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Do my shingles look right where the gable ties in with the rest of the roof? Roof was done less than a year ago and I dont know shit about roofing.
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also one of the ridge cap shingles has exposed nails at the end and im wondering if i should bring it up to the roofer
roofer here. Demand they come back and fix all that shit or file a claim, hopefully before you suffer excessive water damage.
What is wrong with it though? Hard to demand they fix it when I don't know what's wrong with it. Someone else told me it's normal for the end shingle on ridge cap to have exposed nails.
inexperienced observer here.
can you explain or summarize what's wrong about this installation?
>can you explain or summarize what's wrong about this installation?

There is nothing wrong with it.
I usually 'lace' the valleys instead of cutting the overlap unless the customer requests it but with 'architectural' shingles like yours, cutting works better.
They should have put a dab of sealer on the exposed heads on the final cap.
Looks like a straightforward roof. Also looks OK.
Those gulleys could use some flashing. My old roof didn’t have it and all the shingles went really bad in that area. New one does though.
How much did yours cost? Mine looks to be your size and was $16k.
Cost $7k with certainteed shingles. House is about 1700sqft single level. Just hoping it was installed right in case I ever need to use warranty.
>Demand they come back and fix all that shit
>There is nothing wrong with it
I hope these replies were made by two different people

It's still not clear whether there's a problem or not, and if so, what the problem is.
Put some mastic on the heads and she'll be good for 30 years.
Yes, you have to finish the ridge cap somewhere. They should have clear caulking on it. Sometimes they will cut a ridge cap shingle and put a small piece with the sealant strip over the nails, but that will just fall off in a year or two. Did they put ice and water shield in the valleys, or did you get niggers by your roofer?
Woven valleys are a bitch. We do "California cut" only
Lol at your "warranty". If you ever have an issue, it's in the manufacturer to make it right. The manufacturer will also 100% try and find a way out of it through improper installation. OC does that shit all the time. The only warranties that actually matter in the roofing industry are single ply NDL's, and that's because they have an inspection by the technical rep from the manufacturer to verify it's been applied to whatever minimum installation specs the NDL requires, and the warranty is an insurance policy through someone like Factory Mutual and not some manufacturer "let's hope they cover it" bullshit.
$7k in 2024??? there's no way.

> House is about 1700sqft single level
it would have been at least $12k even before the pandemic.
you can get a roof done for 500 a square easily idgi, especially a walkable ranch where you can throw all of the garbage off the roof into the dumpster
roof looks fine op
there already is silicone on them lol

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