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Anyone here played this one? Really caught me off guard how much I liked it.

I'm about 10 hours in and it's fantastic. Combat wise it plays like SOTN and the aesthetics are very mid 2000s doujin game (probably because thats when it started development).

I havent seen this talked about at all though.
The game is all mostly combat and the exploration is pretty basic but otherwise I thought it was fantastic
What's going on with their tits? They look shopped on.
The entire game basically has photoshopped graphics
It's cool. The platformer action RPG gameplay is pretty good and the story is pure kino.
Yeah its pretty low budget, the backgrounds and textures are all modified photographs. The music is mostly from royalty free JP sites too. I think the animation wasnt done by hand either
Could have been goty if it hadn't released against Elden Ring. Had to get past the first boss before I got more into it though.
I'm glad the demo exists in the way it does because it does start kinda slow

Killing slimes with a stick and needing a replenishable torch for the first dungeon wasnt a great draw to the game but it does pick up only 2-3 hours in
lmk if you're still enjoying it 40 hours in. i enjoyed it until i didn't.
Buy an ad, shill tranny.
I dont understand why people make posts like this on threads that have 1 reply an hour on a slow as a snail board
>very mid 2000s doujin
>Combat wise it plays like SOTN
so it's a porn game that isn't an rpg and for some reason (shilling by the kike who made it probably) you decided to post it here

Fuck off

It's more important to have faggots like you kept out because it is a slow board. On /v/ ad threads like this would be gone in 2 hours, here they can persist for several days even without jewish necrobumping. Fuck off.
the guy who made it doesnt even speak english, you should seek therapy.
Also doujin doesnt mean porn you absolute tourist, go stick your head in a freezer and come back once you can use it.
I haven't dropped a game as fast as this one. It blew my mind how people on /v/ jerked it off as much when it's the most generic anime side scrolling adventure ever made
The giant tits make it porn retard
Holy shit go back to your fucking fallout thread already
Because /v/ is a woman's board. They like to play as women and they like to gossip about relationships like women. It just so happens that this vn has a lot of relationships so they can pad thread space discussing who wants to fuck who.
>Y-you jump on things in 2D
>This means it's not an RPG
Absolute brain-dead retard, no wonder you sit around and constantly seethe about JRPGs all day
it's kusokami
Is this a bot post or something? The protagonist is male and this game is mostly combat not dialog.
>this game is mostly combat not dialog
Good one.
Lmao yes. The dialogues are long ass retarded speech diarrhea of your brain on low quality anime and the combat that follows isn't anything that makes it worthwhile either
>can't control his urge to masturbate when seeing breasts
>therefore it's porn
Get help. Alternatively, get laid.
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This board is unsalvageable. It's like RPGCodex's elitism and /v/'s unbridled stupidity rolled into one
>trying to make a thread about any that isn't 20 years old
That was your first mistake op. /vrpg/ sucks ass and we still have way too many schizos to talk about anything
>replying to yourself when youve clearly never played this game
if you make a thread about a japanese game, the resident wrpg neckbeards will go apeshit.
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>Inspect element
>Phoneposting spoof IPs
>Residential IP proxy hopping
Neck yourself. NOW
The problem is not that the game is japanese, it’s that it fundamentally isn’t an rpg. It’s like making a crash bandicoot thread here
It's as much of an RPG as something like Final Fantasy. No role-playing, but numbers go up.
Yup, great game. Very charming story.
See this is a fucking cope - and it’s disingenuous too. Numbers going up does not make something an RPG, and you know that.
Start a cookie clicker thread next time, it’s about as on topic as this shit, fucking loser shill.
>Killing slimes with a stick and needing a replenishable torch for the first dungeon wasnt a great draw to the game but it does pick up only 2-3 hours in
Yeah the slimes are some of the worst enemies in the game and the game gets much better way better from chapter 2 on.
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>See this is a fucking cope - and it’s disingenuous too. Numbers going up does not make something an RPG, and you know that.
>Start a cookie clicker thread next time, it’s about as on topic as this shit, fucking loser shill.
And yet Final Fantasy threads are allowed here. Just because you personally don't like JRPGs doesn't mean they're against the rules.
Final Fantasy is an rpg. Your garbage isn’t
No one cares, faggot. No one has ever cared about what "not an RPG" fags have to say. Go play the three "real" RPGs in the world instead of shitposting nonstop. You won't because even you know the "real" RPGs all suck, that's why you people spend so much more time complaining online than you do playing games.
>Final Fantasy is an rpg.
But it isn't. There's no role-playing to speak of. It's a numbers-go-up game, just like the Witcher and this one.
I made your moms number of babies go up. Say hi to your brother for me.
Final fantasy objectively isn't an RPG, Fucking visual novels are closer to "real" RPGs than FF. Get over yourself you shitposting waste of space, imagine spending mother's day shitposting on 4chan of all thing. Sad.
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people say all JRPGs end with you killing god. if we go by that metric this game is a JRPGGG(God Ganking Game)
Didn't the Gods end up sorta being the good guys/spoiler]
They're more like proto humans, morality and motivation can swing any way, Astraea was the most selfless for literally sacrificing herself to balance the MC's selfish desires in the postscript while Geist is just an asshole
You do kill the thing even the gods are scared of but that was Astraea's plan and the other gods probably had their own agendas and feelings about it
The midget isn't wrong
i got stuck in some orc cave thing? it said i needed a golden head. i couldnt figure it out and didnt want to look it up. so i stopped playing there
you have to take the wooden skull back to the lake. Remember what the lake lady did to the crow?
Remember to give the witch mouth to mouth, OP. Mortar and pestles are for losers.

You will hate the endgame but everything until the very last chapter is pure kino
Best description of the problem here yet. At least RPGCodex has some right to their elitism, the midwit takes I see floated here daily are like looking into an abyss of absent fathers and trailer parks.

There are a very few people of substance that lurk and occasionally comment though.
So many games that use royalty free music have great soundtracks. Hiring a composer for a game is just a waste of money.
The game certainly has a lot of qualities early on but after finishing it I would say it was just mostly janky and frustrating, and the story was fucking retarded.
one of my favorite games
dlc sucks ass tho
I didn't think it was that bad
though magic being buffed even more than the base game was a strange choice

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