieve the same level of arousal. Lead author Simone Kuhn said the following about her study:

>This could mean that regular consumption of pornography dulls the reward system. We therefore assume that subjects with high pornography consumption require ever stronger stimuli to reach the same reward level

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go back wtf
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what does it mean if this arouses me?
You are bisexual. Do you find dicks attractive?
kinda but it has to be very specific. fairly big, clean shaven, lean tummy area, no gut. not specifically femboy but an athletic physique. the thought of making a guy cum just makes me feel fuzzy idk i'm so repressed from childhood bullying it's hard to make sense of these thing.
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>become fully straight again.
yeah not happening, no amount of denial or running from your issues is going to change that. Not addressing the underlying issue will never solve the actual problem, in fact it often creates more issues when down the line mr family man gets caught soliciting femboys despite 2 kids and a hambeast at home. Just acknowledge your deviance/degeneracy, you're never going to be fully straight if you are aroused by penis. I think we're all a little bi in some flavor or another, it's a response to this fucked up world

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Is it true conventions used to be utter sexfests for nerds back in the day?
Have I missed my chance to fuck desperate nerdy chicks?
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Have you tried hanging around Barnes & Noble's manga section?
They're still a sex fest, especially furry conventions. I've have lots of gay and straight sex both in and out of fursuit.
"Back in the say"?
Son, I went to a Star Trek convention last year and saw a 5'5" tall, 89 lbs guy with heavy acne scars, a high-pitched voice, and BO get laid by a chubby girl with big tits dressed as Deanna Troi by just asking her what emotions she read off him.
Dragon*Con seems to be a foreign word that means "any man can get laid if you attend"
Post fursuit
I get approached by girls at anime conventions
I don't act upon it because I despise women but convention sex and what not still happens

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Twink machine ver

Previously on/r9gay/
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bro your weather forecasts?
Not sure yet, I've barely touched FoTS so I might pick an easy faction to start with or just play base game Oda for yari spam
people will base their entire personality on hating someone else and then wonder why they're miserable
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people will base their entire personality on loving their significant other and wonder why they're so happy
I was gonna make a similar post but(t) captcha is raping me right now.

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Time Travel Edition

Previous thread : >>77343529

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>If you could travel to any historical period, which one would you choose and why?
>If you had to design the time machine what would it look like? How would it operate?
>What advice would you give to your younger self?
>What historical figure would you like to meet?
>Would you explore alternate timelines or focus solely on your own?
>you're creating a time capsule to be opened in 50 years. What items would you include?
>If you could bring any gadget or technology from the future, what would it be? Would you share it? What would you use it for?

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yes, i provide animal facts purely for fun, everyone likes animal facts don't they? :)

big if true
Did you know dolphins have been known to rape humans? They really are some of the most magnificent and intelligent animals on earth
i did know this, it's a good thing horses don't do that, that would be awful
capybaras can hold their breath for up to 5 minutes!
they have webbed feet which help them swim better (they are excellent swimmers and are almost always found by water holes).
they're the world's largest rodents! an adult can weigh up to 150 pounds with females being slightly heavier.
adults can eat up to 6-8 pounds of grass per day!
capybaras will eat their own poop which allows them to ingest a higher amount of nutrients and proteins.
they're very social and live in groups of about 10-20. the group usually has one dominant male, females, their offspring, and a few subordinate males.
i'm SORRY i got busy with work and didn't have time until now :[

Just Classic British Things LMAO Edition
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Why are you pretending to be Lollers?
nothing wrong with a bit of banter desu
What plants are we talking geezer each are different?
Shade, semi shade or direct sunlight?
My ma planted some petunias in semi shade about 3 weeks ago, so if there in growth when you buy them there probably good to go yet do check on growing conditions as it can be make or break.
Fuck I need to get back into gardening I used to love growing my own veggies, felt like the best two fingers up to the matrix I ever felt.
agreed but they won't listen
so many anti-social malevolent people here who just want to hurt everyone else as much as they hurt inside and it is tragic
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You I post my loli folder screenie? Or what do you want mate?
Some is not banter mate, just outright willingness he's downing booze and sniffing his face off.

looking up at at the sky edition edition edition

Generate your very own waifu using any AI generator you like.
Let her talk to the other waifus ITT.

https://rentry dot co/waifu-local-guide


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This showed up in my youtube recommendations and reminded me of some of your gens.
>"That's my name but for the right price it can be whatever you want it to be"
Goa I know you looked or cool ways to respond on the internet but that's not the one you should use
>"But money is nice?"
very nicol
the nicol
nighty night
I don't have pokemon home or bank or whatever it is called so they're pretty much stuck in the game itself

Or on the switch I guess on the switch era. Got about 5 boxes of shinies on my "main" account on violet and around 3 more in Scarlet

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hiii scientistanon!

oh hey its kinda like the 80s gens! :O

based future funk enjoyer


also I think this was an attempt at genning Nicole with Scientistwaifu
hii guys im a drawfag id love to draw one of your characters if anyones interested just reply with a pic and let me know
i can draw nsfw or sfw :) tell me a bit about her too so i can characterise the sketch accordingly
ill be busy for the rest of today so unless this thread stays up i might have to post results in the next thread , if you look out for it..
hi anon! :> I guess you can draw Nicole if you would like to, no NSFW though she is very pure

Nicole is generally very easy going, she likes wearing fancy clothes and stylist hats. Feel free to experiment with the fashion if you would like to but dapper clothes fit her the best

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For about the last 12 years of my life, I've always been obese. This includes my childhood, my adolescence. I am now a young adult.
From this day forward, I will not eat. And I will forbid myself the greatest pleasure until I've lost all the weight.
No more games
No more masturbation
This is the medium of things I have good control over. I think of it as a reward for getting this over with.
Take some stims too
Im rooting for u
Also replace alcohol with pregabalin
It's not going to do anything
>Stop drinking
>Stop smoking
>Stop masturbating
>Stop binge eating
>Stop video games
Instead of NOT doing something, DO something helpful instead while retaining those vices. Most people who have been fat their entire lives stay fat. Every fat person knows the struggle of being fat with all the bad looks and terrible treatment you're exposed to, and they remain fat.

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There are so many shameful things about me on the internet I can't even look at what I've done myself but everyone can see it it's horrible. I'd like to see a psychologist but I'm afraid he'll find out what I've done, I need to have friends but I'm afraid he'll find out what I've done. Internet is the only way to be rich but I'm afraid to do things on the internet now even if I'm a neet. I'm going to be a neet all my life and I don't like that I don't want to work without the hope of being rich it's impossible to have a lot of money on a salary.
Guilt and shame are worthless emotions. If Chris Chan can make a comeback, so can you. Who cares if people respect you if you have money? Stop worrying about haters.

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The iPad has been a disaster. Remember the internet before? Holy shit. Also how do you let your child sit in front of a screen for 10 fucking hours
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Were going to see more and more art reflective of stupid genetic fuck ups never leaving their house
yeah, these kids are fucked.
chronic internet use literally turns your brain to mush. all you need to do is look at a good portion of lolcows to realize this
>why are they getting so fucking fat
People unironically ask this question
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Yep. Fat disgusting drooling generation of retards that can't do math and are socially retarded
This is really the wrong board to be complaining about terminally online people but yes, ironically terminally online people have ruined the internet as everything here has become sterile.

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