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Do you like to play as an imperialist in your games?
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Really wish people would stop putting PoMA on the same level as Aura Clash. They only have superficial things in common
>So where's the high quality in the genre?
for released games off the top of my head:
The infinity series, Jolly Good/Tally Ho, War of the West, Breach: Archangel Job
friendliest cyoas towards bipoc and lgbtttiqap+ groups? i feel like most titles are somewhat ableist and not inclusive enough
Aura Clash. Cultivator-Anon bravely feeds slop to the retards here every day, he's an inspiration.
>Path of Martial Arts
>Good writing
Anon pls.

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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One of the early recruits is a 39y old woman.
Plus the Elf innkeeper being essentially an 'ara ara' case.

I guess it's more about a specific look though
>One of the early recruits is a 39y old woman.
Name? Are they battler?
A lot of it is in B'baba's background divination. But there are some things that also show up in gameplay, like I use Hakugin and Iugo a lot, they have no unite attack, but they do comment about each other, and when one dies, the other enters rage mode(may not actually happen when Iugo falls, it's been a while since anything can do meaningful damage to him).

It also seems like there are characters which should be recruitable, or at least stick around, but don't, like the Spintenels or the special cooking battle guys, and the Chairman should have been a recruit since he sticks around after you beat him.
Jillia must've been absolutely bangin

A light-hearted JRPG loosely based on the historical age of discovery, where people live on floating islands, and the developers biggest stated goal was to give players the freedom to explore. A unique game with surprising features you'd never expect to find in a JRPG and a rarely matched spirit of adventure. Does Skies of Arcadia still hold up?
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Skies of Arcadia is pretty good but the towns are kinda boring. And the game has an encounter rate that's way to high. But the setting is a Lotta fun as is traversing the world map on an airship. And the ship battles are very memorable
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>the towns are kinda boring
I don't think I've ever heard anyone say this. I think the towns are all awesome. They're all extremely different and have their own culture and history that you'll learn about if you talk to NPCs and interact with the environments. Nearby discoveries end up fleshing out even more because they're usually related.

Honestly, playing Skies of Arcadia is what started to make me super critical of other RPG towns and locations in general. Valua is probably one of my all time favorite RPG towns, period.
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>you'll learn about if you talk to NPCs and interact with the environments
This. SoA is probably one of the few RPGs I've played where I can always name every single town and at least five random facts about their history/culture/economy/whatever.
>Valua is probably one of my all time favorite RPG towns, period.
muh nigga. I remember the first time I played this game, I got to Valua at like 2 AM and I thought it was the coolest shit. I know the whole "evil techno-metropolis slums" had long been a JRPG trope at that point, but I think that was the first time I ever saw it in full 3D. The dark skies, dingy metal textures, and flickering electric lights were such a harsh and memorable atmospheric shift compared to what the game had shown so far. I loved how you could see the imperial palace and the upper city across the way.

Also, it just hit me that Valua is literally built in one of the craters left by the rains of destruction.

And that fucking music, man.
>And that fucking music, man.
I think my only complaint is that there wasn't unique music for when you get to upper city. Like something a little more elegant sounding, but still kinda dour. I can see why they didn't, though; you're only in upper city for like 2 minutes.
Why does he hold his sword wrong
Is this a zoomer game
Le heckin quirky chungus tranny

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Should I even bother?
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I would give it a shot, especially if you're a fan of modern Fallout Gameplay. It falls short on all it's goals beside releasing a free mod that was made for the enjoyment of the community. The overworld is a bit bigger than Big MT, but feels far more empty. That's on OWB making good use of the space, not a failing on the mod's part. It didn't have random encounters/they were so forgettable I cant remember them. The Main Quest is worth the time you put into it too, but what it adds is honestly why I am about to shit all over this mod

What mouth breathing retard thought making the main character of this mod the Courier deserves the cross. My Fucking God I cannot stand it. It drives me to white hot rage. I understand its a prevailing theme in the mod community that The Courier is the ultimate badass. The Courier is a player character he is not a "bad ass", he is a vehicle of power fantasy. While I stand upon this hill and rage about New Vegas quest modders I also want to crucify New Vegas Bounties for this crime and obviously The Frontier. Fuck this trope with a rusty vibro-knife. It makes no sense in the mod either. How does the Enclave's involvement make any sense? The Super Mutants? The reveal that you are a clone with regeneration powers and "thats why you survived getting shot in the head.". It's unoriginal and ruins the player character.Download and Play it anon, it's at the end serviceable. You will have fun, but my god does this mod make me cringe as badly as the Frontier does.
i hate trannies so much its unreal
Pro tip: Shoot Ben immediately until he goes unconscious and run out of the vault. DO NOT speak to him. He shouldn't follow you past the next loading screen. This doesn't break any quests and there are no other consequences to this, not even karma loss.
Yeah, but that doesn't fix the dogshit story, worldspace etc etc.
It's good for what it is, but the mod is literally incomplete. It's a good DLC sized prologue for your character that qualifies as a short standalone game. I like how it actually feels like a sequel to F2/Prequel to NV, which was it's entire point, and at that it succeeds as a bridge game. It has it's problems, of course: Incomplete content, shitty story, cringy characters, optimization issues, it likes throwing a billion spongy enemies at you at random ect. I will say that it does a good job of being an actual RPG and captures the spirit of the Fallout setting well.
If you can bear with it's drawbacks and crave some actual OG Fallout(not the Bethesda slop) desperately, you can't really go wrong with this one, if you think you're gonna have a bad time looking into the game, I suggest watching the Four Friends play videos like someone already linked.
BTW I wonder when the lads will watch the Fallout TV show and commentate over it like they did with the Halo show. That should be a blast.

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>life sucks, then you die
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The ending of this game had me so fucked up
I wish there were more independent games like this
what game
Seraphic Blue
Where do you even dl the english translation of this game?

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/tv/fag here, I picked up Baldur's Gate 3 because my friend shilled it to me. I don't understand how anyone takes games seriously. Everyone is retardedly verbose and overacted. Even the mocap looks awful, everyone moves like that coked up squirrel from that shit animated movie Foodfight. The narrator sounds like she works at a phone sex line, and despite video game developers being able to put the camera literally wherever they want and do whatever they want with it, scenes are often too zoomed it, framed poorly, and directed in the most bland way imaginable. No one's face moves convincingly, people just switch between preset emotional states like robots and the lip sync is atrocious, God only knows why they zoom in on faces during conversations. You have next to no reason to give a shit about any of the conflicts in the game, yet the game expects you to butt in and give your epic protagonist opinion on everything, and if you don't, children will literally die because you weren't being a super cool hero every second of your existence. It's ego serving trash for boring people to feel like they have a moral code. That is all.
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The game is bad.
>playing westoid slop
ur right its shit
The weird part about is is how many fans can’t even be nuanced about it like “yeah, X and Y and Z were dumb, but overall I still had fun and liked the game” it always has to be “it’s objectively one of the greatest games of all time and it’s a litmus test because everyone who dislikes anything about it for any reason is a drooling retard and they’re [deflection and ad hominems]” and so on. I think secretly on the inside they know it sucks but they’re emotionally invested in defending the game. It’s an extension of the self.
>you just have to agree with the negative IQ way I frame the game to be allowed to discuss it, I'm an intellectual!!!!!

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In case you haven't seen the new program:

I wanna see what you schizos will whine about now
>inb4 persona
>inb4 2 ez
are my guesses
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>Is it really the level of change that apocalypse had vs 4?
No lmao. He's copin hard. The reviews are already out. The new campaign plays out just like the original one but with 2 new areas and you get companions now.

4A was literally an entirely new game.
The game's launch has been 2.5 years ago and that's the point - it should not cost 70$
It launched 2.5 years ago on the switch buddy. It's launching with new features and an extra campaign next month, they get to charge what they want for it.

What's your scale anyway? Can you quantify your release date to cost ratio? 3 months after the switch version? 6 months? a year? 1 year 1 week? 1 year 6 months?
The extra content?
I'd be interested in your breakdown if you've thought that far ahead.
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nta but i've stopped buying most things on release because i expect there to be a 2-years-later enhanced ultimate definitive SSS+ edition
the only good thing about the OG story was that it wasn't around much. because vengeance contains more content there's a very real risk of more story content.

What are some good lighthearted fantasy JRPGs? Dungeon Meshi has me craving the setting
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Guardian TAles
No one remembers that Nippon Ichi came out with a "Dungeon Meshi with the serial numbers filed off" game?
What that has to do with what OP said?
>OP asks for a lighthearted jrpg due to Dungeon Meshi
>Dungeon Meshi was inspired by the author playing Wizardry

Do I need to draw it with crayons for you?
You got many weird picks. I think Etrian Odyssey is the closest JRPG to the vibe of Dungeon Meshi.

I second Grandia as a very good old school JRPG.

Solid pick

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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So Adel fits the mold in a broader mythological scene. But what about in Final Fantasy itself?

There are giant statues or "Sentries" in FF3. Something like FF15's "Old Wall". At the very least they form a barrier. But FF3 is notoriously vague with layers of obstacles and flimsy narrative logic.

Basically, Xande is up in the crystal tower summoning the Cloud of Darkness and the path to the tower just happens to be guarded by 8 Sentries. Or 4 gates.
The key to getting past them are 4 elemental fang/tusks.
What is the connection between any of this is anyone's guess.

FF12 also has Belias, The Gigas. Guarding the King Raithwall's Tomb as well as acting as a key to open the path to Giruvegan.
Raithwall. Wrath wall. Hmmm.

Adel stands apart from these other Gigas because she's not really guarding or protecting anything as far as we know. Although it is noted by Odine and Edea that Adel is VERY angry. Possibly beyond the control of Ultimecia. Possibly overwhelming and controlling Ultimecia herself. A firewall of sorts. Where did this emotion come from? She was like that before they launched her into space, after all.
Belias is called "The Majin" in Japanese.
Majin has a range of meaning that is equivalent to djinn, demon, sorcerer or even sorceress. The fact that he looks like a fusion might be significant as well.

I look at Belias, and then I look at Adel/Rinoa fusion, and I think maybe Adel isn't a sorceress by herself. Only through junctioning.
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Just started disc 3. Quistis visited Squall's room at night, in her seed uniform.
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Dragon Quest aside, it's possible Square Soft was influenced by Akira Toriyama's Majin Buu arc, which air in Japan back in 1995.

Jump forward to Final Fantasy 16, and we have an implied connection between "Living Flesh" and the giant torso Typhon. Dialogue implied it absorbed Ramuh's power. But there's no solid lore around it's existence and abilities.
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I mean, man-made sentinels that absorb superpowers is an idea that's been around in comics long before Dragon Ball.

Esthar is a technological super power. They have an army of androids and one NPC had aspirations of making robots that could dream. I would not be surprised with Adel was some kind of artificial lifeform.

But perhaps the intention to fight the "gods" is too derivative.

Post Kusoge rpgs.
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It's a game you can recommend to somebody that has played a lot of RPGs, but it's biggest merits are the massive city and the Majora's Mask week, so not liking it as a kid because you wanted Final Fantasy is normal.
I had zero expectations going in, just happened to get it for xmas that year. I had beaten Majora's Mask and played my first FF earlier that year so it seemed like derivative shovelware in comparison.
If you enjoy it then more power to you I guess.
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I have never played a worse RPG than Lunar Dragon Song.
Yeah I know Kemco
Very awkward first few hours with this. Like freem/mugen shovelware, except they charge a good buck for it
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Pure unabashed kusoge. I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe

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Gave the offline version of this a try. There is an english patch that covers at least the first 3/4s, after that the quests aren't done but the UI summary of what to do seems to be. That does have problems with lines running off the text box so you can't see. They are also obvious MTL that inverts a lot of meaning. The actual story is human translated.
This is basically 2 Dragon Quest games.

The first part has 5 races on 5 continents. You pick your own and you get a new party member from each. They each also give some benefit, alchemy pot, forge, riding thing, bag space...
There are most of the standard classes, and a bunch more for getting pairs of classes to level 30, or a single class to 50.
Skills are layed out in hex grid like 11. The main character only has grids based on weapon/shield. They can be reset any time for meager gold. The skill grid also has spaces for upgrade tiles that boost the level of all the adjacent skills. It's a nice improvement on customization but the actual upgrade tiles are pretty limited.
Alchemy is kind of pointless but you can upgrade healing items and make 'coins' used as boss fight tickets. These boss fights are where 99% of the accessories in the game are from.
Accessories can be combined with identical versions to add a lesser copy of their bonus, up to 3x. All the stat resistance ones are base 55% resist and gain 15% if you add a copy.
Forge is crappy. You are heavily restricted by level including reworking anything you already have. Recipes are from rare drops, huge casino coin sinks and trading posts that have 1-2 per hour that only refreshes if you also visited an inn.
Equipment itself is kind of annoying. The best stuff has 2 effects, from the range of stat resists or breath or magic resist and a couple more things. These max out around 14% with a rare 20%, meaning if it actually matters for a fight you are using accessories instead anyway.
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The party members based on other players are very smart and you can tweak them with the options, it's rarely an issue
I like to have a monster party member on my team for healing and those have the skill point system like the player character
This sounds bad. Thanks for the write up because I've been curious about it for a long time as a huge DQ fan.
I don't know what this is but I would plau for that demon girl and that purple priestess.

MC also looks pretty cool. Not ridiculous and over the top like a lot of JRPG protags.
MC is just for official art, it's an MMO so you create a character.
Gambeson over chain mail
oh tori you silly goober

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What's the shit with this?

Some kind of evil (or helpful) bot campaign?
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I used it for many years when I played vanilla D2 and was never once banned for it
Yeah but what about the new b.net launcher? It's all on one account now and those games are expensive.
Would the bot actually cease to keep running if players ninja’d the high tier loot? If it’s just running a script then there’s really nothing it can do to prevent that from happening.

I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a D2R bot myself as a personal project to improve my programming skills, but I’ve never used one before so I have no idea how they work.
>Would the bot actually cease to keep running if players ninja’d the high tier loot?
Nah, there's no big drama for them if their loot gets ninja'd. They're almost frame perfect but if they miss it to somebody's twitchy finger they just keep going as normal.
Pretty much the only thing that'll cause them grief is if they die, which occasionally happens to chaos bots when Lord DeSais rapes them. They drop their entire stack of gold on death and immediately log out. A lot of bots gamble all their gold looking for sojs but they still usually stack up millions of gold because time spent gambling is time spent not killing stuff.
no as far as i know you can even do it in the options faster than typing /players 8

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>better ARPG combat than any actual ARPG at the time
>bigger world than any console RPG at the time
>more quests than any console RPGs at the time
>lore on par with actual MMORPGs
>more classes and specialization choices than most RPGs at the time
>MMO-style gameplay on console with a group of friends
>a concert cutscene from Blind Guardian
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Nox > Sacred > Dungeon Siege > Silver > Diablo > Diablo 2
Nox is fun to play but not to replay.
Dungeon Siege is great.
D1 is better than D2 indeed.
But Sacred is just dogshit all around.
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I want to go back!
>But Sacred is just dogshit all around.
kys faggot
>it's either linear and in order or it's an MMO
That's the most dogshit retarded thing I've ever heard.

There is a reaper that is destroying all the ships attacking it. Any sort strategy that isn’t focused on destroying it could mean dooming the galaxy. Shepard sacrificing the alliance fleets to help the destiny ascension escape has him put the lives of three politicians above the lives of the entire galaxy. And it’s supposed to be a paragon option. Saving a few of elites is the good boy option. So dumb. The choices in mass effect make nonsense. Just like curing the genocide all because you care about making your friend happy rather than making sure the galaxy wont be engaged in a war to stop the krogan after the reapers are dealt with.
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not the same squad dialogue situation as ME2. Grunt, Mordin, Garrus, Legion and etc will always advocate to not nuke the Collector HQ. And Miranda, Jack, Kasumi, Samara and etc will always advocate to nuke the Collecter HQ

But yes, in ME1, even Wrex can advocate you save the council if you bring an even more Renegade squadmate with you. In this case a Kaiden dating Renegade Femshep. Also if glitch one squaddie out of the map before the big decision, the remaining squaddie will glitch out playing both dialogue roles, advocating to both kill and save the Council
>advocating to both kill and save the Council
>"let's save them and then execute them!"
Thanks anon, I always assumed it was the same because when you ask the same people about deciding to save the base afterwards these same advocates then give you their doubts or tell you you done fucked up. ME liked its little Fuck You's to the player.
>sacrificing some trash ships to save an imperiled fleet of much stronger ships
A sensible gambit desu. We know from Codex that the Destiny Ascension is worth the entire Arcturus fleet, since by ME1 Alliance is still very much catching up to the Council in terms of space combat vessel technology, Normandy being a part of that catching-up effort through unconventional approaches built with Turian help. The Alliance only managed that attack because they blindsided Sovereign and Geth ships.

That choice should've been a four-way:
>"We must save the Council!" (Paragon, Vanilla)
>"Fuck the Council" (Renegade, Vanilla)
>"Play it safe, don't take any gambles, we can't risk it all in a suicide attack!" (Paragon, New)
>"A daring assault is our most promising tactic here" (Renegade, New).

So that you can both save and waste the Council, but with different reasoning.
cant spell mass effect without massive fucking plot holes

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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I don't think there's anything more shallow, autistic and repellent than the combination of animefaggotry and right wing larping survivalism, coming from a person that has never left their basement and probably still believes in poopswords
if this wasnt coomer shit id play it
but it is so im not interested
This game isn't worth it because you have to become a whore if you want NG+
literally the only NG+ benefits are getting knocked up and having a baby, its stupid, you can't do virgin runs
weirdly specific unprompted post
>Projecting this hard.

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