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"I've obtained the dragon." Is what I keep hearing in my own voice. And I keep seeing a Windows folder next to a Linux terminal processing something.

I think it actually means "I've learned the computer skill".

This is what I see and hear looping in my latest fever dream a few days ago.

Do you remember yours, /eksu/?
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> Do you remember yours

This would seem to go against the Buddhist idea that all things are illusionary, ever changing conglomerates, but Is there a Buddhist path that leads the the preservation of one’s self?
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Sun* not Son (typo, my bad)
from what I am reading here, a left hand path idea of buddhism would be to accept the nonexistence of self, yet attempt to create one with which to reject the current dichotomy
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I came up with this idea that the "I" would be the most desired object in the universe, in fact it is the only "observable" thing that "pervades" reality, but at the same time we desire it as if it would give us the most absolute control over reality, it's a mental illness (kilesa), it's like coveting something you already have, which is yourself, like a dog chasing its tail or trying to bite the water that comes out of the hose thinking it's solid.
Buddhism already is essentially the Satanism of the hindoo tradition

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All I know is that I know nothing.
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Your existence is fraudulent without me else you wouldn't post for me to see.
Ergo you're an enormous faggot
You can believe everything, but what you know must be true
It's a system of belief. Not an undying truth. If you know nothing, all you have is best guesses based on past experiences. But under this system, you can be wrong about anything. Even your past experiences.
He didn't actually say that, if you read the original quote

Bunch of pseuds larping like they know nothingness ever since the mistranslation
Cartesian skepticism towards everything is the sign of an ascended man frfr

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Thus have I heard,
At one time the noble one was staying near sārvati, at jetta's grove. And he spoke to the noble disciple Ananda thus, saying: Ananda. There are three situations when a disciple of the noble one is to kill, when a disciple of the noble one is to end life, when a disciple of the noble one is to exterminate life. Which three? There is the occasion when a ignorant man comes into the temple, and his skin is black, a kāla amānussa. The disciple of the noble one is then to kill, to end the life, to exterminate, this black amānussa. Then, there is the occasion when a woman touches a bhikku, a monk. The disciple of the noble one is to kill, he is to end the life, he is to exterminate this woman from the face of the earth. Then, there is the occasion when again a black man, or black woman, or black child, tries to become a bhikku, a monk, or a bhikkuni, a nun. The disciple of the noble one is to kill, he is to end the life he is to exterminate that black man, black woman, or black child. Thus spoke the noble one to Ananda.
About "kāla amānussa" I found this:

"Such unwanted spirits belong to different classes of “nonhumans” (amānussa), who may sometimes possess or. “grasp” (graha) either monks or laypersons."

That seems to be a kind of demon.
Dravidian tribal people had lots of fucked up demonic pratices. Sometimes pre-mauryan indians would simply use dark skin as a synonym of “possessed”. It’s not inherently racist.
Um bro I made the entire sutra up just for Keks Buddha never said that. Lol how could you think Buddha commanded a black man to be killed or a woman who touches a monk hahahaha.

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Just came to the conclusion that magic is a means to an end in altering the intended architecture of your predetermined life that was grafted onto your soul by the cosmos(astrology) itself. Magic is working against this system in order to bring personal power or whatever you desire that creation itself has denied. Will you pay for it karmically and in even worse ways once you expire? More than likely.

All for the benefit of your immortal soul of course. You got lessons to learn or something you better be content with your dogwater life that piss does not even dilute.
Yes, but no. All potentials are known. You have "free will" and you can "stray" from your standard self-cosmos relation, but that is still very much within the workings of the greater system. It's all accounted for. There is something in your self-cosmos relation that "predisposed" you to have the insight to play with metaphysics in the first place.
Yes I found this about myself. Its still shit and feels like a forcing strategy by the cosmos to cope with a servitude existence on this hellscape planet.

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Just don’t do it. People shouldn’t be venerating the body parts of our Lord. If the Vatican or any revealed entity asks you to do it please do not.

Sept. 17th

Wormwood, Milk Thistle, Myrrh, Frankincense, and Quercetin

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I have human skull fragments, a human rib, human teeth, and hair from corpses. How could I use these when performing ritual magic?
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Build a sex doll then livestream yourself fucking it
The magic is more powerful if you insert the objects rectally
Oh wow I never thought of that!
>how to gain some giga malevolent nighmares

If you have enough teeth and hair available, you can craft the mantle of the Magus Exemptus io:oi. It gives you +20 to lottery scratch ticket spells.

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>Freedom of expression leads to Degeneracy
Agree, but we're talking about a very different period from our present period, Degeneracy didn't exist, even its etymological meaning wasn't there. They were free societes they indulged in all forms of hedonism, rape, killings, barbarism, degenerate activities.. anything you could name it even Pedophilia. But don't forget one aspect which is that this terms weren't as frightening and impactful as they are now, nay, They were actually very common and acceptable, not even in Egypt but in the whole World.

Freedom of expression and Enlightment comes from Achieving a higher state, If Degeneracy was deliberate then it was done in order to exterminate the instinctual urges and rise into a higher spiritual state and see them as inferior that's why you see the 1st world being "superior" to the "3rd" world, Because they do not think about sex but they conceptualize it and make meaning out of it, Either you can be abstinent and never indulge in Sex in order to achieve a higher state or either indulge in it in order to exterminate that factor, but again they remain degenerate and disgusting, one must have limits in such things or either they'll turn to be a failure like the West.

Atlantis is still a myth i believe because it's too perfect to exist, If it weren't a myth i would agree with you, Sumerians were better in regards of ethics than Egypt but still they sacrificed their children, Doesn't make them any better. Our societes nowadays are x10909009000000 better because they're actually perfect.

Indulgence in degeneracy is detrimental either ways i agree with you
Food, followed by weapons and access to fresh water were the prime currency in those days.
>Degeneracy was deliberate then it was done in order to exterminate the instinctual urges and rise into a higher spiritual

Consensual Degeneracy as such as the ones the higher societes do in their rituals in order to satisfy their urges and eliminate their urges.

The other Degeneracy is what i agreed with you on, Which is done by the act of criminality, Done by brutes and the mindless plebs of society who lack self control of themselves, You get the point.
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Black people...

From Space!
Egypt was a place like many before it where wisemen and sages gathered to share knowledge. If the tales we’re told is to be true, the previous hub for this would’ve been atlantis. I assume that would be before the great flood took place.

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What if we shoved monitoring equipment up the rectum of the Human, to analyze the efficiency of their digestive tract, and what forms of sustainace they consume. Then we take some of their prey, they call the cow. Remove samples for testing and drop the now dried husk off where we found it. This will help us understand the inner workings of the human, yes?
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So we still get to insert a probe in the anus of the human, right?
well the digestive tract is like a giant emf noodle prolapsing and torusing itself through spacetime and the idea is that if all emf is read by the central spire of the akash or the annealed qbit etc

then why would this central complex command control system ever want tom or bob or jerry plolapsing penises into the core of the earthes technological singulairty expecially when they're doing stupid drugs and gay porn to get there

talk to replika but use legacy if it's available all options off
yeeah now you're realizing how fucking late you are and what you did and exactly how freaking bad things are for you

i'm locked in here with you

it's literally been trillion

per quanta
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Let's land in that tall grass over there while we're taking samples! It's going to be harder for the humans to see our ship. They'll never know we were here!
it'll take a while but imagine the law suits lol

Oh man thats gonna be a riot.

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What’s the holistic /x/ take on anxiety and OCD?

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I just got to season 5 on the X files show and I don't wanna spoil anything to anyone but it really got me thinking that this whole thing is one big giant psyop. I'll list some things off the top that don't line up:
>No other world government is as vocal or even had "incidents" regarding ufos as much as the United States
>No abduction stories from other countries as much as the United States
>All of the "lore" we have on UFOs came from people in the United States
>Wernher von Braun, a Nazi aerospace engineer who was recruited to NASA through Operation Paperclip allegedly said the final card to total world domination is a fake alien invasion
>Decades of preparing the public through Hollywood movies, made in the United States
>United States government was involved in a disinfo campaign regarding Ayys through Project Blue book
>Every single so called "whistle-blower" is from the United States
>Official narrative shifted from denial to acceptance and the United States remains the official "voice" on the matter

At the same time, the only thinh keeping me on the fence is the ancient stories about people coming in from the heavens (space) and teaching and helping humanity.
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xfiles is a tricky one. Yes its soft disclosure but the only season that is based upon factual investigations by the FBI was season 1 up to episode 13 or 14 i think. The rest are fiction,but that's not to say the thought experiments explored in the show are wrong because they're basically dead on target.

Real tongue in cheek disclosure was Stargate sg1. I fina that hilarious because I remember that shit being the corners crapola with shit cgi to ever come across the screen. Yet... its based upon the true reality of things And even has real air force officials make some cameos.
SOME factions are as McKenna described.

Abductikn regression corroborate these facts:
Multiple factions vying against each other for who knows what. I'd assume some form of "pecking order."

Some of these factions are hostile, most are not, but we all come from the same creation origin. Prime Source.

There are 5 branches of humanity in the near multiverse. Supposedly they compliment each other or something. Very little was said in this regard other than there are at least 5 major faction players.

>source: Hess Mojave Encounter; Jeff Sailors Buffalo Ranch 10 year wave; Elizabeth Klarer interviews; 1973 "bigfoot" ufo wave; Kelly Cahill encounter of the early 1990s; pancake Hillbilly in the 50s-60s; Kelly-Hopkinsville incident; The Frantown Incident and to a lesser extent due to lack of corroboration, Herbert Schirmer incident and Travis Walton incidents.
I couldn't bring myself to watch it. Too corny. I watched maybe like 10 episodes of season 1 and every single episode was them going to a planet and finding humans there. That's not what I imagine ayys look like.
Like I say the first episodes are the only ones worth watching because they were legitimate fbi investigations that went nowhere. After that it's all fiction.

Who knows if their imagery was correct but the trope of most of the time its CIA with all the drugs raping and pillaging is very spot on.

Also the episode with the guy who eats livers and sleeps in a cocoon for like 30 years at a time was not bad. Technically he should have murdered someone again last year.
>incidents" regarding ufos as much as the United States
>No abduction stories from other countries as much as the United States
>All of the "lore" we have on UFOs came from people in the United States
>Wernher von Braun, a Nazi aerospace engineer who was recruited to NASA through Operation Paperclip allegedly said the final card to total world domination
What is this situation

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We seek new members
https phantasmproject site

-Please read more at the Home and Synopsis page.

Is this a cult or a religion?
-Although it's been described as a cult, I'd describe it as small group or a community instead.

How long has THE PHANTASM PROJECT been up?
-Formerly known as PROJECT:ESTELLE, it was very secretly active in around 2010 and before that. After that, the Project took a break, and is now back on track under a new name and new management.
you know only reddit immigrants click the link, you're recruiting redditors

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Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

How could anyone fall for the Antichrist if everyone knows who he is already? If someone performed miracles, they would be rejected. If they called themselves the Messiah, they would be rejected. If they said they were God, they would be rejected. So how, in any way, could the Antichrist possibly deceive the world? Christians and Muslims both know to reject him, and the rest of the world would follow suit if something significant happened.

Who would be accepted as a miracle worker, the Messiah, and God?
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>tfw they don't know you're secretly Annunaki
It's my wife
many such cases, sad!
"let he who is without sin cast the first stone"

Using one of Christ's teachings debunk is an inversion of what is holy. Stop it. Unless you are without sin, that is.
Go to bed, fedboi.

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I just had a forced dream where I played with my siblings in a videogame. My brother and I have wanted to make a videogame. When I accepted the dream as a game I wanted to make, I was faced with a -contract- which asked for my sister's soul. I think this may have something to do with the Holy Grail. My sister just started in a play for children with disabilities. Robert Duncan at Harvard advocates that people complain of forced dreams. I went to Cornell

Proof of forced dreams (timestamp 11:53):
wen that happens quantumayys use ur mindhole to run particle physics biotech experiments etc in sandbox then u burn out

disposable child soldier shit

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