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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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Do you like to play as an imperialist in your games?
I like to play as a murderer.
This is a new thread WITHOUT a woke OP. Shitpost as usual.
I won't eat the bugs
I won't drink the kool-aid
I won't stand for Irish characters being replaced
well this is what you get when you decide to do a historical setting and instead of respecting history you decide to change it to fit modern worldviews
So far I'm really digging Course of Temptation, though it seems my stat gains are starting to stagnate. I heard you can stream certain things like chess and videogaming which probably increases those skills, but the cheapest computer costs $600 and I have like $10, on top of having to pay $100 a week. On a side note though, I decided to get into gardening because I felt like it and it turns out you can sell those things when they finish growing. Nice side hustle for 30 min a day, not including time spent increasing gardening, which hasn't stagnated as much, yet. I also finally got the name of that full-bodied goth chick - she has tan skin. Gonna add her to the list, after crushing my (story) crush's puss. This is fun, and also revealing of my comfort with grinding after all those years of MMOs.
Not sure if you're talking about your life or a CYOA game
>but the cheapest computer costs $600
in what world is a $600 computer cheap?
I said it, didn't I? Course of Temptation. It's an adult text-based college life simulator. And yea, it is eerie and neat at the same time how I could be describing my own life, haha, but I never dormed for college.
>get hardlocked into an early game over because a completely unrelated decision I made over an hour ago didn't give me the one extra stat point I needed to pick any option that doesn't result in dying
man this game was dumb as fuck, who the hell puts rpg stats in a choose your own adventure book
The most expensive gaming computer is $2400. Which is pretty realistic, if you're getting the most cost-effective top-of-the-line parts and including getting a monitor, too. $600 is somewhat cheap for a mid-range computer that can also stream and stream not like dogshit.
>Having fun with a no-content game
Damn. I still manage with my 10 years old computer somehow. But it's been crashing so much lately I think is time to change it.
It's only been about a week since the first midterms, so I haven't run out of stuff to do yet, but I checked and yes, you can smash puss with a fair bit of variation and interactivity, so that's a pretty good amount of content for me.

Is your GPU an Nvidia GTX 10XX?
>playing twine slop like DoL when eragames are literally there
>Is your GPU an Nvidia GTX 10XX?
Is an Nvidia 200.
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>who the hell puts rpg stats in a choose your own adventure book
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>namefagging both threads
I see what your doing there Fitzie split the thread lmao
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Posted in the other thread but I will post it here as well since I don't know which one we are actually using.
CyberPunkDreams got an update. Also in order to unlock the new story you need to be renting in the projects.
>making a CYOA into a daily grind game
The temptation is strong and the setting is perfect for it, but I don't know if I'm evil enough to pull it off.

Holy fucking shit. Get like a 1060 and nothing higher, if you do upgrade. GPUs are...not in the best place right now.
I grind because I was conditioned to by MMOs, not because I want to. When I stopped playing them, I realized how free I truly was.
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>CultivatorAnon considering the path of evil
Please... You don't have to do this...
>Get like a 1060 and nothing higher
Why? I want to get a new PC, so why not just go with the best I can afford?
where do you draw the line between an RPG and a CYOA? I've seen some people in this board use CYOA as an insult to RPGs
Most CYOAs have stats so they are RPGs.
Because, in my opinion, the current-gen GPUs are not worth it. Nvidia's 40xx series are overpriced, AMD's 7000 series don't quite offer the same value or features, and Intel's GPUs are kind of a joke, kind of getting better but I wouldn't hold my breath because I am personally biased against Intel because I believe they are infested with poo-in-loos. If I had to upgrade, I'd get a mid-tier, highly cost-effective upgrade from AMD for like ~$500 as a stopgap measure while waiting for next-gen GPUs to release, which are being rumored to to come out near the end of this year.

Interesting info anon. Depending on when I get my new PC gear I may follow this advice. Though me being tech illiterate I probably will end up buying whatever shinny hardware they say can run most games.
>mfw I already lived through seeing the numbers approach 9999 and wrap back to 0 once and I’ll see it again
never happened
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>never happened
I grew up with a 386 before the era of graphics cards, anon. ATI went from 128 to 7000 up into the 9000s in the early 2000s then wrapped back to 1000 then ramped up to 7000 before dropping down to 200 and now we're back up the 7000s.
Geforce started at 256 then dropped to 2, 3, then 4000 up through 9000 then back down to 100 through 900 then 1000 through 4000 where we are today.

I'm pretty sure there is some sort of Chandrasekhar limit holding video card models below 10,000. That, or (((demons))).
And you know what, that's fine. I somewhat recently put together my own PC and it was a project. Just try to get off Windows and onto Linux.
Funny. Some people say computer circuits are similar to demon summoning circles.
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To be fair, they do look kind of similar.
All technology is powered by spirits. Spirits used to turn windmills in exchange for food and small gifts. Now they are a sealed inside computers and forced into action with electro torture.
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<The Based and Suffering of Sigma Brante
This is the greatest CYOA game in existence. Know why? Because it's made by a Russian. Russians literally make only based games.
Anon...your PoMA?
An actual historical and compelling CYOA RPG, unlike the woke trash that the discord is spamming in the other thread.
>Russians literally make only based games
yeah if they ever bother to finish it.
Dude never played a fighting fantasy book.
>Brante is based on the universe of Talisman, a series of live-action role-playing games that took place in Krasnoyarsk from the late 1990s.
>The later Talisman games were characterized by a highly detailed universe and an emphasis on individual character stories rather than team play.
>One of the masters of the game, Fyodor Slyusarchuk, described the key concept of the later “Talismans” with the words “the role is like pain.”
So fucking based
that is probably the worst time of railroading, when putting decisions on a game each of them should be equally valid or else give you something in return, instead of just plain punishing you for choosing it, better just don't include the decision in the first place
>live-action role-playing games that took place in Krasnoyarsk from the late 1990s.
Literal LARP?
didn’t think there’d be any meta drama nonsense, especially here of all places
Has anyone here played Wayhaven Chronicles? I remember playing it years ago and just saw the thing is still going. Do you guys recommend it? Don't remember almost anything about it. Any tips?
it's meh, so better than the majority of CoG and Hosted titles
>it's meh
Why? I have found memories of it. Though it's been years I think.
>the majority of CoG and Hosted titles
I'm not an oldfag in this, but aren't the CoG guys like big deal in the genre? You're saying here their quality is below average.
>pacing and development greatly suffers because "muh 7 books"
>detective rarely does actual detective/police work outside patrolling
>b plots of each sequel book are a snorefest and rely on antagonist being retards
>release time between each book causes lost of interest
theres probably more but thats what I remember
I enjoyed the moments between MC and the heroines though
>aren't the CoG guys like big deal in the genre
>You're saying here their quality is below average
Well the wait is long, the reason I forgot in the first place was because I just keep waiting for new books. Didn't know they are supposed to be 7, lol. That's going to be ready in 2030. Bu I still thought it was comfy.
So where's the high quality in the genre?
I liked the Lotless path the most.
Just finished 'Arcadie: Second Born' and really enjoyed it. Will is my new Mommy and she looks after me.

Wish it was longer. I hope it gets a sequel.

Any other good cyoa's where I can have older women pounce on me?
>So where's the high quality in the genre?
Two upcoming fantasy martial art WIPs that have good plots and writing, a rarity these days. Try "Path of Martial Arts" and "Aura Clash"
You could tell it was coming. There were already at least two notorious and absolute faggots who refused to pollute the CoG forums instead.
Noble that cuts down Otto. Being a noble or imperial doesn't mean abusing your pets.
Really wish people would stop putting PoMA on the same level as Aura Clash. They only have superficial things in common
>So where's the high quality in the genre?
for released games off the top of my head:
The infinity series, Jolly Good/Tally Ho, War of the West, Breach: Archangel Job
friendliest cyoas towards bipoc and lgbtttiqap+ groups? i feel like most titles are somewhat ableist and not inclusive enough
Aura Clash. Cultivator-Anon bravely feeds slop to the retards here every day, he's an inspiration.
>Path of Martial Arts
>Good writing
Anon pls.
At least it's better than Aura Clash
I've been cooming so much to Course of Temptation.
I don't know how I'm supposed to go on. This is essentially perfection. What could I contribute to the genre.
I dread to imagine what would happen to you if you discovered eratohoTW, which is actually decent and not a twine grindslop.
>What could I contribute to the genre.
Commission fanart
It's supposed to simulate college - the grind is relatively inoffensive and adds immersion. And you know I'm gonna look that up next.

Maybe. Maybe.
Oh, I remember trying this for like 10 minutes a long time ago. It seemed basic and I'm not into Touhou, anyway.
I haven't played a single Touhou game but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. Just treat is as a youkai fucking simulator.
The best eragames address the worst falling of all these text games with interactive sex: the actual sex not having any flavour at all and the characters themselves having next to zero personality or dialogue.
Oh sure, I guess I might as well give it another try.
What are some games that let me impregnate women?
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Life of a Wizard which is an odd mix of basic and delightful. I banged my magic college roommate and cheated on her with my elf childhood friend who I knocked up and married, then 25 years later got our son voted in as the college's master wizard while I dealt with other wizard stuff. It filled an evening and I don't regret the purchase.
what's the replay value
Medium range, I replayed the first hour 7 times happily but haven't gone back after beating the tougher situations.
What are some games that let me get impregnated.
Lords of Aswick
Hyuga 4
can't you cuck the king if you're a male?
Yes. But you wouldn't do that because it's wrong.
What possesses people to post WiPs with a total of 3k words?
teenage pregnancy
What's the problem? At least they can get feedback
What valuable feedback could be gleaned from fucking 3k words? That's like barely a prologue, a few evening's worth of work at best.
Well is that, nothing or having to read a terrible longer demo. Millennials have a terrible work ethic anon. And making games is a difficult task and the majority just don't have what it takes.
>bringing up millennials for no reason
You're too old to be doing this.
Can you say is it wrong tho?
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I play as the brother who helps Nathan.
The magic of this game inevitably dies when you restart the game after your first true death and realize that you are on a one-track story as a kid, who also need to make specific decisions if you want to not get pounded as an adult.
I really hope the studio improves with its next game.
Which wip?
That game is fucking boring as shit, and I have high tolerance built through years of VNs.
It's not, and it's one of the few cyoas/vns where stats are important and you can't easily get a good ending.
let me guess, you don't like to read more than a few words of text?
I just said I've read hundreds of VNs, retard. Reading is my main activity while gaming.

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