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Which poses are considered evil and what are the meanings and objectives behind them?
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I don't think the mason hidden hand gesture is reliable, its too popular with non masons.
Actually I take it back. its masonic.
not that I think a monkey or the green man are masons, theyre just mimicking Napoleon
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>who is she?
God damnit, too soon anon... too soon...
ritualistic gestures only work if they are done with intention
they are probably jews for real
we're getting old, anon

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>both came from humble beginnings
>both ascended to godhood status thanks to their many exploits/miracles
>both very pro-populi and incredibly popular with them, wanted to take out the corrupt Senate/temple merchants (corrupted jews)
>both betrayed by their most trusted ally (Brutus/Judas), in cohorts with the enemy (Senate/Romans)
>both ressurected after (Caesar remained as a title/reminder of the fallen general throughout the ages)
They're not even that far apart cronologically. When did you realize Jesus was merely a retelling of an older story?
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Christ is Jupiter Caesar is Saturn
Wasn't Julius Jesus' dad?
We are all one with God.
Ceasar, Bonaparte, and Washington were real people, retard. Just cause someone gets diefied after death doesn't mean they weren't real.
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We can experience subjective phenomena. It seems to me like life is mostly suffering and boredom, with the rare blips of pleasure that actually make you addicted to it and go in search of it
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It's only disturbing until you realize that's the real space that reality plays out in.
The idea that it plays out in this imaginary material space that our minds use is to keep you a slave, confined into a lower dimension of that higher reality.
That higher reality is wonderful beyond our comprehension, and the only real problem anyone has is being asleep to it.
Did you expect to become a disembodied head playing Minecraft creative mode without having to input any thought into it like some cell or a cog in a machine? Honestly no matter how advanced our biological systems become throughout our evolution we will never have more 'being' in this universe then your average rock in space. Blame mother nature for being flawed enough to give us language so we can extend our entropy enough to realize this fact
My whole life is pleasure. I worked really hard for many years and then retired and I'm living where I want, doing what I want, and enjoying every day like a child. The world isn't a terrible place, but you have to earn your pleasure.
You don't have to earn it, your behaviour is simple minded and your nights are filled with retardation. My mom does all that
Life is mostly fun for me, digging and trying to find God's secrets. Like a kid in an Easter Egg hunt. And he enjoyed setting it up. None of it would seem interesting to the outsider most of the time, but I'm OK with that.

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Lately I've been reading a lot of NDE experiences, pre-birth/regressive hypnosis reports, rereading material from Robert Monroe and other sources and binging videos from https://www.youtube.com/@SargeantSchultz

The general narrative strongly points towards this reality being some sort of prison/pain matrix (the original purpose might not have been that) and the reincarnation cycle being unnecessary and corrupted. However, the variety of experiences suggests that we aren't all here for the same reason, and even though this place functions as a prison or farm, some of us came here knowingly and will leave just as easily, while others are in trickier situations.

Some people seem to be just temporarily passing through this realm but are strongly tied to a "higher" place which they will return to regardless of what the archons want. Others were tricked into coming here and will have to escape. Others yet seem to belong to that whole "sleeping in a pod" narrative which is quite convoluted and strange.

What are your thoughts on all this?
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Jews are Karmic bastards
>Escaping the light to get to a higher plane is just becoming a deva.
actually your "you" is in more than one plane already. Your awareness increasing and linking up with the other leaves of your tree of life is what ascension is. Conditioned existence is formulated by the patterns of growth that are in each of your parts.

The prison planet narrative lives in the collective unconscious for good reason. The main reason is that in a higher plane the places where people sleep, dream, heal and develop can be under good or bad rule. If under bad rule it manifests these sort of imaginations and thoughts. If in a benevolent region it makes it much easier to see the light and ways out of a situation.
>actually your "you" is in more than one plane already
Yes, but how does that invalidate what I said? Even the highest "you" is still subject to change, and thus, to the wheel of death and rebirth.
How do you even know if you reached focus 10 or not to begin with? I can't tell, it's supposed to be awake but deeply relaxed, so, what's the difference from, let's say, 10 minutes of just nornal meditation with no objective in mind? or are you supposed to go into trance or hypnosis with it?
There's a difference between living with awareness and choice and with choices made for you. The difference between a liberated spirit is that they become aware of their cycle of rebirth and are able to analyze what they need in their current and next lives and make their decisions. It's like how you live in life: you wake up and make decisions about how you make your being grow and develop.
Why should the cycle of death and rebirth be any different?

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/x/ has anyone actually know any spell work working with a cauldrons?
I know that Cauldrons are a Tool use to in different ways each to the best of their ability; What will be the practices and uses for one who uses it on to day to day basis?

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Why won’t he fight me one-on-one like a man?
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>Whom are you mocking? Against whom do you open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue? Are you not children of transgression, the offspring of deceit, you who burn with lust among the oaks, under every green tree, who slaughter your children in the valleys, under the clefts of the rocks? He will render to each one according to his works: to those who by patience in well-doing seek for glory and honor and immortality, he will give eternal life; but for those who are self-seeking and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, there will be wrath and fury. Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
If this is not a bot and you're not just regurgitating Bible verses, you should really get into writing poetry bro.
because God give you first the chance to suck on deez
What divine powers do you hold, bending to mortal sway?
Now yielding in ignorance, enslaved by words' array,
By rulers and leaders, less mighty than your decree:
Who bestowed strength in the limbs that bow on bended knee?

What of their visage, their craft for all to see?
Cry out! Cry to them and reveal it unto me!

What binds and restrains you—what weight causes you to hesitate?
What formidable force deems you unworthy of your fate?
What about beliefs and values do you surely disdain,
To bow in submission before falsehood's reign?

Tell me, how many years until freedom's spirit fades?

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God's a virgin, he never had sex with Mary, he just donated sperm
Uncle anon, what is deez?

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When will science be able to explain the workings of metaphysical phenomena in detail? Such as remote viewing, life force, souls, angels/demons, etc.
I know of experiments which prove the existence of certain supernatural concepts, but there seems to be a lack of understanding regarding the actual mechanics of these principles scientifically. Or is it already possible, yet kept a secret?

I personally believe advanced ancient civilizations could have discovered esotericism from their sophistaced understanding of science, such as the authors of the bible knowing the structure of carbon-12 (666). By ancient I don't mean ancient Egypt or such civilizations, these civilizations had mere scraps of the knowledge originating from what I believe some older, more advanced civilization (such as Atlantis, or god knows what)
>When will science be able to explain
As soon as any of those things are actually proven to exist.

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How do I become a master of tricknology to make my father proud?
drink holy water in the Vatican like we did
Learn to lie and manipulate.

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Isn't it weird how normalized pornography was around 2017-2021? This snip bit in history was the peak of it's normalization in society. The amount of memes centering around pornography were ten fold. Everyone was talking about Pornhub, everyone was joking about Rule34, everyone was like yeah, that's normal. There was never a point in history where porn was talked about like this. Porno studios from the 1970s would've never dreamt a society that was so accepting to it's degeneracy, and that's the era where pornographers were producing CP/Bestiality legally for profit. Youtubers were literally asking for people to produce pornography of them, justifying it's existence to the masses. I remember some horror Youtuber begging for his audience to make porn out his Youtube avatar. It was just insane how "normal" it was. Anyone who used the internet had some sort of porn addiction. If you were to talk to some zoomer on the street and ask them how old they were when they starting watching pornography. They'll always say they started watching that stuff when they were around 9-14 years old. Just wicked and awful. Another strange thing I've noticed is the amount of kids that were producing (drawing) pornography themselves. I remember meeting some girl my age (14) at the time and she was already drawing pornography for weirdos online. The amount of drawn pornography that was produced by minors is never talked about. What's worse was the amount of adults that were encourage them to draw smut, "Yeah it's just normal for kids to draw pornography and submit it on R34." I wonder what will happen to the zoomers once they realize just how depraved society was when they were younger.
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>Would it be better if they banned porn but legalized and heavily regulated brothels?
Yes, and that's where the future is heading, it's just that a lot of us won't be alive to experience that.

But hey, there are countries where prostitution is legal in the entire country, and in America it's legal with brothels and everything in Las Vegas.

I'm not living in America, but if I could immigrate, I'd most likely live in Las Vegas.

Why the hell would I choose to go somewhere where I have to keep playing the "chase after pussy" game like every other guy, especially when I see most men losing at the game.
>easier coke was to give up
Coke's harder to get. You can't just turn on your computer and instantly enjoy it.
>for a short period of time people stopped being so illogically prudish about a natural act that is done to procreate
>this is somehow bad because puritanism and christcuckery are somehow still poisoning minds
incels on here blame everything on porn and fapping
that way they can excuse their existence it seems

>its the booggeyman
There are certainly some embellishments and inaccuracies in this post. Claiming that porn was normalized around 2017-2021 seems to be odd. Porn has always existed in some form or another, it's just that it's production and accessibility were limited by the technological and social epochs of the time. Of course people who lived in a clerical country pre-priniting press were not going to have access to pornography. And of course in a secular world where everything you can imagine is just a few taps of a keyboard away are people going to have more access to pornography.

Sometimes discussing this is like navigating a minefield due to the political, personal, and spiritual baggage latent within it. Personally, I believe that pornography is usually psychologically harmful due to having a difficult time reconciling the negative impact it's 'addicts' report and it's damage on personal relationship and one's self image with the theory it's only guilt-driven shame, regardless of what scientists or sociologists say. However, I am diametrically opposed to stigmatizing sexuality and sexual expression as I see that as needlessly authoritarian and impeding on one's ability to truly embody themselves. Oftentimes, I feel like it's impossible to discuss the negative effects of porn to an open minded group. You'll either encounter pearl clutchers perpetually locked in their chastity belts or people who mindlessly accept the biases and consensus' of their time.

I am wondering what you anons make of this recent painting of King Charles. I heard that people have seen faces and creatures in it, mostly when mirrored. I saw a demon pitbull myself.

Some say it represents him being in Hell, while others say it represents the blood on his/his family's of innocents. It reminded me of Username 666 and something from SCP.

Some videos on the matter:



Thanks in advance as always!
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Every interpretation is true, sadly.
I think it looks great, but eerie
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So he was Saiyan you say..

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Hello anons, long time lurker deciding to post some of my own stories here. I've been living in La Plata for around three years now, came here to start college like most of it's citizens but right now I'm a dropout with nothing really going on. I suffer from insomnia so I tend to stay awake at night pretty often, usually until the sun comes out, and for the last year and a half I started walking at night a lot and exploring the city, around the same time I got into photography. Most if not all stories happen deep into the night, and three months ago I have stopped going out for reasons I'll explain later. If there's other argbros reading this I'd love to hear stories of your own, most of mine revolve around homeless people and just plain weird shit happening when the moon's out, don't expect nothing too paranormal.
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First one is exactly the first weird thing that happened to me here. I thought it was much better if I drew a map in paint, yellow cross is the store, brown cross the house, I'm blue line and dude is red line.

>like 2 am
>notice I've run out of cigs
>trusty 24h store is here to save my ass
>grab enough money, my lighter and my keys, leave everything else in my room because still afraid of getting mugged
>instead of going by the street I always cross the park
>as I'm crossing I notice a dude waking in the opposite direction to my left
>tall as fuck, bald, black clothes, black boots
>figure it's some security guard getting off his shift
>arrive at store, buying ciggies
>look right
>dude is there, leaning against the wall looking directly at me
>standing in front of a building entrance so I suppose he's waiting for someone to open the door for him

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>dude is walking towards me*
sorry i should proofread, i'll post some more in a bit
I'm quite a poorfag so when I moved here I had to rent in what's called a "pensión", (I haven't found a word for it in english yet, but it's basicall a big house with lots of rooms, you rent the room and share everything else with a bunch of strangers). Particularly the room I rented was the one furthest from door that gives to the street, but the closest to the backyard

>again, late in the night
>talking to some friends on discord
>kicking the shit while I finish some college stuff
>a friend says some dumb ass bullshit and everyone starts laughing, myself included
>as the laughs die down I whimpering that seems to come from far away
>think it's either the music we're playing or it comes from someone's mic
>tell everybody to shut the fuck up
>still hear it
>mute my headphones to double check
>hear it more clearly now, still sounds far away
>tell the homies to wait for a bit while I go check out what the fuck is making that noise
>take my headphones off and get out of the room, as faint as it was I make out it's a woman sort of crying or choking, seems to come from the direction of the backyard
>someones having bad time I guess

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I'm trying to go over chronologically but I gotta go to work now so I'll leave one of the more interesting ones
>walking alone at night
>always helps a bit when I'm feeling depressed
>crossing through a park
>dog appears, looks at me, moves his tail
>scratch his head for a bit
>starts following me
>cool I have a friend now
>walk a couple blocks with new buddy, feeling less like shit
>turn left on the corner of the block, really dark street appears in front of me, almost no lights working
>no inventory items so I can't be mugged, fuck it
>start walking down the street only to turn around and notice dog is not following me anymore
>he's sitting on the corner looking at me kinda funny
>call him to see if he still wants to follow me
>stands up, moves anxiously, waves his tail a bit and sits down again

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If anyone knows Italian please jump in, all I could translate was something about the prophet Samuel appearing as a ghost, which given to context is pretty spooky
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It's not about about alien disclosure, it's to address the cults that habe poped up in italy because they swindlers claim they are being contacted by mother mary or have other supernatural experiences to get donations / use magic cures to threat cancer that sort of stuff and in short he's saying that only he can say wether or not those things are legit or made up
Don't knock it until you try it.


Being able to do what you want then pray for forgiveness later is a great stand-in for proper morals.
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>come together on one creator
It's a very monotheistic arrogance that our limited understanding could possibly comprehend the creation of all things perfectly enough to agree on it universally.
This is the document from today.

Based St. John quote at least.

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Is there any paranormal magic involving time? things like, slowing, rewiding, etc? Surely there is at least some stuff about such a fundamental aspect of reality.
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OP, consider studying CCRU, namely the numogram / lemurs, what they are and how they work, if you want insight in the mechanisms of time, how to work with it, etc, that is my suggestion to you from experience.
That's dumb it should be the other way
Depends on your intention. If you pay enough attention, you might see something happen. Just imagine the scene clearly, your first impression is probably the best...

Btw, everyone can do it
I used chaos magic to turn it back an hour once.
Took zero planning and I wasn't actually trying to do that but it made it so I wasn't late for work. The thing is it translates as a "oops lol mistake" in the brain so lots of times if you're not perceptive enough it'll just seem like "oh I guess I was just mistaken about the original time"
This would be considered time travel…

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>even if the kali yuga was ending there is still a 300 year transitional period to the next yuga in which human civilization will collapse

dang nabbit
Is that a problem? Sounds like a great way to restart.
Ask yourself why you want the shit to hit the fan? Do you just want to drag everyone else down into your own misery and sense your too afraid to kys you hope for a meteor from outside space that kills us all. That way you can die without having to do it yourself and know everyone else is dying with you? Am I right in my anyalsis or am I right?

so all the nuclear power plants going boom might not be good for the restart you speak of
>human civilization will collapse

the institutions, as they are now, will be phased out, due to people awakening and seeing how retarded and backwards they are.
society & civilization collapse is good.
death is not the end, you will reincarnate after 8 weeks anyway.
the status quo will be much better.

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Kali Yuga to end in 2025 (supposedly)
What do we think?
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Where did you get this pic of me
Yeah, just like with the eclipse huh?
Y'all really don't get tired of hopping from deadline to deadline like whores hopping from dick to dick.
AI will usher in the golden age. You have no idea how great things are going to be
We Halo now

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