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4chan posters will have melties about transpeople but haven't experienced the heart ripping, gut wrenching volume of dysphoria I experience just from viewing a simple temu thumbnail like picrelated
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That's because you're mentally ill. Antipsychotic medication has been shown to decrease gender dysphagia. Now you don't have e to cut your dick off or embarass your family. You're welcome!

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It's Misaki Friday my bitches. Have you been fixing your hikikomori ways this week? I got my hair trimmed yesterday, that's an accomplishment.
Cutting your hair with the glue cap doesnt count, dogfucker
I'm officially older than Satou as of last Wednesday. I bought a really big ice cream cake and have been eating that for breakfast, lunch & dinner.

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As everyones lives crash around us at least this website stands and the friends we have met on here
This place is truly one of the final copes I have left to the absolutely brutal realities of this world
>whats your experiences on here anons
i love my r9k friends <3
thanks for the kind words, anime.
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I hope you all find the happiness you deserve.
I lost mine, I hope only briefly, but will cheer on everyone else while I look for mine once more.

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tsk tsk tsk tsktskstsktsks
strum strum strum strum strum
bump bump bump bump bump
ooooooh oooohhh mmmmm
>in that dream, im as old as the mountains
>still is starlight reflected in fountains
>children grown on the edge of the ocean
>kept like jewelry, kept with deevotion
>in that dream, moving slow through the morning

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>doctors - your body needs sunlight to make vitamin D
>also doctors - sunlight gives you cancer
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It's almost like you shouldn't have too much of a thing
>water good for you
>die of water poisoning
Legumes, they are more legumes than you do. Also, they died at 35. They are a ton more rough fiber. Like probably just chewing up raw mustard leaves and fennel bulbs. Seriously. Try eating lightly steamed greens. Beans, and lean pork. You will feel amazing.
Low low salt, low low oil.
they changed their mind recently. they started saying you only get skin cancer from not enough sunlight.

Because of that stupid stigma that "black dont crack" bitch please I'm black myself and I still put on sunscreen.

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post favourite pornstar
Princess Rene on that cheerleader video
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Not even kidding, I'd wife her.
she looks like marjorie taylor green
same baboon phenotype
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goated black bitch

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>met the literal perfect girl for me (we are engaged rn) because of a fight with my ex-gf which made me try something out
>find out that she was only the way she was with me because her very first boyfriend at 11 years old cheated on her
>she basically made me meet the love of my, girlfriend ,fiancee and now future wife
>because a boy cheated on her

How can I even repay her?
I am literally getting married next year, january, because of her.
How do I even pay her back for making me meet the love of my life?
why janurary?

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How would you protect your young boys from the red pill?
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Spend time with them and find out what crafts or sports they're into. Try everything until they find a healthy hobby/sport to focus attention on, drawing them away from the dumb shit like this website and into a social group of peers. Then you jsut cultivate that skill until they're Chad. Also, NEVER feed them fast food or heavy processed trash foods/sodas.
By explaining to them why its bullshit and being a proper man that talks to them instead of the internet people.

Half of this shit including "grooming"(it dosent exist) would be real if you watched your kids
Tell 'em a lot of it is true but pessimistic and they are too young or impressionable to properly engage with such spheres.
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They cannot understand
This is all it takes. The blue pill only functions if staying in the matrix is legitimately appealing, there's no other way. If you're happy with the world you don't go looking for answers about what's wrong with the world.

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>local bank planning on removing personal at the counter for an automatic self service system

Why the fuck do we have to learn to do literally every job?
Why can't i just go to the bank, talk to a REAL PERSON, who is payed money and has knowledge to offer a service to whatever problem i'm currently facing?
Basically you are now forcing customers to do the job previously payed employees had to do.
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and those people will eventually be replaced with AI. it's inevitable
How does that even work, even? Do you give the stupid machine your rolls of quarters like that?
Capitalism is best system because it does what is best for consumer and owner. The free market has judged and determined that you doing the work is more cost efficient than paying an employee. Thanks based capitalism!
It only does what's best for the owner when a few companies own pretty much everything, and they collude to see what the maximum amount of bullshit that people will put up with is.
To be fair, socialism and communism are so much worse.

This is aimed at (You) specifically
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inaptitude would be better put
there was no other ending and thinking otherwise makes you sound like a regretfully cowardly faggot.
My life is what you would call fixed. I make money and rent a place. I have savings. Im not addicted to any drugs or alcohol. I am miserable tho

i cant live with the sin/regrets that i have, so i choose slow suicide (too scared to actually do it immediately)

as far as the tools go its rarely an issue with material nowadays as much as it is the mental/spiritual one

My life rocks though.
Yeah. Heh. You got me...

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How many hours in a week do you spend in the great outdoors?

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Literally me. She's my clone
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Are you just teasing me?
no, you make me horny and I really want to touch you and have sex with you
cloning people is illegal
Can I blast semen inside you
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>show bob bitch

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damn he's really committing to the bit
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Hard not to become a narcissist if people shower you with money and attention just for existing.
idk if it's just me but he looks noticeably worse than he used to.
He's not trans. He's just a pervert. Passing wouldn't suit his purposes because he's getting off on being an exhibitionist.
>He's not trans. He's just a pervert
whats the difference?
white men trans pass so easily

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just woke up at 8pm and i feel like shit
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is keeping a woman knocked up the whole the only way to keep a marriage now days?
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make yerself a cuppa and go back to sleep
i slept until 6 pm today and i don't feel all that great
which time did you go sleep, anon?
drink some nice and hot warm tea it will make you guys feel better
i only have calming tea, if i drink that i'll fall back asleep...

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did life/women turned you into a bad/evil person ?
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Wow another sexbait
Good work dogfucker
But i will find you regardles
the traits of 99% of loser men can be traced back to their shitty toxic mothers
kek what? look i know we are anti women here but what ?
Bad mothers and bad fathers
yes. women have treated me terribly throughout my life. at this point it has molded me into a sociopath.

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