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/tg/ - Traditional Games

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Why does Ursula have a clone?
So neither of them will be virgins.
Sixteen legs...
>Why does Ursula have a clone?
Because Lorcana is essentially a multiverse thing, plotwise.
From what I gather, the 'glimmers' that you summon are essentially artwork that was drawn from magic ink, depicting a character. Whether the character exists in the same universe as the Illumineers isn't clear to me just yet, but I suspect they come from the same sort of books that house the lore they're constantly searching for. But, since they start as illustrations, that explains why/how 2 versions of the same character exist at once.
>Ursula's Return releases in 2 days
>failed to find a store with Deep Trouble available for preorder
How fucked am I? How many months will it be before I can get a copy?
Unless the big box stores get plenty in stock, probably a while. Scalpers gonna cunt.
Yeah, we'll just have to see. I was unfortunately between paychecks when pre-orders started, and once payday hit, only the booster boxes and starters were left, and I was told Deep Trouble was distributed in much smaller numbers. It makes sense, I guess... The co-op games are still an untested product, so they probably made less of them.
How is this shit STILL a fucking problem after all this time???

Ravensburger knows by now that anything with Lorcana stamped on it will sell like hotcakes, so why the FUCK are they still underprinting their products??
Because for them, it's safe, and it drives up hype by driving us crazy?
This. Downside of underprinting is leaving money on the table. Downside of overprinting is decreased on-launch demand for future products, and potentially being stuck with inventory.
Don't tell me you people are actually paying money for this Disney marketing scheme.
Somewhere in their dastardly scheme to steal away our precious money, Disney accidentally made a good game. Weird, right?
Set 4 hype... who's picking up a preorder tomorrow? Here's hoping you all get something you're excited for!
It probably won't be that bad. The previous stuff from the last set wasn't too difficult to get your hands on because they drastically ramped up production and the number of resellers are dropping because stuff is becoming so easy to get. That said, you're probably fucked for getting it tomorrow, and will have to wait until wide release at the end of the month. Follow some of the stock trackers on twitter/x and they'll post when pre-orders for those stores go up. When Amazon goes up they have you sign up for a list and then they draw from the lists in waves every three days until they sell out; Amazon tends to have a pretty massive stock so some stuff lasts until the third/fourth wave.
It's called artifical scarcity. They know exactly how much to print, so they undershoot that so they can point to how the game is selling out every time.

And they don't want to piss off the knvestors who just turn around and sell the singles because those people will buy entire stores out of inventory with zero intention of ever playing the game. And since stores largely want to appease the WAAC net decking cunts they don't print more stuff and encourage the stores to get people playing sealed and draft because previously mentioned cunts hate having to be on equal footing and think for themselves.
I'm getting a booster box and the 2 starters. Hope I get an enchanted.
>play Magic for 10+ years
>at some point delude myself into thinking grinding comp events as a side hustle is a good idea
>grind events when possible
>cash several smaller ones and top some GP's and Opens
>never satisfied with the ratio of money put into the game vs out
>quit Magic when Universes Beyond starts taking off
>start playing Lorcana casually a few months ago
>just go to events, get promos, not traveling as much. Lots of places to play
>travel to a few different store champs and get 4 Stitches, flip them
>I've made close to $3000 playing this game extremely casually compared to how I played Magic

This game is a wealth redistribution vessel for leeching Disney adults dry
Yeah the store champ promos are really good. I can't fathom how much the regional+ promos with fetch.
No luck on the Enchanted, but I'm very much looking forward to what sort of evil I can come up with in the form of a Hero deck.
Anybody get their hands on Deep Trouble today/yesterday?

Did you play any games with it and how was the quality of the gameplay/product
that's two victorious glimmers of herself teaming up to take on the wider multiverse.
I'm the guy from earlier who was lamenting being unable to pre-order Deep Trouble... I actually had a Hallmark Christmas Miracle moment when I went to pick up my booster box. They told me that they had been sent a few extra copies of the game, if I wanted to try back later when the shipment arrived, which I was in the process of declining because my ride was waiting for me, when the phone rang. Turns out that the fed ex had just arrived in the back. So, I actully did get my copy!
Unfortunately, I haven't had time to play it yet, but as for quality, I only have a few complaints: they're using the same garbage-y quality folding paper mats for Ursula's game board that they put in the starter sets, and the box it comes in is not meant to be reuseable, so unless you're tossing it a card box with the rest of your Lorcana, you'll probably want to pick up a separatebox for it. The damage counters and score markers are still the same pop-out style ones from the starters, which is fine, though the designs on these ones are the most sinister looking ones yet. The event cards look great and have a similar art style to the insert cards from the boosters, with Illumineers battling alongside glimmers against a giant, menacing Ursula. The card art for the custom Ursula deck looks good, mostly 'entangled' versions of existing cards, which you've probably already seen spoilers of. The Hei Hei card showing up randomly also made me laugh, and as a general note for set 4, they've really upped the quality of the flavor text in this set. It doesn't feel as forced as in previous sets, and actually hints at intriguing events, instead of "Lore, lore, ink spellbook flood!". For example, more than one Ursula was part of her rise to power, but she ultimately betrayed her other selves to become the alpha Ursula, and she hand picked the other glimmers she wanted to corrupt, being particularly interested in Anna, whom she lured into a storm by having Hans bait Olaf with...
...Kristoff's missing hat, causing her to run off into a storm, which Elsa later disappates in an effort to find her sister. Meanwhile, Hades hints that while the Illumineers are busy fighting Ursula, his own plans are starting to take shape, possibly hinting that he will be the main villain of the next co op game? Very interesting stuff, and if any of you other anons glean any hints beyond the flavor stuff I mentioned here, I'd love to hear it. Any how, this is getting way to long, so to sum it up, Deep Trouble is presented more like a ccg box set than a separate board game, with about the same quality you'd expect from the average starter set.
Bought my sister the Encanto themed starter deck from this new set.
Literally the first words out of her mouth were "I want to crack open the booster pack!"
I think I've created a monster.

She pulled the Musketeer Minnie Mouse so that's pretty cool.
Nice! I'll be honest, though, I was kind of underwhelmed by the Madrigal starter. The Hero Anna starter seems much better. But, I hope you and your sister have a good time with the game!
In all honesty, I got the Madrigal deck for her because I want the Anna/Herc deck for myself, lol. I just can't afford it right now. Spent my last $20 buying her deck for her b-day.
Spending your last $20 on a birthday gift for your sister is based brother behavior. Even if you DID give her the crappier deck.
Reverse did happen to me:
I had some history with TCGs many years ago during school.
Sister is huge Disney fan (I don't really care about Disney) and gifted me the Min/Merlin Starter deck last year.

I bought was too many cards until now and eargerly awaiting the 1st chapter reprint.
Thanks for reading my blog...
That's the power of a decent game. Even if you don't care about the IP, the gameplay is a huge draw.
>visited mum
>she took me to a small geek shop she thought I'd like before we went for dinner
>had ursulas return sets and boosters to buy.

Neat, wasn't expecting to buy it

Hey, I'm her older brother. I have a stereotype I have to adhere to. The jerk-ass with a heart of gold.
Why is a spell that freezes the weakest unit more expensive than a discard spell?
Is it like in Duel Masters where tapped units are fair game for attacks?
You can only attack tapped characters.

Some cards can attack "ready" characters but those are just a few
>Tap to add 1 colorless mana
>If you control Ursula's Mine, Ursula's Power Plant, and Ursula's Tower, add 2 colorless instead
I made the same joke in a mixed crowd of Lorcana and MtG players a few weeks ago. No one laughed.
Heroes: yay or nay
Yay. I'm building 2 different hero decks as we speak. I need like, 7 copies of Phil, tho.
This first set (and maybe some others?) are releasing in Australia soon. What can I expect?

How's the competitive play like? MTG level of complex or more Pokemon levels?
Roughly the card complexity of an old "Core" mtg set. Gameplay is slightly less complex than magic but follows the same template.
14 vaganias
Maybe more. Imagine.
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So here's a rough draft of a hero deck I'm cooking up, I don't this deck is high tier viable but it can cheese out some wins if you can get out multiple annas
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Not bad. Here's the one I came up with. I call it 'Sandwich Bra', because it's all about Support for Heroes.
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Here another one I put together. It's called We Don't Talk About Broom-o. The main gimmick is pretty simple... if you max out the brooms you can add to the deck, you'll have a 60% chance of guessing correctly with Bruno or The Sorcerer's Hat..
I thought you also had to guess the character's title to benefit from Bruno/Hat
Oh, I hope not. That would completely fuck the gimmick of this deck. I wonder if it's the same for Bruno and Alice -Tea Alchemist?
I just looked up the ruling in the official Discord and apparently you only need to guess the name for Bruno/Hat, not the title
Is Ursula's sister in the game? Or any of those weird straight-to-video sequel characters.
Oh thank god. Appreciate you looking it up. If it didn't work that way, it's better I found out now instead of being embarrassed at a tournament or something.
No sequel characters that I can think of, though they do add a lot of odd choices for side characters while conspicuously leaving out a lot of main characters. For example, they have just about everyone from Mulan including her parents and the cricket, but not Mushu. There are 20 different versions of Maleficent, but none of the 3 Good Fairies. Jafar turns into several forms, but never into a Genie. It's weird, but if I had to guess, they're probably being saved for a later set. But direct-to-video sequel characters? Who knows.
>but if I had to guess, they're probably being saved for a later set.
Makes sense, need some notable face for the pack art, then maybe toss the randos in as pack filler later.
Yeah, if they can throw in Thaddeus Klang, a one-shot Talespin baddie, who knows what else could appear? Though I might not get too excited for Ursula's sister, since they just had an entire set featuring Ursula, they may think people are getting a little tired of Ursula right now. Maybe a bit further down the road.
I heavily subscribe to Kingdom Hearts being a big expansion down the line.
>Alice -Tea Alchemist
Did you just tell us how to completely fuck over your deck?
(and, by extension, MOST broom decks?)
Literally the point of that card.

You're not going deep enough. Don't guess - the point of Bruno is all the support cards looking at the top card of your deck. You don't have to guess if you see the future, get it?
Naturally. The plan with the Sorcerer's Hat is to go first, and any time it fails, Bruno it. Adding any further support will just dilute the broom percentage below 60%.
They probably are just saving them, but not having Mushu makes me cynical since they were tripping over themselves to appease Chinese audiences not that long ago and they don't like Mushu much.
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Yeah I'm digging this so far.
Is Sapphire Steel the Dimir equivalent in this game?
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You spelled Dime weird, but yes Sapphire Steel Dime is viable.
I like the concept but Sisu as your only main draw power feels a bit weak. While expensive you should consider Beast Tragic Hero or the 4 cost Tiana.
Dude, I would LOVE to have a set of Tragic Hero. I cannot afford it.
Blue/Purple gives me more U/B vibes than Blue/Grey does IMO, but I haven't played MTG in a while so I might not be the best judge of that.
Also, why Tiana? She has nothing to do with card draw. Resist 2 is nice, tho.
Because Tiana doesn't care about card draw. At least with her if you play to empty your opponent can't play actions against you.
They haven't touched Pixar yet, right? And any word if they will eventually do live-action stuff like PoTC?
Fair enough. Maybe I could swap Basil out for her. I'll need a few more copies first, though.
Not yet. We also just got a new set released, so we might have to wait a bit before we hear any big news about set 5.
At minimum Set 5 should be interesting since they said the first 4 sets were all part of the "Ursula Arc", so we should expect a noticeable change in the cards we get.
Considering the flavor text of that one Hades card, how much do you want to bet that we're about to start the Hades Arc?

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