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Ram Dass


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Why do the top black and brown women always have white bfs/husbands?
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relationships aren't for getting a dopamine rush you fucking imbecile, man if you're the men i have to compete with to get le female than i have no competition kek, the point of being in love is to build up each other into being something greater, not just for le epik sex
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these were some profound thoughts. a lot of us treat love as a material object when we shouldnt be doing that
A lot of it is the social circles they run in. For middle class black women (suburban upbringing, going to college, etc.), they spend most of their lives in majority white environments. Part of why they're more likely to date white people is just that they interact more, in the way that a woman from Detroit probably wouldn't.
hey i remember you, werent you the guy in my thread who said that were all both masculine and feminine, and that i should take a porn break to find myself, hows it going dude?
doin fine for myself, summer officially started for me about 2 weeks ago so im just workin and searchin for myself. hope u'r doing well as well fren

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>tfw no autistic gf with big honkers
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>big honkers
she's fat
i dont get it, why wouldnt he hug mr waffles? id pay for the privilege
>things that didn't happen for $300 Alex
Literally what happens if an incel dates a femcel, kek.
I had an autistic gf. Autist gfs can have cute traits and habits, but they do come with small responsibilities like that. Nothing major, but he knew what he signed up for, so he shouldn't have been such a disaffectionate asshole. He had an intimate experience with someone, and he's too retarded to just use a sleep mask and clear a bit of space beforehand to sleep with and comfort her. It's the little shit that matters, not her massive honkers.

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Would you marry a 3/10 Churka girl from Southern Russia if she was a virgin?
>You won't get divorce raped
>She's a real virgin
>She looks like pic related
>She will never cheat but will be moody sometimes
>She will always speak with a thick churka accent
>She will always have a hairy swarthy pussy
>If you make her mad enough she will punch your bicep
>She will only produce two sons for you
>One will be a giga chad the other a failed normie
Are these terms acceptable Mr. Anon?
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Please show me a Russian 9/10 then. Maybe my taste in women is just lopsided.
She aint central asian bro. Shes either russian or from caucasus, i strongly feel that shes russian
That sounds fucking hot actually. I might try it.
How? She's brown af.
Probably Osetian or Azeri/Armenian
looks like a girl i knew in highschool who had big fucking tits for her age. cleavage was insane goddamn i always threw little paper balls in her cleavage hoping she would dig them out

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my depression is really bad a agian, basically
>gained weight and cannot lose it
>want a bf but i have ghosted everyone cause too sad to talk to em
inb4 gym, i am too broke and do not want to be in a room stuck with people
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my bmi is 19 and my bf% is around 5% according to the navy calculator
too heavy for me so your adv dont hemp
if you fat you are like gold to a nigga
ho do i talk to people when deppreesed!
bro help me frfr

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an article that "takes 8 minutes to read" took me 33 minutes to read
man how the fuck do i speed up my reading and reading comprehension at the same time?
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Read 4channers', post more thoroughly. You're probably addicted to TikTok and have a low attention span.
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Try and find a hour long YouTube video where they explain it using simple analogies and pop culture references
i noticed my decline in my reading abilities in february-march 2023, where a book that i used to read in the tempo of 1 page per 6 minutes in 2020, turned into 1 page per 30 minutes in 2023. I didn't have any serious head injuries during 2020-2024. Before 2023, i never noticed any problems with reading
pretty much everything of any topic is equally hard for me to read; doesn't matter if it's printed-on-paper text or on-screen text too
i never used tiktok
>low attention span
the funny thing is is that i can sit through hours of reading; it's just that i read super slow and have trouble with reading comprehension - attention span not being a problem

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I wish 4chan had more russian posters.
go to 2ch
they are on end chan
I wish 4chan had less pajeets and other brownoids
Can you hear that buzzing? Watch out /op/! its your drone!

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will learning to play piano help me get bitches?
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All I can think of when I hear someone say they practice piano. It has to be for your own amusement. Otherwise, it's not like you're a famous performer or anything, so there is no money in it.
no OP. I play quite well and im a virgin in my 30s. hope my story inspired you.
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I have a voice prompt on my Hinge profile of me playing a quick little snippet of a song.
On top of that I'm /fit/, top 15% wealth for my age and country, 6'1" with deep blue eyes, Chad jawline, a dog, car, zero vices etc., peer-approved lineup of photos and everything.
I like to think that quite a few boxes for what can make a dude seem interesting and attractive are ticked here, but evidently none of it matters in 2024 hoeflation, as I'm at exactly zero offline meetups nine months in and counting.
I don't know but piano is easily the best instrument. It sounds so fucking good and beautiful and I wish I knew how to play it. You should learn it just to make beautiful music
Probably not, but it might give you the deep passion and inspiration you may need in your life and women dig that shit, you could pivot around that to create a new persona

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i feel as if too many anons on this site are too angry, bitter, or closeminded. it does boggle me to see anons ruthlessly greentexting each other, calling each others slurs and hateful words instead of trying to come to a consensus. you guys do not have to like each other, but have some respect for the common. pride is the mother of all sin, WRATH comes from the idea that only your feelings matter and when someone does something to you that you dislike, you can do no wrong when retaliating. this is simply untrue. look at figures like ZHOU YU (died because zhuge liang pissed him off), YUAN SHAO (died because cao cao pissed him off), ZHANG FEI (died because he kept being abusive to his subordinates) and LIU BEI (died because sun quan pissed him off). all of these were great and ambitious men, but 3/4 of these men got so mad they spat up blood and died. but their anger truly caused them to make bad choices, which truly led to their downfall.
very based anon keep spreading the word. we can connect. we have the power to make happiness. +1 Like to you
What do you know about sins?
What was that one anon that said everyone is fighting their own war?
My question is why bring up a bunch of oriental figures when we have Christ the savour of man who already said what you are saying?
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not much, i just know they're bad and we should avoid 'em. but different cultures have different sins.
>why bring up a bunch of oriental figures
i think it's interesting that regardless of the culture, things we say still hold true.
>we have Christ the savour of man who already said what you are saying
unfortunately one could say his message is lost on a lot of people. it needs to be said a lot more times before people get it

Hey. So, I seem to be in a bit of a bind, and I want the advice of fellow robots to help me navigate it. I'll be honest when I say that I can't really boast of the NEET pedigree to the same extent that a lot of you can- by all accounts, I was a normie until 2018, when I graduated college. I learned that a bachelor degree isn't worth shit, then the pandemic kept me from even trying. I had been forced into NEETdom. I was living with my parents, unemployed, I wasn't in grad school, and at first I felt uneasy. But then, my eyes were opened. I watched endless anime whenever I wished. I went on long night walks. I got go anywhere for any reason at any time, and got to do nothing and go nowhere for any reason all the same. Life was incredible, and I think these were the best days of my life, by a long margin. I was in perfect, flawless peace. It was a time I never wanted to end, a sweet freedom that was sublime and dreamlike. But then, in 2023, I had to go grad school- expectations had mounted, the pandemic was over, and that was that. This wasn't too bad, as all I was doing was school, focusing on classes, and otherwise continuing the lifestyle I had grown accustomed too. But now that's over, and I'm faced with a choice- this program has a certificate class that I can either take from now to August, followed by searching for a job in the real world, or in the fall, from September until December, followed by searching for a job in the real world. If I drag my feet applying for the summer one, I can net myself another few months of sweet freedom, the golden life I never knew I wanted so badly, before I have to essentially sell my life away by the hour until retirement. What do you guys think I should do? Am I bitching for no reason? Should I just bite the bullet and become a normal person already? Or should I grab on to that final opportunity to be a NEET with everything I have, savoring every last moment? I just want an outside perspective on this.
You'll feel even emptier if you take the NEET time and hate everything after, you can find your own peace during the drudge Normiedom, Unless you're extremely burnt out and need a break rn I would not advise fiending for the neet moment, it'll destroy you if you don't enjoy it as much as you had thought you would
I see, that's a wise take I suppose. I'll take this into consideration.

People are lazy. I'm lazy. Are you lazy?

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What are you listening to right now? Don't be shy
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>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
Vucic why?
hentai game bgm

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Would you consume the cum chalice with her?

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How easy would it be for me to travel to India and have sex with a brown cute Indian twink's 18yo bussy
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You are a faggot anon.
and theres nothing wrong with that
i think we should all try to be more open minded :)
Twinks are always cute
Not For a joke
Your magnum copus
the copendium
copious maximus
at the end of my cope
Considering India has over 1 billion people, odds are you're more likely to find the femboy twink you're looking for if we assume that say 5% of the population is always gonna be gay across the globe. That's 70 million gay people to America's 16.5 million gay people if we follow 5% as a global trend.

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had my first shower in I-literally-dont-know-how-long

since I started my most recent job because Im pretty sure I would've had a shower immediately before an interview, so at least a month or so. i think it was probably only my 2nd or 3rd shower this year

>its been 20 minutes

still a suicidal failed tranny


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