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Because I don't want to go to work.

The only way I won't go to work is if doomsday occurs.

I don't care if it's a zombie virus... I don't care if a portal to hell opens up and demons run amok... I don't care if it's supervolcano erupting...

I just need it all to end already.
You could literally just pretend doomsday happened. Go be homeless, scavenge resources, cops who try to stop you are raiders who'll imprison you in their camps, etc.
>i dont want to work
Yes dogfucker, youd rather mine monero on childrens computer
Youre as evil as the corp you own
I'm tired of this existence. And ask the demons everyday to end this world.
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What the actual fuck did you say? Is this an actual bot post? Nah, It's schizo. It's too nonsensical for a bot. Bot's these days try to make sense a lot harder.

No bro... It's not the same. I just can't larp it like that.

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Anybody had any success with this method? It only seems to work irl with girl who have issues and you have to continuously do it over a period for it to work
How am I supposed to know when she's on her period?
Every girl I've been nice to has treated me as disposable garbage
Every girl I've been an asshole to has gotten attached really quick to me
I don't like being an asshole, I really don't, its not the morals I was raised under, but at the same time if I ever want quick sex with a girl I have to larp as some fucking douchebag
I hate it

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why did you give up on life?
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growing up i was told "you can do anything you put your mind to", "youre so funny", "youre so cool", "youre so smart", "youre so handsome", all this gaslighting bullshit that blew up my ego. then reality hit like a freight train
i give up for countless reasons
for one, i grew up in a dysfunctional family
i'm mentally ill who been in and out psychwards and still can't get a neetbux
i can't get a job even if my life depends on it

it was over for me before it even started, there was no point trying since my efforts is absolute useless, that's why i give up

theres no god or purpose or driving force behind the world so theres no real point in trying if everyone just gets somewhere by luck or random math
Ask urself, dogfucker
Nah we still out here grinding bruh, shoutout mum please stop wrecking the few electronics that we have

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>are not sexist/misogynistic/ableist/toxic
>blue eyes
>not balding
>24 to 35
>into post-hardcore

im female and thin
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ew die moid s m h
>are not sexist/misogynistic/ableist/toxic
A little toxic at worst
sub 20 bmi
>blue eyes
Some of my beard hairs are
>not balding
Yep, mom's dad kept all his hair into his 90s
>24 to 35
uhh 20
>into post-hardcore
Big Black is pretty good I guess
>are not sexist/misogynistic/ableist/toxic
>blue eyes
>not balding
>24 to 35
>into post-hardcore
was at a Gouge Away show last night
Well i am darker blonde
Not brownvlonde
But on vacation in the sun it aalways turns whitecblonde
>are not sexist/misogynistic/ableist/toxic
>blue eyes
>not balding
>24 to 35
>into post-hardcore

Ever tried it? How do you cope with suicidal urges?
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I love you anon. Hope you don't attempt again <3
then maybe he should have specified people who have failed suicide, so ghostanons know not to post
You seem like you care also. I just can't accept myself for right now
being a tranny fully justifies suicide
Yeah I did it, wouldn't recommend.

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Which would you prefer, option A or B?
>A: Everyone says you have a tiny penis, but you're actually packing a monster hog
>B: Everyone says you have a huge penis, but you're actually well below average
Dogfucker, this is your mindset
B. I don't want people talking about my pp in general, but I'd rather have a small one than a big one.

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Do NOT join dogfuckers discord server
He owns cloudflare and can easily pawn you if you do

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Is Anime Expo still worth going to or is it all normieslop now? I wanna make friends
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the sheer joy someone has when they see you dressed as obscure shit is something else though, you'll get more people coming up to you to take pics in general if your outfit looks cool and unique instead of being the millionth genshin, jjk, goku, hazbin, and FOTM waifu cosplay
yeah if you actually put effort into your cosplay and hygiene you'll stand out much more than the average guy that goes to cons, nobody will go up to talk to you if you're dressed normally unless you look like Ryan Gosling or some shit
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AX has not been worth going to by anybody in more than five years
AX has not been worth going to by genuine weeaboos and nerds for at least ten years.

It's just a consumeristic hell trade show where you can buy markup goods you could just buy online, it's for the most onions of niggercattle at this point and there's not even the excuse to go and do drugs and party because all of that is basically gone as well.

Find a hotel con in your area and make the attempt to be optimistic there because whoever you are and whatever you expect to get out of a con, you will not find it at AX.
Oh dogfucker, glue isnt yur friend
Invite me plz. :3

Pure epic bait and riling up with the same images, insults gimmicks and fetish spam
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Nighty nightingtons alizeelid. Having a few more weers then garn beddingtons meself.
Millie Gibson's tuppence
Phwaor goodarse R&R this was
Not a bad shift on Fortnite that. Got at least one dub in squads so it lush. Necking some smokey wacon wringles now and finishing off this weer.
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Bros, how do I get myself a misandrist and unhinged Crystal Cafe femcel GF? I think this is what I need in my life now and I don't want her to change at all.
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I'm a man who is quiet, introverted, and enjoys solitary hobbies. I am not very tall, and I have facial features that have been called "cute" so I look somewhat youthful. I am not conventionally attractive to women, so I know how they can be. They are friendly to me, but they are repulsed by the thought of dating me. I know the type of man I am is not what women are attracted to. I don't think women are necessarily "man haters", but they see most men as unattractive and treat unattractive men as disposable or toys to manipulate, and have very narrow male archetypes that they desire.
I'm not trying to say I could fix them, I just think that with the right pairing we can prove each other wrong.
was watching a prank channel and saw a girl go full bitch mode on her "friend" as soon as she saw she was with a hot guy. Like trying to bring her down, point out her flaws to the guy, how she lived closer to him than her.

Holy shit Women are fucking ruthless.
how is it statistically impossible? there's almost just as much women as there are men in the world so it's perfectly 50/50. there's no way that you can't find someone
but one of your replies earlier in this thread said you gave up on women
you're literally just assuming that they think that. you yourself said that you look fine and not completely hideous and you enjoy your hobbies. you're preventing yourself from being happy because of how insecure you are
not that gay "the one" anon, but what percent of women are fat? what percent of men? how about in terms of promiscuity? the west is suffering from a severe imbalance that's throwing the entire mating dynamic out of whack and most men will never find a suitable partner today like all of their ancestors did in the past.

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Hello there, friends. Do you have 30+ general threads?
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it's a start but Japanese women are extremely westernized so don't get your hopes up too much.
maybe I should take a side trip to Singapore or something. It's sad how westernized the Japanese women have become.
singapore isn't much better unfortunately. philippines is a popular area, just get ready for tons of single moms in their twenties because their women sleep around a lot but are simultaneously catholic enough to not use any birth control
You don't like the idea of Westernized Japanese women but you want to marry one?
I knew but I hope to meet one that isn't and that it'd be easier than America but the sad truth is that it's not going to be any easier.

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i found true love
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I remember when lego stores first became a thing, the lines at the mall were absurd and it was very crowded inside. magical time though. before then you could only find lego in their dedicated sections of walmart or zellers or whatever.
You wi@l never, dogfucker
You hide 8j your closet all day huffing glue and scamming children to add their pcs to ur monero botnet
we never had a lego store at my mall, but we did have kb toys which was awesome, and electronics boutique was also great until it eventually degraded into gamestop. even gamestop wasn't that bad when they still had an actual stock of used games and weren't 90% funko pops and "merch" with a single shelf dedicated to actual video games and even then only new releases at full msrp.

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Post your today's crush.
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Jamie Gertz is technically the worst richest actor, by huge margin
i told her to go back to twitter then she replied back calling me a faggot. we started talking right after
Oh i know
You cant hide it from me
I saw you on your main persona
Huffing glue
Infecting kids with a monero miner
Just kys
You was ghosted by a channer?
on duolicious yeah. but its probably not her fault. theres like 15 dudes for every female there

Thyme tea kind if day.
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Stuffing the turkey sex with Aisu
I don't think anything you said at all was cringe. It's noble to want to rise above most base desires and be the best person you think you can be.
Baka has still lots to learn from the fishe...
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aisuuuuuuuuuuuuu aaaaaaaaughaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa uiggggg
Who broke your heart this time?

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I don't know, I've been jacking off to plumper pass and mature nl, because i fell for the "lower your standards" meme.
Well it worked for lowering my standards, but beyond that it didn't get me anywhere.

Two weeks ago I started texting with a fat girl from another continent (10hrs away), it was also the first time I've gotten nudes, it feelt great, yet i feel like I'm loosing connection, and she hasn't texted back in a day.
Well, last week i had the first time any kind of female attention in a club, she was her but on me, and we kissed, but in the end she still rejected me.
I might as well have unrealistic standards, because it won't change a thing if i get hard from 2/10's, because they don't want me either.
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For many years here on /r9k/ I've wished that the "fat girls are easier" meme would die already, because it's far, far from the truth. Fat women are JUST AS ENTITLED as thin women.

I like fat women purely because I think they're far more aesthetic than thin women, not because I thought they'd be easier, and so far they've proven to me that they aren't easier.
>For many years here on /r9k/ I've wished that the "fat girls are easier" meme would die already, because it's far, far from the truth. Fat women are JUST AS ENTITLED as thin women.
>I like fat women purely because I think they're far more aesthetic than thin women, not because I thought they'd be easier, and so far they've proven to me that they aren't easier.

Yeah my ex told me she could get bodybuilder chad on Tinder sometimes because he was just in the mood for a super fat slampig. So from then on any other guy is just settling.
Nah that's bullshit. If you can't pull a fatty you are either really ugly or doing something dumb like only trying to get them on dating apps.
so where can you pull them?
>another fat thread
Oh dogfucker, how much glue did you snort this time?

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