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and now you know.
>be me
>not a wagie
>don't need to know this
And when the bucket gets full, pour it in the sink!
Me too desu
mop operator
"Grasshopper, What is the sound of one hand mopping?"
schlop schlop schlop
Toilets are much lower and most public/commercial/industrial spaces have floor drains don’t they?
Was a retarded joke. Because I was replacing the drain at this lady’s house (she’s going through radiation therapy and is half hopped up on fent patches) and I ran to Home Depot for parts so I threw a bunch of shit in the sink so she wouldn’t use it for 20min. While I’m gone, she proceeds to get out of bed and take the stuff out of the sink, hears the water draining into the bucket in the cabinet, realizes the drain is pulled apart, so she grabs the bucket and pours it into the fucking sink with the drain disconnected.
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Thread being watched by pro spam jannies.
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And all the sinners saints
what keeps the dust pan from sliding?
Radiation therapy makes people stupid. No really, they cant think well, their IQ drops like 40 points, they can recover with time, to a point
i feel like the splitter thread is also an ai shit post.
Huh. Google says maybe, maybe not, but if it does it's like 5 IQ points. Are you the bot that >>2797445 is talking about?

You say what you want, but if you've ever had to deal with no hot water to mop with, but the bathrooms have an on-demand water heater, then this trick is fucking genius.
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I have a bathtub I can use
Kevin Van Faggot
Tee hee
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Perfect, thanks for the tip OP
source of that image: https://crestresearch.ac.uk/resources/mining-the-chans/

why would "they" want to disrupt a DIY forum?
Because they’re fundamentally stupid, and can’t get jobs or run legitimate business.
So they make up imaginary issues so they can “solve” the imaginary problem.
Probably a good 30% of the population does this.
goddamn rich anon has a mother or wagie to clean his apartment for him
You can lay your cock on the sink when you have a boner and need to piss then lay the dustpan over that to stop some of the piss from splashing everywhere. Not all of it though.
>that brush
how big are your teeth?
I couldn't read it because they kept forgetting to close the / in /pol/
Isn't that just literally shitposting?
That has been a thing for ages now
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Painters tape in putty form. Works fucking great for pinning plastic together or the walls or whatever isn't fabric, also use them as corner buffers if putting poly over sharp corners so it doesn't tear. Whatever you do don't step on it.
Clean your bathroom you disgusting piece of shit
And how's he gonna do that if he can't fill his mop bucket?
>doesn't clean up after himself
A combination of racketeering, lobbying by large media conglomerates, and efforts by certain people to centralize discussion in a select few places online for easier control over dialogue.

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