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All my life, I've pretty much been surrounded by older people, with no contact with people my own age outside of school. At home, at school, at work, all older people.

So I've tried getting the older people in my life to set me up with their relatives that are close in age to me, but nothing ever comes of it. No one ever offers to set me up, and when I ask, nothing ever comes of it.

I'm looking for a group of peers close in age to learn, grow, hang out, party, date, and experience things for the first time with. I've lived a pretty lonely life devoid of any fun. I tried reaching out to my family, teachers, school counselors, etc. when I was younger, but they did nothing to help and eventually got tired of my "complaining". I've therapy and reaching out to coworkers as an adult, but again, they did nothing. I missed a lot of learning and growing experiences.

I've pretty much missed out on 30 years of socializing and fun. The pandemic didn't help matters.

The few people my age I do see already have a friend group, significant other, or family, and aren't looking to add anyone new to their life. Is there any hope for me, or am I doomed to be lonely and miserable forever?
We know, dogfucker
Youre 140 iq but still a looser
Shouldntve bought cloudflare

Send a picture of a futa you wanna get fucked by

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Based futa thread
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keep your porn dump thread on /b/ why kill a thread for this?
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Wish futa were real
Oh you doing hrt now dogfucker?
I dont think that mixes well with huffing glue

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ls this true?
autism is made up anon. do you really expect there be an common organic "cause"?
Why do I have a long midface horse face then
I have noticed some facial similarities between some autistic women I know and have seen online (in amateur porn vids lmao)

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Where can I achieve this

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It's scary how dumb the average person is
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if you, as an admitted idiot, can easily identify the bots, then it doesn't seem like they're very effective or worth worrying about.
That's not what I said at all lol
i remember when i worked back in the warehouse this drugged out mothafucker use to fall asleep while driving the goddamn forklift lol. i think he might be dead now
When supposedly "smart" people were endorsing abortion and my body my choice, I knew for a fact the people around me were nothing more than just hedonistic evil dumbfucks.
HA I what a shame, drunk operators are the funniest shit. we have had a couple work for us, they dont last long or get hurt

I want to eat a milkshake everyday but I would get so fat. I also wouldn't actually want a milkshake every day. Maybe every 3 days would be good.

When I was a kid I was so skinny, I didn't eat sources of fat like I didn't eat cheese or any dairy actually and didn't eat avocado

when i got to high school i trained for triathalons (i went to Telos)

i ate so much but stayed super fit

at around 25 my appetite started to slow, so i had to learn to eat less. i got got injured and gained about 60 pounds between lack of movement and bad diet

i started taking walks, lost about 30 pounds

now im on a psych meds that make me hungry ive gained the 30 back plus probably 20 more.
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that was my
I'm the one who knocks comment.
delivered to my sis and mom.

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Women would rather be lickaroo'd by this than you.
am i more dangerous tha a fucking bear? fuck yeah
tonguelets never stood a chance
It was all you, dogfucker
You fored the bear meme
Dont even try hiding it
do bears have knots?

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What is with all the femcel threads can the jannies do something about this bc its so annoying I think r9k is getting raided or something
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They are doing something by encouraging egirls to post themselves. This is what they want. More ads, more tourists, yay!
It's unironically and originally always the fucking jews behind all kinds of social bullshittery
for real man
the only winning move is to not engage with this shit and treat it like poison for the soul
Could be another of those tranny tricks maybe larpers who have some sort of agreement idk. Or it is genuinely an influx of females which is the most probable answer in my opinion.
Uhhhhh based department calling but fr r9k and vr are like the only copes I have left I hope things stop being annoying

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did life/women turned you into a bad/evil person ?
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I'm a man with moral values and integrity but if someone were to turn evil they would do it because of life yes.
Wow another sexbait
Good work dogfucker
But i will find you regardles
the traits of 99% of loser men can be traced back to their shitty toxic mothers
kek what? look i know we are anti women here but what ?
Bad mothers and bad fathers

>Midnight university programming edition

Bar's open robots
>Everyone welcome: anons, femanons, trannies, everyone except nonas

Sit down, order a drink, Tell me your troubles or a fun fact, let's chat all night!
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2chan or 2ch? Are you russian? Asian?
i think i remember it as well, lol
yeah mayuri is the best girl in my humble opinion, it's impossible not to like her
have a great night as well anon, thanks for stopping by
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thanks! and im glad you remember, lets catch up some day
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Give me all your vodka
I went outside today the the boulevard, bought soju and drank it alone. It was enjoyable unitl I realized again how lonely and fucked I am, I then smoked in a bench until my bus arrived and went back home. Thats literally how my friday went, fuck my lofe.

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I want to eat a fembot out
thats it, thats the thread
Heres your posted it again award, bro
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thank you anon, I really appreciate it, I never got any awards
What is this from? Originalthankyou
Money feels better than an orgasm
>Recently get VR
>Grab a JAV with a sexy office lady
>Scene where she gets down and rides your face
I came so fucking much, the censorship doesn't matter since you're not meant to be looking at it

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>be skinnyfat tall mentally ill hikkineet.
>people say get jacked woman will like it
>got jacked
>went form 6.5 to 8 (photofeeler+soc+women talk to me on the streets)
>still no game
what do I do now
time to social maxx
>how to win friends and influence people
and relationship maxx
>men are from mars, women are from venus
>still no game
Ah yes, peak propaganda, dogfucker
Go back to huffing glue
meme. doesnt matter. you can say whatever
That sounds so exhausting. I have no energy to talk to people

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Dude I'm at this point where when i talk to a woman it genuinely seems like she doesn't even see me as human. Like its in her eyes she sees me as another fucking level of existence below her.
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first time? there were a time where I would try to talk to a certain acquaintance of mine and instead of trying to talk back she would just have a little laugh, like, bitch I'm not asking you out, just talk back like you would do to anyone else.
I completely get this feeling, do they also speak to you in a demeaning tone aswell?
I had a female that just simply stared at me and said "can I?" in an annoyed tone when it wanted to go up the stairs, there was space for two people to be on the stairs, it just didn't want to have to be near me for even a second.
I see you
You will die

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>unemployment you are here
low birth rate finaly catches up and people start noicing the consequences
crime becomes an actual problem as in a big enough problem that most people are victims of violent crime
nationalizaion of peoples private savings accounts
im glad that i lived long enough to watch all those pieces of shit that took advantage of me and mocked me suffer maybe there is a god after all
Unemployment rates have been at record lows. What the fuck are you talking about?
you say this like it's a bad thing. billions must be illiterate
Your fassade is crumbling, dogfucker
Soon haubisHQ will be raided

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I cannot stand being 30. Id give anything to be 18 again. I want to be young and live a proper young experience. It is suffocating me that I will only get older and more othered from young people. I just want to be one of them.
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listen to this guy:

I used to care more about playing video games than hanging out with friends. so I did just that. now I feel like doing stuff with other people more, but as a 33 year old, all places you go to has people in their early 20s, you always feel out of place there. somehow I still get along great because I'm very extroverted, but I feel like if I had done the same 10 years ago I'd have a much better time
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Lol. Lmao. from her onlyfans:
>i never particularly enjoyed blatantly sexualizing myself, which is why many of my old instagram posts have been deleted for some time now. my passion is expressing myself through my clothing and makeup. i don't plan on completely ceasing lewd posts but i 100% want to make this page more about my daily adventures & the things i enjoy! i feel its the only way i'll be comfortable with expressing myself more on this platform <3
This was on 2021-03-20.
All her recent posts are even lewder than before. It's basically just ass. Why are chicks like this? Sure. Be a slut. This is an unpopular opinion, but I actually don't care about that in itself. It's only annoying when they do all these mental gymnastics and try to deny this part of their identity because they're ashamed of it, or use faulty logic to try and rationalize the thing they're ashamed of by reframing it in a more progressive worldview.
"Umm actually, I-I'm not a whore! I'm an artist, and I'm expressing myself. I do this because I enjoy it and it makes me comfortable. It was never about the money. I'm not selling porn! That's unethical."
They all wanna be the ethical slut.
literally everything. once you enter your 20s your peers will be saying "I'm getting too old for that" all the time and start acting like dads. 90% of your male friends will drop contact with you once they get a long-term girlfriend. 18 is basically nearing the end of your youth so get the most of it while you can. do the fun and crazy stuff before it's too late.
>>77530592 Your body is 30, not you.
This dude is already on 4chan so it's probably too late for him. But I agree with you he should do some crazy shit with his friends. I was fortunate enough to at least have a bit of an irl doing stupid shit youth. I'm not even sure if this is possible nowdays.

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