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Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
In my extremely subjective experience, they like the idea of it alot more than the actual "game" part of it. Stick to rules-lite games with an emphasis on roleplaying if you're in some situation where you're running for a mostly female audience. Stuff like FATE, Call of Cthulu, Dungeon World, etc. Avoid stuff like D&D, Warhammer Fantasy, GURPS, etc.

I am aware that there are exceptions and I do not speak for everyone.
They always did, but thanks to several mainstream media happenings in the last few years it is more "ok" for them to reveal it.
My ex liked Warhammer. Plenty of girls like board games and RPGs.
Can't confirm. Mild amusement is the best I could manage
More than ever, I'd say.
Absolutely not, normal women only spend their time on Instagram and TikTok.
How old are these "normal women" of yours?

My girlfriend will spend literal hours making characters and backstories and wanting to be part of the campaigns I'm running for my friends... and then ends up quitting two sessions in because "all the dice crap and math is boring". (Her exact words.)
>Imagine 'normal woman'
>She's overweight because she never lost it after giving birth, she has medium length hair, and wears a plain t-shirt, her interests are arts and crafts, movies, and yard work
>tfw I'm old
If you think 30somethings don't use tiktok you're really out of touch.
My wife likes playing TTRPGs but you could question how "normal" she is.
Have you tried to get her into a more narrative system? Even something like WoD might be easier since the pips and dicepools are pretty easy to wrap your head around.
Adults don't use TikTok
Mostly I was just agreeing with your original post and how I share your subjective experience of women liking the IDEA of roleplaying games alot more than the actual playing. I'm not going to force the rest of my friend group to a lighter system when they DO enjoy the crunch. Me and GF spend time together doing other things.
You don't know many adults then, I dunno what to tell you.
No. They're a tiny minority of an already tiny minority.
Whoa, it's almost like 40k is a bad game even 10 iterations in.
Never touched 40k, I prefer Fantasy to Space Opera.
I don't think normal women do but I hope to find a smarty pants assistant gf to help me design and run my ccg. I think any other woman would be a detriment who merely pretends to care, whereas I need a woman I can strap to a chair and brainwash while we discuss the effects of No-Eyes Wight Dragon
>normal women
I haven't met one of those yet
You mean true normalfag women? They can play board games that aren't too onerous, but they don't have the attention span for any RPG elements or slightly deep strategy. Normalfags in general, regardless of sex, have a hard time with the semi self-directed nature of TTRPGs or the complexity of war games. They just sort of shut down whenever they need to make decisions. Stick to playing card games or straightforward board games with such people.
Now, all that said, there's a class of women who are a half-step below true normalfags and have much more tolerance for /tg/ stuff. They'll jump at the chance to express themselves through RPG elements and they can withstand more complicated board games. But while they're eager for RP, they tend to get turned off by actual gameplay mechanics without someone holding their hand. They're best served by rules-lite, RP focused games or moderate complexity board games.
eh, they'll play if it means they can interact with guys they fancy. Thats what some old girlfriends and my wife told me.
if you run 5e, hard to blame her. very clunky combat.
It's a bad thing.
I went to a university TTRPG club event three times and every woman I've seen so far was fat or lesbian. Could be related to it being a technical university.
I know at least a few but 3 come to mind.
One is stretching the definition of normal. She's a weeb married to our usual D&D 5e DM. The other ir a really normal chick that as far as I can tell started playing /tg/ just to socialize but ended up enjoying it, and the other is a chick that'll have fun with pretty much anything, it gets annoying at times, but at least she takes things seriously most of the time.
I played a year long Strahd campaign with them and it was pretty great.
My group is all women these days, while in the past it used to be more 50-50. They're all people I've known since college, and I know some of the current group didn't play in college (because I invited them back then.) So there are definitely more women moving from uninterested to "I've been wanting to try this rpg thing."

As other anons have said, I think a decent percentage of them won't stick around, but that seems just a function of the fact that I've only ever retained about 30% of the people I introduce to ttrpgs long-term.

I pretty much exclusively play horror games, and in my home games and at conventions those have always historically had more women than D&D in my experience.
Sometimes Pathfinder 2e, though that's even more math-heavy.
Can confirm. The only fem-anon to show interest in one of my games spent 3 days telling me about her character, then when game day came she quit less than an hour into the first session because she had never actually learned the rules and found out she didn't actually like playing D&D as we tried to explain things to her. I think she would have been happier in a narrative game.
I have in fact run a game of CoC for mostly women, although in my experience they like DnD. Women enjoy the roleplaying and customizing their character. They have less tolerance for boring combat than male players, which is imo a positive.
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A completely meaningless question based on your definition of normal.
A completely meaningless answer based on your faggotry.
If you're not playing D&D for the combat, why even play D&D? The rules are 99% combat. Social stuff, exploration, and non-combat gameplay books down to "DM makes it up", at which point you might as well be playing a more roleplay-centric system like FATE.
Normal women have shown some interest in certain board games as "social lubricant" but there's not a single woman in the world you could describe as "normal" who has a set of deeply-informed opinions about certain RPG systems or Wargames, because that requires big autism and that's the opposite of "normal"
is it as clunky as 5e with action economy? i think 5e's biggest flaw is its "action (usually attack), bonus, movement" economy.

if you are a martial, you are forced to "i uh, attack" and that's it. if you are a caster, you've interesting choices, but too much reading and ruling for women, who are more roleplay oriented.

i've found a good alternative in the nimble 5e rules, and my games are usually plot-heavy as opposed to number-crunchy.
My gf is into it but she is also deeply autistic, and I mean autistic autistic. Guts and femdom makes her horny so I'm painting up some ghouls and vampires for her.
It's the other way around.
A 'normal' woman is too busy for this shit, as is a 'normal' man with a life kids house job etc etc etc
Do you get it yet?
I feel like you're just repeating lies trolls have told you and never played the game.
Protip: 5e doesn't have "martials."
play FRK style games with women, got it
Anon, someone can do the same activity for a decade and still not be deeply-informed about it because he (or she, in the case of this thread) won't experiment nor examine the activity beyond his immediate experience. Some people go their whole lives without really thinking about the things they do.
Kinda sounds like people are learning different lessons from the activity, and valuing different aspects of it.
Yes and? Does that mean they don't like it? I know atleast two women I would describe as normal who have played at my table, and the only reason they don't do it more frequently is distance.
you think wrong
I was responding to a post about 'deeply-informed' opinions, not about whether women like it. That said, my experience is consonant with that of many other anons in this thread: women like the theatre aspect but don't enjoy mechanics.

It's fine to do something casually, but if the casual form is all you know, then of course there are whole facets of the activity with which you will not be familiar and about which you cannot have 'deeply-informed' opinions.
The problem is that there's more nuance than just "casual" and "deeply-informed".

A great example comes from MtG, where a player may be "deeply-informed" about tournament play, and reads decklists daily while spending thousands of dollars in making sure he has all the best cards. But, when coming in for a game of free-for-all with their friends, they discover that they might only win a single game but then spend the rest of the night being eliminated first because they've never learned the nuances of other formats that have values beyond "have the strongest deck with the strongest cards."

The "casual" game is just as deep, if not deeper, than tournament play. But, the tournament player will insist that everyone else at the table is not as "deeply informed" as they are about the game. The funny thing is that what the tournament player actually knows best is how to remove as much fun as possible from the game for every player aside from themselves, and their decks will be efficient, consistent, predictable, and dull.

You can find similarities in RPGs and Wargames, where some players think "deeply-informed" means knowing how to push the mechanics of the game in a manner that gives them the greatest advantage. On the other side of things, there are players who are "deeply-informed" about other aspects of the game, such as the lore of it, or even just the genre or the inspirations behind the game. There's players who have actually participated in war, but are not treated as being "deeply-informed" by players who only understand mechanics that were designed by people who've never even held a gun.

"Deeply-informed" is a phrase I'm wary of, especially when it's supposed to be the opposite of "casual."
There are lots of men like this too.
My DM keeps inviting some dude who talks nonstop about builds and shit INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY PLAYING DURING OUR SESSIONS! forgets his own PCs features all the time, yet spouts stupid idea after stupid idea about combos involving level 9 spells or whatever.
He had lots of drawings of characters too, yet somehow had to be reminded of his own character's name.
>normal women
I haven't even met normal men who liked /tg/ stuff other than extremely casually
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>women like the theatre aspect but don't enjoy mechanics.
So overall they like /tg/ stuff.
Well, in terms of MtG, I wouldn't consider anyone who can't do well in draft to be deeply-informed about the game, because draft is the truest measure of ones ability to evaluate cards.

When talking about a game, though, to be deeply informed requires knowing the mechanical ins and outs and their implications. Lore, genre, inspirations—these are aesthetics and trivia, which are fun things to know, but generally don't have any bearing on the game, the thing you actually play. If we're talking about setting, then, of course, those aspects become mandatory to consider one deeply-informed. To be deeply-informed on the activity as a whole requires knowing both.

My point was that there are many people who only ever brush up against the surface of an activity: the guy who only plays golf recreationally, the gamer who can never climb out of bronze rating, and so on. They may do the same thing for years and still not really understand what they're doing beyond the basics. Maybe these guys know the history and lore of their chosen activities—more power to them!—but one could hardly consider them deeply-informed about the activity as a whole.
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Quite the opposite. Theatre can be fun, but it's not required for traditional games, not even RPGs. That's why you see people in this very thread talking about how women get excited imagining the scenario but drop out when they have engage with the rules.
>"all the dice crap and math is boring"
Don't date fucking retards then.
Women in my games do just fine
>look at how retarded and nogames I am
You don't have to speak in character to play RPGs, Anon. It's fun, and I like doing it, depending on the context, but it's perfectly possible to state everything your character does in the third person.
Now you know something about tabletop gaming if you ever get into a game anon.
I don't think you understood me.
>Well, in terms of MtG, I wouldn't consider anyone who can't do well in draft to be deeply-informed about the game

Not draft, kitchen-table free-for-all with constructed decks, what EDH grew out of. It's a format that involves not just knowledge of how strong each card is, but how strong it appears to be, and also includes a heavy load of politics, bluffing, misdirection, bargaining, and all that other fun stuff.

There's more to being good at Magic than just doing well in 1-on-1 tournaments and similar formats.

>but generally don't have any bearing on the game, the thing you actually play.
The lore, genre, etc. does have an impact on many games. Perhaps not the ones you play, but it's actually kind of sad that there are games so disembodied from their origins and inspirations that people gain no advantage in being familiar with them. Being genre-savvy is one way a player might completely avoid a battle or win it much easier, without even needing any deep tactical knowledge of the game's mechanics.

If all you care about is some limited aspect of the game, and you want everyone to believe that's being "deeply informed" and anything else is "casual", I'm actually getting very concerned.
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They never did. Normal people have hobbies like going to clubs, watching television and hanging out with friends at loud places drinking alcohol and finding someone to fuck.

What you are looking for is a kind, well-adjusted autistic woman. If you find one, no matter the looks, marry her.

Alternatively you find a preop ladyboy that is not looking too bad. Plenty around in this hobby. Make sure they don't get their shlongs off. More fun that way.
>The lore, genre, etc. does have an impact on many games.
That's true in RPGs, yes, but RPGs are unique in that fluff is crunch and crunch is fluff—at least, if you're not playing one of those weird gamey ones that divorces the two. All the more reason that you really need to understand both to be considered deeply informed.
>It's a format that involves not just knowledge of how strong each card is, but how strong it appears to be, and also includes a heavy load of politics, bluffing, misdirection, bargaining, and all that other fun stuff.
I get your point but I think the scope expansion is getting to be a little much. Shall we now say that one who has mastered everything you described is still not deeply-informed because he doesn't know Timmy-from-three-doors-down's houserules? Each variation is so different that they are very nearly different games entirely.

Regardless, I think you're misunderstanding me. My point was about the sort of player who shows up every week to EDH with the same deck and never gets any better. People like that exist. They like the theme, or the socialization, or some other aspect, and they only interact with and understand the game insofar as it allows them to enjoy the thing they actually like. Such a person is not deeply-informed even about the activity he engages in, let alone the greater set to which it belongs.
>"all the dice crap and math is boring"
I feel like this is a meme that I'm too lazy to make
>Who loves TTRPGs? (all hands up)
>Who loves actually playing TTRPGs? (all the women lower their hands)
Normal "women" love tabletop stuff
Actual women mostly get into it for all of one session due to their bf/husband being into it
It's said you can tell a lot about a person at the table, despite it being just a game. She does not sound like a very appealing person.
>The "casual" game is just as deep, if not deeper, than tournament play.
As someone who plays a lot of EDH and hasn't touched a tournament in well over a decade, I think you are strongly overestimating the nuance and complexity of causal environments and the investment of a casual player while also treating tournament players in inflexible lugs who cannot into Magic once multiple players enter the table. Have you never experienced the casual player who can play for years and never develop a drop of threat assessment yet gets pissed off when he loses over and over? The kind of player who makes a Chandra deck with matching accessories yet cannot name her home plane nor has read a single story or article with her in it? How about the guy who shows up to the table with his "wacky and fun" chaos deck only to make the table groan for hours as permanents get shuffled around for three hours? The player's new GF who has played for 6 months yet needs to be reminded about basic rules constantly? These and many, many more are the kind of casual I've had the pleasure, sometimes genuine and sometimes not, of meeting while playing this game at the the houses of friends, the FLGS, and a few conventions.

I'd love to live in your apparently advanced causal world where 4 Vortho lorebeards sit down at the kitchen table and through the power of lore mastery dictate how their games go, but your experience does not match any single instance of Magic I've ever seen outside of obviously fake greentext stories.
I would be 10,000% surprised if she didn't put a Barbie head on a gundam model.
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Female players are either the absolute best players at a table, or the absolute worst. There is no in-between.

In general what you're describing has ended up being the norm for me as well. I've encountered a few female players who engaged with the mechanical parts of the game like they were professional secretaries with an employee review coming up soon... but the much larger majority seemed to want to avoid interaction with the game's mechanics as much as possible and often seemed disappointed or frustrated when the rules said they couldn't do something.
My female players are like this too, had to scrap our D&D game and plop them into a CtD game because I could tell that was more their speed. They didn't even need to make new characters.
I run into a lot of normie men who are on-again-off-again with MTG. Maybe it is just my age group but it seemed like every guy in my class was playing Magic in the early 00s.
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Some people are weird, anon.
If she’s a Femcel, she’s probably an elitist who knows more about the game than the people who developed and tested it
>Do normal women nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
Not really
>Do "normal" "women" nowadays like /tg/ stuff?
They're the target audience
My female players engage heavily and are autistic enough they like the math but I find a lot of them have stories of being stressed out usually because they are the only woman in a group and being new puts a lot of social pressure. A lot of women are conditioned that fucking up the mechanics = a statement on the gender, especially around grognards that have been playing for years.
If we're talking about D&D 5e, "knowing more that the people who developed it" is an INCREDIBLY low bar to pass. I've seen freshmen in game-design courses develop better game mechanics than Wizards of the Coast.
Absolutely, the nerdier ones are very easy to spot. Some of the "normals" you describe are into hobby too, you just need to get to know them for a while before they reveal this to you. It's usually because they had a boyfriend or brother introduce them to the hobby, but who cares how you got there as long as they're having fun
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My girlfriend and I play Call of Cthulhu every week for years. She DMs Mork Borg and Cy_Borg once a week recently. We met playing Mahjong at college. She likes painting models, but does not like wargames at all, we played GURPS a bit and she liked that, but D&D just makes her mad. I think if she was slightly more degenerate she would post here.
The store I play 40k at about 20% of the players are women, the best player in the store is a woman who plays Space Marines (semi-retired tournament grinder)[it goes back and forth between her and the other tournament grinder who plays Drukhari]
Every TTRPG group i have ever played in had at least one woman in it.
"Normal" women, not really. I've met maybe one normal woman through the hobby, and she mostly liked certain board or card games that she played alongside her husband. But there ARE lots of weird women who love /tg/ stuff. Nerds, geeks, gamers, drama club types. It was a neo-pagan weeb that introduced me to roleplaying, for example. (pic related)

Right now I'm running a mecha RPG for 3 women, with a possible 4th about to join, and none of them are what I would describe as "normal." I like them better that way.
>roll d20
>add your modifier
>if you got the target number or higher, you did it
I'll never understand how anyone can find this difficult
>My wife likes playing TTRPGs but you could question how "normal" she is.
Same. Mines autistic as fuck. Loves gaming though.
You were held at gunpoint and sat through a dragon loredump?
You guys have wives?

I'm not sure if I'll ever understand a GM who can't figure out something for a girl of theirs to do at a table. GMs know, obviously, that there's more to playing a roleplaying game than playing as a PC. Have the girl run a few NPC regulars and incidentals to give additional flavor to social encounters. Have her make up some NPCs she'd like to play on the regular, or even some doomed to die characters she can play tragically.

The local barmaid at the tavern the PCs are regulars at, the adventurer's guild front desk clerk, a driver of wagons or coaches they regularly see on the road, some of the local Nobility or Royalty, they could all be NPCs your girl could be playing. And if you give her a few mini-games using a narrowly focused subset of the rules to play during combats, she can start picking up on what parts of the game part she finds interesting.

There's more middle-ground here than you think, even with all the rules complexity dodging you are likely to find.
What are some good card games I can try to play with normal woman
She's not my wife yet but yes
When was the last time you left your house? Normalfaga are obsessed with it.
No, no matter what some dangerhaired HR Karen or ”journalist” claims on twitter.
Mostly luck honestly. Was fucking around on Tinder and Bumble, it's very difficult to be successful on there but there are a few ways to greatly improve your odds of matches (make sure you have good photos). She matched with me and grabbed on tight. Our relationship is mostly a product of her wanting to be with me.

Best advice I can give is to spend a lot of time actively socialising in mixed spaces and prioritise forming friendships over finding a relationship. I've heard rockclimbing/bouldering is a good place to do it.
When I say actively socialising I mean minimum of going out once a week. Two or three times a week if you can. And it has to be something you enjoy. People will know if your heart isn't really in it.
Normal people in general don't like /tg/ stuff, amd the ones who say they do are posers.
How to define normal anyways
With a 52 deck 6 card golf is quick simple and actually fun. Coup and Love Letter are also my go to. The marvel Love Letter is different enough while also being fun
do even nerdy men like tabletop games? /tg/ lost like 50% of it's posters.
This tracks for my experience, too.

majority of the women I've played with mentally checked out partway through a session simply because the rules existed. There are exceptions, but they're rare.
It doesn't sound like that at all. It sounds like you know you are wrong but you want to win the argument anyway, so you're acting as if the other anonymous is being unreasonable.
>if you are a martial, you are forced to "i uh, attack" and that's it
At very low levels, yes. But once you get access to shit like Maneuvers and Feats playing a martial class in 5e really opens up, especially if you have a DM who will insist you describe your action any time you do anything more specific than just swing at a guy.
Women don’t play this shit. They look down on it greatly. Anyone who says otherwise is a severely autistic faggot nerd.
Fpbp, and honestly, based. Why not just play wargames or videogames if you're looking for games that're mechanically complex, especially in the combat department? The actual "game" part of any TTRPG can and will be done better by wargames/videogames, what matters is how the "game" serves to help elevate the "roleplay".
That’s cause this board fucking sucks
Those aren’t adults
It's fine to have mechanical complexity. It's nice to have rules so you don't have to play "Mother, may I?" or argue with the GM over the most trivial of things. But the main strength of traditional RPGs over videogames is that you can improvise things on the fly, and don't have to painstakingly code, develop, and install a new mod (if the game even allows mods) every time you want to do something new or different.
Although, some RPGs (you know the ones) have the worst of both worlds, where you have so many useless, clunky rules, but you can't do anything, and the game itself actively discourages improvisation.
>I don't know anything about the hobby and I did not read the thread but I posted anyway.
That's fair, I was a little too dismissive. You bring up some good points; of course rules are what distinguish a tRPG from just playing pretend. I think I'm too used to you-know-the-ones, where the latter case is associated with mechanical complexity in my mind.
What helped me come to terms with it is that the rules-lawyer grognards are the same people who would have an 'everything-proof shield that reflects your attacks and makes me invisible' if there weren't rules. Jackoffs are going to be jackoffs, and while the level of crunch can give them tools it can also help keep things proportional and communicate expectations.
Even very simple games seem to filter women like little else.
I tend to be running OSR games where the most complicated thing they have to handle is that you roll a d20+bonuses then your damage+bonuses and that will stress them out.
Kill yourself you stupid cocksmoking faggot
>My girlfriend will spend literal hours making characters and backstories and wanting to be part of the campaigns I'm running for my friends... and then ends up quitting two sessions in because "all the dice crap and math is boring". (Her exact words.)

It's shocking how absolutely abysmal most woman are at the most basic algebra. It's like they can do enough in a carefully calibrated classroom setting to get their rock-bottom standards diploma, but the moment you go to the "real world" their mind goes blank.
you sound really autistic
nah, most men are abysmal too
Do you guys think Luigi (of Mario Brothers fame) would be into /tg/?
A girl wanted to see my minis once and then she took off her panties instead. :)
At work I've got three girls that have started to buy minis off etsy and ask me for painting advice. Chicks dig the creative aspect of it.
>A lot of women are conditioned that fucking up the mechanics = a statement on the gender
based on some of these replies, they're 100% right
And you're probably ESL?
A video game will never offer the freedom to invent a new style of fighting or create your own gadgets or do some seriously fucked up shit with an immovable rod.
Damn, your space marines have panties?
For some reason, the mildly autist women really like dragons and I don't know why.
Source: Older sister likes it.
I don't get why is she so popular, everything I see involving her is gross and cringe.
Huh, that's a pretty neat idea. But how many people would really want to just be 'the npc player/gm's right hand'?
Co-DMs aren't unheard of, especially with a combat/non-combat split. I've never done it at the actual tables, but I've had many DM friends who relied on me as a sort of vizier to plan encounters, story beats, and downtime prep. Some people just want to improv NPCs and hang out with their friends, and aren't as concerned with the crunch or the combat.
my wife is the opposit.
She doesnt like TTRPGs because, despite beeing a literal IRL theatre kid, she hates the roleplaying aspects, its awkward for her.
Instead she likes just killing orcs and stuff.
So in the end she prefers gloomhaven where tis basically a puzzle board game about krumpin stuff where she doesnt have to play pretend to be a gay elf
Pretending to be a gay elf is the best part though
No matter how many games you play, outside of one very specific subclass Fighters and Rogues don't suddenly gain actual attack options outside of their 'do more damage sometimes' talents unless your GM is based and made battlemaster maneuvers baseline.
You are already a fairy in real life why do you need a involve a rule book in that

I dunno, my maternal grandmother is a big card player and taught me and my brother odds and cards from when we were young. And there's that stereotype of old women playing bridge...

Somewhere in the 80's thinking hard became a male thing. It's really fucked up, and I fear for my daughters.
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>Somewhere in the 80's thinking hard became a male thing.
It's really a post ww2 thing, and it became a Nerd/Smartie/Geek thing. There was a whole societal push after the war that thinking hard was for people who thought they were better than everyone else, which I think was caused by both PTSD amongst ww2 vets, and the government trying to grift the population. Women feel more of a drive to conform to the societal norms, so even fewer of an already small population are willing to try anything Tabletop. I don't know how old you are, but up until like, 2015, being into DnD or Wargames in general was both niche and generally seen as at least a little embarrassing. Until picrel happened with 5e and Critical Role.
not the best part but a good part.
i like it.
but my wife doesnt, she prefers the more boardgamey aspect,
Its mostly fine. Our DnD session beeing a Bros hour with the boys isnt a bad thing at all.

I disagree, because there was that computer programmer shift that happened in the 80's - that's when "nerd culture" as a male thing really solidified.
I don't get it, didn't you say she still plays but without the role-playing parts?
I don't know what counts as normal, but every D&D game I took part in in the past few years had at least one female player.

Also a BG3 in general (and I suspect Astarion in particular) has brought a lot of zoomer girls into the hobby
Based modern Edward Cullen
I disagree with the notion that normies are bad for the hobby - also the definition of normie and nerd has shifted so much over the years.
2-3 decades ago if you played computer games, played tabletop, boardgames, and read fantasy you were a seen as a social pariah (and you probably were). Nowadays normies (or nerd adjacent people) do all these things.
It's refreshing to play with people who can look you in the eye, can actually hold a conversation with an NPC and actually show up when promised instead of these turbo powergaming meganerds who show up with their minmaxed characters, point out every rules and lore mistake you make.
This is so stupid. D&D 5e is so rules lite, outside of combat it boils down to "I wanna do X" and the DM tells you to roll a dice and compare the result to a number on your sheet.
This is the nogames effect (or porn effect) in action. People think that doing some substitute activity prepares you for doing the activity, when the reality couldn't be further from the truth. These people have spent endless amount of time theorycrafting and building backstories, yet have zero idea how the game actually plays IRL and they freeze up.
Even as a rules-and-realism-focused player, who cares as much about the logistics of a campaign's hex crawl as its fight scenes, I still jump at the chance to goof off by playing an NPC as part of character interactions when my character isn't in that scene. It's totally a thing to want to do, even if you inexplicably don't care about making sure everyone's taking enough camping gear to actually make it to the dungeon in the first place.
Why do you make it about women? Yeah there are people who don't have the IQ to understand rules like 'add a number to your roll and check if its higher than this other number' and people who don't have the attention span to commit to an activity that involves sitting on your ass and paying attention to others for hours, but this is not gender specific. I know tons of women who can do it and men who don't. I think most men are a bit better trained to do this since they have some practice doing just that with video games.
It's completely normal that someone quits D&D after a session or two. A hobby of this caliber is a major time sink, and you probably can't afford to have more than one of them.
I'm of the opinion that we should welcome everyone to the hobby and nobody should be gatekept. Most people will wash out after a session or two anyway, but there's no other way to sell the hobby to people without seeing if they actually like it.
It's not just 'autistic' women.
At my firm we got 3 attorneys, all in their thirties, reading some new series with woman and dragons. Once again, they are all three practicing attorneys (litigation so these women are speaking in court, depositions, mediation, etc).
I had two women I work with ask if I could run a game with my wife and their partners. I suspect they like the idea of a D&D game a lot more than they would actually playing it. I convinced them we'll just do a board game night instead. At least then I don't have to prep anything.
Only the parts women already like in general e.g. painting (minis), social interaction, and writefaggotry.
Both the women in my group have decent jobs and social lives, one is an engineer who lives in a 600,000 dollar house. I'm sure there are plenty of gross femcels too but there are normal, functional women who are into it
>they like the idea of it alot more than the actual "game" part of it
>the much larger majority seemed to want to avoid interaction with the game's mechanics as much as possible and often seemed disappointed or frustrated when the rules said they couldn't do something.
This has been basically everyone I've ever played an rpg with, about 200 people at this point, except for two specific guys that everyone always considers no fun to play with because of their pixel bitching approach to the rules, and ironically, my older sister who has extreme autism and is the only girl in my family.
In one of the interviews they did in like 2015, the designers at wizards revealed that what they consider the pinnacle of their market research to be is that the average D&D player is extremely retarded and they only really buy the books to virtue signal and pretend to know the rules to justify whatever bullshit they've already decided they're going to do.
my girlfriend mostly likes the combat honestly and barely roleplays her character.
She just likes casting flame strike and attacking with her wolf companion.
Did you fuck any of them?
No just really retarded
holy based
It's probably as unhelpful as asking what normal men like nowadays. Would be more constructive to ask whoever you find interest in what they themselves like than have any predispositions.
Women like to play support. Make them the healer and they'll love that shit most of the time. Also playing more for the role play is kino. Build, number cruncher types are fuckwads and should only play with each other. Narrative campaigns should be hard enough that they encourage a little bit of resourcefulness and cooperation to win, but no more. Difficulty as a concept is misunderstood horribly. People who "always play games on the hardest mode" are insecure.
I’ve definitely been in groups like this. Do you have a source for the interview?
What if I wanna hang out with gross femcels?
Yeah, that’s one of the really weird parts of 5e. The character class features make it a crunchy game for combat, but once you get to the other “two thirds” of the game (as advertised by WotC) it’s really rules light with most stuff coming down to “roll a d20 and ask your DM if it beats the DC”.
This is actually something of a topic of debate; what exactly roleplaying is for TTRPGs. Some people say you have to talk in-character. Of course, text based games exist and it seems pretty silly to say they aren’t somehow RPGs. Some people say it’s thinking about the decisions *your* character, as opposed to another, would make. In this line of thinking, you can tell the DM “my character asks the NPC XYZ” but so long as you’re thinking “that’s what my character would do” it can be good enough. Matt Colville had a video where he talked about it and said thinking about your character is true roleplaying, but is not better or worse then other kinds of fun, but in then in the same video says it’s about experiencing empathy with a judging tone. Personally I agree with the random autistic commentor who said thinking about what they would do in those situations was fun enough and Matt Colville was being dishonest.
What is FRK?
t. Normie

It's basically lack of training. It used to be common having people (usually women) number-crunch all day long and full entire books with solutions to calculations. They were called "computers" and they preceded modern computers.
We must return to Mentat.
They do now
>normal women
>liking anything
Space Marines have always worn panties
>What is FRK?
Sorry, I mistyped FKR, which is Free Kriesspiel Revolution. It is a kind of rules-light game that doesn't need the player to learn any rules, and instead makes the GM handle all the rules while the players only roleplay and say what their characters do (still with a battlemap). To make it easier to the GM, the system is usually very simple. The advantage is that the game may be more immersive and filters min-maxers, but it also needs a lot of trust between players and GM. The logic behind my post is that if women don't like 'gamey' math, then maybe they are better off not knowing the numbers like in FKR
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In my personal experience no. The only woman I have ever played /tg/ stuff with who wasn't A: just there because one of the players/the person running the game was fucking them, B:Just there because they want someone at the table to fuck them or C:Both is a weird as fuck enby type.
This thread should be removed from the board
why do you hate women?
NTA but why wouldn't i
>Liked Warhammer
Anon, I think you fucked up.
"Normal" does not in any way describe someone who lives in a 600,000 dollar house, dumbass.
But also
>is everything OK at home, anon?
My missus loves boardgames. But also she hates anything that can't be learned in a single round. Pandemic etc is perfect. I've tried her with more complex stuff and she just checks out
Biological? No.
I GMed a game to 4 woman in a Victorian setting, game had very little rolling cause they just talked most of the time and made trivial things so most of it I just allowed it.
Game was fine until I made a max rizz aristocrat to flirt with them, 2 of them actually got mad IRL cause they were fighting really hard to get the guy.
The roleplay was meh at best, every player character acted in a highly anachronistic manner from speech to modern attitudes and values, they all shrugged at me when I made a passing comment about it at the end of a session.
Just an aside I only ran this game to look for a compatible autistic gf but after session zero I never turned on the camera cause they were all ugly as sin.
You should have put that last sentence first.
Put a ring on one of them, although she's been into rpgs for 15+ years now, so probably doesn't count as a normie per the question.
>normal women
No. But why would you want one of those?
I mean I have 4 women and 3 men in my Monday group right now, and they're really not particularly distinct from the men in terms of how they play generally. Their individual personality traits are way more pronounced than any differences arising from gender.
pretty much all of my women friends like /tg/ stuff.
One of them got into Warhammer from booktok memes about the Necron books/lore
Broadly speaking? No, the modern influx of "normal" female D&D fans tend to be critical roll imports who are more into it as a continuation of their theater kid days. There are a handful of outliers out there, of course, but they are not "normal woman."
This is so true its unreal. From my experience they are way more interested in Board games then in RPGs.
Yeah lol the only ones into the math and shit that I've met have been engineers and doctors
Anon I'm sorry but you were the tard here
Your players roleplayed so hard it spilled over into real life and you were just thinking about getting your dick wet
Yes, but if all (or most) of the women in your group are there due to being gfs/wives of other players/DM, don't be surprises that they don't give a damn about the game.
The general population was never well informed or had a firm grasp on these subjects before then though…
What you’re really noticing is the curtain being pulled back (proliferation), the bar raising (seeking educated workers), and not many people being able to make the cut.
It’s tragic but like you said a lot of men can’t make it either. Every institution noted this almost immediately. Schools, military. What you’re seeing now is a weird charade of saying “well the points are made up and don’t matter anyway (ie math is racists and sexist)” since do nothing jobs are reaching more and more of the population (where the degree doesn’t matter, you just have to have it, so of course it doesn’t matter if you can actually carry out what it is you’re supposedly qualified to). This debases the education system even at its higher end, as worthless fields via those who have bought in and enjoy the power it gives them, gain more sway over those that do matter.
We are speed running our way to a competency crisis and total break down of systems: idiocracy edition.
“Normies” ie women and simps, are ok as padding, but death to anything that isn’t suitably defanged and middle of the road. Modern normies are cancer.
I have not met a single person I could describe as male that played mtg, I would describe them as subnormal. It’s like a cult for amorphous nerds.
The only “normie” male games are sport based ones, COD, and historicals.
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are they just dumb or low IQ? why can't women enjoy stuff like this? im their mind, they want too, but then when it comes to actually doing the hobby, they hate it.
There is a reason your local card shop on Fridays is like 10-20 dudes and 1 actual woman but shes taken.
they just have better ways to spend their time
"Violence" oriented hobbies are just more attractive to males, most /tg/ stuff revolves around fighting.
The few women that -would- enjoy these hobbies don't like the "culture" around it (ie fat, stinky nerds who argue autistically about the most stupid and degenerate things).
>A lifetime of expected fluid social interaction and working off an 'exchange' principle of social negotiation making the immutable authority of the DM and crunch math system uninspiring.
>The relative lack of tendency to solve problems through violence, and preference to a social fix being at odds with the combat-centric focus of most rules systems.
>A combination of both the above when trying a politics-focused system, where social interaction and exchanges are dependent on rules and held up by dice exchanges.
>Spending four hours sitting at a table of autists and social rejects clutching papers that don't ever even do any social engagement at all, who smell bad, look bad, and act creepy (we all know that table).
>Lack of table support to interact with character features and aspects (happens for guys as well, but more noticed by women).

Take your pick of any/all of them anon.

>>92788106 and >>92792398 are both pretty accurate.
Female players can be absolutely fantastic, especially when they feel comfortable actually getting into roleplay without being major legbeards.
However, moreso than male players, they require support and consideration. Make sure they feel comfortable, that they're engaged, and they feel that their contributions matter and that they can let their hair down. Women typically don't make that jump so readily due to more social paranoia about impressing on people or making a scene, so you walk them over it. If you're a player, provide a good example, without being too boisterous or attention-stealing.
Once they're there though, they'll make fantastic players.
IME DnD is fine enough. But it's always a good idea (also just in general, not just for women) to be ready to ignore the rules, or play them light, for what seems a reasonable task. Lighter systems or atypical systems can also be a good idea, but it's more about how you approach exchanging with the rules than how dense they are.
As an example, one of my favourite players ever was an eight year old girl, the daughter of another of my players/DM's.
While everyone else didn't really like her because she had a tendency to loudly 'sidetrack' games from the old school DnD style a lot of them liked, as well as loudly interrupt me if she had a thought or opinion, she was an active engager in the setting, always stayed in character, and was highly creative.
All I needed to do to manage her was respond to her suggestions or ideas with narrative responses and casual reasoning, and she became a model player.

Also, you should avoid trying to depower them. Women, to again be reductive, work off leveraging a social situation to empower themselves to peerage, and don't respond well to that empowerment being removed. Given that an rpg is a social situation, rolling to determine if their idea works or not (even though it's reasonable to the situation), may make them feel, as a player and a pc, depowered. This is especially an issue if you're playing a 'power fantasy' system, like DnD or Exalted.
Avoid unnecessary skill checks for reasonably straightforward acts (if they're the modest, hyper-respectful fem-player, you can practically auto-pass most checks, just don't show clear favouritism), and keep note when starting out that they get some W's to establish their character to themselves and the table as powerful.
Just don't get in the habit of favouring them unduly (giving them extra loot or items, making hard checks easier for them), as this will make them a bad player down the line. They should be making the same difficult checks, still encountering opposition, face peril and the like. Just cut down on the number of minor rolls/be open to roleplay based solving, and make sure (as with any PC) that they aren't on an L streak for too long.
I don't really think of myself as a "normal" woman, I'm way too insular
but I like D&D, Pathfinder, Cyberpunk, even OSR
I also paint minis (I love Super Dungeon Explore) and run Lizardmen and Tomb Kings in WHFB
Most normal people do not like /tg/ stuff. You will always be operating within a minority.
Its such a fucking razors edge with TG stuff. Its either the usual boring ass normal people who wanna play DnD as a quirky meme, or fat autistic degenerates that smell like sweat and onions.
Finding that razor of people who are weird and autistic, but know how to have a shower, and understand social cues enough not to bring their goblin rape fetish up midgame is rare as hell, but I will take them over any other group any day.
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Have you ever been so caught up in your stupid fucking board games that you failed to pursue the cute girl that was beside you? I have.
That's why Morrowind was such a success that Bethesda felt the need to make a female armor plug-in.
Take the dices for them and they're willing to stay.
>be me
>browsing a 'pop culture' store
>pick up a dnd mini
>cute pixie working there comes up to me
>asks me if I'm currently in a game
>'nah but I'm hoping to rope some friends in for one'
>'Well, if you want I can give you my number and you could join mine!'
>'No thanks, I wouldn't wont to impose, thanks tho!'
>3 hrs later
>'oh. .'

Then there was the girl at the art supply store. We spent 20 minutes chatting about art nouveau, branched off in to other interests and me mentioning how dorky my online handles are. She then giggled, and proffered her email address to tell me she was just as bad at it.

I still maintain that they were just being nice to an awkward weirdo.
It doesn't hurt to respectfully double-check, whether it's just a potential friendship, or something more. Why let potential happiness pass you by by selling yourself short? Don't make a mountain out of a molehill, but climb the hill to see it for whatever it really is.
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Show them Nechronica.

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