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>The Law of Karma: "Each and every action has an equal and opposite REACTION".
You watch Porn.
You give money to whores.
You send your dick to sluts on snapchat who just want your money.
You roll out the red carpet for the first bitch that glances at you.
Wake up.
>"That what a man sows, he shall also reap".
You feel there is something wrong with whoredom?
Stop enabling it.
Stop engaging with it.
The women you've been searching for will appear.
And you will have to seize the opportunity.
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i awarded Likes to your post
>You give money to whores.
Haven't spent a single cent
>You send your dick to sluts on snapchat who just want your money.
Haven't DMed a girl (ever)
>You roll out the red carpet for the first bitch that glances at you.
Literally the opposite. I barely paid them attention.

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Why don't you do drugs?

They'll turn all your bad feelings into good feelings, and you might meet cute girls too!
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Not that anon but I'm 37 and still like cannabis. Tommy Chong's 85 and still likes it. Probably it's just you and not an age thing.
This is true, I thought it was the greatest thing on earth when I was like 15, but by 22 I had pretty much grown out of it and graduated to Benzedrex and DXM.
if peepee the frog tells me not to smoke meth, I WILL smoke meth and do crack, then go the extra mile and kill myself
>I graduated to the worst drugs out there
why won't you do ketamine aka the not-shit-DXM or speed aka the not-shit-benzedrex
are you retarded?
>not worth exchanging physical health for mental health
yeah it'll surely work big time if you end up killing yourself
it's like an energy, you've got to find balance
tons of perfectly healthy succesful people out there allowing themselves a few mdma roll / stimulant trip / psychs

i'm so fried. i can't even think. i keep meaning to apply to this job and then i just stare at the email like it's an insurmountable cliff face and turn away.
I kniw its you
Dogfucker cant hide bwhind a fcade
Because mclanon is always watching
But dont call me that

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>doctors - your body needs sunlight to make vitamin D
>also doctors - sunlight gives you cancer
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>doctors: You need to eat a balanced diet of (forty different things from around the planet). I spend $100s on food and feel tired all the time.
>my ancestors 8000 years ago: Ate three things from birth until death. Could chase woolly mammoths for hours until they collapse from exhaustion.
It would be a good idea to give her non-white children.
>>doctors - your body needs sunlight to make vitamin D
>>also doctors - sunlight gives you cancer

mainstream media won't tell you this because it blows a whole in the whole climate change agenda. But the Suns output has been increasing in the past 50 years or so, its asolar cycle. It's why Bill Gates wants to block out the Sun. But he won't tell you why. Because then you won't eat the bugs.
is this a meme? when i lived in somalia everyone was drinking camel milk all the time no problems
90% of somalis are lactose intolerant, so either you've got confirmation bais based on that 10%, or they are indeed shitting their brains out at home after drinking the milk.

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how do i force myself to text guys when i am deppresed?
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any guy who's still putting in effort with a low effort one-word-reply bitch like that is either an extremely desperate loser, or playing the field just like you and just trying to smash.
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i believe this person was attempting to use a very abbreviated form of saying "don't be a crab in the well-known crabs in the bucket pop psych situation" ya know, where they pull eachother down and nobody can get out of the bucket. nice to see people getting along though!
Nevermind, it was a lie. I seen some public message of her glazing a "curly headed cute boy"
You asked. It doesnt matter what you tell him. He is desperate. He will take anything.
>I want an actual connection
Why would you want this? By far the majority of men are moronic subhumans barely above the level of women.
Nothing you say will turn him away because he is a desperate retard. I dont even know who it could be but I know in my entire life I have met only a handful of males whom could be considered men.
Punish whoever tries to be with you and if he sticks around then be more open with him and he will be more receptive to bonding with you.
Make them suffer.
Exactly. So punish these subhuman apes.
I am not saying the women are any better. This girl is likely worse than any man she could get. However men have gotten away with simping and sleeping around for too long.
If any heartbreaker staceys are out there reading this. I am your biggest fan. Shatter these animals. They completely deserve it.
Big mistake guys make is they try to riff off of what a woman texts them. Dont do that. She isnt one of the boys. She isnt your friend.
Every text you send her that isnt replying to a question you should consider it a new text chain.

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holy shit, you make girls absolutely seethe if you become a player.
but they fuck players

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Ram Dass

Another link thread
How creative dogfucker
Im laughing

People are lazy. I'm lazy. Are you lazy?
Yes you are lazy dogfucker
But ur 140 iq wont go away with sniffing glue
You will always suffer
Nope, I'm very hardworking

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Literally me. She's my clone
You will never hide from me dogfucker
I know its you
You will not
Its already too late
You deleted it but i still saw it
Yure done for
What's the story here, schizo-anon?
hi you're cute, I want to have sex with you and if you also want to have sex with me then we should have sex

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How the frick am I supposed to find a partner that kills the big scary spiders for me, I'm supposed to be the man in the relationship
How many ips do you have dogfucker???? I swear im gonna help those kids
You will no longer be able to hide

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vrchat anyone? its free on steam and you dont need a microphone or vr headset to play

i will post a link to the instance in this thread but if you cant use the link i can post my username and you can add me there
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different instance
where is everyone did you stop already
I'm around, join me here, anon
anyone still playing here?

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What are you listening to right now? Don't be shy
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>The uploader has not made this video available in your country
Vucic why?
hentai game bgm

This, also necrobumperino

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I cannot masturbate to porn and feel sexually frustrated. Porn just looks disgusting. Its fucking over.
I become aroused by lewd images but don't watch porn. The problem is, I have conditioned myself due to a long-standing habit to not be able to cum unless flaccid. I'm getting closer to achieving climax through practice. We can all overcome our obstacles. Maybe you just need a different method of masturbation or different whacking material.
Dogfuckef cannot hide from me
Mclanon knows its you
But dont call me that
That was my old life
Before you ruined it

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AI allows me to indulge in my weird fetishes.
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>AI allows me to indulge in my weird fetishes.
how weird is mine?
>asian girl with huge tits
Gradually, it came to pass that more and more shojou robo maids would be waiting outside the middle school, where happy boys would run out to be greeted with a hug. Girls found themselves ignored, unable to compete with a shojou robos unconditional love - an ideal childhood friend ready to be upgraded into his first love.
No need to teach the Chad students. They're probably more sexperienced than her.
>how weird is mine?
not very.

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Ever since I was young I would get mad losing at video games. But I want to quit getting so angry.
Anyone else?
It just feels so embarrassing and childish to get angry after a loss.
Even more so when I start cursing my opponent and running my mouth, only to realize that i was still in VC and my friends could hear me.
I don't want to just quit playing. I love the games I play. I just want to stop getting so audibly angry.
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Ok well im 28 so I feel like I should be an adult by now
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True, but like I said I don't want to quit the games I play. I like them, I just dont want to be so childish about losing
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You've tied in your self-worth to being good at vidya. It makes losing into an ego-crushing ordeal. You're yelling at people because in your head you're having a "How dare you?!" reaction because they're jabbing into your ego and you're lashing out reflexively.

Don't take it seriously, stop viewing yourself as being judged in vidya game land, play to enjoy yourself and improve only. If you're getting way too frustrated, just take a two minute break until you calm down. Controlling your temper is actually a skill you develop, and a good one to have in life.
Commit to a Sudoku
If you aren't angry when losing, then you are not emotionally invested in the game. No emotional investment means you won't feel much when you win either. Everything good has to be contrasted by something bad. Getting angry when losing, in moderation, is fine and means that you're passionate (read: having fun) about the game. Just don't forget to rejoice when you win, maybe an ishowspeed dick wave or something like that.

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