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Welcome to /diy/, a place to:

Post and discuss /diy/ projects, ask questions regarding /diy/ topics and exchange ideas and techniques.

Please keep in mind:
- This is a SFW board. No fleshlights or other sex toys.
- No weapons. That goes to /k/ - Weapons. The workmanship and techniques involved in creating objects which could be used as weapons or the portion of a weapons project that involves them (e.g., forging steel for a blade, machining for gunsmithing, what epoxy can I use to fix my bow) may be discussed in /diy/, but discussing weapon-specific techniques/designs or the actual use of weapons is disallowed. Things such as fixed blade knives or axes are considered tools, things such as swords, guns or explosives are considered weapons.
- No drugs or drug paraphernalia (See Global Rule 1). If you want to discuss something that could involve such things (e.g., carving a tobacco pipe from wood) that's fine, but make sure it's /diy/ related and doesn't involve drugs or it will result in deletion/ban.

Helpful links:
https://sites.google.com/site/diyelmo/ (archived)
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Some friendly suggestions for posting:
- First ask Google, then ask /diy/. Your question will probably be better received if you do so.
- List available resources (tools, materials, budget, time, etc.)
- Try to use pictures and explain the goal, if possible
- Be patient, this is a slow board; your thread will be around for days.
- Share your results! /diy/ loves to see problems solved and projects completed!

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3D Printed Breakfast Edition

Last Thread: >>2787167

>Your print failed? Go to:

>Calibrate your printer.

If that doesn't help you solve your problems, post:
>A picture of the failed part
>Printer make & model
>Filament type/brand
>Slicer & slicer settings

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Have you fed filament by just turning the spool? I think the coil on the spool will expand first, and usually there's nothing to confine it.
What i think i mean to ask is openscad any better if I'm a beginner and i need to often make fundamental changes to the base part.
With FreeCAD i spend multiple hours making a base part, then making many parts which depends on it. Then when i see i missed something in the base part i make that final change and everything which depends on the base model breaks. Then i have to redo the entire project but with the change that i did in the end.
I understand that openscad doesn't work that well when external files need to be imported and used for referencing geometry but if every single mechanical feature is known (and i can basically draw the entire mechanical drawing on paper)

Sorry for the long post, I've spent a week remaking the same computer case every single day because i forgot something minor every time in the base part and had to redo it.
I accidentally shattered the hot end fan on my ender 3 pro last night. I'm getting really sick of this printer.
1. Is a direct drive upgrade worth it? Which one?
2. Are there any compatible hot ends where the nozzle is also a bed leveling probe?
Sold my ender, looking at a sidewinder 4 plus. Does anyone know if it goes on sale below 350 frequently?
When you make something in your base, are you using parameters? Like if you're making a tube that has a cylinder go in it, are you using a parameter like `innerDiameter` in all places?

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Use this thread to ask questions you think don't require a thread of their own.

The old thread no longer bumps: >>2789553

If you didn't get a response in the old thread, feel free to ask again here.

(except the guy with the 15A outlet on a 20A fuse)
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If I plaster over this shit with finish plaster is it then ready paint or will it need a finish layer?

The manufacturer of the finishing stuff says use no primer to smooth out existing granol/stucco and then it’s ready to paint but I’m sceptical.
I will probably marry this gf im dating, and she is frugal and hard working.
The problem is im not.
She always scolds me that i should do everything around the house, like tile the bathroom or tike the roof and similar shit, basically anything and everything. Im a city boy with gentle hands. Will i be able to cope?
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do these come apart easily? I finna get this off craigslist but never see them except assembled in front of box stores. How easy is this to break down into pieces to shove under my truck cap or should I figure on getting my trailer out of storage?
how do I diy a child
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1. marry trad wife
2. caulk gun until cracks filled
3. let her bake
4. ???
5. profit

How do i make a better electric pressure washer, i don't even know what pump i can use with electric motor running on 115, can't tell if i need 2 or 4hp
>How do i make a better electric pressure washer,

For what specific definition of better at what budget? The best "pressure washer" is a steam jenny. You can find and repair old ones sometimes. If you want serious power use 240V. Post exactly what you want one to do that existing units do not.
You want the biggest baddest electric motor you can power usually. And then select a pump to mate to it that calls for that hp. High flow and high pressure are the best for most applications.
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>How do i make a better
>i don't even know what pump i can use
three clues that you should buy

>power washer
>pressure washer
good fuck your are retarded

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Farm Fresh Scotch Eggs.

simple, portable, no need to heat for eat.
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What sort of bird lays those?
Can't beat a Ned Kelly
I normally start the day with 4 poached eggs in baked beans with potato scones. You can just choose not to fart.
that will literally kill you, and your crew, when you explode and your bone shrapnel rips through their meat shell.
>there is also mincemeat which is a sort of glommy brown paste thing made of sugar, dried fruit, alcohol and animal suet used to make traditional mincepies, they taste great if you heat them up and dollop clotted cream on them

That is the mincemeat I was referring to have never tried... I've never even seen anything like it sold locally.

>It was a lie cooked up to sell sugary cereals that breakfast is important. Our bodies just switch to a ketogenic mode where it burns fat.

I don't eat sugary cereals at least, but the older I get, the shittier I feel after eating basically anything at all... If I have hard physical labor like shoveling dirt to do, then I'm better off having not eaten anything at all that day then having had breakfast. Breakfast is usually a couple eggs and bacon or some variation thereof.
dafuq do you work in the open when it's raining? fucking rusty shit everywhere

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for leatherwork, you need a very dense material to tool (draw) and stamp on. We all have little granite slabs. I make luggage and messenger bags almost exclusively so that little slab is just top small. 2x3x8 slabs of granite are reterdedly expensive.

here are a few factors I'm considering.

1, my house doesn't have a concrete foundation so reverberation will just always be an issue. I want to get as much force transferred onto what I'm working on as possible.

2, I have read that a work bench the size I'm going to make will weigh 100s of lbs.

3, even the best concrete tables eventually Crack, sometimes within a year.

what are your thoughts
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Could you instead just have a table made of wood with steel sheet glued to the top of it?
>even the best concrete tables eventually Crack
proof you're are doing it wrong

also the heavier your slab the more stable it is for hitting on, in other words the heavier the less it moves when stamped ergo cleaner stamp. there is a limit to which this matters but you will see better results than a skinny little granite bit used like a cutting board.
you get several buddies to lift it with you. it's how my brother blew out his back- flipping his concrete island into place.
>sheet steel
this isn't welding you fucking retard. pounding shit on a stainless table would be fucking loud as hell and about as awful a solid surface as possible. you should shut your fucking mouth if you can't understand such a basic concept instead of trying to give advice on /diy/.
A wood bench with a bonded steel top is not the same as a steel bench. The wood deadens the sound a lot. I can't say how it compares to a concrete bench top since I've never had one, but it's not all that much louder to hammer on than a plain old wood bench top.

Also you should really talk to someone about your anger issues.

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I'm not talking about used cars. I mean for metal, machinery, etc.

I see so many Euro videos where they're like:
>Just head down to the scrap yard to find one

Nigga, I don't have that. None of the metal recycling places will sell me material. I just want to get some cheap metal parts and old machinery, but they won't sell it to me.
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>Why are there no scrap yards in the US?
Scrap yards typically show up in states that have a lot of manufacturing. Here in california, the rural poorer regions you get general scrap yards where you can pick up old restaurant equipment, sheet metal/plate to make weldments or repairs, random appliances etc. The main CAR scrap yard near me in nor cal stopped allowing the public to come in and buy doors/panels etc. 20 years ago due to methheads coming in from other states and getting injured dropping cars on themselves trying to take out parts in unsafe ways.

In really rich areas with large engineering firms like southern california, you can buy ultra high expense items from scrap yards for pennies on the dollar. I used to buy $20,000+ vibratory sorting bowls for a couple hundred bucks, the bowl is useless (unless you're a counterfeiter) but the vibratory unit is good. Aluminum extrusions like T-slots are basically free. Most of the time you dont even know what you're looking at in these rich scrap yards, just that it's made of passivated stainless, or hard anodized aluminum.

So just go to where the manufacturing is in your state, if there is any, and ask around.
The vast majority of used equipment is sold at auction and used more or bought by scrappers and destroyed for the metal they contain.
What? I'm in NYC and there's a dozen within a mile of me. That's not true of the whole city, but the concentration near me isn't the only concentration of them.

Is this just another way NYC is different and, yes, better than most of the rest of the US?
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I suspect it's because you are stupid.
I'm lucky enough to be near these guys. They break down and sell/recycle industrial machinery and raw materials. It's gotten to the point where they actually know what they have and don't sell valuable electronic equipment by the pound, but fuck it - this place is DIY heaven. https://mbglick.com/

I want to implement an error detecting and correcting system to keep my data perpetually.

I would need it to work through the deaths of individual drive, and I should be able to varry the amount of redundancy

It would also be great to know where there is already error correction in my data

Do y'all know any good resources, programs, etc?

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>error correction software?

Ignore previous reply
I'm guessing you'd want a reader too considering you'd need to verify the setup and clarity of the result. $200 isn't awful tho, not sure about film costs.
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jasc paint shop pro

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I want to get into DIY gene therapy and metabolomics, but I don't really know where to begin.
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Uh, they were pretty blatant about it bud. I dont think this was the mark, just a prototype, but I don't think the real one is gonna come like "I'm the antichrist and I endorse this brain chip. If you take it you no longer have a soul God can't help you and you're stuck after death." You're still gonna need to read between the lines a bit. Just before this shot came out, they were talking about nanotech
>leaked the virus out of stupidity
They leaked it on purpose because the US economy was doing too well, it was improving when it'd been declining for decades before Trump. The lock-downs fucked-up the economy royally and allowed the mail-in ballots to be used to rig Biden into office.
This. It 'leaked after Trump finished off his epic trade negotiations with China after doing the rest of the world.

China didn't like the deal of actually having to respect IP law so they committed a crime against humanity
Here you go bro: https://www.the-odin.com/diy-crispr-kit/ Post some pics of your mutations
>we have crispr at home anon
seems like a good thread for the diy bingo card

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Any idea what it is? Slumlord tried to paint over it.
Try and get a closer picture. Is

But at first glance it looks like a bad dry wall repair or dry wall damage. What's on the other side of that ?
Looks like damp. Probably have a leak somewhere.

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Why cant it be at ground level?
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usually about 50 cents on the dollar if you wanna spend it on booze or drugs instead of food
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>claims to 'debunk' but really don't.
you'll find this frequently happens in regards to the mudflood
>things have basements
Why is this concept so strange to americans?
>So it's just a we wuz kangz thing but for Russians?

Sort of, but you're forgetting that all advanced civilization was originally created and controlled by Africans, and "Russians" is just a term imposed on those noble warriors by white devils to obfuscate their origin.

So besides "we wuz kangs" it's also "we wuz tsars" which eventually compounded to "we wuz kangtsars" which eventually evolved into the term "gangsta".

This also explains the abundance of gangsters in modern day Russia and other parts of Eastern Europe, and also why ostentatious displays of wealth via ridiculouslly expensive custom jewelry and other luxury goods are trademarks of both Russian royal family and "gangsta" lifestyles.
>Why cant it be at ground level?
It can be. The question you should be asking is why isn't it? There are a number of reasons, but they will all just be guesses. For instance wanting to have the floor elevated above ground level to inhibit water intrusion. Or possibly there used to be a slab floor at ground level, but when renovating the space it was easier to just run plumbing through a new slab on top of the old one rather than jackhammering out the old slab. Or at some time in the past the sidewalk used to be higher there. If you want the real answer you'll need to contact the owners of the building.

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Thread thermally drifted: >>2787618

>I'm new to electronics. Where to get started?
It is an art/science of applying principles to requirements.
Find problem, learn principles, design and verify solution, build, test, post results, repeat.
Read the datasheet.

>OP source:

>Comprehensive list of electronics resources:

>Project ideas:

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Yes, too much current is a thing.
The reason is that the circuit might depend on the internal resistance of the battery.
Coin-cell driven devices and LED flashlights are notorious for this.
Best to limit the current with a resistor
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It's transistors and op-amps, there's nothing there that will die if you accidentally give it 9.5V. Heck, 9V batteries can give out an amp if you really push them for a short period of time, and they're like 9.6V when full anyhow. The whole thing would probably run just fine up at 12V even, though depending on the circuit it might sound different.

That said, your USB-to-9V adapter is probably noisy as shit. I'd add a capacitance multiplier, or even use a USB-to-12V adapter alongside a 9V regulating circuit. I prefer one that uses a TL431 and a pass transistor, but to each this own. A 7809 won't have much ripple rejection in the hundreds of kHz.
fyi appliances that run on a constant voltage will only draw the current they need, assuming nonshit design
ooh, a cd4007 being used for analog stuff
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You'll always be a faggot, and you'll never be a woman.

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No classes or anything. Just youtube videos and gear I can buy locally
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Look around your house and see what needs fixing. Start there
How to sew on a button with a waste knot
Mending a simple tear
Spot/stain removal for laundry
Fixing a dripping faucet
Checking vehicle oil level/condition
Changing the oil on your vehicle
Changing the air filter and cabin filter on your vehicle
Painting walls and baseboards
Replacing a door lock/handle
Budget planning and saving
Don't even have to wait for something to break.
Look for something that works, but you think could be better or there's an alternative that would make your life easier.
Or find something you want or need and find a way to make it yourself instead of buying it.
Or find something that works fine and learn how to maintain it so it continues to work fine.
Learn to communicate effectively, to put yourself in the situation of the other part.
For example, when asking a question are you giving the other part enough of information to respond with an useful answer?
Above is a rhetorical question, meaning I assume you understand that your OP is lacking information for anon to help you out.
I can only suggest not getting into something requiring teamwork and with minimal contact with any client based on what you opened with.
If life gives you lemons you can at least make lemonade. From there you need to find customers. Put the lemonade in a container with a tap to let the customer fill their own cup once you have received payment. Keep a paper bin to prevent your endeavor from littering the area which is bad for business. Also never quench your thirst with your own supply. Bring a water bottle - every penny saved is a penny earned!
Not a YouTube video or class, but check out the book "How your house works". It's good to know things work in order to disassemble and reassemble. The book goes into that with detailed pictures and short but concise explanations.

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I broke of these pic related stoneware mugs and am thinking of doing a faux kintsugi thing. However, I also want to be able to microwave this thing, so JB Weld is out, epoxies are apparently out (temperature issues and potential fuming or whatever when exposed to enough heat), and superglue was never practical to begin with.

Unless someone has any better ideas, I was thinking of resorting to a cement mixture of some kind and sorta painting on my gold (mica) pigment onto the cracks and then figure out how lacquers work.
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>Food safe is a problem when you're working with adhesives, sealants, mortars plus you want to throw this in the microwave with hot drinks.

What about repairing a plate for leftovers?
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Cat knocked my kid's piggy bank off the mantle. I always liked Kintsugi so I bought a tub of gold mica off the bookstore. It looks like all the kits are mica powder, two part epoxy and a bunch of crap like popsicle sticks and gloves.

Since I'm not getting instructions, has anyone actually done this and would you recommend structural epoxy followed by gap filling or to use the mica in all epoxy and fill as I go?

Also it's a $10 piggy bank and I'll be $30 in repair material. I wonder where I can get that kind of cash...
you might as well make actual coffee
so superglue and baking soda
Only if you aren't a craftsman

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Contractor quoted me $7000 for an asphalt driveway (approx 800 sq ft) and that was the lowest bidder out of 3 bids. 3" of asphalt over 3" gravel.

For $7k I can put in a concrete driveway (8" gravel base, 6" concrete) myself if I rent a mini-excavator to do the digging, make the concrete forms myself, and broom finish the concrete once it's poured.

I just don't have any experience running an excavator, so I'm trying to figure out what I need to know in advance.

Do I need to worry about it bogging down in soft clay soil or do the tracks spread the weight enough to avoid that?

Will the excavator's weight compact the gravel if I drive over it a few times, or would I need to rent a compactor/tamper?

Can I drive it back to my place on a rural road, or will it tear up the asphalt? (I'd prefer not to pay for delivery if I don't have to.)
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buy a mini, do the job, then sell the mini
it'll be way cheaper then renting
>backhoe or skid steer may work better
get one with a 4 in one bucket so you can use the scraper function of the bucket.
>why hire a contractor if I can spend a week and do it myself lol, btw i've never done it before
this, but unironically.
You wanna learn how to build driveways or consoome product on the weekend?

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