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How do you feel about the artwork in modern D&D as compared to the older editions?
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Phrreeeeowwwww look at the THIGHS on 4E unffffff fffffuck I want to splatter my cummies all over her skintight catsuit right on her tight belly
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sounds based to me
You know, in spite of your ranting and raving? Based.

>Custom Campaign
>SR3; SR4
I mean. I don't like nWoD (mostly don’t like the WoD settings. Well, oWoD Dark Ages is okay). But it's better than 5e.
The industry has been pushing out more and more bloated shovelware since like ’05 or so. Stripping out what makes the gameplay fun to make the gameplay simpler.
You like RM4? GURPS when there's not a great system for what you want to run already?
Are Ars Magica and Hârnmaster any good? They're on my bucket list and you sound like a guy who has likely played them.
P.S. I still enjoy me some heavily houseruled 3.x. but then, you like nWoD. So, not a perfect agreement on gamesystems. But you've got a good list overall.

And Ravnica was a terrible fucking book. I bought it because I thought the setting was interesting from back before I quit MtG. But fuck. What a lazy cash grab take on the setting.
Is the d&d that came to Japan just BECMI with different art?
i do believe so.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #540

Meds Edition.

Previous Thread: >>92648937

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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Which gen 1 set would be the best for sealed play. Trying get everyone to have schoolyard decks
battle pack 1
remember newgioh?
Metal Raiders and Invasion of Chaos. All the gen1 packs got a reprint recently.

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For some reason, Wizards of the Coast failed to do the concept of Genasi justice, as they have long been eclipsed in popularity by Tieflings, and to a lesser extent Aasimar. So now it’s up to us to correct this grave injustice! Do whatever you want to show how you’ve used Genasi in your campaigns and worlds, post Genasi art, or suggest ways that we can make Genasi more popular/better, and correct WotC’s failings in the process. I don’t know about you, but I think that Genasi deserve a decent creation table of traits people can roll for their Genasi to have. I’ve scoured the internet, but I’ve only found ones for Aasimar and Tieflings, and I can’t let that stand. Where should we start besides szuldar patterns and features from animals associated with their elements, like fish scales for Water Genasi or feathers for Air Genasi?
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4th edition had the best iteration of genasi, hands down.
>No forced division into four broadly identical races (there's a reason non-munchkins remember elf/drow, but never mountain dwarf/hill dwarf)
>Ability for genasi to transform between elemental affinities unlocks so much potential for crunch and lore.
>Genasi using their transformation ability to actively exploit the mental shift caused by having different elemental affinities is great.
>Genuinely interesting powers instead of just cookie cutter "minor elemental spell-like ability".
>Lore shift to Chaos + Elemental makes them a lot deeper and offers more character options.
They're non-canon, but I love the Dread Genasi from Ravenloft, because they're perfect for the kind of goofy Castlevania-esque Dark Fantasy that the setting should have been and not the boring "collage of let's play X Gothic Horror Novel! adventure sites" that it largely ended up as.
And how can We do that, other than the ideas you already talked about? And what else? Nails? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thoughts?

Can’t believe people still fall for your shit. Really kinda exposes the sheer number of tourists.
Imo genasi are only worth including if your game's setting involves a heavy emphasis on djinnis and elemental spirits, the same as tieflings should only be included if your setting involves demons or devils as one of its core aspects. If you're playing in Calimshan then yeah, include genasi for sure. If you're playing in Mendev or 4e with it's fallen teigling empire then include teiflings. Otherwise they're too high fantasy for me.
Do genasi in your setting use nails?

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What is the best tabletop wargame ruleset to introduce my two very young children to wargaming? If none, how would you go about homebrewing your own simple ruleset from scratch?

Pic unrelated
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I'd suggest running HeroQuest-style dungeon crawls with Song of Blades and Heroes and its dungeon supplement.

The kids in my posse used to love that game and Song of Blades and Herose fixes all the jank without adding any unnecessary complexity. Once they want more or something different, you can easily scale it up into Mortheim-style campaigns.
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Assuming you have lego on-hand, Brikwars.
BrikWars is perfect. It was recently reprinted by Modiphius. It's a wargame using lego and creativity is first, even rebuilding on the fly. I think kids would love it. I played an earlier version as a kid around the same age.
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>It was recently reprinted by Modiphius.
It outright tells you to make your own rules and isn't worth $40 USD when you can get the rules for free!
If you want help with the book keeping in editions earlier than 2015, there is this old Stat Card Generator:

There is one for the new system too, but "Unit Inches" kinda sucks and the entire point of it anyways is to reduce the amount of math you have to do!

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How “tactical” are you as a player and as a GM?
Do you use NPCs strategically and plan your angles of attack or do you just say “fuck it we ball” and think of plans of attack once the dice start rolling? I usually keep a ranger handbook for games with firearms but fantasy tactics are completely different from actual middle age tactics
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Weapon master is not, you just need to be trained (there are several options). Also defensive combat, strikes and grapple has no level limit.

Why don't you just give up anon?
>as a player
Some people call stacking little bonuses and gaming the action system "tactics". I don't like those things at all. I like being prepared, knowing my enemy, engaging in a clearly advantageous position, etc. Art of War stuff, basically.
>as a GM
The NPCs will do their best, but in most scenarios they don't know much about the PCs so their options are a bit limited. Obviously the players are always on a clock so they don't get to be perfectly prepared Batman against the street thugs I prepared.
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Would you give your player’s control of NOCs in combat? Obviously if a system has summons or something you control them but I’m talk about a squad of people. Obviously not as strong as the players themselves but it would allow more flexibility and free up the stress for the GM managing action economy if the player knows what they’re doing
No need to be such an obnoxious faggot. You don't get anything out of it, it makes you look bad and frankly it just shits up the board as a whole.
>How “tactical” are you as a player
As tactical as I can be by the limits of the system, it's a big part of what I enjoy about gaming.

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Orim's Chant Edition


>Official News:
Magic: The Gathering publisher hires Pinkerton to seize leaked cards from YouTuber’s house


>Current meta, complete with deck lists

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>Moderately played
Hymn to Tourach.
Someone make a new thread
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Manmade Horrors 3 don't bother me at all. I play the very same three Pauper decks for over 6 years now.
I honestly enjoyed the short period of Astrolabe madness during the MH1 era.
I despise MH2 Bridges but I still play with my shitpiles so I'm quite sure I will keep running my favourite decks no matter what MH3 brings.
here you go

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Magic cannot exist in a game, and be powerful and fun, unless martial prowess is significantly nerfed. Fact.
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I'm so sick of people falling for the trappings of thinking that casters are so much more powerful compared to martials
Casters are so "powerful" in white room scenarios and other then that they are quite average
That would certainly explain a lot. It did come across as a really backwards way to phrase whatever he was trying to actually say.
Imagine D&D, except the nerds get their shit pushed in
So AD&D?
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you don't play games.

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Naughty Nuncubus Edition

Discussion of the Towergirls CYOA, RPG, Setting, or Video Games welcome here!

Everyone is welcome.


Main Gens: https://e-hentai.org/g/2556775/f1669e072b/
Imgchest backups(not sorted): https://imgchest.com/p/na7ko9dky8d
Legacy Charts: https://imgur.com/a/IRtoHXh
Side Quests: https://imgur.com/a/7euVXRT

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each one when I feel like. But would do it in all of those costumes
Ok, thats based!
Yes I know
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Well played!

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So, I looked into this when it was newer and it didn't appeal to me (when it just looked like Roll20), but someone showed me 3d Canvas and the 'Landing Pages' people are making these days, and it finally got me to pull the trigger on buying Foundry, since I don't have to do the top-down 2d battle maps thing.

> What are some of the better built-in features I should try?
> What's modules / extensions are good for it, that I should check out?
> How do you guys handle multi-level buildings in Foundry 3d Canvas?

t. Foundry Newbie.
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I don't think a module is even required for that. I've never used the built in voice and video, but it's there.

If it is your network, contact your provider and request ability to forward ports, this is adequate in most scenarios.
Download ngrok, the port for Forundry is 30000

All you need to do is open ngrok and type "ngrok http 30000"

Then go to your ngrok account and post the endpoint link and your players will be able to connect.
That's a fair enough point. I think I got thrown by the fact the app doesn't work on tablets for design, but if that works that way, the tablet is brand new and only from about a year ago, and specifically bought it for reasonable power, so I may look into it more. That's basically the idea, but a TV on the wall instead of a table, though that looks sick. Good info, anon.
You can run it on a raspberry pi hooked up to your ethernet. It doesn't have to run on a full-blown PC.

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Originally just wanted to ask if most DM/GM screen PDF's are horizontal or vertical because I want to buy one that has the see-through slots in the front and back.

Also, what do you use, if anything, for a screen?
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I use my laptop.
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Doctor Frikistein Summoning Dungeon Master Screen.
The included art sucks and is useless but it's 8 pockets in A4 size.
Not really but a Racecar bed would be nice.
>high-grade manchild
Oh fuck my sides
>Hmm, I can see the dungeon map and it’s spoiling the game for me. I can either A. ask the GM to cover or hide the map for me or B. Snap a pic and share it with the rest of the party, effectively using GTA cheat codes in the game. What do I do?
>Naaaah fuck that guy, Imma cheat.

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Look How They Massacred Our Boys Edition

Previous Thread: >>92612865
A thread for discussing the 'Star Trek' franchise and its various tabletop adaptations.

Game Resources

Star Trek Adventures
-Official Modiphius Page (Rules, FAQ and Player Resources)
-PDF Collection
-Homebrew Collection

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The funny thing is their plan doesn't make any sense, at least as the most sensible thing to do. Destroying their own rescue fleet was destroying something that was already hugely unpopular, as we saw members of the Federation were already on edge and when the plan failed they were threatening to take their worlds out of the union.

A far more sensible plan would have been letting the rescue fleet succeed, then while the Starfleet bitfches are celebrating you have their synths go rogue and attack San Francisco. A sizeable fleet doing a first strike wouldn't raise the planetary defense shield until after they opened fire. You couldn't do a sustained attack but given the size of the blasts we saw on Mars that one wave would be enough to take out the academy, HQ, and all support structures. You could save your people, decapitate Starfleet, and still get all the synths banned.
>Shit, man, it's PIC. Stare into the PIC writer's room too long and madness stares back at you.

Even better, it shits up other shows.
I love that the cartoons get to include some really "out there" designs, as far as Trek goes. It's easily one of the bigger trek-specific benefits of the medium.
All their live action seems to. Changelings, Breen, Gorn. They've all been shat all over, and much more.

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Previously: >>92805180

>OFFICIAL Commander website, where you can learn the rules, see the current banlist, and read the format philosophy, laid down by the rules committee:

>Statistically see what everyone else puts in their commander decks based on what is posted to the internet.

>Find out what lands you can add to your deck, sorted by category, based on a chosen color identity.

>Deck List Sites: You can search for decks that other people have made. Authors often have comments that explain their deck strategy and card choices.

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>tons of shit back to hand
>free turn during every opponent's turn

It's good anon, but come on
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How the hell would you build around this guy? He looks cool but seems bad.
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I prefer brown border
I guess proliferate nonsense is the obvious thing, or things that punish your opponents for having creatures?
Instant include in Mazirek/Mothman holy shit.

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Why does Ursula have a clone?
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It probably won't be that bad. The previous stuff from the last set wasn't too difficult to get your hands on because they drastically ramped up production and the number of resellers are dropping because stuff is becoming so easy to get. That said, you're probably fucked for getting it tomorrow, and will have to wait until wide release at the end of the month. Follow some of the stock trackers on twitter/x and they'll post when pre-orders for those stores go up. When Amazon goes up they have you sign up for a list and then they draw from the lists in waves every three days until they sell out; Amazon tends to have a pretty massive stock so some stuff lasts until the third/fourth wave.
It's called artifical scarcity. They know exactly how much to print, so they undershoot that so they can point to how the game is selling out every time.

And they don't want to piss off the knvestors who just turn around and sell the singles because those people will buy entire stores out of inventory with zero intention of ever playing the game. And since stores largely want to appease the WAAC net decking cunts they don't print more stuff and encourage the stores to get people playing sealed and draft because previously mentioned cunts hate having to be on equal footing and think for themselves.
I'm getting a booster box and the 2 starters. Hope I get an enchanted.
>play Magic for 10+ years
>at some point delude myself into thinking grinding comp events as a side hustle is a good idea
>grind events when possible
>cash several smaller ones and top some GP's and Opens
>never satisfied with the ratio of money put into the game vs out
>quit Magic when Universes Beyond starts taking off
>start playing Lorcana casually a few months ago
>just go to events, get promos, not traveling as much. Lots of places to play
>travel to a few different store champs and get 4 Stitches, flip them
>I've made close to $3000 playing this game extremely casually compared to how I played Magic

This game is a wealth redistribution vessel for leeching Disney adults dry
Yeah the store champ promos are really good. I can't fathom how much the regional+ promos with fetch.

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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
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They do now
>normal women
>liking anything
Space Marines have always worn panties
>What is FRK?
Sorry, I mistyped FKR, which is Free Kriesspiel Revolution. It is a kind of rules-light game that doesn't need the player to learn any rules, and instead makes the GM handle all the rules while the players only roleplay and say what their characters do (still with a battlemap). To make it easier to the GM, the system is usually very simple. The advantage is that the game may be more immersive and filters min-maxers, but it also needs a lot of trust between players and GM. The logic behind my post is that if women don't like 'gamey' math, then maybe they are better off not knowing the numbers like in FKR
Captcha MTG4Y
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In my personal experience no. The only woman I have ever played /tg/ stuff with who wasn't A: just there because one of the players/the person running the game was fucking them, B:Just there because they want someone at the table to fuck them or C:Both is a weird as fuck enby type.

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>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Never ever, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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In Kruleboy cuture Sloggoth is a symbol of cowardice and only lesser beings like grots ride it.
So it would fit for Skaven
Neat detail I just now noticed. The flames in the braziers are blowing the same direction as the parchment and mantle. So both models each have a sense of dynamism but there's cohesion between them. It's a small thing but it's not always a given that all models in a unit will have that cohesion between them.
It is tho. its just that the imbalance is not on 40k level, where 40% of people play space marines, 20% are "im not like other space marines", and 30 are spiky marines
Terrain is mostly there to be a loss/movement block, it isnt used much, despite there being a bunch of rules for it because its too much of a hussle to care for effects that barely affect anything
He did say nothing, but i cant not agree, 40kfication of AoS is a bad direction

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