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Baby Ape Edition


In /rcg/ we discuss anything & everything remote controlled - multirotors, fixed wing, cars, rovers, helis, boats, submarines, battlebots, lawnmowers, etc.

>How do I get started with racing drones?



> How to build a racing drone (16 part video series from Joshua Bardwell)


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At least the extra diversity kept the plane from breaking apart.
Analog mob6 '24 is up on Tinywhoop
That fc look like some steamed shit, man. You should get a betafpv f4 1s 5a.
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no shit the capacitors fell off
im getting the one on the right in pic from happymodel.

mostly got it because of the UFL connector (i hate soldered on wire antennas and had a board break because of one before).

ill use it for a 75mm 2s walksnail whoop
It will serve you well

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What can I do?

get a new wreck door?
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As a body guy, this has been my observation: not washing your car contributes severely to rust, and the mold is an indicator.
I've a friend who bought a 04 Ford e350 for work. It was never run thru a car wash, EVER. The bottoms of the doors and the welds connecting the floors, rockers and side panels rusted out and he wound up having to junk it in 2018. He then bought a Chevy van thinking it would be better. He has tools falling out the holes in the floor now from the same issue.
I drive a 1996 Explorer that was kept in a garage up till 2016, I don't garage it but I keep it washed. Virtually no rust there on an almost 30 year old vehicle, and that's in the northeast.
Anon above is right too. Road salt is hell.
You should run it thru a wash with an underbody sprayer (or stick a lawn sprinkler under the car and let it run for a few hours, moving it around to make sure you cover all underbody areas), then get a qualified person like a mechanic or maybe a friend who is car-knowledgable to take a look underneath and get an idea of how bad the underside is.
If it's not horrible you can get the underside coated with fluid film or similar-garages and bodyshops do this. It kind of chokes out the rust and retards it. It's lanolin and wax, and it lasts for a year or two. If the car is decent otherwise this might be a good way to go to drag a little more life out of it
For clarity, I am the same dude
Major help.. thanks!!!
doesn't washing undeneath the car putting water to metal rust it?
It’s to remove the salt. It’s worse than plain water.
Rust forms, and accelerates once it does form, by galvanic action like a battery. The rust and the plain steel act as electrodes and the salt water is a conductive electrolyte between them.

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and now you know.
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Tee hee
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Perfect, thanks for the tip OP
source of that image: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/

why would "they" want to disrupt a DIY forum?
Because they’re fundamentally stupid, and can’t get jobs or run legitimate business.
So they make up imaginary issues so they can “solve” the imaginary problem.
Probably a good 30% of the population does this.
goddamn rich anon has a mother or wagie to clean his apartment for him

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HVAC is for faggot.
all you need is a 2 holes on the wall, dust filter, and 2 fans (optional)
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The feeling when old people arguing.
Thermaltake brushless 200mm fan $14
Small solar panel $20
Converter from solar voltage to 13.8v (or 12) $10. (may not be needed - see below)

that's it, and wire.

The fan takes extremely little power. Even a 25w panel they sell all over TEMU will do. The flex ones that have 6 cells and a 12v dongle coming out of a black box on the back, have an internal regulator that knows how to charge a 12v lead acid. I've been doing that straight, mounted on a tractor hood w magnets, for years. You do not need the bullshit charge controller they offer to bundle with it. They just have no idea what they are selling.

It also comes with the barrel connectors and cables/wire, so you can skip the buying wire part too. Just that panel and the thermaltake fan. The fan comes in black, or clear with blue LEDs. Get the clear and delete the LED's. They just pop out of the socket.
that's what my father always says. but our country summer is 1 month and he works 1 week of that in AC room.
HVAC school on YouTube is godtier, they show that guy in schools he's so good.

>t. hvac apprentice
Hahaha fucking boomers
That's an excellent proposal. I'll research about it. Thank you.
Thank you.

When I get around this project I'll post my project details, pictures, the BOM, etc.

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Why cant it be at ground level?
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whats the problem here
The real answer is Horse shit
Literally horse shit and of this picture is from New York feral pig shit. It used to be everywhere and sometimes thick on the ground. Image when it rains. You want to isolate your first floor from that.
imagine the size of the rats

Either the street changed at some point or someone raised it to route plumbing.
wic, food stamps, and other food assistance programs are cleverly disguised farm subsidies

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ch1 > 5 will be promoted, time > 6 months
ch2 > 4 will be promoted, time > 5 days
ch3 > 3 will be promoted, time > 4 days
ch4 > 2 will be promoted, time > 3 days
ch5 > 1 will be promoted as a winner. gift > $100 amazon gift card, time > 1 day
#the difficulty of the challenge will increase as it goes to the end.
I ain't clicking that shit

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LIFE GOALS: to the arial county police, this is a mere shed, oh but oh boy, what lies beneath is 800 sq feet of beautiful living space with NO property taxes no permits just pure by God FREEDOM.
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post the archived thread please
i wanna see this
this but in colorado. you start in a county that won't fuck with you.
"Thread"? He used to check in regularly, like Kevin van Dickhead, but cool and without the trip. There were probably over 20 threads. Last I saw of him was maybe ago? Claim was that he got hit with an NDA, but he probably got a little tired of the new assholes here trying to be edgy as well. Was a cool dude.
Shit, *maybe 6 years ago
I remember the start of that. It was mostly just pictures of giant cavernous rooms full of standing water illuminated by work lights iirc

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So this flowerbed is fucked. Not only is a ton of grass growing in it moss is as well. I understand everything must go my question is what tools should I use to clear/clean it out as efficiently as possible?
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>smokedmt in the back
ah... that's why there's all the cancer lawsuits.

A reddit board is missing it's redditor.
Be careful where you get soil from, that it does not have any Grazon contamination.
>A reddit board is missing it's redditor.

Well you better get back there faggot!
Astounding creativity!

Best you can come up with 'I have no ammo left. So I'm going to imitate you.'

How flattering.

How to tell us how retarded you are, without saying it directly.

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Thoughts on using straw and plaster as the exterior for a timber frame?
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best post
no the fuck it is not
> it is
> it's not

It's not, because in wattle and daub, you will use sticks inbetween the studs, laterally, to form a lattice. Then take something like cob, and press it into the lattice to fill it in by hand.

Straw bales stack much faster, are still common, and can be made by machine. Ranchers use 800lb round bailers, though, these days.
> Straw bales stack much faster, are still common, and can be made by machine.
Compacted bales for building like >>2799451 wrote aren’t the same as those made by most farming equipment. The normal ones used for feed or floor actually do burn very easily
We used regular straw bales and covered them in plastic (cob), just like he said. Cob isn't going to burn through.

No special equipment.

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are solar eclipse glasses safe to use for welding?
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until they melt, get broken or a spark hits them. that shit is really fragile
The tint blocks IR, it is also vital or you literally cook your retinas. Less likely to get cancer from it but you go blind all the same.
Absolutely not. That said, the guy who showed me how to weld just squinted his eyes
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I doubt it. i have seen moon crickets tape cardboard around a cell phone put the whole thing on a popsicle stick and use that, led in the screens have a limited range, but the leds in the camera also have a limited range.
gooks that make shipping containers put the face mask on a stick like some eyes wide shut.
You're running on all cylinders to come up with that one. No pic. No meme? Just 'bla bla bla, i'm not creative'.


The majority of people come here at some point for a fantasy DIY thing they have but never go through with it. But it's nice to talk about it and find out how plausible it would be if you actually follow through with it.
In my case, i have a friend who's interested in the same dumb idea as i am
Idea is to get a castle built basically, plain and simple. To avoid sounding or looking autistic we just say manor and dont have the idea to add in fake battlements and towers, just a set of buildings that naturally wall itself off from the outside world with a courtyard in the center, to house a few families worth of people (my family, his, and possibly some other friends)
it'd have a reasonable square footage per person, and if my career and inheritence goals become fulfilled i should be able to afford as much as 700k for building the home, he might be able to afford 250k-500k depending on if he ever manages to create a successful business, and additional rent could be collected from any other roommates living with us
lets say a construction crew builds the walls and foundation out of limestone or granite bricks, and professionals do the electrical, plumbing, and heating work, as well as the roof frame, could I feasibly construct the floors (going up to 4 stories tall at the highest), install the roof tiles, and rennovate the rooms using mostly lumber and plaster? I'd have help of course, but I'd be concerned that a full time job would take away the time i need to properly construct it.
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I'd love to convert an underground military base to a living area with off grid power and water. I just love being underground and can only really get a good sleep if the door is barricaded. I think I could finally fully relax in a building designed to withstand the end of the world.
you're right about most of the things you say, and i agree with the idea of just starting with a few buildings that generations in the future would expand off of, but overall the biggest setback to castle building is the defensive walls and towers that have 1-2 meter thick layers of bricks, while something i'd build would be a foot at most, maybe thicker at the base or just thinner toward the top
i do like the look of clay bricks, but where i live limestone is pretty plentiful, i dont know that i'd be able to quarry it myself but it means i can get it relatively cheaply without dealing with shipping costs
also for things like archways, windows, etc. I'd use cast stone or clay brick instead of carved stone, which would drastically reduce the cost
another possibility to reduce costs is making the upper floors out of timber rather than stone like in german buildings, and it would reduce the complexity of the scaffolding
people tend to underestimate time and effort needed to build a castle.
>Without electricity nor modern tools like mechanical cranes, the team relies on cart horses for all on-site transport of materials and
As long as you're comparing apples to apples...
most of the labor there comes from quarrying the stone, not building
in modern circumstances, a machine does all that, and stone bricks are far, far cheaper than they ever have been historically
they're also effectively building an entire village, not just a castle
even if the surrounding buildings are quickly put together its no easy task to construct all of them

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A place for anything to do with Welding.

Post your welds, ask questions and discuss sticking metals together.

IDK I just want a place to talk about welding.

Old thread: >>2763067
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consider whether you need a cart in the first place.
if the welder only moves once a month and you only have a 1-car garage, wouldn't a storage box to keep the dust and mice out be better?
hmmm you might be right. Maybe even just one of the harbor freight service carts would be nice, i'd be using it for plenty of other things as well, so it's not just serving a single use.
I don't know which software you're using but in solidworks you can draw lines on the flattened sheet metal pattern and they'll get cut with laser cutter if ported in dxf. You can use this method to create perforations or precut lines in the part.
Otherwise create right angle brackets out of any metal, drill holes, place them inside the case and rivet them together if you can't weld. It's not permanent since you can remove rivets with a drill
Kek I forgot to say the stitch lines (- - - -) will help you bend sheet metal precisely without a brake, they're useful for short bends that don't have leverage
find yourself a different company? Unless youre getting a very good deal, tons of outfits online so laser cut + bending now. sendcutsend is a good one
burs are pretty much always carbide.

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>We're going to test that!
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>Summary of most of the threads on this board:
they are a useful metric to see if you should spend more on a product to get features that may or may not be useless to you.
most of the time the bottom tier price point works for 99% of cases but maybe you can go up a tier or two if there are features that are important to you.

his testing is patterned more after real life situations.

Most other lab testing is about replicating certain conditions observed in real life, and testing to those conditions.

but you are right that his tests don't repeat very much. But they do weed out bad performers that won't last with their performance past a few uses pretty well.
harder =/= better and the ideal hardness is task/tool and material grade dependent.
This guy is alright for novices to the devices. While many of his tests seem more practical towards real world situations, there are many that just aren't even close.
It was when he did the fleshlight series that I decided I had seen enough and stopped watching his channel.

Anyone here installs windows for a living, if so what are some tips you have to a greenhorn?
I just got hired to do it but I have no experience whatsoever, how fucked am I?
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Fucking A, brothers. Thanks a bunch for all the advice, I spent like 2h watching people explaining in detail how to do it and honestly it doesn't seem that hard but I'm sure when I'm on the field there will always be something to make things more complicated.
>put the frame with glass in all at once
do americans really?
everything here is prepackaged presized precut prenup premade for maximum throughput, quality be damned

Its a fixed picture window that's glazed at the factory under optimal conditions...there zero advantage in either ease of handling or installation to glaze it in the field (it would be much riskier and more difficult) and field glazing will never achieve the quality level achievable under controlled factory conditions.
>do Americans really?

Know how to design, manufacture and install modern energy efficient unified picture windows that don't need a grumpy old fart with a leather apron and wire rimmed glasses to show up and seal in the glass in using a mixture of beeswax, stone dust and cow dung?

Yes, they do.
Circumcision bros...

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Plumbing advice needed

Handle of a water line under sink broke off
Water main was turned off for now
I just have a couple of adjustable wrenches and alligator clamps
Is this thing removable or do I need to cut the pipe?

Even if I were to cut the pipe I don't think thered be any room to put in a new valve
Try removing it first.
Cut pipe remove escutcheon should be room for compression fitting. If you have to break out the drywall who cares you wont see it. Its a shithole anyway.
Thank me later
Is that a copper pipe coming out of the wall? That thing is covered in paint and crap but it could be soldered.
looks soldered. heat it up to melt solder and pull the valve off. pull any water out of the pipe with a vaccum cleaner. dont cut it or youll have to bust out the wall. Dont listen to the first reply, you dont have enough pipe to work with to go cutting it.

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