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How do you feel about these?
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Thank you Chinese Mafia for bringing us these across the country.
Not every time, bad ones exist, but yes, based.
Pretty good during peak hours. Some of them are human trafficking operations and are prime targets for easy dine and dashing. Hehe.
t. chink
t. prissy faggot who hates food

If you like pureed soups, you have the palette of a newborn baby and need to develop more refined tastes.
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I prefer shit like picrel.
But hating on pureed soup eaters is just wrong.
I like your post.
I like all types of soup.
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Crank harder you limp wristed pansy.
U gotta pee in the woman's butthole and then babby happens in about 30 minutes

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Why did the entire world tell me this was good when it isn't?

While I was in Los Angeles I went to 3 separate locations on 3 different days and it was ass every time.

The only explanation for its acclaim is 1) all the media people are in California and they want to promote something that's their as being the best thing, and 2) they didn't choose Jack in the Box because it doesn't feel old timey enough. People hesitate to declare that a new thing (or new-seeming thing) is the best because it makes them look like a noob. But Jack in the Box should've been the representative of CA hamburgers if that's what they wanted. It still wouldn't be the best chain but it would be closer.

Yes, I got it animal style, non-animal style, every possible thing, and it was garbage. The only chain I can think of that's worse is White Castle. Maybe Whataburger too, although I've only been there once, but that was really bad and overrated too. Shake Shack and Five Guys are co-champions
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>Why did the entire world tell me this was good when it isn't?
Pretty sure /ck/ regularly shits on it, and I know I shit on it as well. Fast food burgers are NOT good, and anyone claiming they are is gaslighting you (or is an NPC that doesn't know better). Fast food burgers use literal pink slime shit in frozen patty form, with fake grill marks and shit. Hell, McDicks doesn't even seem to use real meat anymore. And at BEST you are getting an UNSEASONED 70:30 or 60:40 cheap ass blend burnt on a griddle and slapped with some cheese. Even restaurant burgs are disappointing.

Make your own fucking burgers at home. Get real meat, season your shit, cook with charcoal, and enjoy a real fucking burger. Don't let Goyslop Inc. make you a foot lettuce impossible burger and have Laquisha sell you that slop for $20. Don't let Hipster Soiboi Bistro sell you a marginally better gastropub burger for $45. Make. Your. OWN.

Even a smashburger in a pan is going to be lightyears better than ANY slopburger.
I eat this stuff every week and it's delicious each time.
I also had it for the first time in vegas. Fucking mediocre at best. The fries were legitimately the worst fries I've ever had at any fast food joint. Totally overrated experience.
>In N Out employee
So you're biased, but let me say you're right.

I lived in Phoenix my whole life till recent and my family never ate there so I only had it later in life after seeing the whole internet was sucking dick over it. Honestly, it's just really fucking fine, and cheap, especially industry post-covid pricing. Everything is truly crisp, clean, and consistent. You can customize what you want. Service is slow as shit, yes. No, it's not the greatest thing ever, and I get the criticism of the fries (check if they're presalted or not, and again, customize light well or well done), but if you live near a location no shit is it worth getting on a semi-regular basis over other chains.

Jack in the Box? Okay priced, okay taste, but it's regrettable slop like Taco Bell (and White Castle) for when you're intoxicated. Five Guys? Expensive as shit, tastes good but not that good, and is the literal sloppiest shit ever. Shake Shack, Steak n Shake, even Wendy's now are similar: an okay option but not worth more than a rare occasion. Sonic is good for the wider menu. Family didn't eat at Whataburger either so I haven't had it enough or recent enough to comment. Now I get Dick's in Seattle and while also cheap, it's just not nearly the same.
Its fantastic and the best value we currently have in america for a remotely decent food items without a bunch of garbage fillers.
the fries are dog shit but everything else is fine
try it with chopped chili's
i get its cool to hate things but in n out is solid
Personally i'd rather have dicks from the PNW
but you live with what you got

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>ahhhh that first sip of the day
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Arnold Palmer and Kiwi Strawberry are peak Arizona.
are there any good canned drinks that don't have HFCS?
I just got the diet green tea Arizona and it's pretty good, has no added sugars or HFCS besides what seems to be a tiny bit of honey. Seems hard to find though
>51g of sugar per can
wew lad
bottle of baha blast is 73.

Could this be...le best frozen pizza?!?
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People that like quality food and have an IQ above 70
I don't know if I'm making it wrong but I never had frozen pizza that I truly enjoyed. It was always an alternative to making actual food
no, because they are the reason mccains went away

What did Horace Slughorn mean by this?
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This is why they replaced him with a tranny. Theres no place for politics at school
i want an organge julius so bad.
but i dont have oramges and my dairy queens dont carry
bingledingle frumplestump
I miss 2010's tumblr shitposting about hairy plopper and sherlock and all that shit. it was frivlous and dumb and I liked it.

See, the orange is a subtle joke. The previous president had an orange tan, during whose term Jon Townsend made a drink incorporating the aforementioned fruit in a beverage, rightly calling it an "Orange Fool", this title happening to be a witty remark at the behaviour of the then incumbent president.

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Not my problem
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>Though I realize this is not your actual video
What makes you say that?
she's still up!
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not my problem
3rd day with this filter. Coffee tasted nicer than usual. Probably less paper bleach in this filter than a fresh one

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Good evening ladies and gentleman and welcome to a Thursday night product review.

What I have here is a new BBQ product introduced by My HEB (no store does more!)

Burnt ends are one of the most delicious parts of a brisket. These here are pre cooked and ready to heat and eat.
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>>Is it really a majority minority state? Is it noticeable?
Yes and yes. Some areas are still pretty white, but the valley is basically just mexico at this point, including cartel warfare and san antonio, laredo, corpus, and anything in that area is majority spanish speaking
>Your prosperity is funded by Californians
Its funded by oil, that's the only reason the state is able to function with taxes so low, and that drives a huge chunk of our economy
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I like getting the queso from heb :)
based HEBrew
Born in Texas.
Raised in Texas.
No public shooting land.
Massachusetts tier taxes.
Nobody sucks this state's dick except outsiders.
lol lmao, this state would be blue if people bothered to vote

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>went to an indian restuarant yesterday
>food soaked in spices, then slathered in spices, then sprinkled with spices for good measure
>an uncomfortable amount of spices
>spend all of last night sweating, sheets are completely soaked
>wake up feeling refreshed, like all the toxins in my body have been sweated out and replaced by spicy goodness

Yeah, I bet I smell something awful, but you know what? It might actually be worth it.
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The night sweats are not related to the curry
And yes, regular curry eaters smell like shit

t. works at office full of stinky pajeets
I seen a webm of those people eating slop off the ground. I know it was a temple or whatever feeding everybody for charity but what the hell man.
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>>went to an indian restuarant yesterday
Unnecessary with proper diet, i.e: zesty indian foods to sweat out the bad stuff
hang in there leafbro

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I am eating sooooooo good today, bros.

I should call her
lose a third of the cold cuts and you've got yourself a sandwich
t. eatlet

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Carl's Jr. used to be my go to. The famous star was always a pleasant burger that tasted from the grill.
Now Carl's has tasted the greed
first it was their Hand crafted lemonade that tastes like minute made
now look what they have done to one of my go to orders
LESS than a year ago the mix and match was 6 dollars
guess what?
They tasted the greed from all these other places and have now increased the price by over twice the amount
They really think none of us notice this
they are raping our wallets and no one is even yelling stop
Please do not support carl's jr until they taste justice for these crimes
on top of this
Carls jr now collects data from drive thru's to be sold. (they probably did it before but now its expressly mentioned at the window by a sticker)
This ends NOW
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stop being poor, loser.

Also, if you cared about your wallet, you wouldn't go to shit-tier fast food restaurants to get ripped off. Ugly fucking gimp
Zoom zoom says he's getting his dick sucked but no woman not even his mother wants to touch him. Sad.
Zoom zoom says stop being poor but hes freeloading off his middle class parent and never worked a day in his life. Sad.
I am a millennial who works 3-4 hours a day from home, running my own little business and making comfortably more than the median wage (don't care too much about money, though, prefer working as little as possible to have time pursuing my interests outside of work).
I suggest you stop sneeding and coping.
Also, my mom is dead, so joke's on you
ur mom died just to raise a faggot
some of us are discussing food on a food image board you dumb faggot zoomer fuck off
>2 for 12 ..... 99
fucking faggot MBAs couldn't well just get a mere doubling in revenue, there had to be that one slimy faggot silver tongue soulless piece of shit who goes "we can legally put .99 on the end in tiny text to trick people into thinking it's not a dollar more, you know..."

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Now that's a burger.
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How much do they pay you op?
If it's a useless thread about company that is up 24/7 it's fucking shill spam.
Costco, McDonalds, various grocery stores...
no clue why these mcfaggots are shitting up my peloponnesian cartography forum
the regular big mac uses the pre cooked cheeseburger patties. only the 1/4 lbs patties get cooked fresh. they should release a big mac that uses the 1/4 lbs patties and add fresh sliced tomato and onion
More like Grand Snots on some Bun.

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This website is borderline unusable now because of bots that that yellow faggot won't do anything about. I'm convinced he's taking payments from people who use the place to train bots.
>I think your bullshit town just sucks
Sure, but unless you think I'm lying about all that the point still stands that not all of the USA is as >>20499959 describes.
>Asahi Super Dry, a product that transformed the modern beer industry in Japan, is described as a highly attenuated lager without the heavier malt flavors of competitors' products, with a crisp, dry taste reminiscent of some northern German beers.
It's a Japanese website bro.
Maybe they claim this but it's bullshit, Japanese beer in Japan is completely different from the stuff you get in the US. I'm bad at describing flavors but it's noticeably heavier and I think maltier, more like a PBR or something rather than the very light and crisp flavor of Japanese beers in the US - and incidentally my Japanese friends liked PBR the best of the American beers they tried when visiting last summer because of that.

Ok genuinely why does such an ass flavor exist? I don’t believe in people who actively enjoy eating grape flavored things you are obviously possessed by some demon to enjoy a shitty ass flavor the same way people like black licorice. What? You enjoy downing grape medicine as a treat?

I was disappointed during my first time trying out grape flavor to find out it didn’t taste like grapes, but absolute ass straight from the depths of hell had come and invaded my mouth to assault my tastebuds.
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"grape" flavor is actually based on concord or slip skin grapes. because normal grapes don't have much of a flavor they mostly taste like sugar and grape skin.
purplesaurus rex. the best koolaid ever made. I still have a couple packets from a long time ago. about 10 years ago they re-released the flavor and I bout 2 boxes from ebay. paid way too much for them. still have more then a box.
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fun fact about grape flavor.

the chemical in it, and in concord grapes is a nerve agent for birds.

you can buy it in large quantities under the name of goose chase, or liquid fence.

you spray it on fruit trees that are ripening about 2 weeks before harvest to keep birds away.

I used some on my plum tree. it makes the whole neighborhood smell like welches grape soda.

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Why is food in movie theaters such a scam?
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I use movie theaters to make a first move on a new girl. I need to make sure she isnt nuts before she comes back to my place for subsequent movies.
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Been that way for a long time. Superman II (1980) had a very prominent ad for Marlboro cigarettes. Got to start 'em young.
I'm starting to get used to this B0t.
Soon enough, the threads won't seem complete without it.
boy would i love to

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