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Now that normalfags have finally been exposed to dungeon meshi, isn't is the opportunity to rope in new players to a megadungeon campaign without freakshit races?
>half-fae catgirls
>half-dragon girls
>not freakshit
Still less freakshit than dragonborn and tieflings. They're actually pleasing to look at.
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>without freakshit races
yes but they all have a tallman leg fetish or want to count the nipples on the catgirl
Why the fuck would you ever want to play with normalfags anyway? The only system they ever want to play is D&D, and you're better off just working overtime or some shit than torturing yourself with that dog vomit.
>implying you would be able to keep your hands off her lewd feline body either.
What system do you even run dungeon meshi?
Why would normies matter to me? I have no desire to play with normies or see more normies in the hobby.
>rope in new players
No thank you The more popular something is, the more shit it gets.
Old school essentials, duh!
Why would I want to play RPGs with a bunch of weebs?
There's a Kobold (forme de canine) in the maincast and I think he's a fan favorite.
Why the FUCK would you play Dungeon Meshi in Dogshit n Dildoes when it's clearly based off Sword World?
The answer is obviously running Dungeon Crawl Classics
Wizardry. The setting and character classes are loosely baseed on that.
Cant wait for out of character Laios to destroy Izu's holes with his BWHC when the doujins finally get made.
I bet she'll go crazy when he CRUSHES her sphincter with his forearm thick cock.
But I can't run the Stonehell megadungeon using Dungeon Crawl Classics.
That's the purpose of gatekeeping - not to completely bar everyone, but sift through the undesirables and orient those with potential into the hobby correctly. Some people with potential try DnD once and stick to it forever if they're in bad groups or introduced by bad GMs.
If anything, Dungeon Meshi will reveal to people how utterly dogshit DnD is for actual dungeon crawling.
That's why you don't run dnd or 5e for dungeon meshi. the vibes are just wrong and no amount of home brewing can fix it.
It’ll be great for people who think in terms like:
>Woaw this is just like X series!
That’s all that really matters, they’ll move onto their next show and a hobby that’s loosely associated with it.
I know we have all been lovingly discussing this manga for a decade, but I just decided this year that it's actually complete shit and was never good.
I'm already quite tired of the tumblr-ized interpretations of every character in the series. Laios is just autism. Chilchuck is now union communism man. Marcille is just lesbian.
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With Monster-Menu-All the free pdf any monster can be cooked in a regular dungeoncrawl.

Just require that the party eat a quality meal ever X rests in the dungeon.
I prefer the 4chan interpretation. Laois is a racist rapist. Chilchud is a racist incel. Marcille is a murderer Femcel. Meshi is wholesome chungus (except in English, since he’s voiced by a racist fat gook)
Well Laois has always been autism. Because he is. Pure autism.
>anime-themed fantasy where everything is aesthetic to look at
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What the fuck is the deal with a mega dungeon anyway? I like dungeon meshi but made in the abyss has the better aesthetic for a colossal underground ecosystem.
It’s the children isn’t it, anon?
Nah I don't trust any anime pedos to be in my games
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Nah, I’m all about muscle mommies
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children are a renewable resource, CMV
Dungeon Meshi is much more approachable and much more obviously inspired by TRPGs
I mean he's right in the sense that Abyss' dungeon has a better sense of wonder and mystery. (Meshi wins hard in the verisimilitude department, and immensely rewards thinking about the setting, because Kui has an eye for detail.)
It's too bad Abyss' author is a massive pedo, and it gets worse as the story progresses. I'm also not fond of the admittedly-common japanese style of having terrible and unnecessarily cruel things happen to characters.
Why the fuck would you ask a real question with a reasonable and obvious answer (yes, yes it is) in /tg of all places?, this board is full of assholes who just wanna scream retarded shit, complain about stuff and don’t play games.
You are in the wrong place friend.
This, we don't need drooling retards and grifters. But if someone seems interested and already has their own cool ideas (rather than just wanting to have WotC shove ideas into their head for $50 a book) grab them.
>when it's clearly based off Sword World?
How so? To me Its clear that Dungeon meshi is actually much more inspired by video games, especially Wizardry, a game clearly inspired by D&D.
You even have a Samurai Class, Dog Kobolds, Gnomes and a more Magic oriented Cleric.
Oni are literally just Japanese flavored tieflings
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can't work
sungeon mshi is too wholesome
and D&D is too rigid and combat focus for it to work

it needs his own system, non combat oriented
As much as I like the children it is just a really cool setting in general. Besides it is kind of hard for me to get off to it considering how nightmarishly awful everything that happens to the characters is.
There are anime references in D&D books from over 30 years ago.
>I'm also not fond of the admittedly-common japanese style of having terrible and unnecessarily cruel things happen to characters.
Tsukushi kind of takes it too far even for me sometimes. Like how he had Bondrewed do some of the worst things I have ever seen a fictional character do only to have him get off scott free and hand wave it away because he totally loved the kids that he mutilated and murdered for his own benefit.
I don't think it's supposed to be handwaved exactly. It's just how shit works in the Abyss. There's no normal sense of morality there and you have to be completely deranged (or a naherate) to thrive. Bonedrewd is deranged so he does well.
You don't play ttrpg and you never ever have.
NTA, but for me the it's perhaps not the setting, but the narrative itself that "handwaved" it. The way the story is told, it feels like the audience is supposed to emphasize with Best Dad there towards the end. He had a heroic moment of lucidity, other characters "understood" him, and all that.
But it was a no sell for me, because I thought it was completely undeserved. Rather, I was put off by how the author apparently thinks Boner is not a complete, irredeemable asshole. Kind of fits with the whole unhealthy fascination with prepubescents, really.
Pretty much what >>92819368 said. The series played out like it thought Bondrewd wasn't the worst person imaginable. Nanachi seems to inexplicably stop being pissed at him and he has this proud mentor moment when the crew goes down the elevator.
If they just beat his clone and fled down the elevator before he could come back at full strength I wouldn't be so bothered by it but that stuff combined with the things Tsukushi has said on the subject genuinely makes it seem like he doesn't get how evil the character is.
My personal theory is that Bondrewed might be his self-insert gurosona.
>How so?
Well let's just run down the basics of Sword World and see
>dungeons are a naturally occurring feature that develop when a magic sword warps the area around it into a sword dungeon
>they're heavily based on whatever the area used to be, but can be freely rearranged by the sword
>these dungeons will both generate monsters/traps as well as attract monsters to them
>once the sword is defeated, the dungeon becomes inert
>some swords will try to tempt adventurers who conquer their dungeon into becoming a dungeon master
Sound familiar yet? But wait, there's more!
>the kingdom of granzale is a small budding nation based around a particularly unconquerable megadungeon
>the economy is literally based around adventurers plundering the megadungeon for treasures
>intrepid merchants have even started setting up shop inside dungeons, offering their services to beleaguered adventurers for premium price
All you have to do is put Granzale on an island and swap swords for books and it's almost exactly the same.
DM and MiA just have entirely different takes on megadungeon. The Abyss is a 'natural' environment, while the DM dungeon is very much not.
Obviously, an ecosystem in a natural environment is easier to explain, and the supernatural elements of the abyss are more integrated into nature, with the life adapted down there having extra senses to to tap into/get around the psychic field thing. The robots are so extremely rare that they're not even a factor.
The Dungeon Meshi ecology is in a sense less adapted to its environment. I don't think it's ever really mentioned how most of the things there interact with the downright unnatural stuff like zombies and golems, and it seems like a lot of the monsters are generic to most dungeons and just sort themselves out. Magic is more of a thing. It's an ecosystem forming out of its parts, rather than one developing from the ground up.

>faputa will never rend your foes apart with her freakish monster strength and then do a happy little victory dance
why live
No, Maa is his self insert, obviously.
Eh, I will give you that the temptation into becoming the lord of the dungeon is fairly unique, but the other stuff is so generic that it's hard to declare it a reference to this particular work specifically. You would be hard pressed to find a dungeon delving story where the city doesn't prosper from the dungeon, for example.
And Meshi's dungeon is not particularly unconquerable. It's only been exploited for about six years.
Note that I'm not saying it's necessarily wrong, but the evidence is weak.
>half-fae catgirls
>half-dragon girls
either you're a retard that hasn't seen any fantasy, or a retard that hasn't seen what real freakshit looks like, or a retard that runs human-only games
Most Japanese fantasy is tbf
>the other stuff is so generic that it's hard to declare it a reference to this particular work specifically
It's generic because most jap fantasy has its roots in SW the way a lot of western fantasy can trace back to DnD. It's generic in the same way Seinfeld is a "generic" sitcom: it defined the damn genre. Besides, if it's so generic then why do you insist that it points specifically DnD or Wizardry when it has so much more in common with SW? Even the specific mechanics around resurrection are closer to SW than DnD.
>You would be hard pressed to find a dungeon delving story where the city doesn't prosper from the dungeon
To the point there's a thriving industry INSIDE the dungeon as well? It's not a wholly unheard of idea sure, but it's certainly not something you see often in DnD where dungeons are treated as active industries rather than just a ruin or lair you happen upon.
>And Meshi's dungeon is not particularly unconquerable
And its notably larger and more profitable than other dungeons.
anything that isn't a straight human male fighter is freakshit, retard.
Found the freakshitter
>I want normies to latch onto this niche thing I enjoy because it became popular so that they can suck it completely dry of everything that made it unique and interesting in order to appeal to a wider audience
Because OP is one of the bandwagoning faggots.
>t. retarded nogames
Every character in DM is autistic, but Laios's whole character is feeling detached and rejected from society in such a profound way that he dreams about shedding his humanity entirely.
MiA is one of the most fascinating and enrapturing settings and stories I've ever read and still I have so much trouble suggesting it to anyone to read and have trouble tolerating Tsukushi's bullshit when he disappears for a year only to come back to give us quadruple amputee loli bathing chapters.
nobody even suggesting DnD. We have options here. like DCC, Sword World or even Dungeon World.
I am with you. The man is great at channeling his warped hornyness into horror and heartbreaking drama (See: the Riko poisoning scene, Mitty and Nanachi's relationship, Pruska's past and the subsequent can scene, fucking everything involving Irumyuui, ect) but when it shines through with stuff like the recent nuggets it kind of hits you that he is writing all of these nightmarish scenes one-handed.
>t. retarded nogames
The Winged Lion really isn't "a book" though, with me being unfamiliar with Sword World I'm unsure of how much autonomy these magical swords have. While some of the themes are similar, the shit gets downright lovecraftian the longer the manga goes on.
Good job finding yourself.
nope you found yourself :)
Nope I lost myself.
nope :)
>the kingdom of granzale is a small budding nation based around a particularly unconquerable megadungeon
This is every old school Dungeon crawlers ttrpg ever. And Wizardry, too.
>the economy is literally based around adventurers plundering the megadungeon for treasures
Implied in Wizardry and Dungeon crawl ttrpgs.
Are you anime only? The Dungeons arent natural in Dungeon meshi. And the book is not a central piece for the reason you seem to believe.
Look, maybe she has played sword world, but its clear, by seeing other Works of the author that she is mainly a vídeo game player, and that old school crpgs and Dungeon crawlers were her main inspirations.
Would Fabula Ultima work or is that tooooo final fantasy?
Yeah there's no doubt she has played Sword World, or other JP translated TTRPGs. But most of her inspiration is from western RPGs. BG1&2, NWN, Icewind Dale etc. Spot on with it sounding like the other anon has only seen the anime too, shit hasn't even remotely hit the fan and a creepy book with an eye is just the tip of the icecream sundae.
why do people like tieflings so much its so lame
People like lame edgy things.
They were cool until 4e.
They were cool when they weren't "normal". I get the need wanting to play an edgy outcast race, but putting them in the php and normalizing them makes them less of an actual outcast.
>The Winged Lion really isn't "a book" though
It's a demon that always takes the form of a book until it can assume a physical form. Hell, the Winged Lion isn't even the Winged Lion, that's just one of the many forms it takes.
>Are you anime only?
My, you're an arrogant one. It'd be like me accusing you of being anime only for implying the Winged Lion is a discrete entity rather than just a mere extension of the demon that's responsible for all dungeons.
>The Dungeons arent natural in Dungeon meshi.
It's as natural as the existence of magic is, seeing as the demon who created all the dungeons is the end result of magic gaining a will and a desire from interacting with the mortal realm too closely. Perhaps "organic" would've been a better word, but at the point we're just splitting hairs over what word best applies to the concept of "dungeons just sort of appear and shift the world around them rather than being ancient ruins or a dragon's lair that have always been around and just haven't been looted yet"
>Spot on with it sounding like the other anon has only seen the anime too
You're really eager for validation, it's pretty sad.
You really don't have to be so defensive, as OP mentions a lot of people are coming in from interest with the show. It didn't help that you were being vague, which either comes off like you trying to avoid spoilers or not knowing anything about the manga. Easy mistake to make.
>It's generic in the same way Seinfeld is a "generic" sitcom: it defined the damn genre.
And for comedies, saying "this 202X comedy references Seinfeld" is not a useful statement. That is unless you can show that the reference somehow fits Seinfeld significantly more than other works, thus making it probable the callback is deliberate.
>It's a demon that always takes the form of a book until it can assume a physical form.
It's not in the form of a book, it's inside a book. And it never did that (get trapped in a book) in other dungeons AFAIK. It was usually a free-roaming monster, growing with the desires it granted.
>And for comedies, saying "this 202X comedy references Seinfeld" is not a useful statement.
Which is why it's equally useless to say it's CLEARLY a DnD/Wizardry callback.
>That is unless you can show that the reference somehow fits Seinfeld significantly more than other works
Which I went over.
>Which I went over.
Dunno, still feels like grasping honestly. Having shops at level -1 instead of 0, and some other tertiary similarities, isn't super convincing for me. Given the artist's proven interest and inspiration from video games, it doesn't feel to me like there's sufficient reason to assume she based the world on ttrpgs instead. But I don't feel about this as strongly as you apparently do, so it's not like I'm going to debate this to the death.
Also I'm not the anon who said "definitely dnd", so no reason to get hung up on that.
Why does it matter what level the shops are on?
Apparently them being inside the labyrinth points towards being influenced by Sword World, but I don't see it.
That doesn't make any sense, where a particular shop is located is entirely up to the DM, not a rulebook
they want to feel persecuted but not actually inconvenienced by persecution
Queer coded
And yet SW's PHB specifically talks about in-dungeon merchants being a common feature of Granzale/the world while DnD has nothing of the sort. There's also the fact that source of magic in the world of SW is also directly tied to what creates dungeons, i.e. magical living swords.
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>Still less freakshit than dragonborn and tieflings
Why /tg/ hate them so much?
Especially dragonborn
Made in the abyss is all style no substance just like mork-borg
You can make a case for Tolken races, but the moment you get into ___boys and ___girls you are a full-on fuckin freakozoid.
Freakshit races would've been less of a problem if they're actual rare oddities instead of normal normal members of society. They're "look, a faggot" weird and not "holy shit a talking cow" weird.
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People are just tired of the uncommon and rare races being treated like they're all over the place. Even D&D5e tried to push that tieflings weren't all over the place and were often shunned because of their fiendish blood. Then the rainbow brigade latched onto them like a lamprey and you'll have a tiefling coffee shop on every corner.

That and they never allow the weird/freaky races to actually look weird and freaky. Tieflings are still a good example, but you see it with goblins a lot too. Even worse with Pathfinder since the goblins are little football heads with a mouth full of razor-teeth. But people play them as green halflings.
Dungeon meshi fucking sucks.
None of those shit characters are likeable at all.
Tieflings are something that should be interesting in concept.
You're born to a set of potentially entirely normal human parents, but then suddenly start to grow signs of a cursed fiendish bloodline. Your skin turns red, you grow horns, or maybe some other more subtle things happen if you use the old tiefling creation tables, and before long everyone is whispering about you. Your friends are avoiding you. People assume the worst of you. Your parents might kick you out. Your village might kick you out. The only company you might find is criminals and cultists who assume you're willing to use whatever fiendish magic runs through your veins for evil, or scholars educated enough to make the distinction between danger and superstition.

But instead of that, you get technicolor goat people who are better known for being Bards than Rogues or Warlocks.

Dragonborn have the worst of both. They're not particularly interesting in concept.
A proud warrior race that lives in clans, like dwarves. Ignore the fact that they lack any racial weapon or tool proficiency that would actually flesh them out. At best, they're firebreathing klingons.
At worst, you get players who ignore all of that, and assume that dragonborn are literally half dragons, and give their character pure chromatic/metallic scales and copypaste their character's personality from the monster manual entry of the corresponding dragon.
I can't even blame the players as much, because the information that exists for Dragonborn is very anemic unless you spend hours digging, and unless your DM also spent hours digging then all the info you found doesn't matter.

Honestly, my biggest problem with those races is that they simply aren't different enough. Somebody choosing to play as a mutated hellspawn or a fire-breathing lizardman should be constantly reminded of that fact. There needs to be more there than 'resistance to a specific damage type' and 'do a magical attack once per rest'.
>Honestly, my biggest problem with those races is that they simply aren't different enough. Somebody choosing to play as a mutated hellspawn or a fire-breathing lizardman should be constantly reminded of that fact.

Some people get into fantasy to get away from backwards attitudes like that. You try being an outcast sometime and then have some neckbearded grognard huffing dorito-breath at you as he's "LARPing" a town guard calling you a scalenigger because you thought it'd be cool to have a breath weapon.
>has to try and censor nigger behind spoilers
This post reeks of redditor
If you don't want to be treated like a social outcast, why fucking play a race that's SUPPOSED to be an outcast?
I don't know anything about this franchise, but this character design disgusts me for reasons I don't even understand.
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They didn't really draw him on model.
Yes and cutesy generic D&D bullshit #438349 but anime is full of "substance" right?
No barefoot Half foots?
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Are you the DM hater? Because Meshi is neither cutesy nor "generic dnd", assuming you mean blindly copying fantasy mythos without putting any thinking into it.
>Implying only one person hates this shit
You're free to hate it, but there's some people that are just determined to shit on it, objective reality be damned. There's no point discussing with these guys.
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I dont think sword world works. Dungeon Meshi is a bit more "western" in its influence because the author consumed western CRPGs. It still has the cute japanese lens, but it's still distinctively western.
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The setting has both "shadow" and "nightmare" races? They must have the most amazing quarrels about their relative edginess.
It was my first post in the thread.
>Dungeon Meshi isn't cutesy
>Dungeon Meshi isn't D&D derivative

Okay faggot.
I detest this aspect of growing older. I hate how rapidly online culture changes. In short time I fear the fact that DM was a /tg/ staple will fade into obscurity and hating it for its popularity will be the norm. That's how it always goes on this godforsaken site.
Nightmare is less of a race and closer to tieflings done right. Any rave can be born as a Nightmare and to be born as one is to be born with the same sort of demonic scars on one's soul that comes with cheating death through resurrection. Since you're born with horns you typically kill or grievously injure your mother in childbirth, meaning most have a tragic childhood as pariahs due to being blamed for their mother's death/injury on top of bearing the obvious marks of demonic taint. And to make matters worse they're always born with oppositional disposition to whatever their birth race is. Where dwarves are resistant to fire due to being created by the god of the gorge, a dwarven Nightmare will be weak to it, and so on.

Shadows, meanwhile, are closer to dark elves and just spooky darkness people with a cutthroat culture.
We got here first and they don't get to dictate how we enjoy DM.
>Any rave can be born as a Nightmare and to be born as one is to be born with the same sort of demonic scars on one's soul that comes with cheating death through resurrection.
Is this buddhism in my fantasy? Inject that shit straight into my veins, just like Dragons Dogma.
A lot of this is confirmation bias and you guys wanting to play the victim
>DM is obscure
>people who hate it rarely see it, maybe shitpost in the odd DM thread every month
>maybe just ignore it because hey, it's only one thread
>DM hits mainstream
>see DM everywhere
>not just all over the internet, but multiple threads a day
>shitpost/criticize it not just because you dislike it, but also because you're sick of seeing it wanked to high heavens on every nook and cranny of the internet you inhabit
For example, I've always thought Goblin Slayer was overrated slop, but I didn't really bother to voice that opinion until the anime caused it to get multiple threads a day gushing over how le ebin Goblin Slopper was with even less pretense of bring about traditional games than before
I'm not playing the victim. I enjoyed this first and it's popularity does not change my opinion. Instead, use this popularity to drag people with potential into the hobby. You know them when you see them.
The resurrection mechanic in SW is pretty neat. It's fairly easy to resurrect someone so long as you get to them before their soul departs their body, but doing so runs the risk of developing soul scars and the only known way to get rid of soul scars is through the cleansing power of death and rebirth since the game runs on FF14 soul rules (i.e. your soul is plunged in the soul stream where it is gradually purified and then reborn in a new body). Acquire enough soulscars and your body actually starts to react like that of a barbarous (essentially the broad category of all monsters created by the God of evil/warfare, what I was calling demons earlier but there's actually a bit of nuance there since demons also exist and are causing their own problems). What this means for the player is that not only will you display physical traits like horns or growths or weird eyes that outwardly display your taint, but your very soul will be repulsed by the barbarous-repelling sacred swords most villages are protected by (think Crystal Chronicles and how the village crystals not only purify the air, but keep monsters at bay), meaning you'll be driven to the unprotected slums and fringes of society where other soulscarred dwell.

The only exception to this are Runefolk, who are grown in msgitech pods leftover from the previous civilization and have a questionable nature to their souls in that they don't accumulate soulscars, but nor can they hear the voices of the gods or make contracts with nature spirits and become a Fairy Tamer.
Sword World fucking sucks dawg
>o woe is me, a TRVE ENJOYER driven from mine ancestral home for the crime of being too good taste! I am simply too wizened and experienced to understand why people might not like thing!
Yeah bro, definitely no victim complex there.
I'm not forcing (you) to like the thing nor I care if they don't like the thing? Why are you looking for imaginary enemies?
>How DARE you enjoy things!
You're not some aggrieved party standing alone for what is good and right, you're a cunt.
>>Dungeon Meshi isn't D&D derivative
Not what I said, faggot. Arguments or gtfo.
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>What should I run DM in?
Have you tried playing D&D? They even rest after every encounter.
I wasn't playing victim I was pointing out a trend this site has seen countless times.
Didn't modern DnD deemphasize supplies, food clock, and book-keeping in general? It favours "epic" battles, and tells the players they don't need to worry about small stuff.
Meanwhile DM very deliberately says that no, meticulous preparation and thinking about supplies and logistics is paramount. So it feels like a bad fit. Unless you meant some earlier edition of DnD? If so, which one in particular?
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Dragonfolk are on of the oldest things in D&D.

If you don't think they're cool as fuck, then you are too new to this game.
How does that connect to what he said at all you raging retard?
I love this piece, I used to have a giant jigsaw puzzle of it but it got broken and I lost the pieces in a move. The designs here feel really Dark Crystal/Jim Henson-ey to me.
They shouldn't be playable because it diminishes their coolness. Also Draconborn =/= draconians. They don't even have tails, or are related to dragons in any actual way.
Yeah? Orcs shouldn't be playable either, half, full or otherwise. And between the two I'd rather be playing a Dragonman.

>Draconborn =/= draconians.
Fuck off. Dragon people is dragon people, i don't care about some nuanced I have to look up to even notice.
because they got popular with the tumblr crowd, so the "grogs" here went full contrarian
why do you think dragonborns are supposed to be social outcasts in the first place ?
Because they're "freakshit". It's circular logic, very easy to grasp.
Im not accusing you of anything though, I just asking If you are anime only because It would be a natural mistake to believe the book to be the central piece, as an object, for It is wielded by the mad mage, and frankly, I dont want to spoil your fun.
And as I said, Dungeons are ancient Man made ruins, I dont recall If the anime touched on that already, but the manga does.
No need to be so defensive, I wasnt trying to attack you, but simply saying that Dungeon world is clearly not the main inspiration. Dungeon crawlers are a Very popular genre of RPGs in Japan, and you can see the wizardry paradigm of adventurers dying early in the dungeon full of traps and dangerous monsters in many fantasy anime, not a coincidence, and certainly not because of sword world.
>a retard that runs human-only games
yes, im proud of it too
Because they literally look like fucking monsters?
>how DARE you openly dislike thing!
Are we really gonna play this game?
No need to be so passive-aggressive, anon.
they don't, why do you think people in those world would consider dragonborn monsters ?
Oni are literally ogres with horn bumps (in Dungeon Meshi)
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>normalfags exposed to anime
>normalfags are the ones playing Freakshit.

I think your logic has a few flaws in it.

... Weeb
>"Sword World"
>only 2, maybe 3 characters are carrying swords
I hate jap fantasy so much it's unbelievable
Nope. Monster girls are a long-established tradition in fantasy literature.
If we want to stick to the 20th century then we need look no further than Poul Andersons 1960 novel The High Crusade where is depicted a planet of moth-girls that some of the crusaders mix in and interbreed with.
The 16th centuries The Devil in Love gives us the unrequited pining of a devil_girl who is rebuffed by her love interest because - and I'm not even joking, because he doesn't want her to steal his virginity.
Or should we look further afield into the nymphs and dryads, river_girls and tree_girls that so many fathers of ancient heroes made their beds with?

An enemy of monster_girls is an enemy of fantasy fiction, he is an enemy to the read blood of a man's heart that longs to tame unconquered wilderness, and to look yearning upon vistas of passion yet unknown to the record of man.
The world was created by magic swords and magic swords are responsible for pretty much everything good and bad (except that time elves learned how to summon demons and caused one apocalypse). It truly is a World of Swords....
>Dungeons are ancient Man made ruins
>he doesn't know that the Dungeon Master cam freely warp the terrain at will, which is how the kingdom in DM sank I the first place
Uh oh! Anime only detected!
The cylinder of the elf's tubelike towel chiton still holds more mystery and allure through its concealment of elfdom than any amount of exposed wet pussy.
>Chilchud is a racist incel
Doesn't he have children?
GURPS Dungeon Fantasy
Note that I never said Dragonborn should be outcasts. I said they were bland and boring. Because all of the thought that goes into being a fucking dragonman from players is
>it'd be cool to have a breath weapon.
All you're telling me is that people's reasons for wanting to play dragonborn don't actually care about roleplaying as a 6 foot tall scaled creature, and actually just care about dealing 1d6 damage in a cone X times per day. And that if there were some feat that offered damage in a cone X+1 times per day, anyone playing Dragonborn would start playing Humans with that as a bonus feat instead.
Doesn't that sound like a problem with how bland and uninteresting dragonborn currently are?
>People resembling terrible creatures of destructive power
>Not feared outside of their own society
Any reaction other than "holy fuck a dragon" is unrealistic. There's nothing wrong with dragon-folk as long as they're in the fringes or are an alien/other the PCs or "common" society does not interact with often.
Having them walk around humanoid towns in such a number to even include them as a statistic instead of "that one dragon dude 3 towns over" normalizes them, and this diminishes the majesty of a dragon.
I'm kicking myself. I was following the creators twitter account for years and I really liked their art style and character designs. I thought to myself that I'd hope they make a manga one day with them. I had no idea they actually had an on going series. I feel so fucking stupid now, I coulda been enjoying this series ages a go
dragonborn should've been just dragongirls or humanoids with scales and firebreathing and shit
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How the fuck where you following Ryoko Kui for ten years without any knowledge of Dungeon Meshi
See ya, I'm going to live among the Tabbits.
That's the sort of thing I'm saying. If Dragonborn were some clan of humans with dragon-shaped birthmarks or some random patches of scales, nothing about them would need to change mechanically, because the fact that they're 6 foot tall lizardmen isn't actually mechanically represented.
The solution is either to change the appearance of dragonborn to make them match their existing mechanics (by making them humans with a gimmick), or change the mechanics of dragonborn to actually reflect their physiology and culture.
In case you didn't notice every race is being diluted into different colored humans in one-D&D.
If it was the lizardfolk and shifters were in the 5e core rulebook instead of dragonborn and tieflings, things would've been better.
I hate myself for it now
I have noticed, and I think that's also a problem. Specifically because Dragonborn are already in the position of mechanically being humans with a coat of paint, and they're so bland because of it.
I wish dragonborn were a fraction as interesting as lizardfolk. Lizardfolk actually have an inhuman personality to roleplay, skills and tool features related to their culture, and the armored scales and bite attack you'd expect from a big reptilian humanoid.
Really one might as well let a Lizardfolk swap out the bonus action bite attack with a breath weapon and have Dragonborn be an odd strain of Lizardfolk.
The thief Chilchuck literally scaled a sheer wall. That shit's Basic/Expert D&D as fuck. Tracks as Ad&d 2e is a close cousin and the creator has remade BG1 character portraits in their own style
Ok? It's still entirely up to the DM, and not any book. Like I said. Don't reply to me if you're not going to read my posts.
Why do you assume those people wouldn't have any knowledge of or contact with dragonborns to the point they would be seen as monsters ? or that they would be uncommon at all ?
and why do you assume people would automatically think dragons to be terrible creatures by default given that dragons are intelligent and there are entire types of good align dragons ?

>long as they're in the fringes or are an alien/other the PCs or "common" society does not interact with often.
there's no reason to do this

>"that one dragon dude 3 towns over" normalizes them
yes, they are considered a normal race

>this diminishes the majesty of a dragon.
it doesn't

we are not dealing with you mudcore shitshow here
no, the solution is for tourists like you to fuck off
>or that they would be uncommon at all ?
Probably the fact that the PHB literally has a sidebar titled 'Uncommon Races' on the same page as the dragonborn that starts off with
>The dragonborn and the rest of the races in this chapter are uncommon. They don't exist in every world of D&D, and even where they are found, they are less widespread than dwarves, elves, halflings, and humans.
And guess what it says about Dragonborn specifically?
>It's easy to assume that a dragonborn is a monster, especially if his or her scales betray a chromatic heritgate.

These aren't wild ideas. These are the exact things the PHB says about dragonborn as a default assumption.
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Any race should be considered viable and not "freakshit" if they have a well-thought out description, place, and history in the lore
Unfortunately I suspect that is not often the case in official 5e DnD, so it falls on the shoulders of the average DM to do something about it, which gets irritating since a lot of things are already left for the DM to figure out
Anyways the megadungeon should be a sprawling, supernaturally-constructed ruin of an underground empire+artificial ecosystem made by a now-diminished, possibly either extinct or mutated civilization that preceded the PC's civilization, who are venturing into the old depths either by adventure guild orders or an organized alliance of researchers (or pick between both, maybe there's conflict over whether the artifacts and secrets are to be sent to marketplaces or museums)

Either the PCs are all humans/halfhumans who know of other races as distant foreigners or ancient history and the probable creators of the megadungeon (making the ruins and their creators seem more alien in nature), or they are nonhumans of various types (dragonoids, dryads, merpeople, furries, etc) unknowingly venturing into humanity's greatest achievement-turned-fatal error (making the ruins a symbol of man's hubris or something)

If it's the former the other races should probably be emphasized as being more akin to humanoid aliens and possibly having some particular psychological and/or cultural profile which could have contributed to their epic downfall (elves being too pretentious to solve some riddle or test by being humble, dwarves being physically unable to resist the urge to dig too deep, gnomes tinkering with their giga-terrarium while inside it)
If it's the latter have the natural pattern of powerful rulers becoming corrupt and classic strife over things like class, ethnicities, religion, what order you pour cereal and milk in the bowl, or political disputes be what tears humanity apart and leaves only the dungeon behind
>Why do you assume those people wouldn't have any knowledge of or contact with dragonborns to the point they would be seen as monsters ? or that they would be uncommon at all ?
>and why do you assume people would automatically think dragons to be terrible creatures by default given that dragons are intelligent and there are entire types of good align dragons ?
Why do you reply mostly with questions designed to make the person you're talking to do all the work? If you disagree with something, state why you think that. Phrasing everything as a question makes you seem like you're arguing in bad faith, by trying to target the speaker. Both sides are supposed present arguments (more substantial than "it doesn't"), not try to psychoanalyse the other person.
>the megadungeon should be a sprawling, supernaturally-constructed ruin of an underground empire+artificial ecosystem
Are there any RPGs that encourage "systems-thinking"? "Systems" in the non-tabletop sense.
E.g. usually when you're populating a dungeon, you roll a few times to select monsters. Are there RPGs that say "roll for four plants, two herbivores, and one carnivore"? And then dunno, roll for where to place a water source, since that's where the fauna will congregate. THAT, if it existed, would be a true meshi rpg.
Just like retards on twatter screech that a dude with a wife and kids is an incel they screech that a middle-aged halfling who has been married, had three children, divorced and raised them himself, and now all the kids are adults is also an incel.
Has she ever even had a twitter account?
Are you serious?
Actually it is.
It's trash, so
doesn't diminish it, rather.
yes they do.
I am, in fact, the supreme arbiter of taste, and you WILL show the proper deference in replies to my posts.
all false.
doesn't diminish anything.
it's not even a question, the cat is a male. they were born male and also identify as male.
the point is that there's no reason to assume dragonborn would be automatically treated as monsters in a given world or that they were supposed to be outcasts, specially when those are not stated anywhere in the available lore and rules
>These are the exact things the PHB says about dragonborn as a default assumption.
no where what you are suggested was imply to be a default assumption and the fact that they don't exist in every D&D world means nothing to that respect
No, as a matter of fact this will drag in players who use races in the weird books of 5e like mordy's or SCAG.

I would Know. I am one.
And tieflings?
You mean the fantasy gypsies?
Of course they would be treated as monsters, they look like monsters.
Because /tg/ is full of contrarian hipster faggots who shit on whatever is popular, and 5e is popular ergo /tg/ shits on it and anything related to it.
You think the nogames here on /tg/ know that or even give a shit? They ignore anything that derails their braindead narrative.

I sincerely hope that the influx of people into the fan base ruin it and make you contrarian retards start hating it openly.
What? Where did you even get this Idea from?
The fuck you're talking about? Post 4e tieflings are different from earlier editions, especially the planescape ones. Pathfinder dialed back on that and included not baatezu tieflings, they're kinda weeb and edgy, but at least they were diverse.
If we're to repurpose an existing adventure, would Barrowmaze or Stonehell be better in this regard?
It's in the PHB. It doesn't get more default then that. Dragonborn are uncommon and that it's easy for people to assume that they're monsters.
Right now you're just denying basic facts.
Oh, I wouldnt know, I havent played these adventurers.
But really, any megadungeon setting will work just fine.
Even keep of the borderlands, the most cliché of all, would fit Just fine.
Dungeon Meshi is gay
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>So much projection
>By a complete no-game tertiary
Dungeon World is unironically a better system to use for Dungeon Meshi than 5e will ever be. And if you're going to use something more D&D adjacent, I'd sooner recommend ACKS, which follows Dungeon Meshi's story arc right there in the title.
>japanese style of having terrible and unnecessarily cruel things happen to characters.
That is a big reason I like Dungeon Meshi. It reminds me of Lodoss war in just being whimsical quaint fantasy. I am sick and tired of grimdark miseryporn. It's had close to 20 years of running around. We will get tired of saccharine fantasy too, but it's time grimdark fantasy stepped aside and let something else take the wheel.

Human but exceptional, and elves are too much part of the establishment. Draenei and donut steel your-first deviant art OCs of the 2000s or 2010s.
>without freakshit
>posts freakshit
> Pleasing to look at
> Anything from dungeon meshi
>I want to be a tiefling!
>Okay, let's roll on the table and see how you turn out :)
> :(

I dislike tieflings because I want to integrate them as written into the game and the people who want to play them hate that sort of shit. No one wants to roleplay the abused outsider. It was so bad I stopped playing dnd just so I wouldn't have to deal with it.
Autarch Bootlick
If a game has pretty in-depth random generation for characters, I tend to require it when I run them. It filters out people who are only interested in remaking the new flavor of the month character.
>Run Curse of Strahd
>Somehow tieflings are okay in a world of paranoid villagefolk
>If you add a degree of verisimilitude they'll start whining about being persecuted
why the fuck play tiefling then
>diminishes it
Fuck off, that’s such a nonsense statement.
>Dragonborn =\= draconians
In 4e draconians were a set of alternate racial feats for Dragonborn, just like dray.
4e just did em better overall, people just hated that they weren’t muh half dragons
in 3.5e the dragonborn weren't a race, they were followers of bahamut (or any dragon) that underwent a transformation and solely exist as a racial template you apply to your character or as NPCs.
Fucking dumbass 5e just doesn’t do racials well at all.
Look at 4e Dragonborn and none of those issues come up.
You can pretty much go full firespewer with racial feats, you got quasi prestige classes for restoring the draconic empire or you can make people instinctually cower in fear
Yeah and it was weird and gay.
It's gayer and weirder to have everything fuck everything to make the ultimate creatura mutts
dragonborn are weird and gay. Lizardfolk aren't. They don't even have tails and are instead some stupid ayy lmao not-draenai from another planet.
Both are cool, I prefer Lizardmen over Dragonborn but DnD lizard““folk““ are also pretty badly done.

Take a hint from the Iksar. Who are better than either by a long shot
>5e just doesn’t do racials well at all
On that much I agree
>Look at 4e Dragonborn and none of those issues come up.
Yeah, 4e did a much better job and actually bothered to flesh out Dragonborn in terms of lore and worldbuilding.

But the original question is why people dislike Dragonborn, and the answer is that all of the people playing dragonborn aren't playing 4e, where there race actually has a few things going for it. Just like how the Tiefling players that people complain about aren't rolling on the old Planescape tables to decide what their character looks like.
Those people don't actually care about how it was done in the past or how to roleplay as these races correctly. That's exactly the problem.
Dungeon Meshi is explicitly based on Wizardry. The main premise of theage being from Wizardry 1, and the animal races based on Wizardry 6.

Wizardry copied D&D's homework.

BECMI is closest to the spirit of Dungeon Meshi, both in design and spirit.
Given the setting, why the fuck would you be anything less than polite towards the guy who looks like the devil?
I'm not sure which crappy fan-made translation you have been reading, but all jap material list *her* as a girl.
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None of you youngfags will remember this one

>t. Hasn't read the fucking thread
>Argues for catgirls and dragongirls over dragonborn and tieflings.
>Because the latter are "pleasing to look at"
The freakshitter is a weeb porn addict. Who could have guessed.
Senshi is actually handsome in that one chapter where the rest of the crew hold him down and forcibly wash his beard
Forbidden Lands
Looks like your dementia is acting up again, retarded boomer
players in the 21st century do not generally like dungeon crawling
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Note: Senshi is handsome.
Tried Traveller to try out character generation, one played hated it, said it made the character that he ended up with lack any meaningful depth, and then claimed this was a natural conclusion as Traveller was clearly a game designed or meatgrinder campaigns.

My heart broke a little, and my head hurt a bit. Which ties into >>92844900 : people just want to play their own OCs. And fine, fuck, I wont demand of anyone that they NEED to randomly generate anything. But a little spirit of adventure would be nice, be excited by the unknown, be interested in seeing what can happen when things are left to chance. Because ultimately you're rolling dice and I will murder your OC just as easily as I'll murder a random PC. A little self-awareness goes a long way, like deciding to not play the race option that is about being weird if you hate being weird.
Too many people meme on it but, Shadow of the Demon Lord has some excellent random chargen. Particularly if you use the supplements entirely devoted to each individual race. I'm not sure the creator can properly replicate that with his new game since there's a lot more playable races. For all my friends that have played it, they were amazed at the kind of character they created by the end.

A country farm girl with a lineage tying back to the empires ancient peoples, taking up a hoplon and spear after escaping the decimation of the empire's capital by orcs. A small opossum-like goblin who becomes the apprentice of The Goblin King(literally Jareth) and goes from horrid little rat-thing into well dressed sorcerer. A strange halfling child that lost her family, carrying a doll she swears speaks, and is capable of pulling her guts out and using it for rope.

Lots of weird, fun stuff.
Standard fantasy race
Standard fantasy race. As dar as I remember, Marcille is the only mongrel that appears
Not that standard but Dungeon Meshi's depiction of them is just tall people with horns
>half-fae catgirls
>half-dragon girls
Both are cursed and artificially created. Freakshit, I agree, though they're not natural
What I like is they make it abundantly clear that they are, in fact, freakshit in the world of the show. Everyone was shocked and scared of the chimera-dragon, cause it just fucking slaughtered three people in a matter of seconds. And goes on to take down five more. Not sure where they got the "fae" part for the catgirl, but she hates what she is and wants it removed.
Dungeon Meshi themed campaign where instead of cheetos and pizza, one player a session has to bring a home-cooked meal. it rotates among the party, and you collude with 1-2 others to start with people who will actually follow through to set a precedent and give you a reason to shame Thomas, who doesn't make anything but a lame excuse.
they are low hanging fruit for mary sue shit.
im going to play a freakshit race and be awesome and eat all the other adventuring parties in the dungeon
lizard people for the win
goblin gang descend
3 cheers for playing a chimera a hydra a mimic

what you have lost sight of is that the annoying part of most freakshit characters is how boring they are
if they are "crazy" its uin the predictable lolchaos no attention span narccassist camera needs to be on me shit. thats what sucks
personality is an essay on why they are correct .
ima make a game memorable suck a billion glow in the dark dicks cause i banish you to the furry dimension with my wizardly might
im going to play a freakshit race and be awesome and eat all the other adventuring parties in the dungeon
lizard people for the win
goblin gang descend
3 cheers for playing a chimera a hydra a mimic

what you have lost sight of is that the annoying part of most freakshit characters is how boring they are
if they are "crazy" its uin the predictable lolchaos no attention span narccassist camera needs to be on me shit. thats what sucks
personality is an essay on why they are correct .
ima make a game memorable suck a billion glow in the dark dicks cause i banish you to the furry dimension with my wizardly might
see THAT is what has me closing a book.
"oh you GTTA BE bad causeITSOOO HArdecCoRE"
and then its a bunch of people being complete dumbasses who win cause they have super strength
then they also do evil stuff evil
just like the the his its his fetish
he isnt clever enough to write anything more than characters gasping at how big a thing that happened happened
why is the character strong?
because they are
because monster
everyone knows adapting to a situation is spouting some exposition or soime contrived plot convenience
fuck retarded pedophiles and their alkaloid lobotomized fanbases

id make dungeon food preparation a thing you work towards
you cant just make monster dishes right out of the gate
gotta learn what you are doing
maybe build up a local interest so other parties can generate good solutions for you
learn how the monsters operate nitty gritty
really focus in on the effort invoolved in living like this as well as the rewards it offers

low on grim derp, id clean up a couple of the inconsistencies
like id get rid of the resurrection doesnt work outside the dungoen thing
cause who invented a resurrection spell if it only works in THAT dungeon

gotta be one with pretty cemented magic
and an open ended magic
to do a thing with magic you gotta be able to get at the energy needed to do it ect
i hated 5e before it was cool
sleestak best boys
>My, you're an arrogant one
Why are you going out of your way to try to type like an old lady during an anime discussion on 4chan?
Bizzare behaviour.
best in thread
Miss the days a faggot was as rare as a talking cow
No, she's only ever used tumblr and blogspot and has purged her accounts more than once, this is her current active one https://nisiryu.blogspot.com/
I'm also nostalgic for a fantasy of the past that never existed. I guess that's most of what this board is about when you get down to it.
I wonder why. Ashamed of old work? I'm kind of curious if anyone has ever saved some of it.
>they look like monsters
they don't
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They do, or else the PHB wouldn't say it's easy to assume that they were.
Anon how fucked has your brain become that you don't think "monster" when you see a 7ft tall thing built like a powerlifter, covered in scales and with a head that's like a crocodile finally grew a neck.
I don't have links on hand but I've seen archives of her old work shared around, also more refined versions of some of the stuff she's deleted made it into Daydream Hour
>the guy who wants people to join his guild so he can earn a commission on their wages is a communist
>Now that normalfags have finally been exposed to dungeon meshi
People who watch anime aren't normalfags. These people are just slightly less on the spectrum than you.

>isn't is the opportunity to rope in new players to a megadungeon campaign without freakshit races?
One of the characters in the main cast is a freakish disgusting beast.
And aside from Chilchuk, there is also Izutsumi,a catgirl.
Anime is a normalfag hobby now and dungeon meshi is a very popular anime.
Minus the catgirl is very classic, and is no way a "normal" race like a dragonborn or tiefling are.
They WERE a lot more tolerable before they got emboldened by fag marriage in 2012 or so.
>freakish disgusting beast
What you got against halflings, man?
I like this idea. My group did something similar when we had a Song of Ice and Fire game. We made regional dishes for where our house was and had a feast for the first game night.

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