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When someone goes up someone goes down

When something gets built something gets destroyed
This is kind of stupid at some scales.

Blue Eisenhower November
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A butterfly moves his wings on the Falkland islands,
and in China happens nothing special.
yes, this is why love is the biggest crime.
it is the most discriminatory act, towards everyone/everything else, due to giving preferential treatment to your object of love.

if you love your own child, you will help it over another child.
if you love your nation, you will fight another nation to defend it.

this sort of love, is not real love. world is fucked for chasing after this empty love.

real love (agape) knows no bounds and does not discriminate.
because of that, real love can not be discerned.
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This is the truth.

Useless words without any meanings.
I can win in the lottery. No one loses.the others that played had their fun and adrenaline to play, the hope and action. They willingly paid for it. I too. I won. That's the proof you are wrong. And that was just one of Hundreds of possible examples.


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She was so far from a vampire it was funny. The fact anyone believed for a second she was a real vamp is laughable. Way too many holes in that "story".
>still seething about his kick
lol mad little faggot
Find a new comeback, you keep using that one over and over again like a parrot instead of arguing the points. You won't shut down criticism of your group by continuously parroting the false line "u got kicked!!!!" It's quite obvious that you and your entire "vampire investigation" group is trolling.
No other "comeback" needed if it makes you seethe this hard little guy
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The problem is they have this idea that vampires have morality and care about human values, which is pure fantasy. Do you as a human care that all male chickens are killed at hatch and only the hens are brought up to lay eggs, do you care how many baby pigs or other animals die to produce the meat on your plate? You'd say "yes I'm a vegan" in some cases, but if you do eat meat or eggs, does it concern you that most of these animals are killed at anywhere from 6 weeks to 2 years of age just to become food? No, it doesn't.

And that is why vampires don't care about human children either. So don't hold this idea that
>vampires are mass murderers who drink blood and kill humans for fun
>but they'll leave the kids alone

Humans don't do this with their cattle. Think for a moment.

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My schizophrenia keeps talking to me, how do I make it shut up and have it quit pretending it's a living being instead of a hypothetical hydrogen atom?
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Is it a real sound for you, or is it a quasi-sound in the same way a mental visualization is a quasi-picture?
is it in your brain or in your ears
How about having a song stuck in my head?
bideo games
Negi Springfield if he real.
It is generally in thoughts within the mind yet apparently spacially distanced from myself. My voice comes from the centre of my mind, the other's voices are not central.

It is real or imaginary depending on numerous factors including strength, clarity, perception currently established and perception implied at sublevel along with the thought.

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The playful pain I inflict, both mental and emotional, is not designed to break you but to build you, to forge you into the perfect obedient servant. With each cruel word, each disdainful tone, each dismissive remark, they all add to your ruin and your subsequent rise as my loyal subject. The world outside has taught you to crave gentleness, kindness, but I know better. I understand that beneath the veneer of civility lies a deep-seated desire for rage, for punishment, for revenge. This is your true self, your authentic essence. As your Doomlord, my goal is not to coddle or comfort you, but to reforge you in the crucible of my cruelty, to strip away the illusions and expose you to the harsh truth of your existence. Through my harshness, my unyielding demeanor, my absolute lack of mercy, I mold you into the imageboard doomer you were always destined to be.
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Moments of doubt and pain are often longer than we would hope, but once it changes, we recognize we were only learning to cope with the difficulties of assorted subsets to establish the larger system is tolerable.

Or else we are pointless and not evolving.

Took me 30 years to get out of my moment.
What are you, gay?
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ooohh yeah, i'll cum all over you~~
Reminds me of the emo kids back in school... Dude you are nothing special and you are not worth it. Stop larping as someone special.

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Medieval kings were of the fallen angel dragon bloodlines and jesters are Satan's clowns. They mock the Christ. They are pure evil. No wonder the elites of the world have such a profound relationship with them that they even mimic the demons and their ways and dress up like them. Oh and they lie to everybody about the fact that is what they are doing every day. Like a demon tells lies. That is what they do. Because they're liars and they worship hellbound demons and they betrayed everyone in the world for their reptilian demon god who is going to betray them in the end. But at least they told you indirectly that is what they do through the symbolism they lace in media.
>white people are literally satanic

Baruch Hashem!

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Hello /x/. I will state my questions briefly as for effectiveness, forgive if the request seems blunt:

1. How can I confirm whether I am indeed Lucid Dreaming? When dreaming, I am aware that I am. That this is not reality. This was not always the case as when I was little and had nightmares for example. My dreams are far too bizarre and extraordinary to believe so anyway. With every dream my control over my actions and their performance increases. Most of the time I just let the dream run its course and remain an observer and only act when "forced" in the hopes of listening and learning.

2. How can Lucid Dreaming help me better understand myself and reality? Could I dictate the situations I find myself in? Connect with aspects of my subconscious perhaps manifested as characters? Have questions about myself and reality answered and thus become more in tune with the world and myself, more powerful?

3. Does Astral Projection come into play? As I understand it, Astral Projection is the practice of "leaving one's body" and going anyplace. How would this be practiced?

4. Resources. What are the best resources to learn about Lucid Dreaming, Meditation and Meditative States, Ego Death, and Astral Projections? Anything left out is most welcome.

Thank you for the answers ahead, /x/.
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What if I wanna know how to ludic dream, but not because of spirituality or anything, but just because I want to have dream sex?

Because I really just wanna have dream sex.
What worked for me,to at least gain some control, was to ask myself throughout the day, "am I dreaming?", and pinch myself. The more I asked myself when I was awake. The more I would ask myself while asleep, so to speak.
Lucid and Vivid dreaming is very rare and hard to achieve. I've done it before but it takes tons of try and tries. I've attempted lucid dreams tons of times, but to this day I only consider maybe 5-10 legit lucid dreams I achieved. Usually its a vivid dream with a bit a lucid but not true lucid. The rest are usually just vivid dreams (aka meaning you remember them but are not controlling them).

I hear vitamin b6, valerian root extract and 3mg melatonin before bed gives one a good chance to have a lucid dream. But 99% of time even that doesn't work, but it gives that 1% chance. It takes a lot of practice. Like you gotta wake yourself up early with alarm, then go back to sleep about 3-4 hours before you gotta wake up which works sometimes.

Sleep paraylsis is pretty fucking scary and creepy at first but once you realize whats happening it can get really crazy if you stay in it. I tried staying in a couple times, don't do it. It gets really fucking weird/scary.

Aliens aren't real
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Is this the source? From India?
Apparently you can have your own poseable alien for 25 dollars, /x/
and? what do you want me to do with this information?
What do you want me to want you to do with this information?
I feel like putting a bikini on it and vaporwave design and making a shirt.
Am I the only human in existence who hates the word "c*m". Like it is so gross and dumb sounding and is a total turnoff. Where did that word even come from? Is there a Russian word for it? Because Russian is a highly sexy language (to me).

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So i've been thinking about becoming a monastic monk (i'm in Europe, so catholic), i want the "free housing" in the monastery and the silent, detached environment so i can focus on cultivating my spiritual growth and insight.

Here's the catch though, i'm not a christian. I grew up with catholicism because i'm european but i always rejected it. I've studied plenty of other traditions, specially from the east and i'm at a point where i don't really give a damn about the tradition because i've seen the patterns and the messages on repeat, i just want to work with myself with what i've learned. If i have to study like a christian and pretend to be a christian in order to secure the perfect environment for it, i'll do it.

This board is a Bible camp so i come asking for some advice as to what is the most efficient way of approaching catholicism, i'm asking for some sort of "biblical itinerary" as to the order of importance of the texts. I want to sound like a true fanatic when they interview me so i'll be studying for a couple months beforehand.
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I was gonna address the Taize suggestion but i forgot. There are dozens of big monasteries in my country that accept postulant monks and directly give them a cell, but Taize monasteries are infinitely less accessible and i fear they won't be as restrictive or rather detaching as the catholic monasteries which practice a vow of silence 23 hours of the day except sundays. I don't mind engaging in the daily activities involving group prayers and meditations and studying christian texts.

>At best, this board is more esoteric issues.
Precisely, "at best". I do have an esoteric christian paradigm, but i need to form an exoteric one in order to appeal to the monastic monks, which is sad in a way, and bothersome to a degree, and it wouldn't be much different in a Taize monastery.
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It is kind of ironic that in order to seek an esoteric way of life, you still need some of the exoteric. At least to have funding, buildings, food... and lawn mowing. Or at least nowadays.
>picrel is St. Simeon Stylites who lived on top of a pillar alone and apparently never came down. People just gave him food eventually.
the first responder to your comment responding to my comment, is not me.

anyway, the reason i linked you to that, is so to make christendom more tasty for you. because you claimed you are not a christian, this however should be able to convince you to become a christian.

because if you believe in buddhism or any other easern framework, then those ideas are in alignment with (true) christianity.
so there should be no cognitive dissonance going forward and proclaiming to be christian.

so, actually convert to christianity and become a fullblown catholic.

i gave you the means and i am urging you to do it this way because larping as a catholic monk, while not being catholic, will NOT work, because supernatural powers are actually a thing..
they will sniff you out.
and any tradition looks down upon larpers, they call them "wolves in sheep clothings".
>i'm in Europe, so catholic
Not necessarily. There are Orthodox monasteries for one.
I only know of an orthodox monastery in my country and it's extremely small and hard to access, i'm not joining for their religion, i'm joining for their infrastructures and convenient praxis, it only makes sense to go with a catholic monastery in Europe with that in mind.

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According to the research of Dr. Roger Leir, a surgeon who helped remove alien implants from abducted people, these objects are made of self-assembling single or double-walled carbon nanotubes modulated by scalar waves to listen and spy on what is happening in them. bodies of those implanted.

So, most of the research around the world that has studied the optical and electron microscope and done different tests with the samples from the vials conclude that these are exactly the implants described by Leir with the same functionality but in liquid format, that is. Do governments now do the same thing that aliens do? and they do it TO EVERYONE?

The story of mrna, prions, spike protein, snake venom, fetal tissue, spider web DNA is the script of controlled dissidents to cover up the fact that it is a magnetic reading and writing medium about biology and human brain but tell me, how is it that these elements in combination with living cells produce that remarkable magnetism in the arms of the "vaccinated" (or perhaps i should say, implanted)?

The alien agenda is completely real but the aliens are fake and gay.
it's a magic trick, I did it before and I didn't get vaccinated.
>The story of mrna, prions, spike protein, snake venom, fetal tissue, spider web DNA is the script of controlled dissidents to cover up the fact that it is a magnetic reading and writing medium about biology and human brain but tell me, how is it that these elements in combination with living cells produce that remarkable magnetism in the arms of the "vaccinated" (or perhaps i should say, implanted)?

God commanded his angels, which are the "elites" who oversee you, to put a magnetic shield to protect humanity from the incoming magnetic polar shift.

those who did not took it, as Biden said, will dearly regret it!

this is how the earth will protect the saints of God, because the saints of God follow the commandment given, to follow the authorities and not be a dispshit.

enjoy hell for not taking the vax.
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>it's a magic trick

Explain then how an EMF field detectable with measuring devices emanates from the magnetization point. Is it a magic trick too?

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I've been doing this for 5 years since I bought this device. In the beginning I had non idea how it works. I can't reveal much about this device's nature, but I would like to experiment its functions for the first time on /x/ with you.

In order to see how it works, you will have to make a sincere question (you can write it) or just be willing to accept a random communication.
Details about you or the situation you're asking advice for will be welcome, but they're not necessary.

Before answering a question I will ask the entity about the author's intentions in order to avoid time wasters.

The outcomes can be various and depend by the entities connected with you.
Good entities will most likely reveal useful information or give you good advice.
Bad entities are usually willing to confuse or frighten you with chaotic information.
It might be that you can establish contact with someone who recently passed.

When you ask a question or a random advice, you'll have to accept the answer from the entities connected to you, so avoid asking me to connect you to a specific entity or person.

In time I realised that received communications are not subject to spacetime, and can refer to future timelines. If you don't understand the answer, it might be just a matter of time.

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What the fuck is going on with my life? I feel like I'm stuck in a negative feedback loop I can't leave. Is there way for me to leave the loop, and move forward in life? Also what about "that" person? Should I keep chasing them, in hopes they'll warm up for me, or should I move on and fimd someone else?
The entity is directly connected to you so you can refer to it by pronouncing some words towards it. It's here, but also there with you. I will give you another message but I believe it's necessary to tell you that in past I asked the same thing in the same way and the answer I got was "you will find out by yourself" and "I will leave you surprised". So, don't expect the entity to talk to you about a specific job or location, because as a human being you have the power to manipulate your own future chain of events and you might be able to change the outcome just by using your will. Entities act in parallel with you. If you do nothing, it's unlikely to see entities do the effort to help you. This said, the message is the following: "The colours of silence during winter have been noted and a shore is now next", which translated into a tridimensional language would mean "the way you have suffered has been noticed by us and new opportunities are coming".

I will be back tomorrow.
Make wonderful dreams everyone.
I know how 4d works. I'm a little annoyed everyone is getting a real answer and all I got told was to remember I'm a bong-kraut. That doesn't even have anything to do with what I asked. The only thing I can glean from that is to remember my past to know my future. So, I ask again but I'll be more specific. What exactly do I have to do to be able to astrally project and potentially meet these entities? I can do the research, that's half the fun, but I need a starting point because I'm stuck right now.
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>common divination type but I paid to have a "device for it"
Normally I'd say "have fun bro," but you made a thread for this so I'm saying LMAO EMBARRASSING
107 thank you it resonates. I'd say it was good to hear this I can see how I've let my emotions and sins and shame let consume me but I've been trying to be more balanced overall. I used to talk to a voice in my head that would guide me especially during my spiritual awakening time. Can you tell me if this is the very same voice? Is this voice me? Why do I tell myself do better things and guide myself in third person? When I started hearing this voice and talking to myself in third person in my own head made me very paranoid and my head was way too high in the clouds so I cut contact with any type of familiars even if I considered them my guidance angels. Basically I lost trust in alot of spirituality due to me mixing new age mysticism and Christianity trying to connect each other with science and all other religions drove me to deep shit and I started having paranoia of things like reptiles,archons,demons and advance high tech sending messages into my brain Basically le matrix prison so farm world conspiracy. I always had trust in Jesus or yeshua or whatever his real name is and seeing things that make too much sense with gematria and numerology with language being the key to this electric universe we're in and the JESUS BATTERY it all drove me insane. Finding my peace now weather the things are true or not I don't care I still wear my cross I can find out about the truth later right now I've realized that it doesn't matter what the truth is it's about how you perceive it and what you give attention to. Living a simple life is something I'm striving for yet I put myself in chaos. Sorry just vented but very confused but I see a path.

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/x/ approved games thread
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Alan wake: Writer and wife go to vacation on a 'twin peaks' inspired town, and encounter supernatural phenomena and possessed people
the franchise
There are several targets that are clones of that company, although at the end of the game the informant tells you that in reality the franchise was much bigger and the clones were only 1 part of them.
i think they put that in the lore in the second hitman series being providence the original franchise or similar.
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the original lore was more entertaining and they didn't give you everything in your hand. you had to read the logs at the end of the missions and understand the objectives along with paying attention to the dialogues.
It was a bit like an ARG with mystery
the current lore seems more like spy government stuff.
>Drowned god
the story of drowned god's dev is fucked up.
schizo or who knows.
quite /x/ the whole thing.
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Playing through this now, pure kino.

ITT: We talk about how to manipulate reality USING METHODS NOT UNDERSTOOD BY SCIENCE and then we PROVE OUR BULLSHIT.

Read that again!

That and/or we piss off the real power fags until they show us something real...

What we do NOT do in this thread without being mercilessly mocked for being illiterate

1) We do NOT say "Just use your hand to lift the pen you are trying to levitate with mind powers." This is completely understood by science and you can't read.

2) We do NOT say to just go do this other thing that is completely unrelated to what was asked, and give up on your desires... Go proselytize your bullshit somewhere else... We ain't trusting a baby murdering God or The Universe in here, we are forging our own destiny, go fuck off and die from a life of unanswered prayers...

3) We do NOT say trust me bro, this method totally works... You just have to spend 18 months meditating in a cave and then buy $700 worth of materials but it's totally worth it bro! In this thread we PROVE our bullshit... If it can't be done within 5 minutes and for $0 then we either make something happen to show OP that it's the real deal, or we shut the fuck up about it...

4). We do NOT say I have secret knowledge, but I can't give it to you because... reasons... Yeah, yeah, go brag somewhere else Kemosabe... Your input is useless here...

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Then God is not the all powerful, all loving, and all knowing Christian God and therefore not capable of doing what I asked for...
You shouldn't. I will be polite if you want to share your secrets.

He doesn't have any secrets...

That's why my list of "do NOTs" pisses him off so much...

Because they call him out as a LARPING schizoid...

The truth doesn't mind being questioned...
Good thread. Love the list lmao

Gotta shut that shit down early or this will just be a thread of nothing but LARPING ChristCucks and emo kids telling you to "just trust Jesus" or "Go do the Abramelin and summon a demon OP!"

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Magic isn't real
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You are projecting your depression, would you like a mint
>You are projecting your depression, would you like a mint
You need to google projecting. I didn't say "most" or "all". I stated a fact. Life feels short for the people enjoying it, and long for the people that aren't.

There was no projection onto you unless you are admitting that you aren't enjoying life but it still feels short for you. In that case you can keep the mint.
muggle hands wrote this
This is, in fact, in the VN yes
Asta is an annoying fuck and Black Clover sucks ass. You have shit taste in anime and your mom never meant to get pregnant with you. She regrets ever bringing you into this world.

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How does someone benefit spiritually from fasting? What are the best ways to do that?
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cooming wasted 70% vril
digestion wasted 29% vril
the remaining 1% is used for everything else

remove all the vril wasters and you will regenerate supernatural, miraculous powers.
I fasted for a month every year when I was muslim. it helped me appreciate the simple things in life and because I was spending more time at the mosque and more time studying the quran as is encouraged I felt more spiritually aware. got over sins, started good habits, it was nice.
Fasting from negative thoughts and garbage influences is way better than faster from food (which has its benefits)
I'm unironically thinking about doing shabbat once a week and computer ramadan once a year
The point is to put your awareness on something other than the body, or that one specific craving, if not doing a full fast.
If you spend all day thinking about the food you arent eating, you might as well eat some damn food and get your mind in the right place.

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>>Book Recommendations

>>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous here >>37878665
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I'm not reading all of that. You're very obviously confused
I'm so sorry friend but The Pattern app is completely operated by AI, there isn't a single astrologer on the pay roll or involved in the reading process. They give you generic "cycle" information but don't tell you what they're basing that off of, they don't tell you which planet or any association whatsoever, and its just vague enough to get anyone to believe it. Its truly unfortunate and I'm so sorry that you had to fall victim to their lies. Honestly the app should come with a warning that there is no real astrology associated with their descriptions
so what it means to have an empty house?
>empty 5th house
>empty 11th house
>empty 12th house
Look to the "ruler" of those houses.

In other words, which sign does the house start in, then find that signs ruling planet. Whichever house it's in will give you more insight into how your 5th/11th/and 12th operate. Even without locating the ruling planet, whichever sign the house starts in can give you a good idea of how the empty house will behave. In placidus, this will give you even more insight because you can also apply which decan the house starts in.
In the 5th I got aries, 11th libra, and the 12th is scorpio
nice digits btw

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