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I'm going to build a shed on my property mostly using stones I can find, but I was wondering if I could just have one big slab of rock, like maybe marble or granite from a place that sells countertops? It would be 8x10 ideally but I could get by with a 6x8 if that's the biggest slabs I can find, but my question is how large of a span can rock like that take before it caves in under it's own weight?
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like a modern version of this but with a door, mortar between the rocks, etc.
Mike Oehler's underground housing workshop. With the videos.


I grabbed this off (now defunct) One Big Torrent, which in it's day, although it started as a muh counter-revolutionary commie site, quickly had contributions in homesteading (you can see how both political movements, left and right, dovetail among the thinking members of each).

Would appreciate you seeding it.
Thanks Anon, I was rereading "the $50 and up underground house book" the other week so this is very relevant.
Not very active here, has anyone tried to have an underground general? (autism containment)
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where in the fuck is that ever specified in the OP?
span is as big as the piece since it will be supported on 4 sides, even if you ridge without a ridgpole the edges will ostensibly support each other in compression but I suspect you're planning a lean-to style slab. countertop thick is fine for this. beware of leaks through the sink cut-out.

Also it's not entirely unheard of to roof it over with stone slabs, you basically span it with sticks and place rocks that are as long as the sticks between each pair then thatch with mud daub and cover with dirt. there are videos on youtube of primitive canyon/cliff dwellings and also some guy rebuilding/building a stone shed as a thank you that do this.
>8x10 ideally but I could get by with a 6x8
you can find both of those in many places in the US, they wouldnt cave in under their own weight
if you're using it like an arch its called a lentil, which theres been much, much more massive stones used for that purpose
heres one example, although i'd reccomend looking for quarries in your area to reduce shipping costs
like say you're in kansas or missouri, you'd get a limestone slab because limestone is whats available in the area
you could also look on craigslist

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I was going to do some cat6 cabling the 1960 build home I’ve lived in for 2 years now.
I’m having trouble identifying what kind of plaster/sheetrock this is. Someone told it may be asbestos and to leave that shit alone if possible. I will have it tested soon but does this look familiar to anyone?

I always thought it was drywall with a layer of plaster. It’s been a pain the ass since studfinders don’t detect anything through it.
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I wonder if this makes a big mess compared to pencil scribing and using the oscillating diamond blade
you can’t tell just by looking. buy a test kit off amazon and have it lab tested. just exposing your dumbass to it is one thing, but don’t do it to the other people in your house, especially children.
You ignorant bipedal you breathe asbestos daily. Where do you think the dust from billions of brakes pads ends up? The whole lead paint, asbestos fear based bullshit is just another ploy to sell you ridiculous shit to protect yourself. Youre better off just listening. OP cut some holes quit listening to these liberal fuckingbretards
fuck off you spaz. hes not eating it for lunch everyday.
what the literal fuck that is not how shapes work

My wife managed to lose and run over the gas filler cap (don't ask me).
I've got an older model and I can't find a replacement from the manufacturer.
I closed it ot off with aluminum foil for now in hopes that all the gas doesn't evaporate, but i need a longer term solution.
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>thats incredibly dumb or careless. Or both.
>Surely its all about the same though. Maybe try a big piece of cork that you stuff into the hole.
Is that for his wife or his lawnmower?
Your wife is retarded.

> but it doesn't have a hole
Make one.

> but it doesn't have a gasket
sheet of cork, cut one.
Also, there's nothing worse than women for abusing lawn equipment. Either they can't get it to run (gas) or they use it to abuse the hell out of it and everything else (electric).

NEVER loan your tools to a woman unless she wears flannel and looks like a frumpy trucker.

You had a special bond w your grandpappy, and now you broke it.
I know where you can find a cap OP. If that's really your mower and not a pic from the internet, then the cap can be located as indicated. You are welcome, nice bait.

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Was watching some stuff about this wacky 70s bunker and as tacky and ridiculous as it is my inner manchild can't help but be fascinated by this idea.

So I was thinking, since I live alone and own my house, why not be stupid for once and turn a small spare room into a fun fake exterior? Obviously it wouldn't be a bunker so all the survival and living considerations are out the door, it would just be a cool aesthetic lounge spot to read books, play games, etc.
And since this was built in the 70s surely there's much better tech and resources to create something better looking that's cheaper and easier.

Any ideas /diy/?
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Real plants
>You could run that on a program or timer to change for a sunset/rise and night time.

this is more important that it seems at first blush. dealing with the passage of time and keeping your body in some sort of circadian rhythm helps for sanity.

DESU if I ever found myself in this situation, I'd just put one in my own head. I got better shit to do than suffer in some solitary pit in the ground.
I love the concept but the execution and taste level is very unfortunate
God I love this aesthetic. I wish I wasnt a complete retard autist at decorating to pull this off
this is only somewhat kinda sorta cool because it's underground. if you do this in a regular room it's gonna be lame. at least do a basement

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Any simple way to set up a small motion detection sensor below my door (space beneath door about as tall as my thumb nail) to a wire and lead to a light that turns on whenever motion is detected? or better yet a wireless one

picrel crude example
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HC-SR501 to arduino to light
Ikea sells smart light bulbs that can be paired with a wireless motion sensor. Works great. No wires, too.
move out of your parents house
get a fucking door lock
that's the motion sensor and light bar in one, I'm looking for a separate small motion sensor I can put under door and have the light set up elsewhere.

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Is there anyway how to get Solidworks for free? Solid Edge has free license for hobbyists but I would like Solidworks since its more popular.
I dont want to pirate it unless its only option.
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i use fea just a little bit, like for things such as "will this bend with 50kg on it, or does it need to be a bit thicker?" you might only consider fancy usage since smaller people aren't supposed to have it
send them email. hobbyists seems to be their big source of income.
>apparently it phones home
Negro, it's $50/year. If you make money on it just deduct it from your taxes.
Open scad is not normal cad.

It's a bit different but very powerful, most people who want cad should probably not use it.

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I'm not an engineer, I just like to make stuff. Naturally, lots of the content I watch often happens to be made by engineers (or engineering students), and seeing them go about making things sometimes makes me wanna kms. You've got a team of 5 dudes making a rc car, each bro i would assume assigned with his own task, trying to calculate every single thing that could possibly be calculated around said rc car before they ever dare to assemble the real thing. Listen I get why the methodology exist and I'm grateful for it, I don't want our buildings or bridges or commercial airliners to be eye balled, but following this workflow whilst trying to create something new is grating to watch. What happened to trying shit out? That's what the OGs did in the early 1900s and it looks a lot more fun than how we're going about it today.
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Wait till you get to career engineering. It only gets worse.
That's how I feel, I look at my box of useless shit thinking "Oh, I can repurpose all this into something cool! It's not garbage!" Then I go to a project and realize that if I want to do it right I need to design and/or purchase materials and tools to do it right. Something I've learned is that you can do the job with shit tools, but they have to be the RIGHT tools. Same applies to the materials. Growing up I didn't really have access to that stuff and makerspaces weren't even thought of. I built one of those Proton Packs from Ghostbusters out of a shoe box when I was a little kid, I loved it of course, but it makes me appreciate the access I have to 3d printers, drills, and electrical wire (among other things) as an adult with money.

It's more fun to have all the numbers and spreadsheets together and know something works inside and out, make a fake gay digital copy, show it to other people, let them steal it, realize you wasted years of your life only for lying faggots to cash in on your work while you regret not writing in some fatal flaw their goldfish minds can't comprehend.

That's much better than building something with your own to hands because THAT COSTS MONEY.
Personally I think there was an active effort to suppress and prevent Normies from learning that flight was possible.
It was one of the gay humiliation rituals/pipedream techs like fusion or quantum computers nowdays.

Then some fucking bike mechanics who must have flown under the radar were hosting airshows and everyone freaked out.
Wright brothers were fucking autistic which is why it worked out for them.

Trying to apply their own autism to the legal realm and meeting a man named Langley arguably fucked them.

any melanated fellers here who do hobby machining in an apartment?
ever get noise complaints? tips on minimizing noise through walls?
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I think you guys who are saying it's quiet are using bigger machines. my Chinese 7x14 screams like a fucking banshee on anything more than aluminum.
an easy way to cut down on vibrations too is to mount it to something heavy. if you go to a countertop place, they usually sell smaller off cuts for cheap. they work great for desktop stuff like this
Machining is loud

I would just machine at night and play porn, people would just assume you’re jack hammering some chick super hard
Why would you have to hide your 3d printers in your own apartment??
I had a fuck ton of prusas just mass producing parts it would have had to been zoned commercial

ITT: Scam companies.

Just sat through a 3 hour appointment with a (very friendly) sales agent only for them to try to pressure me into replacing my windows at an average of $1500 apiece, and I know they're just going to subcontract out to the cheapest local labor they can.
That would be impossible because they all are scams. Try making a list that are legit companies.
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this is /do it yourself/ not /pay some faggot and complain about it/.
Literally just go find a new construction subdivision and ask the sub crews if they do windows. 150-300 bucks per window is the going rate for install, with windows going between 150 and 600 bucks depending on material and size. 1500 isn't actually all that terrible for a real business. Operating costs probably bring the margin around 35-40%. That being said, of your getting shitty vinyl windows, and you can tell Mexicans what to do, you can do them way cheaper yourself.
allied industrial supply tops it for me

$40 for a hi-vis safety vest
$4-$5 for packing tape

compared to U-Line it's robbery

Consider this completely hypothetical scenario, where a restaurant owned by foreigners has a chimney that releases smoke onto another apartment in front of it. In this hypothetical scenario, the owner of the house in front of the restaurant has no legal recourse because of bureaucracy constraints and wants to use a drone to drop items in the chimney and clog it, therefore "doing t himself": how should this person go on about to do it? what material is light and portable enough to be carried by a drone but at the same time able to clog a large chimney? The chimney pipe is not covered. Also, any alternatives?
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just build a drone. if you can't figure it out on your own after building a drone yourself, you are truly lost
i see the path and the house, but wheres the shed?
it's cheaper and more effective to bundle the restaurant owner into a carpet and toss it in a river, but legally questionable. don't know your local codes, could be fine
Why are cans not an option? If you drop it high enough the can will burst. You could try scoring the sides with a razor blade to weaken the walls, so you can drop it from lower and still have it burst. Just try not to have it burst in your hypothetical face while scoring it.
In this hypothetical scenario a football would be ideal to block up the uncovered chimney.
An upside down bucket would also do the trick. Of course this is just a thought experiment and I know OP wouldn't do anything to our beloved future doctors and engineers
Diversity is Our Strength

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I am looking for the best quality garden nozzle that fits the following criteria:
>fireman style trigger
>thumb style trigger
>no pistol grip
>no internal plastic parts
>usable spray settings (mist, jet, shower, flat. no other bs like flood, down angle, or cone)
been using Orbit brand but these cant take a drop, and start leaking.
Best I found so far is pic related. Unfortunately they dont have the style of trigger I want, and they dont have multiple spray settings. https://garrettwade.com/product/pistol-grip-nozzle
Been looking at FANHAO, and DRAMM but I see too much plastic, and useless spray patterns.
other HD sprayers like Tri-Con are all pistol grip with an adjustable nozzle. I do not like or want this style.
What can anon recommend?
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OP did research and started a lively discussion. Stop pearl clutching and take a joke, closet fag.
Hold your thumb over the hose like I do when I spray cum all over your wife’s gaping maw
just use your thumb
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>closet fag
Thanks the recommendation bro, this thing is sick

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Do my shingles look right where the gable ties in with the rest of the roof? Roof was done less than a year ago and I dont know shit about roofing.
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>Demand they come back and fix all that shit
>There is nothing wrong with it
I hope these replies were made by two different people

It's still not clear whether there's a problem or not, and if so, what the problem is.
Put some mastic on the heads and she'll be good for 30 years.
Yes, you have to finish the ridge cap somewhere. They should have clear caulking on it. Sometimes they will cut a ridge cap shingle and put a small piece with the sealant strip over the nails, but that will just fall off in a year or two. Did they put ice and water shield in the valleys, or did you get niggers by your roofer?
Woven valleys are a bitch. We do "California cut" only
Lol at your "warranty". If you ever have an issue, it's in the manufacturer to make it right. The manufacturer will also 100% try and find a way out of it through improper installation. OC does that shit all the time. The only warranties that actually matter in the roofing industry are single ply NDL's, and that's because they have an inspection by the technical rep from the manufacturer to verify it's been applied to whatever minimum installation specs the NDL requires, and the warranty is an insurance policy through someone like Factory Mutual and not some manufacturer "let's hope they cover it" bullshit.
$7k in 2024??? there's no way.

> House is about 1700sqft single level
it would have been at least $12k even before the pandemic.
you can get a roof done for 500 a square easily idgi, especially a walkable ranch where you can throw all of the garbage off the roof into the dumpster
roof looks fine op
there already is silicone on them lol

I am tired, I don't want to deal with hunting shit anymore. I just want to input money and receive stuff without it being a knife fight over some old junk worn out machine that'd been out of production for 70 years and I have to get raped to get replacement part on ebay by some other boomer.
Are chink mini lathes viable to get running well without needing another lathe or a mill to fix the brand new machine you just bought? I just want to make small steel items, maybe up to an inch in diameter but realistically 5/16 or smaller diameter machine screws.
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fellas, I'm getting dangerously close
jesus dude learn to internet
that's $200 less than I paid for mine 5 years ago.
I thought the amazon one was cheap at $470. I was looking again on facebook and CL for used lathes then checked ebay and they were a lot less.
Might not be the best but I could get 5% off with my card on top. I've bought a little craftsman one years ago, but once I went through it, it was gorilla niggered and single parts were as much as I paid ($100) and I needed a new chuck, new main screw, some other stuff.
Speaking of machining, where the hell is the eternal machinist thread? I haven't been on /diy/ in a while, came back and I've checked for days and no one has made a new one.

I'm trying to build this mission style cabinet to hold stereo gear. I have all the lumber cut already and as I lay it out I can foresee some assembly problems. I have revised this drawing many times.
I can see that I'm going to have trouble fitting the shelves in there and I can't figure around it.
First time posting here. Why do I have to wait to get a captcha? anyway another pic will follow shortly.
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It should read EXPENSIVE project. Need to proofread
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you're only showing the veneer, you have fucking zero info about how you're attaching one piece to another. if you're using blocks and screws just pre-drill and pre-sink screws in the tight spaces, you know, when the pieces are still just wood on your table and nothing is in your way. then when you put it together you can (*gasp*) use a fucking non-powered screwdriver even with your soi hands.
Well the whole this is 1x3 red oak ripped down to 2.25 " so that the legs which are laminated of 3 pieces so that its square 2.25x 2.25 inches. shelves are intended to be plywood with the edges hidden behind the arched pieces.
yes, screws and glue is how it will be built. pic is of end view, short of the last shelf.
You still haven't explained what the problem is
i got it figured uot but fitting the shelves was the problem

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Sacramento gets hot as balls in the summertime. I have an AC window unit but when the temperature gets over 100°, it can't keep up. No real option to add another AC unit. Decided to experiment with swamp coolers since the humidity in this area never gets too high. Plus the ac should pull some humidity away as well.

This is a rudimentary set up with some material I had laying around. I kind of thought coolers were voodoo science but it does seem to be doing something. Output side is about 5 degrees cooler then the input even with this shit set up.

tl;dr wondering how far you can push this concept? Drawbacks?
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Turn a fan on your fat ass
Human swamp cooler
Luckily in most of Sac we have SMUD which is a non profit utility that is not affiliated with PG&E. Our rates are lower.

One additional variable is that this POS mobile home I live in has shit tier electrical service. I blew the MAIN outside service fuse today and it wasn't even 90 degrees outside. At the time I was running my drier so thats my bad, I know that sucks up a ton of amps and also running my main AC which is a 15k BTU 11.5 amp window unit. And I was running my little bedroom unit which is a 8k BTU unit 6 or 7 amp unit. That plus normal background things like my tv,fridge, xbox blew the main. Its fucking a PITA. Moving is not possible at this point. I have toyed with the idea of setting up some solar panels and an inverter just to fuel the 15k unit. For whatever reason, nobody has panels in this community. It's probably an HOA thing. tl;dr my life sucks.

Guys I wish I could get like a nice Mini split system but the cost even for a MR Cool diy is kind of out of my range and for sure I would have to upgrade the electrical if that is even possible. Plus the HOA nazi would shit kittens if I did it myself and didn't pull a permit.
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Like I said before, there are options. Shade the building, shade your windows, cover shit with plants, shutters, shade cloth. Seal gaps. People don't think that helps much but it absolutely does. Simple shit like weatherstripping can make a huge difference. Put thinks like dressers and bookcases against outer walls to buff up the insulation. Buy some decorative carpets and hang them from the walls. Put carpet on the floors if they are hard floors like tile or linoleum. I've seen people that have trailers put some kind of paint or sealant on the roof to color it white. That helps reflect heat.
Just get a second ac unit retard. Just put it on top of the first one.
Probably buy a more powerful unit and replace with the one you have.

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