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Why is science dying?
135 replies and 15 images omitted. Click here to view.
Oh she'd be right up your alley. A midwit like you
the irony of your posts will be lost on you.
I would appreciate if you would not waste my time by making me check the little red dot on my tabs by replying to me again
You are a mongoloid, jews have always contributed to ALL fields, there was never a time that they "took over", if anything, since jews used to be one of the few grounps that always had major education, there are fewer jews in proportion of researchers than ever before.
You just make shit up to agree with your retarded-faggy-nazi shit.
jews don't take over anything by contributing more to it.
they do it by being nepotistic.

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Yet another plagiarism scandal at MIT
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I remember that, and during a debate O'Nigger basically said, "AYoooo da fuuuuk? dis cracka ass fool nigga be thinking we still fighting with mofuggin bayonets. Russia lol the cold war be over nsheeit nigga. DAMN" (Slight paraphrasing). Which was funny, because the Marines do still use bayonets, and with Russia, the rest is history.
>You'd actually be surprised if you knew how influential Arabs are in American universities. Schools that had virtually zero muslim presence 30 years ago are currently full of them, that didn't just happen by accident.
It's somewhat ironic that the people who filled universities with arabs are jews, and now they're at war with each other within the universities.
We can see that already have happened in science, just look at Retraction Watch. Fraud gives you promotion, ethics gets you kicked out.

How can you be so sure?
>you have to be a gigaretard to think moving out of the US is going to help you in the coming competency crisis. for one, basically every country except for the US is prey for china. the only other countries in the world who will do anything to insulate you from that threat are even more expensive than the US with many of the same issues (Australia, NZ), are complete shitholes (India) or have immense cultural/legal barriers to entry (Japan).
I am sure the Romans said something similar up to the collapse.
Filmmaker makes movie about US decadence, critics are furious:
>The setting is manifestly Manhattan, though it has the trappings, nomenclature and costumery of ancient Rome. Coppola’s screenplay is based on the first-century-BC Catilinarian conspiracy, his grand thesis seemingly being that the US too is a decadent empire teetering on the edge of collapse. Luckily, this hasn’t occurred to anyone over the past 40 years.

What's /sci/'s take on the least niche of science that is going to be invaded by AI?

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>i can't conceive of any other explanations for these observations because i have zero critical thinking ability
>all i can do i repeat soiyence memes i learned from the bill nye tv show
That's not true. Atheists were outraged by the big bang theory, denoucing it as Christian propaganda which too closely echoed the religious narrative of creation. They vehemently continued to champion the steady state model to avoid any semblence of divine implication. Despite fervent and continuous opposition, Catholic scientists managed to slowly chip away at their beliefs. Eventually the old guard got old and died, thusly, the big bang became the cornerstone of modern cosmology.
Similarly, Darwin was shocked at the response from the scientific community at his findings. They claimed his data-first, analytical approach was unscientific and religious - he was no longer welcome in their cicles, for he rejected long-held paradigms. Meanwhile, the Church, who Darwin was afraid of, didn't give a single shit. "Mr Darwin, you're telling me your science says some force guides the progression of species through the ages? Finally! We've been TRYING to tell you idiots about God for ages!"
He stole everything from Hilbert, whom only discovered general relativity as a harmless academic pastime. Only jews created a cult around it
None of what you said has any meaning.
What the fuck is
"a harmless passtime", why would it be harmful?
"a cult around relativity"
Are you fucking retarded?
>i'm not /pol/ I just happen to agree with them on everything and shill their opinions and shitty memes everywhere I go
Nice try, faggot. Go disappoint your parents somewhere else.

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Comic related is unironically what all human progress should strive towards: figuring out what physical state correlates with the conscious experience of happiness, and then transforming as much of the universe as possible into that state. We can directly experience positive emotions as good unto themselves, with all other things we value being valued because of the positive emotional experience they bring about (even an aescetic derives a unique form of pleasure from their asceticism), so positive emotional state demands its maximization as the ultimate good.
No u.
That is Hell. A happy boot stamping on a human face forever.
>that's why I'm a nazi

Aspiring doctor brain dead after friends pushed him into lake knowing he can’t swim


An aspiring medical student was left brain dead last month when his friends pushed him into a Louisiana lake knowing he couldn’t swim — and then looked on while doing nothing to save the drowning man, according to a report.

Shocking video shows the group casually peering into the water moments after they shoved Christopher Gilbert off the dock at Lake D’Arbonne in Farmerville on April 14.

At least one woman can be seen slowly entering the water before abandoning the rescue mission.

It was another 10 minutes before a patron at a nearby restaurant intervened and yanked Gilbert back to land — just in the nick of time.
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its not her fault he couldn't swim. normal people know how to swim.
>He's 95% , quick save that miserable remaining 5% !
Doctors help people, did you know that? They're the good guys
cnn : friends
reality : murders
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>64% of negroes can't swim
why not?
also why is it a "racial stereotype" if they can't swim?
When i was about 6 i was terrified by deep water. My grandma grabbed my ear and threw me in the big pool and i instantly learned how to swim.

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Engineers and doctors provide the most utility for humanity.
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They're nothing without philosophers
philosphers are nothing without geometers
Do they?
What is the consequence of the absence of doctors? More people would fall ill, sure, but many people would still be healthy. I haven't gone to a doctor in a decade or so.
If all doctors, disappeared, who would suffer?
20% of people use 80% of healthcare resources, mostly chronically ill and decaying people. We'd be fine.
Engineers certainly provide much utility to society (after all they are the main technological branch of our civilization), but consider the following group of people: farmers.
Without them, we would literally starve to death,
Yes, doctors are mainly useful for treating acute conditions, and mainly useless for treating chronic conditions. Unfortunately, in developed countries it is chronic medical conditions that patients present with most of the time.
geometers are nothing without instrument makers

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Level with me /sci/, is this the "install gentoo" of the physics world, or is it actually something you recommend? It has really positive reviews for a supposed hard book, and surely they cannot all be posers.

Has it been surpassed?
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The only way it would take someone a whole year to work their way through that book is if it was their very first introduction to classical mechanics and had no prior knowledge of the math prerequisites.

If you've studied through Goldstein you should definitely be able to get through L&L in a month easy.
This >>16179672 L&L is a primer for graduate physics and it was written assuming that you have the prerequisite undergraduate knowledge in each of the topics.
This makes sense, and their collective failures probably explains why they are trying to gate-keep the subject online; they failed, so should you! I have noticed that tone and approach even on some of the more palatable subs.
I remember that thread, you've just reminded me how much I hate redditors.
>brainlet wants to join a research group too advanced for him
>somehow even more retarded prof tells him "sure, here's a book, impress me if you're good enough" instead of just telling him to fuck off
>brainlet proceeds to complain how he has to learn and it's hard
>muh toxic academia, muh sociopathic professor
>the brainlet (who doesn't know what's lagrangian/hamiltonian formalism) is unanimously absolved of his stupidity by midwits
Anything related to physics on reddit gets immediately infested by spineless faggots.
>I remember that thread
I actively try to avoid reddit, yet somehow, I have a recollection of a vast number of their threads, it's quite disturbing. Almost every time I go, one of them says something so strange that it sticks with me forever, now I can add this hamiltonianlet to the list.

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If the Bohr model is wrong then how the fuck do molecular bonds work?
Orbital overlap therefore wave function overlap
Draw a picture or it's not true.
molecular orbitals

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I have been researching prime numbers for over almost 1 year and a half now (well much less since I was slacking off for some moments).
I had gone deep down to the thicket of ergodic theory, topological algebra and profinite groups in order to understand and share new perspective on primes and their distribution in some irreducible small degree polynomials and yet I feel depressed and bored to the point that I can't finish writing the paper.
How do you force yourself to work after you achieve something and think about how much there is still ahead to complete?
It's interesting really, feels like a huge achievement for me and I am eager to share my mental looking math scribbles with the mathematical community but I just can't force myself to complete the work exactly at the moments that I need to wrap it up.
The saddest of all is that this is all well known theory and kinda simple for people who studied the material.
I'm the wrong person to ask but good luck!
please don't, I'm trying to be the one to relate the primes to ergodicity

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Jewish ass number
Literally discovered because of interests
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No, I don't make assertions about existence for which I cannot actually point to an element exists.
Other questions?
>Literally discovered because of interests
Because of whose interests?
-> Infinity
there I just pointed to it
ah yes... take your meds.
lmao retard

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Is there any science behind water divining? It seems when you research all you can find are studies which have been conducted on many people and find nothing better than random chance. But is there something to this practice, which is ancient and has been in the past banned by the church as a form of divination?

I can see some potential in the idea that man can feel to some extent magnetic fields etc. Just as a bird can navigate over the ocean this kind of thing is not unknown of in biology. Some animals perceive these things. Studies have shown that some humans detect these fields and it shows in imaging of the brain but it's not yet known if it influences any behaviours.

I'm looking at this because I temporarily lost a wedding ring. Last night actually I lost it. I looked around in long grass for half an hour till dark. This morning I went and looked another half an hour with a torch looking for shine. This is long pasture on a 500ha farm. But I knew it was in the space near where I had killed a cow and slipped off when I brushed my greasy hands clean on the grass (working dogs got to eat and the cow was seriously unwell).

The guy I work for who owns the land suggest I try this and I grabbed 2 random bent bits of fencing wire from the shed which I used once before. When I used them then I was skeptic as hell, but I ended up standing on an underground power cable and a water line both of which I had no idea where they were I had only worked there about a week.

Anyway I went back up to where I thought my ring was, and I pulled them out. I wandered around where I had searched for an hour before and ended up on a clump of long grass. Maybe cleaned my hands there. Nope wasn't in there. So I turned took two more steps and the wires crossed. I look down and there's my ring blinking at me I didn't even have to bend to see it and probably walked right over it to the first bit of grass. I found it in 2 mins. What the fuck? How does this stuff work
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Are you unfamiliar with the concept of controlled experiments?
Make your own experiment and figure it out for yourself. If you're open to criticism, present your study to other people so they can give you feedback on it. If you're here to discuss your feelings, you're in the wrong place
I believe you missed the point.

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>math is still taught in terms of Pi (3.14...) rather than in terms of Tau (6.28...)
We've known about this for atleast 13 years. Has a single nation fixed their educational system since then?
Are there any online resources that teach trigonometry, etc in terms of Tau?
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>linking popsci video to justify his nonsense
I'd dismiss your retarded proposal solely on that basis.
it should be taught in terms of rational numbers instead.
tau would be better but it's not a big deal
Fuck off pinigger, that's a good thing

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What does /sci/ think of Wu's take on what's wrong with math education?

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Why is science increasingly beginning to sound like schizo talk?
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we're reaching the end of science, and lack the language to describe the new perception
Because you're a communist (aka materialist)
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Why are you watching retarded talkshow slop that is specifically designed to elicit a reaction and get clicks from braindead morons?
Like, pick up a book, nigga.
What this guy said , don't trust everything on the internet , ain't that rule no.1?
why are >muh books supposedly so much more trustworthy?
is it impossible to publish lies in book form but not on the internet or something?

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