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Freeze pops
Blue followed by pink and purple
Ice blocks. I always choose a different one.
One of the warm colours, but blue is the most remarkable
we always just called them popsicles
best flavor is pink
the light blue one haha
heh..... i dont get it
haha haha hahahaaaa that's my favorite one tho
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That's cool, where I'm from popsicle means this
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zooper doopers
they're called freezies. pink n green are the yummiest and anyone vouching for grape is a gvmt shill
Zooper Doopers

The blue ones
Cash money as I resold them at baseball games at the park down the street. 17X markup.
mom I want ice cream not this
freeze pops
used to be purple but now it's red
maybe she's tired of your constant diarrhea
Lots of citric acid will give you diarrhea.
so will créme and stale dairy
>green if there's no other colours left
the white one aka cream soda
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oh bless your hear anon, is that what you think the white ones are?
zooper doopers, space pineapple
zooper dooper
The factory where I was an apprentice, if the temp outside got near 40c then the floor manager (usually a grumpy sorta dude, many people didn't like him) would walk around with a giant box of zooper dooper in one arm and scissors in the other. He'd walk up to everybody one by one, you'd pick one from the box and he'd snip the end off the plastic with his other hand.
Then everybody would stand around talking for 5 or so mins eating zooper dooper. It was kinda wholesome.
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Freeze pop
they were actually called "landfillerz" and blue was the best because it was the most fake
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sodavandsisstang, havnt had them in atleast 3 decades, was partial to blue

Green grape Sun Lollies are FAAAAR sureprior though
they always taste like you have a scratchy throat
i found some different flavor ones at the dollar and a quarter tree, the lemon one is good
Flav-r-ice, blue
I like those too but they don't give you that subtle taste of blood from cutting the sides of your mouth.
It's cola for me.
lol ok pussy
freezie, purple
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back in the 90s we used to freeze Capri•Sun

shit was the best
Freezy pops and orange
Green is the best color
...and the last few drops at the bottom of the plastic tube was the best part
yeah idk if it was just my family or what but we called every frozen juice stick a popsicle
>1. Blue
>2. Pink
>3. Red
>4. Orange
>5. Green
>6. Purple
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As an adult with sophisticated taste, I prefer Luigi’s Italian Ice. As a stupid kid though, I used to suck out the flavor juice until only a white tasteless ice stick remained, which I would then eat. They should make an unflavored version.
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Too crunchy, gotta have that soft ice texture, like packed snow.
poverty pops
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I call them by their name: Bussy mix.
And green (woodruff) is the best flavor hands down.
based bussy eater
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wonder what they taste like
I'm really sorry to tell you, but those are not the same item. The Bussy mix is just normal, rectangularly shaped plastic bags similar to the OP picture (albeit a little wider and less long) that become cylindrical once frozen.
Would be really funny if they looked like that though.

As for taste, they taste overly sweet and very artificial, which is probably why green (woodruff) and white (lemon) are best as they are the least sweet. Woodruff tastes like woodruff, I can't think of an analogy if you never had it. Lemon tastes like sprite.
If I could only buy woodruff or woodruff + lemon I would, all the other flavors are kinda underwhelming, with cola and cherry being especially bad.
Small correction:
Woodruff tastes like "woodruff ice cream" which is a well known ice cream flavor in Germany.
It does not really taste like actual real woodruff sadly.
sorry, that's a little too spicy for me
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haven't had them in decades, I don't remember what they taste like, but I'm sure that bright blue gonna be delish
they taste sweet as a sugar plum
Ice pops

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I called them ice sticks because otterpops is stupid.
They all suck compared to the good ice sticks in the roundish bisected tubes with the nozzle at the end.
Which brand has banana? I hate buying 3x packs and they all pineapple :(
Chilled daddies. Blue is best
Freezies, and uuuuuuuuuuuuuh Blue.
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leaf bros knows what's up
in california we call them frozen franks
Is that some weird socal shit?
Blue, red or purple
Depends of my humor
fuckin love cold on the cob
From best to worst
Blue, white, red, orange, purple, never tried green
Anyone ever had the sour ones? Those ones were fucking awesome
purple is it. followed by blue.
then whatever, but orange is last. fuck orange. just eat an orange if you want orange.
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Mine does the same. I'm from the south US for reference. A lot of people here also call Ramen Noodles Raymond Noodles for some reason.
in the 90s it was "oodles of noodles" since it said that on the package
We called them icedykes. Idk why
Patrician taste, Tracy Gold.
ice pop
green > orange > blue > purple > pink > red
While we're on the subject of malaprops, my brother's very dumb baby mama told me the other day that I need to get out more I'll turn into a "herman." I can only assume she meant hermit
And green is best.
for me it's the yellow or green one
Ice pole, and blue is best always.
I keep a box of them in the freezer.
'Tip tops' in Birmingham, England. Red and blue are the best, cola is shit. simple as.
i like the bla-I mean grape, GRAPE one.
mom would buy them then if I asked for one I got told no it would spoil my dinner, then she would complain about me not eating them. I guess I was only allowed after dinner but by then I didn't want them.
wypipo don season dey eeys cream
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I tried these somewhat recently and I don't know what's up but they gave me horrible stomachaches.
Zooper Doopers
yellow and purple are my niggas, with an occasional cola thrown in the mix.
My mom wouldn't come home with these because she was a stupid whore who divorce raped my dad and squandered millions of his dollars. My dad didn't believe in sugar or desert so he wouldn't buy this garbage. I would have called them something for fat kids.
freeze pops
all the blues
freezy pops
blue, followed by purple
Otterpops.. but I used to just call them.. freeze pops? I think as a kid.
In order of best to worst
Light blue
Still all tasty sugar snacks whilst running endlessly in the summer
>baby mama
Yes, don't forget to say it the next time you're here.
Red ofc
imagine sucking on a thick other cock waiting for the juice to start flowing in your mouth mmmm
Frosty dicks
green is the most refreshing color
>It's dead summer
No cap
I hope my boy chi city mang is doing well these days
Freeze pop forever!!
A bounce walk. You walk and you bounce

In descending order:

no, cola wassereis is best wassereis followed by zitrone
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Freezie-Pops (or "Chilly Willys", when we were very young). Blue and green.
Clearish brown
If I could fuck anime do you think I'd be on 4chan? Think!
Name: bolis
Flavor: blue followed closely by green (pink was the best but it was considered gay to eat pink foods back when I was a kid)
t. Beaner
I bet your mom always took the black one for herself, OP.
Freeze pops.
Dark blue > light blue > pink > green > red > orange > purple
WTF is 'dead summer'?

No one says it's 'dead summer'. That's fucking nonsense.
dead of summer is probably what they were going for, but damn nigga, what a stupid thing to get hung up on...
I take the cola flavoured one
Freezies, dark red
Orange obviously
Budget Saver
herman got that baby mama drama
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>icy pop
>green closely followed by pink
Bite method was the best. If you cut it with a scissors you most likely only have another decade to live before the assfaggots virus completely collapses your immune system.

>grabbing these vast fuckers for $1.09 at the gas station on a hot ass day
Cool pops.
And blue, because, well, blue.
Patrician list
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I'll personally never be able to fathom how so, so many people can miss (or just not care about) enormous mistakes in their posts. I mean, you have ONE shot, ONE job, ONE sentence to build your whole idea, and you massively fuck it up and everyone shares it and likes it and NO ONE even mentions the grievous blunder. At all. So it's like every single person also didn't notice or didn't care. And this is how people are learning. When society says it's okay to ignore all this, they're actively working to dumb everyone down. I just don't see how people are using words and yet they don't really think there's any importance in using them correctly. Are there no standards? I'm seeing more and more people in real broadcasting jobs, on actual television networks who can't properly speak the language. This does have consequences we can see happening in real time.

But yeah, stupid thing to get hung up on. Expecting the words to actually make sense is some nitpicky shit, right? Excuse me for expecting more from people. Let's just continue to lower the bar. It'll probably be just fine.
Best is anything but purple. Not that purple is bad but because purple is half the fucking box for some reason.
I've heard of "the dead of winter", but not dead summer. People shouldn't attempt to wield phrases so far out of their understanding.
The otter pop industry must make huge profit with how dirt cheap these things are to make
Freezie pops.
What country are the anons saying "otter pops" from?
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this guy's list but backwards
Arctic Crammers
Zooper Doopers

Was going to say I can't remember which colour since I haven't had them in a lot of years, but purple might be the go. Always loved those strong berry flavours.
my man
top tops
based fellow brummie
In my country children were often told these were made from dirt water which would make you sick so that children do not ask the parents to buy more and more of them
I fucking bought a pack of these because of your thread
mr freeze were the best 'tip tops' in england back in the day. I was surprised to discover that they still exist, but they taste a bit shit now.
>stupid thing to get hung up on
yes. entirely. yet here you are
having an autistic meltdown over someone's words
you've even figured it out
>or didn't care
because it's not important. to anyone. it's not relevant to anyone. only you and the extreme minority of people like you seem to give this much a shit about what other people are writing so much.
>Excuse me for expecting more from people.
funny coming from the idiocracy-posting pseud having a melty over two words in a low-effort meme that has absolutely no importance to anyone
>People shouldn't attempt to wield phrases so far out of their understanding.
never heard this particular phrase you've used here before.
follow you own advice and never again post anything i haven't already heard and preauthorized.
I agree with you but unfortunately the western world is extremely left wing right now and it's racist to expect the English language to be used correctly, because low iq and poor command of the language is generally a non-white thing. Not saying that there aren't white people who don't proofread or spell, there certainly are, and for the reasons you mentioned you can expect that to increase.
pink 100%, followed by blue then red.
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cream soda (the white ones)
That's coconut retard
Those are pretty
I remember otter pops and Alexander The Grape was the best one.
Always blue, then green and then pink and purple. Fuck red.
Freeze pops
Btw the welch's brand ones clear all others.
i'm from the PNW of the US and that's what we called them. it's apparently a west coast thing, that's just the brand that has distribution over here
Yeah the Wally World ones seem like a good deal then you run into a slew of pina colada and some kind of lime banana combo and you realize you spent half and got a third
freeze pops
red > orange > blue > green > pink > purple

Pink, blue and purple
no its not
Aussie here

Zoopa's and orange is always a safe bet
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Top ten freezies by taste
1. Artificial cherry
2. Blue Raspberry
3. Cola
4. Cream Soda
5. Lime/Lemon
6. Orange
7. Grape
8. Watermelon
9. Sour Apple
10. Artificial sky blue

Top ten freezies by color
1. Red
2. Brown
3. Blue
4. White
5. Orange
6. Green
7. Light red
8. Light blue
9. Black?
10. Purple
Who else read every post in this thread?
Me, because I first clicked on it when there were like 4 posts and the board is slow enough that it's easy to keep up with everything even only checking back a couple times a day.
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Mr. Freezies

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