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Chonky Edition

>Previous thread:

>What is /awg/?
A thread to talk about minis and games which fall between the cracks, or peoples' homebrew wargames.
The >>>/tg/hwg thread doesn't entertain fantasy (for good reason) and the other threads are locked to more specific games.
This thread isn't tied to a game, a publisher, or a genre, let's just talk about fun wargames. Any scale, any company, any miniatures.

>Examples of games that qualify.
A Song of Ice and Fire, Argatoria, Batman Miniature Game, Carnevale, Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, Deadzone, Dropfleet and Dropzone Commander,
Freebooter's Fate,Frostgrave, Gaslands, Hordes of the Things, Kings of War, Malifaux, Marvel Crisis Protocol, Moonstone, Oathmark, RelicBlade, Rumbleslam,
Stargrave, Sludge, Warcaster, Warmachine, Xenotactics and anything else that doesn't necessarily have a dedicated thread.

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$5, it's how much I paid for sword weirdos. If it has enough soul I'll throw a few bucks at it just for the effort.

At $1 I'd probably buy it for the same reason
That's what I expected most people to say. I figure most AWG players pirate their copies of the rulesets they use.
I was considering putting up a final version with art on wargames vault for like $0.99-$5, which would really just be paying an artist for assets. I don't know what % Wargames Vault takes for distribution. Free version on a website somewhere. I don't know anything about site design though so I would probably have to hire someone for that.

Anyways thanks for the insights. Hoping to have a playable version in the next two or three months.
Not even that, even professionals don't really make money from writing rules alone. What makes money, typically, is the associated miniature line - especially when packaged into a board game-esque starter box.
As an Italian Wars guy, me too
Those rules look kinda fiddly and intimidating desu.

What do you think some elements to make an air combat game more /awg/y, or to take it out of /hwg/ territory - even if it would largely use real life minis like an Ace Combat or Area 88.

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>he thinks im just talking about warhammer
I said "everything"
But no Im 35 and started a couple of years into 3rd
I always wanted to be that mad looking bastard when I grew up.
It didn't work out, ended up more like Adrian Wood from White Dwarf.
This isn't real. Haven't checked out 10th edition yet, but there's no way this is real.
What the fuck do you mean by this? Do you imply that long-term veterans want to make 40k more sterile? I'm so tired of this gaslighting shit.

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Look How They Massacred Our Boys Edition

Previous Thread: >>92612865
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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The big one being the Klingons, which I'm surprised doesn't get mentioned more. Might be a combination of people being used to Klingons being redesigned (JJ had done so as well) and fwiw STD tried to walk back their changes. Somewhat, anyway.

Most of their makeup work is lame. We've seen shitty Orions, Andorians, Ferengi, among others. Kelpiens are still kinda cool, but I doubt they would be without Doug Jones in the role.
By that time you could have synths all over the Romulan Empire. And they do believe that it's only a matter of time before synths destroy the galaxy - so for them the clock is always ticking and the window to act in is always shrinking.

It would surely lead to the multiplication of synths since they were a major part of the construction workforce though.

Starfleet and the Federation's attitude to synthetic life - the exocomps, the Doctor, Dr Kelso's flea circus, Kirk's realdoll planet, Mudd's realdoll brothel, M-5, the Femputer of Beta III, Moriarty, even Data, B-4, Lore etc - has almost always been that it's dangerous to continue the research and dangerous or somehow offensive to allow them legal autonomy or in many cases even continued existence (Voyager bucked this trend with the Pralor/Cravic, who turned out to actually be evil and quite limited intellectually, possibly because of the Doctor's influence on crew opinions, which was certainly reflected in a number of VOY plotlines). This has been brought up again and again as an analogy for slavery but like eg chattel slavery in the US obviously wasn't going away after one legal decision, and ended up exactly where Picard and Riker feared it would in Measure of a Man - with a slave workforce. The synths weren't even the first (despite exocomps apparently getting autonomy and entering Starfleet service, which Data and the EMHs/LMHs also did).

Addressing that as part of the Picard show is obviously a big callback to the recurring story themes of TNG - it didn't matter that Maddox eventually built his toaster workforce from Data's plans, and it never mattered to Maddox that he and Data corresponded as people. Maddox couldn't see synthetic life as real life, a failing of the Federation populace at large.

Now it's over - the great injustice of the TNG era resolved by events beyond the Federation's control.
>By that time you could have synths all over the Romulan Empire
How? As far as I know the synths were working construction for the rescue fleet, they weren't going to staff the ships. And how long do you think it was even going to take for the rescue to occur? They weren't on their own timetable, after all, that nova was coming fast.
>Starfleet and the Federation's attitude to synthetic life...has almost always been that it's dangerous to continue the research
I don't agree because the material doesn't support it. Starfleet is OBSESSED with synthetic life. Control, the M5, the Texas Class. They keep making the same mistakes. Starfleet was also going to let Maddox happily break Data down on the hopes that he'd finally give them access to a synthetic cheap slave class, a dream finally realized before the Romulans fucked it up. And as we saw in the last season of PIC the S31 station still had Data and other research on synthetics, despite the prohibition (because when has that ever stopped S31?).

Legal protections for the rights of synthetics isn't dangerous, it gets in the way of making their own slave labor force. Just ask The Doctor's Mark 1 EMH family. Starfleet cannot stop, will not stop, until they have droids to work for them, pamper them, even die in space for them.

You're also way off the mark with Maddox. The A500 may be bare minimum intelligent enough to at least take orders and complete repetitive tasks, but clearly it isn't where he wanted to stop or he and Soong wouldn't have made an entire planet of not just a fistful of Datas but pushed it even further to create flesh synthetics. He spent the rest of his life trying to create actual life on par with Data - and beyond.
What people don't remember about the PIC's Mars Attacks I don't blame anyone for not remembering this crap is that it occurred on First Contact Day when most of the on-site staff were off duty. The A500s also shut down the shields and elite hax0red the Mars defense network. Presumably they could have done this on Earth, too, but Utopia Planitia is where we're aware the bulk of them were staffed with ships present and happily left fully armed and operational.

Get the books from the trove while they're up...
... And play a X-Men '97 campaign

>What is Exalted?
An epic high-flying role-playing game about reborn god-heroes in a world that turned on them.
Start here:http://theonyxpath.com/category/worlds/exalted/

>That sounds cool, how can I get into it?
Read the 3e core book (link below). For mechanics of the old edition, play this tutorial:http://mengtzu.github.io/exalted/sakuya.html
It’ll get you familiar with most of the mechanics.

>Gosh that was fun. How do I find a group?
Roll20 and the Game Finder General here on /tg/. good luck

>Resources for Third Edition
>3E Core and Splats

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It's a big revamp to fit Solar charms into the new core system. Lots of charms got changed to fit the new Block/Dodge dynamic and Soak effecting Difficulty instead of being a diceroll. Changes ox bodies out of the old healthbar wound system too. There's also a few additional charms that aren't related to that like the dicetrick for willpower rolls but they might have come in with Wounds since I didn't play with any Solars in the Wound update.
eh, not really interested in 4thchan. If it was demake or heck even qe I might read it but 4thchan isn't the most interesting chassis.
Essence. Moved to it from 2.5e, because some of my players just couldn't get it.
Other than stuff you've homebrewn yourself, what fan material do you or your group use?
this thread boutta die but would love to talk about this next thread.

Now that normalfags have finally been exposed to dungeon meshi, isn't is the opportunity to rope in new players to a megadungeon campaign without freakshit races?
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Yeah there's no doubt she has played Sword World, or other JP translated TTRPGs. But most of her inspiration is from western RPGs. BG1&2, NWN, Icewind Dale etc. Spot on with it sounding like the other anon has only seen the anime too, shit hasn't even remotely hit the fan and a creepy book with an eye is just the tip of the icecream sundae.
why do people like tieflings so much its so lame
People like lame edgy things.
They were cool until 4e.
They were cool when they weren't "normal". I get the need wanting to play an edgy outcast race, but putting them in the php and normalizing them makes them less of an actual outcast.

Should witches be mechanically different from wizards?
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I'm not on tg much, do people hate pathfinder? Why?
because it reads exactly like the AI generated posts about it
Witches have more in common with Warlocks than Wizards.
I have no strong opinion either way, except that I'm a fan of the witch aesthetic. In my own system, witches are mechanically different from wizards, but not from shamans, alchemists, witch doctors, etc.

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I'm looking to broaden my horizons, but many companies out there are just as expensive as GW, and the few promising ones often only show pictures of 3D renders, as opposed to actual models. I don't know which ones are trustworthy, so tell me about your experiences with alternative purveyors of wargaming models.

I just found a company called Rakovendetta, pic related, and I like their style. Has anyone ever purchased any of their models? How do they look in real life?

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Apparently a hot topic now. What do the anons here think of the game?
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First prove you've never gone to church or played warhammer, I don't want them to be tainted by your evil eye.
you're just gonna get a bunch of seething over right-wingers and jannie veneration
I've seen more of their models via the people actually sculpting them than I've seen them officially show off
Lame, old news: naked minis with their tits out
New hotness: naked minis with their dicks out

Wish there were more options.

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ITT: We predict what will be shown off at the preview show tomorrow, then see if we are right.
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I mean they might phase out the sisters of silence squads sexually ambiguous custodes with full helmets on but that will be it.
Space Marines x3 and something nobody cares about for Necromunda.
some kind of tactical rock
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Another box of decorative hero bases featuring the most outlandish tactical rocks would be pretty neat.
Rolling for overpriced sloppa

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Zombie edition

>To make cards, download MSE for free from here:
>Mobile users might have an easier time signing up here:

>Stitch cards together with

>Hi-Res MSE Templates

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>Emrakuls back
Well. Shit.

>Kozilek's Unsealing
Double shit. I thought he was dead?
It always gets a comma, they’ve already said Akul is a typo
I'm fairly certain the MH3 cards are non-canon, or a what-if situation ala time spiral.
Those cards are flashbacks to last events
That doesn't explain new Emerakul.

Kill Team trailer human(?) vs human(!?) edition

>Previous Thread:

>Key Downloads, FAQs and Errata
>Critical Ops
>Rules and Teams


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It would stop anyone from buying the new kit. The old one would have more stuff, more genestealers and be cheaper.
How are the judges? I have some old metal ones coming in next week and wonder if the shotguns and bolter guys are good as I will have extra.
Looks like you could use that pastel orange they sell for the points of the edge highlights. Maybe some basing texture paints?

Unfortunately they're generally considered kind of weak, but they seem fun.
if it werent for the upgrade sprues i'd consider it

thanks. I think I'll spring for it

if that's how you hobby, go for it

>a guy I know from ttrpg unrelated hobby says he's putting up a D&D 3.5 game and asks if I want to join
>well why not
>show up, make lvl 1 half-minotaur fighter with spiked chain which the DM explicitly says ok to
>first encounter
>walk to 15 feet of an enemy and take a swing, it's a miss
>enemy turn, dm makes him swing at me
>point out that he's way too far
>DM: okay he steps closer
>grab dice and state he eats AoO
I was speechless. Apparently a lvl 1 fighter with reach is too high of an optimization level for this guy to deal with. My dude even lacked proficiency for fuck's sake and was more of meme character. I played the session through out of common courtesy but never went for another, a guy that oblivious to simplest of rules can't possibly run a good game anyway. What really really gets me is that this guy has supposedly been running games for decades.
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I did with your mom. Son I am disappoint.
>moving inside a threaten area in 3.5 its not considered an AoO to the defender, neither circling around him.
That is not supported by the rule you posted. Is there an errata somewhere I'm not aware of?

You don't provoke by moving *into* a threatened square. But I don't see anything there that says when you move from one threatened square to another threatened square from the same enemy, it does not provoke.
> But I don't see anything there that says when you move from one threatened square to another threatened square from the same enemy, it does not provoke.
Neither does the handbook which i just checked, so by that it means that you can circle around an enemy all you want without causing an AoO unless your DM homebrew a rule for that so.
i admit defeat
I had this shit happen to me constantly and would pull this shit all the time so his pet player can steal the spotlight.
It's just reach and from the first encounter, dude.

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Charlize van Zyl edition

- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Poland Rapid & Blitz | May 7th - 12th
- Champions Chess Tour: Chess.com Classic | May 8th - 15th
- Sharjah Masters | May 13th - 23rd
- Norway Chess | May 26th - June 7th
- Teplice Open | June 15th - 23rd
- Grand Chess Tour: Superbet Romania Chess Classic | June 25th - July 5th
- Grand Chess Tour: SuperUnited Croatia Rapid & Blitz | July 9th - 14th
- Biel International Chess Festival | July 13th - 26th
- Champions Chess Tour: Event 3 | July 17th - 24th
- Open Internacional Vila de Sitges | July 22nd - 30th
- Sparkassen Chess Trophy | August 10th - 18th
- 45th Chess Olympiad | September 10th - 23rd

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Help people to get a FIDE id and rating and/or your country chess federation id and rating.
Second this. I have an IKEA office chair since forever, and it'll outlast me.
why is my drunk chess account same rating as normal
En Passant should be more easily understood than Castling, honestly, but I didn't get it for the longest time. Fewer exceptions and qualifications. Castling is only better understood because it happens nearly every game.
I've been using an antique wooden banker's chair lately but I need to try to take it apart and redo the glue because it's old and starting to rattle a bit.

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Based Blanche Edition

Previous Thread >>92743281

>What is Project Fourk-Hammer?
Project Fourk-Hammer (provisional name) is an experiment to see if the 40k community on /tg/ is interested enough to come together to homebrew a fan fork edition of Warhammer 40,0000's 3-7e Era, primarily inspired by 4th Edition. Think Warhammer Armies Project but for Warhammer 40k's Fourth Edition.

As it stands, there are currently multiple projects in various stages of completion relating to /fourk/, and the thread has become a community repository for all of these various works. Anons are welcome to share their own homebrews as well.

Find the current listing here: https://pastebin.com/QGYx56X3

>Why are you doing this?
/tg/ complains about modern 40K constantly. At least one /tg/ anon has already succeeded in producing a viable alternative to 40K in the form of OnePageRules, however this is not satisfying to many since it is too shrimplified and lacks the flavour and identity they love, or once loved.

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Consider grabbing copies of the 3e SM, Nid, and IG codex as reference as well, since you want to cost and create plausible units.
Going to look at that and the 9th edition codex for values. Shouldnt be too hard to play around with.

While i do think grudges were fun and fluffy I think they would need a rework. not worrying about it too much now. going to first get the statlines done. point costs too. work from there one step at a time.
Is there anything of value from ninth edition.
Apparently even redditors hated it.
In my eyes there were SOME fluffy rules. 9ths biggest problem was bloat above all else, even the shit balance which could be fixed with the culling of certain rules.
Not really. from my experience its very customizable with codex's Butttttt. its very bloated without direction. Top that off with the smaller board size. Stratagem spam, rerolls like crazy. it was a mess.

Been looking over the SRD and the Codex's. Question about Wargear:

Atm just considering using for ease stuff like boltguns, Heavy axes, etc. stuff you would find in both the guard codex and the SM codex.

Unless you guys have any personal belif on how wargear should be handled its personally a headache with the pseudo special weapons Votaan (and by extension a lot of other 9/10e codex's have.)

Current Plans are as follows:
>Convert statlines to 4e
>Get a basic wargear listed started.

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