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Post Kusoge rpgs.
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From what I've ready no one at Camelot actually wanted to continue the Golden Sun series to begin with, and I wouldn't be surprised if that were true because everything about this game feels phoned in and padded out.
From what I read they were tired of making Mario Tennis and were just begging to make another Golden Sun.
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It's not as good as the first two games, but it's far from being shit. I can think of several RPGs I've played that I'd rather replay Dark Dawn over. I'd even rate it above something like FF4 The After Years. Now something like Sonic Chronicles is a lot closer to being outright shit.

As far as JRPGs go, most of the true kusoge are complete garbage that never left Japan like Hoshi wo Miru Hito or Ancient Roman. Although we did get Lunar: Dragon Song which is obligatory to any RPG kusoge discussion.
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I got this garbage for christmas in '01. "We have Final Fantasy at home."
Not sure if it's quite kusoge, but it's bad. They had to shoehorn a redhead with huge tits wearing a thong everywhere because the game had nothing else going for it. It was originally supposed to feature Sonic during development lol.
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Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
>dreadful music
T-square shat the bed on this one, Arc1+2 had some bangers, while this one was just utter ass.
>forced hyperrealism
aged like milk and honestly looked like shit when released.
>forced racism
monsters and monster humanoids were always around in 1+2 and no one said shit.
>had to deal with shitty dubs
>humans were all generic, and every demios except Volk was a dick
>monster taming gone
>hunter's guild gone
>everyone we got to know over the course of two games is dead
except for choko and Diekbeck
golden sun as a series was complete garbage that's carried because it's a nintendo game
>Payed, expected, got chart needing to take more than 3 images
You're an idiot and your opinion is invalid.
I haven't forgotten that one of the lead devs expressed surprise that people wanted a 4th one after Dark Dawn answered no questions of any kind regarding the setting or even its own story, then ended on a cliffhanger.
Sands of Destruction
Eternal Poisson
stop acting white I was illustrating a point.
I haven't played any other Arc games, but I remember being pleasantly surprised by how much I like the story of this when I played it a few years ago. I guess I'm just dumb.
If you played 1&2, (specifically 2, but you need to play 1 to get the hidden goodies) you would realize how shit this game is.
i agree but i saw someone on /vrpg/ recommending it, maybe it's filtering some people?
Grandia 3
>Eternal Poisson
the God Hand of PS2 JRPG's
a shit game that got an accurate low score by IGN which pushed posers to pretend like it was actually Le hidden gem out of spite for IGNT
All of the Bean games.
Given how Beyond the Beyond is forgotten....yeah.
Pre-rendered sprites are a bad idea 99.9% of the time. The 0.1% is Napishtim era Ys.
When Isaac was revealed in Brawl, most Japanese players went "who?"
It's a game you can recommend to somebody that has played a lot of RPGs, but it's biggest merits are the massive city and the Majora's Mask week, so not liking it as a kid because you wanted Final Fantasy is normal.
I had zero expectations going in, just happened to get it for xmas that year. I had beaten Majora's Mask and played my first FF earlier that year so it seemed like derivative shovelware in comparison.
If you enjoy it then more power to you I guess.
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I have never played a worse RPG than Lunar Dragon Song.
Yeah I know Kemco
Very awkward first few hours with this. Like freem/mugen shovelware, except they charge a good buck for it
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Pure unabashed kusoge. I miss this nigga like you wouldn't believe
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easily one of the worst JRPGs I ever experienced
That doesn't surprise me. Golden Sun stood out in the US because it was the first RPG available for the GBA and one of the few non-Pokemon ones that got actual advertising here. And being a first party Nintendo title meant that it was pretty much always in stock and readily available. It worked fine as baby's first JRPG and an intro to the genre at a time when a lot of these games were still never leaving Japan. It was just another drop in the bucket there though, and didn't really have much to help it stand out from the rest of the market.
>running costs health
Incredibly inspired levels of kusoge.
I wonder if Sakurai secretly doesn't like Golden Sun.
I actually like some of the music, but yeah, the whole game you could kind of feel that, as strikingly similar it was to the first two games, something just wasn't there.
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>blindly buy digmon world 2
>think it's going to be digmon world 1 with QoL changes, new mons and new areas
>shitty rougelike
>can evolve without fusing mons for some reason
>shit music
>shitty models
>limited amount of steps
>samey bland titles on ever dungeon
>get to the point in the game in which you have to exhange an ikkakumon to progess.
I say fuck it and never pick it up again.
Trash game.
It's competently programmed and the art design is really good, but it's like every person involved in gameplay/systems/story design was dedicated to making the worst possible choices at all stages.
I have a weird amount of love for World 2, but the load times for every single animation, the complete lack of visuals besides different colored tiles in a black void, and that one same battle theme over and over are unforgivable. I played it a ton as a kid, but I can’t in all good conscience waste time on it as an adult - and I’m never one to think like that.
it honestly angered me that we couldn't get a good digimon game, this is what ultimately made me never play anything from an established ip ever again.
I respect them for trying something new each time, but yes, I think it did hurt them in the end. I don't agree that we never got a good game; I would say we only ever got one great game, and that's the original Digimon World. It's a shame the later iterations, while fine, never surpassed or even quite met the original.
I'd like the DS game quite a bit if they actually had environment and dungeon design, but they're nothing but hallways with occasional microchips.
Posting the worst SRPG of all time.
All of them.
It is pretty bad but it will never be the worst while Eternal Poison exists.
God damn
>unbelievably easy
>also unbelievably slow
>maps are like 3x the size of maps in other DRPG on the consoles but all of that exploration is incredibly linear
What the fuck was going on?
Even the name sounds like they looked up Final and Fantasy in a thesaurus.
every shit I have tken has been lighter than I am stop acting like a fat white girl.

>original Digimon World.
true........ It's just just that everything after the fact was no good or region locked until recently.
Even the worst Golden Sun game is better than at least 80% of what Squaresoft shat out.
Where does Beyond the Beyond rank?
>Sands of Destruction
I was planning to try this one out because I heard it was written by the guy that wrote chrono trigger. Is it that bad?
>mc gets a permament attack debuff during the story
>to use magic you need to equip the related accessory in the only slot available
>you have to choose between xp or the chance for an item, can't have both after a battle
>weakest healing magic costs so much the healer literally can't cast it until at least a few level ups
it feels like a troll game, these are the kind of ideas yoi only have if you're actually evil or profoundly retarded
It still retains a bunch of stuff that make the first two games so memorable. Like the music, dungeon design and battle system for the most part. It's just held back by the points of no return, even easier difficulty, a story that doesn't go anywhere and only baiting with recurring characters instead of utilising them properly.
But that's a lot more than some other titles in other series that just absolutely rape their legacy.

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