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Can anyone think of more examples of this?
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I hate that they remade the originals like this. GBC version is better.
GBC is better, as it is more fast-forwadable due to movement being grid-based.
yo godot's in there? nice
its technically a prequel but I'd count legends arceus. As a zoomer who remembers buying pearl on launch day I loved every second of it

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What is your problem with it? Girls developing platonic feelings for each other is beautiful, just as men developing respect for each other and killing each other honorably to resolve their differences is glorious (e.g., Jr. vs Albedo, Achilles vs Hector). Have the squatters been living rent-free in your head so so long that they've adversely possessed the neglected property?
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> Girls developing platonic feelings for each other
Gay. They only need to develop non-platonic feelings for my dick.
idgaf about it
I do however mind retards shilling it constantly and who won't shut the fuck up about it.
It takes something I have no problem with normally and makes me fucking hate it through repeated exposure.
If "Alexa" from Michigan does (not) send me anymore unsolicited provocative images of herself on WhatsApp, I will (not) contact the authorities.
that's transliteration from a different language but still, made me look it up

Any RPGs that deal with racism?
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Tell me about it. It's so odd too. Like, why do people think 'child' when they see a short woman? It's so strange.

Not him but Mazzy, Harding and Linzi come to mind instantly.

>shorties in jrpg's
Would be interested in more info anon!
Racism existed ever since Greeks, Romans and the Chinese came up with the idea of the barbarian. The caste system in India is a form of racism. Even Islam, nominal egalitarian aside, had less than pleasant opinions of people south of Egypt.

Racism has always been a thing throughout human history.
It was literally invented by Lev Bronstein in the 1920s. It’s a rhetorical device, invented by the group with the highest in-group preference, to make other groups feel ashamed of their own in-group preference.
Midwit eunuch.

Enlightened patrician.

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Hello. I'm new here.
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>Oh shit, I'm sorry
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Hello newfren.
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This is probably the best mod for any video game I have ever played.

>over 80 hours in and still have 1/6th of the game to finish and more
>very few soft-locks, that I haven't even encountered yet
>story has actually been engaging for the majority of it
>the world is designed in an interesting and cohesive manner
>the balance isn't totally off and has a clear feeling of progression

Honestly, I feel like this has ascended to a new level of modding, where it's basically its own game. Only criticisms I have are that its tone is noticeably different from the franchise it's supposed to be a part of, and the two primary factions are too similar thematically to make you feel like picking one has a huge impact on the base gameplay.

Still, best RPG I've played in at least 13 years.
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>Stop projecting lil girly
Ouch, I've never been burned that bad by a little crying bitch before.

>Not at all.
Yes. Entirely. Unarguably.

>Gee I dunno dumbass, what could be the difference between the game you paid for and the devs got paid to make and some mod that you got for free and the devs made it in their spare time?
Absolutely nothing, when the argument in particular is over the fans of said game making the third party content. It could be the biggest triple A blockbuster the world has ever seen in all of history, or a game literally 4 people bought. The "fans adding content" bit is what matters. Your shemale daddy drop you on your faggot-ass head when you were born?

>Yeah I doubt that
I already did and you cried and complained just like the people you're complaining about ITT. But it's probably best to just sweep that under the rug I guess, right?

>I don't need to move anything. My point was that you're acting like a dumb teenage girl from steamforums. And you yourself provided evidence for that. The point stands and will stand unless you're going to start mass flooding 4chan with posts about the lack of russian localisation to bunch of JRPGs or something.
How exactly, when I never complained about there not being an English translation you fuck-stupid half-wit? Please, enlighten me as to how I'm acting like someone from the steam forums when I literally have not done what you're claiming?
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>this is beyond pathetic

The irony of this retarded level of autistic shitposting, when the English translation community is larger and far more prolific than slavshit translators, who sit in their vodka dens, eating stale low-grade tub-caviar, before going out in a drunken stupor and plowing into other people's cars. Leave it to the one autistic slavshit to point out the one exception, and then refer to a bunch of obscure mods nobody has heard of that nobody even asked for a translation of, as his basis for calling Westerners "lazy".

Don't you have some more of your own fighter jets to shoot down, you gopnik retard?
I'm still blown away by the amount of work that went into something the devs legally can't monetize.
It's insane when you think about it
Yea, there's only a handful of mods I can think of that have this level of dedication for them...Third Age Total War...The original Black Mesa....Enderal, and Nehrim, which ironically, are both inspired by Gothic 2.
Just finished and boy...When they say, "it's not about the ending, it's about the journey," damn is it true for this game. I mean, the ending was okay, but it just felt really lackluster in certain areas. Everything else about the game was pretty amazing, but that ending....And the fucking final boss fight. I was only able to beat him by cheesing him with the crossbow.

I now have no idea what to do with myself...I was putting 4 to 8 hours a day into it, almost every day. Felt like a home away from home.

I've seen people talking about it but not a single screenshot of the actual game. just 2 sprites.
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No, and what’s worse it’s a r*ddit meme.
You should be ashamed of yourself for making this thread.

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What does /vrpg/ think of Inquisitor, the Cinemax game that was 10 years in the making?
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no matter how good they are, they make the process of reading large amounts of text slower. there isn't an audiobook that isn't much much slower than i can read. i mean, yeah, i can mute them, but that's annoying and being read a wall of text isn't more interesting than reading it for most people. it's better to be sparing with voice acting if you are using a lot of text, or be sparing with text if you are using full voice.
A couple of spoken lines can be good. Gives you a voice to read it in.
Awesome lore, dialogues, overall atmosphere, but mob fights quickly become a chore, I quit in act 2
this, the infinity engine games had the right of it
voice a couple key lines to give me a feel for it and then let me read the big infodumps at my own pace
yes, this is why i said.
>be sparing with voice acting if you are using a lot of text

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Playing as doctor is way underappretiated in vidya
there has never been a good arcanum thread
You mother never had good children
sure there have. there's just never been a good thread started by OP. don't hate the game, hate the player.
>there are literally no games where you play as a deranged driven scientist

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Anyone here played this one? Really caught me off guard how much I liked it.

I'm about 10 hours in and it's fantastic. Combat wise it plays like SOTN and the aesthetics are very mid 2000s doujin game (probably because thats when it started development).

I havent seen this talked about at all though.
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The midget isn't wrong
i got stuck in some orc cave thing? it said i needed a golden head. i couldnt figure it out and didnt want to look it up. so i stopped playing there
you have to take the wooden skull back to the lake. Remember what the lake lady did to the crow?
Remember to give the witch mouth to mouth, OP. Mortar and pestles are for losers.

You will hate the endgame but everything until the very last chapter is pure kino

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>actually a good game now that I hate open-world slop
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Yeah FF7R is basically apart of the Fabula Nova Crystallis compilation faggot slop that Nomura and Nojima have been obsessed with since FF13 began development.
I can't believe we live in a world where Nojima/Nomura beat out Ito/Matsuda for creative control of Sqeenix.
I liked Lightning Returns a lot.
**Matsuno oops
I sure do.
This game had amazing armpits.

I put off playing this for years because I never liked job systems in JRPGs, but holy shit, they actually got it right. Everything feels fun and useful, and you never feel like you're going to be punished for investing EXP in the "wrong" jobs, or that you need to use certain jobs in order succeed.

And despite all the people complaining it has a "weak" or "nonexistent" story, I actually find it extremely charming. I just got to Galuf's world, and all of the party members are simple yet likeable, and the plot feels like a really fun, two-part fantasy/sci-fi anime OVA from the early 90s with a goofy dub. Very comfy. I can certainly see why some people say it's their favorite in the series; it's very unique.
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The only one people accept as Faris is the one on the right. FFV fans smartly use the sprites for the designs. It's also why fan art Lenna is fucking stacked.
I just don't like the pre-atb FF combat system that much.
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Bartz uses interjections like a 40-year-old mom from Minnesota in the GBA translation.
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I love it.
>It's also why fan art Lenna is fucking stacked.
Also it just makes more sense, right? The cutesy younger syster always has the fatter tits.

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We need more Sephiroth Clones.
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while i like that idea too, what exactly was this scene all about then? pretty sure they wanted it to be sephiroth all along even back then despite never explicitly saying either way. although you could say it's cloud removing the last of the jenova cells from his brain mentally and he views him as the catalyst for his and zack's abduction all those years ago so it's symbolic.
i agree. Square is a bit late for the hole Marvel mulit verse stick.
It was a chance to give the player a motive of satisfaction by swatting the bad guy and given Cloud a symbolic moment of severing his past obsession, which Im sure totally will stick forever and not be undermined for cheap fanservice in a retarded CGI movie.
He's a Seifer
Sephiroth's "real" body is in Northern Cave all game long regenerating through Reunion but all the Sephiroth's you run into are still him, whether it's a psychic vision from Seph's will in Cloud's head or Seph physically manifesting by assuming direct control of Jenova/his clones, it's always him. In the final battle you kill his essence poisoning the life stream (and symbolically from Cloud's life).

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A person told me to say this in 4chan
I didnt wanted to do it but whatever, its worth a try

Apparently, there a secret armor in a roblox undertale rpg game called undertale universal massacre

Here a quick example about that game:
You start, grind level, get weapons, reach max level cap, reset, Fight AU's bosses that is required to beat to reset

Pretty simple right?
Well there a armor in this game called 'Limitless" and yes its the gojo thingy
We have gotten clues about it but couldnt figure out how to get it
These are the informations we know so far:
Limitless possibilities
What we know:
Something related to a recent update.

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I swear that is all the information
I might have missed some
But that mostly it
dude who gives a shit
based zoomer
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fuck off to your containment thread
OP is a preteen

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Not Etrian Odyssey though because I don't have a handheld that can play the games that ain't on the switch.

Vaguely looking for something that scratches the same kind of itch that Aidyn Chronicles does, where you can customize characters in your party to a large degree, even if they're named.
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Elminage Original
This is common for SRPGs like Disgaea, FFTactics, Tactics Ogre and the post awakening Fire Emblems.
fire emblem awakening
3 is the only pixel remaster worth playing.
>massive skill trees
>games from 3 onward have dual classing
FFS one of the best builds in 3 was making ninja wizards who could shadow clone no jutsu and then spam massive swarms of meteors every turn

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This is unironically one of the best MMORPG game I've ever played in my life. The base game itself has hundreds of hours worth of content and if you want to play competitive PvP you do NOT need any of the expansions or DLC's to be relevant. It's fantastic.
>not Chip ‘n Dales MMORPG
Okay I might try it, thanks for recommending
shame the combat is ass. what else you got, marketer?
MMOs are for the living dead
>shame the combat is ass.
MMORPG games are not known for combat, silly. The combat is simplified, but everything else makes up for it.

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